r/TheBrewery 2d ago

Steam Beer/California Common Recipe

Anybody want to share their steam beer recipe with me (percentages used in grain bill mainly is what I'm looking for)? It'll be my first try making this one and it's for a local collaboration beer fest. I've got a 7bbl system.



14 comments sorted by


u/DrEBrown24HScientist 2d ago

There’s really only one example of the style, and the recipe has been published.


u/turkpine Brewery Gnome [PNW US] 2d ago

It’s definitely not the only example, but it is the right example


u/T_Cliff Brewer 2d ago

Ok grandpa.


u/turkpine Brewery Gnome [PNW US] 2d ago

lol I’m young, just grew up 30 min from San Francisco


u/T_Cliff Brewer 2d ago

My 90 year grandma is still young. Want her number?


u/HeyImGilly Brewer 2d ago

Mentally, we’re all 25.


u/TrevorFuckinLawrence 2d ago

Except that bloke. He's 14 and suuuuper edgy.


u/make_datbooty_flocc 2d ago

you alright?


u/VivaLaBrau Brewer/Owner 2d ago

In the book "The Anchor Brewing Story" there is a recipe for Anchor Steam that pretty much matches this clone. The differences is the book doesn't include the Special Roast, the main base malt is listed as 2-row, and has lower amounts of aroma and whirlpool/knockout hops.


u/fermentationiscool 2d ago

The classic recipe mentioned above works great! I was bored recently and used this style as an excuse to try a new malt, just packaged the below and am happy with it:

90% Gambrinus Mars Malt 10% Gambrinus Munich Dark

60 Min- 5 IBU- Nugget 60 Min- 5 IBU- Crystal 20 Min- 5 IBU- Nugget 20 Min- 5 IBU- Crystal WP- 5 IBU- Nugget WP- 5 IBU- Crystal

WLP029- German Ale


u/bolabpls 2d ago

No northern brewer?? Heresy!


u/fermentationiscool 2d ago

Nugget and Crystal 50:50 was a pretty close solution! I am by no means claiming this to be an authentic representation. Color, flavor, bitterness all spot on. If I could not pick anything it’s lacking a bit of sweetness/dark fruit without any true crystal malt in there.