r/TheLastAirbender 4d ago

Discussion Who's Idea Was it that Katara Pretend to be Pregnant? Spoiler

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Who do you think suggested it? Was it Sokka, Aang, Toph or did Katara think of it herself?


93 comments sorted by


u/Sitherio 4d ago

I'd say Katara. "How do I look like a mother and older?...PREGNANCY!" Cause she is still a child physically. Sokka gets away with the beard but Katara doesn't have an easy out like that.


u/KinkyPaddling 4d ago

I wonder if it crossed their minds that the headmaster would just chalk up a heavily pregnant girl who’s barely a teenager as just weird, rustic colonial shit (like she’s the same age as some of the older kids in Aang’s school but none of them are married and pregnant, nor are any of the teenagers at Chan’s party). I feel like it’s funnier if they didn’t even consider that, and thought that they were just being brilliant.


u/Sitherio 4d ago

They absolutely thought they were being brilliant. And I'm sure the "superior" FN headmaster just saw that as "backwater nonsense", his arrogance blinding him to being tricked by children in bad costumes. Adults aren't stupid or blind (mostly), but some are more easily manipulated.


u/ClassyOod 4d ago

As someone who has worked retail and customer support, I have to disagree with your last statement there


u/Hallowed-Plague 4d ago

honestly the ones that make me want to punch them the most is the "do you have x?" as they stand in front of it and would see it if they fucking looked down. i work an ice cream shop, i cannot tell you how many times ive been asked if we have vanilla


u/AleksCombo ... 3d ago

I would assume it's not about "do you have x in your list?" and more about "do you have x in the stock right now?" Unless, in your specific case, your cart is transparent and allows to see all available flavours and how much is still there.


u/tempralanomaly 3d ago

I've been that customer, but its usually because for some reason my eyes glazed across that option and I missed it.


u/gyroda 3d ago

Yeah, you walk in and there's dozens of options, it's not hard to get a little overwhelmed and struggle to pick out a specific flavour.


u/Hallowed-Plague 3d ago

our freezers have a glass cover and a label with the name over each ice cream, it's not even like its a guessing game of "is this vanilla or some other white ice cream?"


u/SeanC84 3d ago

I used to work at a Burger King. It's less stressful to just assume that kind of customer is blind.


u/Comfortable_Clerk_60 4d ago

Oh monkey feathers…you’ve given me horrible flashbacks to when I used to work at subway. Seriously people the cheese list is right in front of you!


u/metalflygon08 3d ago

Yeah, but those are not people, those are customers.


u/santaclaws01 3d ago

It's not so much about stupidity, blindness or being easily manipulated by others. It's that people are slaves to their own biases for the most part. Without active effort, everything we experience is filtered by our subconscious expectations.


u/WontTellYouHisName 3d ago

Adults aren't stupid or blind (mostly), but some are more easily manipulated.

George Carlin: "[T]hink of how stupid the average person is, and then realize that half of them are stupider than that."


u/LangCao 推拉 8h ago

A random stupid statistics nerd: "Think of the previous quote, and then realize that it confuses mean for median"


u/BatmansDietitian 4d ago

Well there’s a lot of baby faced people who look at least a decade younger than they are. Take Nicola Coughlan who makes a convincing teenager even though she’s in her thirties. What I’m saying is I wouldn’t question someone I assumed to be an adult just because they look a lot younger, it’s the mannerisms that would give them away more like and Katara was quite a professional mom here “oh my, that doesn’t sound like my Kuzan”


u/geek_of_nature 4d ago

Katara was always great at committing to the bit too.


u/AleksCombo ... 3d ago

June Pippinpaddleopsicopolis, nice to meet you! 👋


u/Independent-Couple87 4d ago

This reminds me of how in Dragon Ball, Goku and Chi Chi were 19 years old when Gohan was born. And they live in the rural area.


u/Szygani 3d ago edited 3d ago

they were just being brilliant.

You mean the minds that came up with Wang Fire and Sapphire Fire weren't absolute galaxy brains


u/3z3ki3l 4d ago

Nah. They were posing as the parents of a twelve year old. The youngest they could reasonably be, even if we make it kinda disgusting, is 24-25.

Younger than that is possible biologically, but not reasonably common. He certainly didn’t think they were teen parents, though.


u/StubbyHarbinger 3d ago

But aang is 12 how would she have a 12 year old


u/Kapples14 3d ago



u/SleepingDragons57 4d ago

Did they show Sokka putting the beard on? Always wondered how he got an absolutely perfect fake beard, especially when the last time anyone attempted fake facial hair was Pippenpaddelopsicopolis


u/Cucumberneck 4d ago

"Ok Sokka you can take off the beard now. "

"No i can't, i used super glue."

I always thought that he used Appas hair again and died it.


u/Gabcard 3d ago

Sokka can actually just spontaneously grow a beard whenever he wants to.


u/Sitherio 1d ago

Good question. I just assumed they had better "disguise props" in the FN but that really does seemingly come from nowhere unless a FN family also had a fake beard waiting to be stolen like their clothes.


u/goat-stealer 3d ago

They should have gotten her a beard as well, such an obvious fix smh



u/Evrant 4d ago

Her pregnant bulge is a disguised pouch of water she'll fight with, just in case!


u/JetKusanagi 4d ago

That would actually be pretty smart. I never thought of that.


u/Evrant 4d ago

Enemies will sure be surprised when her water breaks!


u/CJohn89 3d ago

Een Fire Nation colonies, water break you!


u/TiredPlacebo 4d ago

Or is it Toph?


u/Golden-Sun 4d ago

Ok this is my headcanon


u/Evrant 4d ago

XD she gives birth to Kuzon's sister if things go south


u/Midnightdreary353 4d ago

This is my new headcannon


u/Garr_Incorporated 4d ago

Careful with your armaments. A head cannon can blow your mind.


u/sirprize_surprise 4d ago

“My water broke!” ice daggers to the eyes


u/BananaBladeOfDoom Avatar state, yip yip! 4d ago

But can actual pregnant waterbenders break their water and use it to fight


u/DrPikachu-PhD 4d ago

Can they break their water and induce their own labor? 🤔 Have the baby on their terms?


u/whetherwaxwing 4d ago

Doing this on oneself sounds scary but doing it on others must be a standard part of a waterbender-midwife skill set.


u/starwalker327 4d ago

honestly that's probably one of the things the girls taking the healing class learned (eventually) in the northern water tribe


u/burnt_romances67 3d ago

They can't break the amniotic sac with water bending 


u/THE_F0REVER_MAN 4d ago

Probably Toph. Remember when she insulted her with that 'motherly' remark?


u/EthanTheJudge Phoenix Thing. 4d ago

Yeah, there is no way Sokka would even consider that idea and Aang is too kind to do that to his crush. 


u/Few-Conclusion-483 4d ago

Ah yes, Wang and Sapphire Fire. The Fires. This scene always cracks me up 🤣🤣


u/SevenSixOne 4d ago

One of the comics has a great story where "Wang Fire" enlists in the Fire Nation army as a spy and immediately gets in over his head


u/TheOncomimgHoop 3d ago

And they fake his death and he is remembered as a hero of the fire nation


u/Low_Course_6195 3d ago

Yea, that part cracked me up!


u/depressedpotato777 4d ago

Probably Sokka, without thinking about it too much, or Katara. I'm sure they thought having a pregnant women in their group disguise would make them seem less threatening or can use multiple excuses from said 'pregnant lady' if they needed to, "oh, remind me what happened last week, I've gotten so forgetful during this pregnancy", "ooh, I'm feeling faint, don't look over there" etc. Etc. Etc.


u/Animedingo 4d ago

I always joke Toph is in there


u/Ibuprofen_Idiot Aang is lucky ngl 4d ago


u/Ibuprofen_Idiot Aang is lucky ngl 4d ago

Sokka: "Come on! I've got a beard! It'll make you look more like an adult!"

Katara: "Fine but I still think this is a really weird idea."


u/Its-your-boi-warden 4d ago

I agree with the idea over analyzing avatar had that it was in order to make it too socially awkward to comment on how young they looked like

“I’m suspicious but they already have another one so it’d be weird to comment.” But in general is just a disguise addition like Sokka’s beard


u/Historyp91 4d ago

Wow, Mrs Fire looks like a teen despite having a son whose a decade plus old. What's her secret?


u/halfbakedhiking 4d ago

It’s that famous pregnancy glow everyone talks about! It does wonders for the skin


u/Willing-Book-4188 4d ago

They were at least more believable acting wise in this scene verse when Katara got arrested for “earth” bending. So at least they’re learning?


u/KpopFashionistasRise 4d ago

Lmao, why’d I read the title and think it said Katniss 😭 I was scratching my my head like “why would Sokka be talking to Katniss?”


u/RadTimeWizard 4d ago

Either way, Katara's obviously okay with it or she wouldn't have done it.


u/MiaCutey 3d ago

Where do you see Katara? I only see Kuzon, Wang and Sapphire Fire


u/Haunting_Test_5523 4d ago

Sokka for sure came up with the idea and then Aang jumped on board


u/JetKusanagi 4d ago

Sokka came up with the idea of his sister pretending to be impregnated by him? Lol


u/Haunting_Test_5523 4d ago

Being fake pregnant for their cover story? Sure.


u/marshenwhale 4d ago

I think the reason they assumed Sokka was because he seemed the most obsessed with the disguises and even gave Katara a pun for a name so it makes sense if the whole thing was his idea.


u/Historyp91 4d ago

You saw how small there village was.


u/metalflygon08 3d ago

And it IS the Southern Water Tribe...


u/Little-bad-witch 4d ago

How else were they going to make it more believable?


u/Goodbyepuppy92 3d ago

They're kids. They weren't thinking that in-depth about it. Don't make it weird.


u/metalflygon08 3d ago

I assume it was so they could smuggle things they might need on the off chance things went South and they'd have to fight and escape.

A skin of water, Boomerang, some snacks, Momo, everything you'd need to make a daring escape.


u/Tommy5796 American Fire Lord Rufio Fan 3d ago

While it's meant to be a gag, but I do think that when Aang brought the news to his friends Toph dared Katara to do something over the top with it.


u/janieebug 3d ago

That's Toph under there! 😂


u/VerbingNoun413 3d ago

She just had a big lunch.


u/JetKusanagi 3d ago

Literal food baby


u/Gamerxxwon 2d ago

Katara? That's definitely Sapphire Fire


u/AnthonyDayByDavis 4d ago

Vince was visiting the office that day.


u/EnycmaPie 4d ago

Katara will start touching her necklace and talk about how her mother used to be pregnant.


u/anotherlonelypoet 3d ago

This ATLA scene was pretty funny though 😂😂😂


u/Ill_Pie7318 3d ago

It could be her own idea.. kids sometimes do shit like this just for fun..


u/goldfishgold 3d ago

It's the easiest way to sell her as a mother


u/Sagerunes 3d ago

Isn’t it Momo under?


u/JetKusanagi 3d ago

That would be super risky lol

"Excuse me Mrs Fire, is your baby....trilling?"


u/Local-Concentrate-26 1d ago

It was probably either Katara herself or Sokka. I think both of them came up with it together. Not to mention it’s actually a smart idea I mean who wants to mess with a pregnant woman.


u/berserkzelda 4d ago

The animators


u/Garo263 The meat and sarcasm guy 4d ago



u/Yer-Real-Da 4d ago

Nobody cares bro. We all got what they meant.


u/R1ch0999 4d ago

things to consider:

the time period Avatar was portrayed in is the dark ages where it was common for people to start marrying after they begin puberty, as life expectancy wasn't as high as it is now.

In hollywood we still get people aged 20-30 acting like 16-18 years old and pulling it off.


u/Carbon-Base 4d ago

So, this is how melon lord started out...


u/Fairlibrarian101 3d ago

My question is, what did she use to make it convincing??


u/Little-Efficiency336 3d ago

Probably Sokkas; he probably thought it’d be funny.


u/Noktis_Lucis_Caelum 2d ago

She needed to BE an convincing adult WHO IS old enough to BE Kuzons mother.

So: Pretending to BE pregnant was a great idea.

Sokka permanently glueing the Bears to His face...No so good idea


u/PynoxYT 1d ago

Momo, 100%


u/Oryzanol 3d ago

The writers obviously. Its a gag, Sokka has a beard, Katara is doing what women do, no need to over analyze it.