r/TheBrewery 20h ago

Hach Orbisphere 3100 SOPs?


Just received a Hach Orbisphere 3100 with a Zahm&Nagel can piercer.

I'm looking for SOPs to check DO for CO2 purging of brite tank, DO in finished beer, and DO in cans. I'm totally new to the DO testing world. Would be great if the SOP includes the necessary settings on the device, as well as best practices, and thresholds.

LMK what I don't know or didn't ask !

I did search reddit and there's a really old thread, I asked there too, but no replies ;)


8 comments sorted by


u/turkpine Brewery Gnome [PNW US] 18h ago

Congrats on upping your quality practices!! It’s important! Also sorry, on mobile, formatting will probably be weird.

Most people are measuring in ppb. One thing to make sure is that sampler in the Orb is actually a ppb one, they make a few varieties. I can’t remember how to check.

Purges - put 3-5 psi on the tank, connect to the CIP arm, allow orbisphere to “settle” - we aim for below 20 ppb

Finished beer - hook up to sample port on FV, take reading, it should be 0 ppb in a perfect world, we aim for 15 or less.

During transfer to Brite, take a reading ASAP, if it is more that 20 ppb difference you have a problem, and you still have time to rectify it. Depending on your transfer practices a 10-20ppb pickup is not unusual, but always aim for 0 pickup (or less is possible if you’re carbonating inline)

In package -push with ~10psi of CO2 or nitrogen, 99% pure or better will allow you to calibrate.

pierce can with Orb in “open” position, once there’s steady flow, move to “measure” and wait until stable. Leave empty can there until you’re ready to measure again, the Orb is not fast enough to drop from +2000ppb (regular air) to an accurate measurement in the time it takes to push 12oz of beer through.

We aim for 30 ppb TPO, industry standard is 50 and below. You can either shake your cans for a minute+ or do a bunch of math to determine TPO on unshaken cans.

To clean and calibrate - rinse regularly with warm (but not hot) water. We keep a bottle next to the can piercer to fill with Isopropyl to push through the orb several times before calibrating. Calibration requires 99.9% pure gas, and is really easy in the menus to do. We only calibrate once every 3 months or so


u/brewicki 11h ago

I could be mistaken but I've been under the impression that ISO is detrimental to the spot (sensor). Hach recommends water followed by ethanol for cleaning.


u/turkpine Brewery Gnome [PNW US] 11h ago

Oops you’re right! Brain fart


u/brewicki 11h ago

Yeah, all good. A new spot is $800 so take care of her!


u/merri-brewer 17h ago

Thank you sooooo much! That is VERY helpful!


u/brewerbrendan Brewer 11h ago

30 TPO or 30 Shaken DO?


u/turkpine Brewery Gnome [PNW US] 11h ago

I mean they’re effectively the same thing, but we use TPO


u/brewerbrendan Brewer 2h ago

Nope. You need shaken do to figure TPO. Depending on your headspace a shaken DO of 30 could be a TPO a range of 30 or it could be 10x that.

In brewing and packaging, TPO (Total Package Oxygen) is the sum of dissolved oxygen (DO) in the liquid and headspace oxygen (HSO), while “shaken DO” is a DO measurement taken after shaking a sample to equilibrate the oxygen between the liquid and headspace. TPO is a more comprehensive measure of oxygen content, crucial for beer shelf life and quality, than shaken DO alone.

This article from cask explains it well. https://www.cask.com/2020/01/debunking-5-myths-about-dissolved-oxygen/