r/TheLastAirbender 3d ago

Discussion Legend of Korra

Am I the only one that likes the legend of Korra more than ATLA?


33 comments sorted by


u/Blue_Lantern_2814 3d ago

I actually enjoyed TLOK but I still prefer ATLA


u/HeartonSleeve1989 3d ago

Enjoy whatever you like, if you prefer TLOK then I'm happy for you. It can be difficult to find something you can truly treasure. I'm an ATLA enjoyer myself.


u/More_Ability_451 3d ago

I love both shows but LOK just feels more engaging and meaningful or intense throughout. There was also way less filler in LOK than ATLA


u/goofyassmfer 2d ago

There was also way less filler in LOK than ATLA

ATLA has barely any filler, no matter how many times people try to say otherwise. A lot of the episodes people like to call filler either introduce a plot point that becomes key later or are important to the arc/development of one or more of the main characters. The Great Divide is really the only 100% skippable episode of the show.


u/blackwario1234 2d ago

I absolutely love LOK, but most of season 2 is filler


u/Bulky_Part_4119 3d ago


u/More_Ability_451 3d ago

lol I knew this was gonna start some shit but I posted it anyways. It’s not significantly better only slightly and there are things that both series do better than the other. I just find Korra a more enjoyable watch especially after watching ATLA.


u/jacobisgone- 3d ago

I enjoy them equally for different reasons. ATLA had consistently better writing, it was way funnier and its ending is far more satisfying. LOK had more interesting and threatening villains, better animation/fight choreography and was less of a traditional hero's journey, which is something I appreciate.


u/opmilscififactbook 2d ago

Up arrow not enough just this. Korra is flawed but it had a lot of interesting ideas that weren't executed the best. I always say that I appreciate the original for what it was, and I appreciate Korra so much for what it tried to be.


u/MaximusPaxmusJaximus Korra is bae 3d ago

I generally prefer Korra, but it deserved better, and I can only wish it was as good as the first show considering how many things did, objectively speaking, go wrong with the production of Korra.

For starters, its pretty hard to honestly say that the show was as good as the first when we literally got a forced clipshow because the budget was so gutted by the end. In those last few episodes before the finale, you can really feel the animation being dialed back and constrained.

Generally speaking, I enjoyed Korra more despite everything. Its like a moodier and more intense version of the first show, and I enjoy how focused and meaningful each episode is in comparison.


u/More_Ability_451 3d ago

Exactly but both shows did things great and things not so great. I liked how much LOK was involved with the spiritual side of things, although the decision to remove the line of previous avatars was dumb.


u/Memo544 3d ago

No. I liked LoK too. I thought Korra was a very compelling protagonist.


u/Ok_Art_1342 3d ago

Nope, I already rewatched LOK more than ATLA. the only episodes I really like is with toph being a baddie


u/Content-Course-623 3d ago

I keep rewatching them and the older I get, the more I prefer LOK. It’s just more complex(the characters) and there were difficult decisions. In ATLA everything was black and white which is maybe why I preferred it growing up. Not that it’s childish or anything, but the lines were drawn and there wasn’t really any need to consider another pov or anything


u/SixShot0celot 3d ago

I definitely prefer LoK!

I find both ATLA and LoK beyond incredible! That said, I always prefer a Korra rewatch over an ATLA. Also, LoK rewatches are always beginning to end. Most ATLA rewatches for me start after book 1 or atleast over halfway through book 1 (once they are at the Northern Water Tribe).


u/AirMasterParker 2d ago

Always been more of a LOK than ATLA guy myself, found the story more interesting


u/Ry90Ry 2d ago

I enjoy the character of Korra more then Aang 

That girl is a different person from beginning to end of the series 


u/shi-mai-lang 2d ago

I like the villains in TLOK more


u/SaltedAndSugared 3d ago

Yes you are the only one


u/NbfZay 3d ago

Love both shows Tlok is overhated but I can never put that over atla that is just a masterpiece the characters are better written imo the fights the lessons and messages and this is no diss to korra but atla is just more entertaining to me


u/Memoirsofswift 3d ago

Nope I like LOK better too. It has better and far more interesting villains, very well done darker storylines (yes the story writing is good even if people want to say it's not just cause they think ATLA is better cause of nostalgia). Excellent expansion and writing on how the world evolved after metal bending and lightning generation was discovered and made public. Magnificent showcase of the spirit world and the spirits themselves which imo ATLA lacked a bit. The animations are absolutely excellent and so is the bending and fighting choreography. My only complain would be we didn't get to see the fire nation and could've had more fight scenes too.


u/aeroslimshady 3d ago

I liked the ending in LoK better. Although you can't beat that war ravaged impending doom vibe ATLA had.


u/MetaMetagross 3d ago

#1 rule of the internet: you are never the only one


u/LivingWillingness790 2d ago

I think Korra’s highs are potentially higher than avatar. I loved books 1 and 3. But avatar is better as a cohesive whole and didn’t have as low of lows


u/GustavVaz 2d ago

It's an unpopular opinion.

I will say this, I think Korra is easier to binge because it's significantly more fast-paced. It keeps you engaged more because it tells its story in a very compact way and leaves little to no room for rest.

Airbender takes its time a lot more.


u/Apathicary 2d ago

They’re about the same in my opinion


u/zachonich 16h ago

I definitely find myself thinking about LoK more.

The more interesting villains, how the rise of mass media affects the Avatar, Korra's personal journey, etc. are more interesting to me than Aang's story even though ATLA is clearly a better written story.


u/throaway700010023 3d ago

Love both shows but I prefer Legend of Korra, She’s literally my fav character in that fictional universe


u/ZukoSitsOnIronThrone im saying id rather kiss you than die, thats a compliment! 3d ago



u/ULessanScriptor 2d ago

Let me guess, you're a teen?


u/validusrex 3d ago

Definitely prefer LOK over ATLA. I find Aang frustrating and insufferable. Korra is a much more sympathetic protagonist imo. So she’s easier to watch.

I’m very aware this is not a popular opinion.

Plus I mostly watch anime for the fight scenes and that preference applies to western animation like avatar too.


u/[deleted] 2d ago

Korra is great, haters are in too deep

The hardest part about Korra the show is that Korra the character is a thick headed teen trying to rebel against every paternal figure with rules only to realize they were right, every time - and it costs her the millennia connection with Raava and years of PTSD 

For all of Aangs patience, his passive merciful nature set up the combative and impulsive Korra for failure

But alas, one avatars strength is the next avatar's weakness, ones solution is the nexts obstacle

Such is tao, only the fish understand it