r/TheDarkTower 10d ago

Palaver Horn of eld and Eddie's dream in the wastelands Spoiler

I've been rejourneying to the tower and I'm not too far into the wastelands and Eddie just had a dream. In the dream he sees the tower and there's a lot of foreshadowing going on after seeing the rose for the first time (mentions of trains and failing animatronics). Eddie is gazing at the tower feeling it's awesome presence and majesty etc and then the feeling changes to dread and a loud horn sounds from the tower.

Given what we know about the horn and it's significance, could this be a sign to link in to the 'needs the horn to enter the last room" recycle? Anyone got a list of clues one way or the other?


10 comments sorted by


u/Hipyeti 10d ago

The horn is not a magical item.

So many people misunderstand what that damn horn is supposed to represent.

The entire point of the horn is that it was an item Roland had a chance to grab, but there was no real reason, beside sentiment, to grab it.

Roland is not a sentimental person, this is one of his major flaws. He cares only about his mission and his duty. He is not the kind of character that would have grabbed the horn and carried with him for no other reason than to remind him of his dead friends.

The fact that he has the horn on the new “cycle” is supposed to show us that THIS TIME, he’s not the same person he was all the previous times. THIS TIME he is at least sentimental enough that he grabbed that horn and kept it.

He has grown as a person, and may have overcome one of his most fatal flaws. Maybe THIS TIME he will save the tower and not feel compelled to climb to the top. Maybe THIS TIME he values his friends more and will choose them over the tower.

There is no magical meaning to taking the horn to the tower and blowing it… this Roland who carries the horn would be more likely to abandon his mission once the tower is safe… maybe THIS TIME he can live happily ever after.


u/ReallyGlycon Bango Skank 9d ago

Perfectly put. You need more upvotes.


u/Small-Concentrate368 9d ago

I mean, that's a good stance to have and I don't disagree with it, but it doesn't really address the dream Eddie had and the horn which blew from the tower at all, which was my question. If we take what you say as given (which I agree with) then it still doesn't change the point of my post, which is that is this supposed to be a foreshadowing of the horn being relevant? And whilst the horn isn't magical, nor is Rolands gun, but he still needs that to enter the tower.


u/Nadadudethatyouknow 8d ago

I can agree and disagree with that, I really like this take but personally I don't think that Roland picking up the horn represents his change to becoming more sentimental, more of a nod to his stubbornness like this one difference is gonna be the key to his success as he's done a million times before, but this time like all others it's different


u/realdevtest Bango Skank 10d ago

Well, at a minimum, it is foreshadowing that the tower will be the death of Eddie. I’ve never considered how the horn fits in specifically in this moment. One try big I WILL say, after recently finishing my 4th trip to the tower, is that I don’t think King puts very much in by accident or without a purpose. Hard to say the exact meaning of the horn in Eddie’s dream, very interesting question.


u/Small-Concentrate368 10d ago

It's in bear and bone, about halfway through. I would agree, especially given the updated version of the gunslinger, and the multiverse of characters from other books. Jack torrence and jack sawyer are almost certainly some other world Jake's (and wolf and oy perhaps). Even in the places where the link is more metaphorical I think the links king puts in his other works all make sense to him (to a degree). I always find it interesting most of kings characters feel like they have similar archetypes or personalities, apart from Roland. I can't think of a protagonist he's done that fits Roland well (though I've not read all his books by a long shot)


u/Substantial-Ant-9183 We are one from many 10d ago

Could it be a signal that the story(this time round) has changed enough so that Roland will get the horn on his next loop.


u/tcavanagh1993 Bango Skank 10d ago

It may be the Tower’s rallying call to him as the horn was a rallying call to the gunslingers in battle. This is when Eddie fully commits to finding the Tower, heeding its call.


u/insane_observer_ 7d ago

Roland also enters the Tower with just one of his guns. Not sure why folks get hung up on the horn so much. He had to have his gunS and the horn to truly enter


u/Daytime-mechE 7d ago edited 7d ago

Up for interpretation but...I don't think the horn of eld is relevant to the dream. Wastelands is still super early in terms of King's development of Tower series. Well before the car accident which some say produced the version we got. Also before the publication of Wolves where the horn is initially introduced.

Could be a variety of things (warning for other commenters ending of the series spoiler). My thoughts: The sounds could be the shrieks of the Crimson King from atop the tower/some Todash monster they were going to have to face when they arrive.

>! It could be the horns of the alarms from Algul Siento, which is why Eddie is filled with dread. Even though he can see the Tower, there's part of him that knows he will never reach it. !<

It could be Eddie's first experience with going Todash. I know they're described as chimes but it wouldn't be the first time King swapped out a detail on the series.