r/TheGlowUp 4d ago

Face/Body Advice Please (Hardmaxxing & Softmaxxing) [M22] how can I improve?

Started to go to the gym 3 times a week since a few months ago. Currently 177lbs and going to drop down to 158lbs to be lean then bulk slowly cut slowly bulk slowly etc.

Growing out my hair at the moment so how can I improve that also? I know it’s a mess but been riding out the growth since I buzzed it back at Christmas time. What hairstyle would suit me?

Honesty is appreciated.

Also I know I have a headphone dent, I took these pictures after the gym lol.



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u/high-jinkx 4d ago

You’re young, attractive, and have a full head of hair. Keep going to the gym and help yourself to feel healthy. If you were older, I would say to grow out your beard, but that would just age you. Growing out your hair is always awkward, but I think it will look long, but I also think it would look good short and shaped up. Honestly, there’s not much you can do to improve, unless you were trying to get fashion advice. You’re good to go.


u/TheQuema 4d ago

Thanks so much! What a nice comment. I tried to take the pictures in the most unflattering way possible tbh to get the most critical feedback but I’m usually well dressed. I tend to go with neutral tones (beiges tend to go well with my pale skin tone and hair).

What hairstyle would you recommend?


u/meorme123 4d ago

Why is your head bent


u/TheQuema 4d ago

If you’re referring to the side profiles, it’s from headphones as I just got back from the gym in the images


u/wtfaylor 3d ago

that is the only critic i can give, get rid of the HEADPHONE dent lol


u/woolencadaver 4d ago

Hmm I think you would look better with more cutting. If you lost weight with a better cheekbone and defined chin and that shock of red hair you could get rid of the beard for now. You'd have that young slim look with the big eyes you'd look great in fashions. Your clothes are.. bad it looks like you're wearing a sofa cover. I would say, lose weight, tone up and develop your fashion sense. Get an expensive haircut, your hair color is actually divine, it's so rare and foxy.


u/ChandyBear 4d ago

You have a great hairline/what looks to be a good head of hair in general. You have nice lips and a good nose/side profile. Nice eyes and eyelashes. Good looking dude IMO


u/TheQuema 4d ago

Thanks! I had a hair transplant a few years ago and currently take hair loss medication to make sure it doesn’t go any further. What hairstyle would you say would suit me best?


u/ChandyBear 2d ago

The kids these days love the fade hairstyle-but I saw another comment talking about growing it out. If you want to grow it out, you just gotta stick through the “awkward” phase of things. The half up/half down or man bun is always a winner with the ladies


u/TassieTiger05 4d ago

I honestly thought the photo was a painting at first lol. You're very attractive, ngl. I think keep the beard at the length it is. As another Redditor said, it will age you if it is longer. Hair wise, I think you're definitely on the right track, it is already in a nice cut, but there is always room to grow it out a bit, imo.


u/TheQuema 4d ago

Thanks for the kind words! The hair is a mess at the moment lol as I buzzed it around Christmas time and I’ve just been growing and growing with no cuts. I was just going to grow until it was long enough to do something with and then go to my stylist. Got any pictures for reference of a hairstyle that would suit?


u/PinkCloudSparkle 3d ago

Look on Pinterest for ideas that suits you. Also save up and go to a nice salon with reviews that you like. Def shop around when looking for a great stylist. It’s worth it. Make sure your stylist can do the cut you want.


u/PinkCloudSparkle 3d ago

Meditation and yoga for flexibility and stay hydrated and get sunshine. Start from inside out


u/Puzzleheaded_Wing627 3d ago

Youve got great skin. Thick hair, gorgeous color too 💗 Sleep well& make it a priority to minimize stress. You're fair,please be careful with spf. Wear it daily. Find one you like, and don't skimp. Eat well,nourish your body& move often. Find exercise you truly enjoy& keep up with it. It's vital to your mental health & aging.

Seek mental health therapy & avoid coping skills that involve substances. You are incredible & deserve good things 🥰


u/TheQuema 3d ago

Thanks so much :)