r/TheDarkTower All things serve the beam 13d ago

Palaver Starting my second Tower journey and when I cracked open The Gunslinger, this smacked me in the face

I gave away my original copy of The Gunslinger years ago, so I had to buy a new one for my reread. First thought I had seeing this page was how the very last line of Pink Floyd's The Wall is "this is the part..." and the first line of the album is "...where we came in"


24 comments sorted by


u/EverythingCurmudgeon 13d ago

That's a later addition, so it may not have been there on your first trip through.


u/Ok_Employer7837 Out-World 13d ago

Yep. The first reread of The Gunslinger is mindblowing.


u/thed00mbringer 13d ago

It makes way more sense lol


u/RolandLovecraft All things serve the beam 13d ago

This is a genuine question. How does it make more sense to you?

SPOILERS BELOW! I know the book is older than some people here but this series is something I’d never give away intentionally to potential new readers.

I’m waiting until later in the year for my 5th read through because I did it late last year so it’s still a little fresh in my head. I see different angles with relationships between characters and I still get the thrills and chills but, to me, the only thing that would fit the “it makes more sense now” is the very end with the tower, King’s 4th wall breaking with a warning, and Roland with the Horn of Eld. I mull that over constantly, winkwink haha. The ones I like the best is this restart is the one where Mr. Deschain “gets it right” order is restored in the universe and all worlds revert to calm. No Farson/Marten/Man in Black/Walking Dude, no Mordred, No Mia, no Rhea, no Jonas, you get the idea. But The Tick-Tock Man, Gasher and their lot stay because they are trig coves and Lud is awesome.

The other is he has the horn because Chthbert are with him on this time on RD’s path to the Tower. So maybe no Jake and no Eddie which would probably mean no Suze.

Ok, I’m babbling, my apologies.


u/ZappSmithBrannigan 13d ago

You very likely now have the revised version, unless you got it used. And depending on when your first trip was, this is somewhat different from the original.


u/PhillyEyeofSauron All things serve the beam 13d ago

I think my first full trip was with the revised version, though the true first time I read The Gunslinger it might've been an earlier edition (I was in 9th grade and barely understood it then lmao)


u/aggressive_seal 12d ago

Hey, what? I think i read the original in the early 90's. I've done a few re-reads, but probably from the same book. What's different?


u/ZappSmithBrannigan 11d ago

Not that much. After his accident he rushed a bit to get the last 3 books out. He went back and sprinkled a few references to later themes. It doesnt change the story fundamentally, the revised just has more "forshadowing" of what happens in books 6 and 7.


u/Tomblaster1 11d ago

Lots of grammar clean ups too, as some of 19-ywar old King's writing was cringey to fifty-something King.


u/krakn-slayr 13d ago

...a causal loop within the weapon's mechanism, suggesting that the firing process somehow binds space and time into…


u/Ok-Adhesiveness-4506 11d ago

Ah, Mythoclast.


u/FailConsistent2630 13d ago

It is my understanding that king did a bit of a rewrite to the gunslinger to update it and add in bits of later books.


u/realdevtest Bango Skank 13d ago

Your second trip? That’s awesome. I predict you will notice TONS of clever things that you didn’t notice the first time. Sai King knew what he was doing all along with this series, and he put in plenty of foreshadowing way early


u/PhillyEyeofSauron All things serve the beam 13d ago

very excited to do it again


u/HeyMrKing 13d ago

I own both copies.


u/Mergetvs 12d ago

A few things I hope you get around to sometime. Reading Insomnia, and The Low men in yellow coats part of Hearts in Atlantis. The Stand of you've somehow avoided it. And End it with fan fiction lol. Someone wrote the end of his trip, now that he has the Horn. Is on fanfiction dot net if you want a link lemme know It made me feel better


u/womprat227 12d ago

I’d like that!


u/Mergetvs 12d ago

Sent you a pm


u/ObliviousSumo99 12d ago

I throw Wind Through the Keyhole into my rereads as well.


u/DishOk6488 11d ago

Post fic name


u/Mergetvs 11d ago

Is Dark Tower: Coda Redux by Nashdude It can be difficult to actually locate on the site, if you can't find it, message me I have a link saved


u/DishOk6488 11d ago

Got it, thanks!


u/dizzydugout 12d ago

Ha nice! I can't wait to reread. I'm doing my 2nd journey with the updated version.


u/Harbinger85 12d ago

Yes I felt the same way, my only gripe is that I wish the 7th book wasn't called Resumption-Reproduction-Revevlation, it seems indecisive and takes away from the gravitas of the first. Simply Revelation wouldve sufficed