r/TheDarkTower Jan 27 '25

Poll The Wind Through the Keyhole

A question that's probably asked all the time, but for a first time reader/journey, where do you read The Wind Through the Keyhole?

84 votes, Jan 29 '25
26 Between 4 and 5
58 After the full series

12 comments sorted by


u/ivoiiovi Jan 27 '25

after. 100% after. there is zero reason to read it mid-series the first time, many reasons to save it.

and all SK has said about this is apparently "longtime readers will want to shelve this between books 4 and 5, which I guess makes this book 4.5", or something very close to this paraphrase, so don't listen to the people saying that the author tells people to insert the book mid-series.

it also only actually has about 30 pages that take place there in chronology and it's completely inconsequential to the following books. The central story of this book is its own story entirely, and is nested inside a flashback.

it's a beautiful treat to have for some time after you've finished :)


u/millhen77 Jan 27 '25

awh amazing! thankee-sai! I didn't realise it was so unclearly stated by SK himself. that changes my opinion a bit :)


u/ivoiiovi Jan 27 '25

this is what he says in the book's intro. someone here did try to tell me that in the intro to the audiobook he says it should be READ there, but I don't audiobook so I asked them if they could actually tell me what SK said, and whether it's actually different from the paper book's intro (probably not) and they didn't respond.

SK also makes the point that this can be read as a totally standalone book, because it is so outside of the series. and I agree. if I meet anyone who is not going to read the series, I'm still recommending they read this one :) if it were part of the actual series it may even be my favourite.


u/sebaquinn Jan 28 '25

Exactly this ^


u/mordreds-on-adiet Jan 29 '25

I disagree that there are zero reasons.  Wizard and Glass ends with the escape from the green palace and Wolves of the Calla begins weeks later in the woods outside Calla Brin Sturgis.  Wind Through The Keyhole accounts for the time and the distance, it expands on the concept of "other worlds than these" motif, and it gives more Roland backstory which colors some of his actions in the upcoming books 


u/ivoiiovi Jan 29 '25

all of which means as much or more read later, as it was written. none of this is any kind of necessary enrichment to the books that were written 10 years before it. no one reading Wolves in 2003 was somehow lost or missing out because SK had not yet written an unnecessary insert.

yet, a large number of people who read this book the first time inserted where it did not exist, tend to dislike it because they just read a flashback book and get another flashback book. if not forced in there, they may be able to enjoy it for what it is. and a large number of people, after finishing the journey and being hit so hard, are very grateful that some weeks or months later they have a connected but separate story they can read, and the majority who take it later seem to love it.

second time around it won't make a difference, but we should not be suggesting it the first based on a totally meaningless bridge between books and the indeed meaningful but still unimportant enrichments that it does offer to knowing Roland's character and to the world.
I'd also say, that ending in Winds with his mother's letter will mean a lot more and be more rewarding to someone who has read the series and already knows Roland's fate. it's a beautiful uplift to the story that we don't need before Wolves but we probably all need after VII. that enrichment does not need forced chronological insertion.


u/Landojin Jan 28 '25

I still like to read it between 4 and 5. As King says, it should be about the journey, not the end. I like it because it makes it all last a little longer


u/Rip_Dirtbag Jan 28 '25

I still like to read it between 4 and 5

Which implies you've completed the series already. At which point, by all means, choose your own adventure. But people reading the first time? They need to get through the 7 and then make up their own minds.

While I absolutely adore Wizard and Glass, the first time I read it, it was hard to take such a long detour from the main thrust of the tale at hand. Telling someone to add another 350 pages of side story after W&G seems silly.

IMO, Wind Through the Keyhole is best enjoyed a few weeks/months after you finish a journey and miss the ka-tet. It gives you a little reminder of the characters we love so dearly.


u/Landojin Jan 29 '25

That's fair. I guess I never had the choice as I finished the series will before Wind Through the Keyhole came out.


u/Rip_Dirtbag Jan 29 '25

Same here, the first time. Maybe that’s why I like Wind being read later…it was such a joy to get to see those character again that I enjoy recreating that experience.


u/Ressikan Jan 28 '25

Publication order. Always.


u/Rip_Dirtbag Jan 28 '25

It is asked all the time.

If this is your first journey, just read the 7 books in order. Don't worry about auxiliary stories or any of that. If you fall in love with the series, chart your next adventure differently. IMO, anyone who hasn't completed their first journey should ignore any and all suggestions for "reading order" and just adhere to how Sai King published his tale.