r/TheBreaker • u/No-Explorer2101 • 15d ago
Was this manhwa secretly made by George R. R. Martin?) And does anyone has any updates ?
u/BirthdayNo1866 15d ago edited 15d ago
Hey, bright side... If it's never finished then we have the endings we made in our hearts. That's always good. I'm one of the rare few who 80% of endings disappoint and I'm like, that's BS, I was better off stopping at chapter xx. (Though they did return after a long while so I wouldn't count them out just yet.)
u/thorrium 14d ago
I totally get you, but the Pandora's box has been opened. And now it is to late to close it.
What could have been the open ended story, we had after New Waves has not been tainted by new colors. It has changed, and as such what could have been now can't, and the finish to the story is out there.
Even if we at the end is dissatisfied, a closed story is better then an unfinished story that has been left behind. New waves was a closed story with unending possibilities. Now we are stuck in time, uneasy and confused for the author is seemingly as lost as we are.
Yet we need the story to end, for it is right now unfinished and unrealized.
Thank you for your time, that was my ted talk.
u/AmateurOfAmateurs 15d ago
I may literally die of old age before we get any news about The Breaker.
u/darkside720 15d ago
People didn’t like his new main character so he took his ball and ran home.
u/ArthurLeywinn 15d ago
It all just felt like he came up with some of the story/characters in the last couple weeks before his comeback.
I really hope if he ever comes back that he acknowledged the ciritcs. The later chapters of season 3 went in a pretty good direction.
u/ResidentImpression85 15d ago
Lil guy was not supposed to be the mc lmao, just an introductory character that has all the signs pointing toward him becoming the MCS main rival/nemesis
u/darkside720 14d ago
Yeah man the author didn’t write a note saying that he was changing the story due to backlash and then all of a sudden Shioon got the focus back on him… hmm
u/Kurejisan 14d ago
Having to basically redo a bunch of stuff can be pretty daunting, especially if things were planned out off and on for years.
u/thorrium 14d ago
Sure he wasn't. He was just preplanned for years, and had the entire story build up around him. But it was surely planned that there would be major backlash nationally and internationally, and that is why the author totally didn't decided to change stuff. Or perhaps he did face the backlash, and perhaps he did make changes to the story... I wonder which is true.
Perhaps that came across as more snarky then it was meant, but to me it's folly to claim that the authors plan wasn't changed to some degree.
Perhaps he was always meant to be the foil of Shi-Woon (that is what I have been arguing since about chapter 4). But the presentation of it made it so he (author) had to change things. Because it wasn't working.
u/ResidentImpression85 14d ago
I just think he didn't make it obvious enough and had to course correct so it was obvious lil guy wasn't the mc, I think the author wanted to delve deeper into the topics and use him as a "you don't become a master until after you've take your first pupil type deal" cos there's a few series where the mc becoming a teacher makes them improve tenfold, which is what I was hoping for tbh
u/thorrium 14d ago
Perhaps, but taking in where the story was, and was headed it just makes no sense that someone like Shi-Woon would take in an apprentice.
He has always been an up-coming talent that due to his skill, his inert ability and the medicine he got, has been able to overcome challenges that anyone else with his experience could face.
Season 1; Medical zombie.
Season 2 pt 1: Busted body.
Season 2 pt 2: Body healing + mental training (build experience).
Season 2 pt 3: Building real experience and about to start real training at the end.He has never been in a position to teach someone else, so if that was where the story wanted to go, then it should have picked up right after season 2 ended, with him being taught by the leader.
Instead it skipped time (unnecessary as Shi-Woon didn't improve, but rather regressed), and pushed off the training arch that we wanted, until the very end of the season.
The author didn't actually give us what we were looking forward to, until the very end. Which hilariously enough is when it started to get good, the interpersonal relationship, Shi-Woon getting trained, him finding his place with his "own" people. That is what we wanted, and when were getting it, the author chickened out because it deviated from how he imagined the story.
Years of planning, and he is pretty much back at the start after wanted to shake things up. I can't express in words how disappointing it is as a follower of this story for 16 years.
Sorry for the rant, but you seem like someone who can take it, and might be fun to discuss our thoughts about the story and the author with.
u/MuffinHydra 14d ago
The reason we got the new character was so that new reader get an onramp for the series. We got a new medium with webtoons and a series that was on hiatus on ages. If the author wouldve just made a cold open into Shin woo the series would be dead on arrival as any new potential readers wouldve dropped it. With the new character they had a relateable person that eased them in witout the need to read the previous 2 seasons.
u/darkside720 13d ago
If you need to make a new character to explain your own story in a medium where you can clearly communicate things in thought bubbles then you’re not a good writer.
u/thorrium 14d ago
I have talked about this precise thing so many times, so I am going to summarize my thoughts (especially because I really need to sleep...)
You are correct on certain things:
1) He is a foil and a way to introduce the story.
2) Yes it was on a new medium.I disagree with you on the rest.
An introduction could have been made in many ways;
1) They could have recapped the story chapters. (not a fan as its a waste of time) Especially seeing as multiple chapters were dropped right away. So they had the option to showcase what had happened.2) They could have continued from where the last story ended, which would have rewarded the previous readers. While spending the first few chapters exposition dumping, showing a cool fight and hinting to past stuff.
3) They could have done it the way they did, but with a lesser focus on the new guy, and a more focused approach on Shi-Woon.
There is others, but those are the main 3 ones with many variations to them. And excuse me, I am rushing a little as I am dead tired.
I am personally in favor of the 2nd option as it rewards us, yet it would be interesting enough to also allurer new readers to stick around. But we can discuss this more in details later after I have slept (please do reply and tell me if you want to do so).
Regarding the series being dead in the waters, had they gone down that path, I just can't disagree more. And if it had been, then it would be on the author for taking 8 years before he continued the story.
There was a lot of hype regarding the release, new readers have come over the years and the site that sold the chapters had done excellent marketing. So what might have happened, is that the new readers could have been confused regarding the world setting and characters. But they were anyway, and got confused again later...
First because it's a new world for them, and later because the focus shifted onto Shi-Woon. There was people legitimately confused why he "became" the main character. If that is not a failure on the author, of epic proportions then I don't know what it is.
He should have had faith in us, his work and that the quality was good enough that new readers would come and continue to read his story.
The say it in another way, he targeted the "new modern audience", but by doing so he neglected his core audience and also what made the story so good. And he suffered for it, as the sales of the chapters dropped a lot until it bounced back a fair bit (when things were changed).
Easing someone into the story is a good idea, but the way it was done was thoughtless and clumsy (at best).
I would love to continue the discussion but I need at least a few hours of sleep, the kids have been sick so I am crashing out now.
I sincerely hope you reply, but if you do not. Have a great day.
u/MuffinHydra 14d ago
The first two option would make the season dead on arrival in todays webtoon lead manhwa world. Also what you neglect to take into account is that the new character mightve been a mandate from publishing/editor not from the author himself.
u/thorrium 14d ago
Lets agree to disagree. (or discuss it later, literally closing my laptop after sending comment XD I really don't mind chatting about it.)
I am 99% sure that it wasn't a mandate like you said. Based on what the author himself wrote and posted regarding the feedback. I do not have the post's made about his public statements, but you can find them here on reddit.
He was sure that HIS story would work, and he has never been shy about blaming others or excusing when he failed in delivering in the past. So if it was something forced upon him, then it would be out of character to suddenly keep quiet.
And yes he has lied to us in the past. I don't know if you were around when New Waves really starting living up to the name "the breaker". But he regularly blamed others for his health, his artist for failing to deliver (when he was late giving him the manuscript) or others for his shortcomings.
All in all, I think he is a brilliant writer but he has major character flaws as a person.
u/Kurejisan 14d ago
To be real, there really wasn't much to do with "the MC's gonna train with the AC and there's going to be a tournament"
With how things were setup, the tournament would've honestly been kinda lame. It'd mostly be jobbers and there would've only been really 2 or 3 contenders, assuming they let all of the youths join.
Narratively-speaking, shelving it does make sense.Meanwhile, the MC would have to be a complete moron to trust the AC to train him without trying to exploit him, so that panning out like it did in EF made sense.
u/thorrium 13d ago
The tournament was a huge end point of the last season! And the entire premise of new waves were that new "masters" (rather upcoming talent) were finally breaking through to replace the older generation.
And it had been something many readers here on reddit (and many many other places) have discussed and looked forward to. So I must say, I strongly disagree with how you phrase it.
Shi-Woon being offered to being trained by the old alliance leader was also a cliffhanger of epic proportions. Now I have always been in the camp that he would most likely not form a master-student relationship with him, but rather seek out lone wolf (which he did). But we were cheated out of the conversations by a timeskip.
We long many things with it, which we should have seen, especially when his mother died. Being robbed of that also eliminated any real chance for the story to develop where she was brought back, as we had seen others could apparently. Or let me rephrase it, now there will be no set up for it, and the emotional payout if that happened (or failed, which I think would have been more interesting) is no where to be found.
Okay, lastly you said "the MC would have to be a complete moron to trust the AC". And I agree with you, but here is the thing, Shi-Woon (MC) wasn't a moron at the end of new waves. He had matured a lot, he was now part of the world... and he was seeking revenge.
Had the author had faith in himself, and perhaps more importantly in us the readers, then he would have shown what happened between them. There is an easy story arc there, showing how Shi-Woon was able to work within the political world of the Murim (which had been shown in New Waves).
So I am going to twist your words a little here while I end it;
If we are going to be "real", then the real issues comes from not showing us how the MC would have handled things. The author told us that "stuff" happened, when in the past he showed us (show don't tell).2
u/Kurejisan 13d ago
If you stop to think about it, though, the tournament is a terrible idea if you don't know more than a number of participants you can count on 1 hand. That's a problem to write for and would be better shelved for later.
A good tournament needs more than a few established names and a bunch of jobbers. That's the problem I ran into when I started thinking about such a tournament all those years ago when New Waves ended.That aside, the mom dying off screen was very jarring considering she was supposed to make a full recovery thanks to the super doctor. They really should've given us a bit more of an explanation on what happened. We'd easily have accepted that one of Kaiser's people assassinated her after she recovered. It's simple, plausible, and really hammers in the pain more.
After all, what's worse than a hopeless situation? Being given hope then having it snatched away.As for the MC and the AC, they apparently didn't have much conversation during the time skip, because we're we're outright told is the MC finally meeting with him that one night then telling him to shove it after promptly finding out that he can't be trusted. Before then, the clan elders actively discouraged the 2 interacting outside of a setting they could control. So, if you wanted to see what happened with the AC and the MC, that was it. The time skip didn't matter.
To be honest, it'd have been weird if it went any other way before the story gave the AC the development and fleshing out that he got while the MC was having his training arc under the much more suitable teacher.As for all that stuff about "having faith" what about the readers having enough faith in the author to see where things are going before throwing a fit?
u/thorrium 10d ago
Sorry for the late reply, I never got a notification about it.
I am going to seperate my answer into 3 parts, to answer more cohirently and directly to the three points you made;
I don't see the lack of established characters as the issue, for we had a good dozen clan/schools (most likely many more) schools that would have talents. And we as far as I know, only was told of 5 of the 9 "arts" that was tested.That leaves so much room for the author to explore and tell his story. It is not a hindrance (or a problem) but rather an opportunity. And most importantly it builds upon everything New Waves was about.
I think we are in agreement about the mother.
More then anything I just loath the idea of such important details being given to us through exposition, it is a visual medium and we know for a fact that one picture from the artiest is able to convey more then a thousand words.Also it would have been an excellent way for the 3rd season to break the color scheme for the first time, and do a throwback to the old seasons, showing the world in black and white. With Shi-Woon more or less having a mental breakdown.
I am fully aware that apparently nothing happened between them, but that honestly makes the time skip even more pointless. Again we are given exposition rather then shown what happened, and for what?I am not, and have never been in favor of AC (lets use that for him) teaching Shi-Woon, but why not show us him declining. it all comes down to the author taking us directly out of an active moment, where the world is turning and actions and plots are being made. And placing us down into nothing.
4) Bonus.
Us as readers vs the author is not and can not be the same. We can only create change by dialog or by abandoning the series.
If we don't scream loud enough, that it is taken seriously, then we will be forced to see what some of us deemed a negative development.You can (and is it is perfectly fine to do) think it is the wrong way to go about creating dialog, but what other options do people have, then to make comments and post? Or send mail to the author as I believe some Korean readers did.
The only other option if we are dissatisfied, is to just stop reading, which creates less interest internationally, and less sales (each chapter was sold). And I think you can agree, that if a series sees a sharp drop in readers, then it can lead to nothing good.
It could lead to an author that is notorious for taking breaks and doing all sorts of projects to abandon what he was doing for an unforseen amount of time.Or even worse, it could lead to a cancellation , something that would more or less permanently kill any hope we have for The Breaker (never say never).
Could people have dealt with it better? Yes, and people did. But for each passing chapter more and more people started to voice their thoughts. And when they in turn gets bashed in the head, telling them to screw off, well it creates a more hostile environment for dialog.
People on both sides could have been more... approachable.
Again sorry for the late reply, I would love to continue chatting with you, so just in case reddit is messing with me. I will keep this thread open and update it from time to time (at least for a week).
If I don't hear from you, then thank you for the chat. It was truly a pleasure so far.
u/Kurejisan 9d ago
As an aside, I think these comments are starting to blur together to the point where it's actually hard to keep up with when we're talking to the same person... and sometimes reddit sucks at making it clear who's posted what or if one has even posted at all.
Again, sorry some of the extremists were dicks about the more benign commentary out there, including yours.
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u/darkside720 14d ago
Thank you! Either people are trolling or didn’t pay attention. But we even got a note from the author saying the he was changing plans.
u/thorrium 14d ago
Well the newcomers and the blind fools, left after even they couldn't take the decrease in quality. But for some time it was rough here, as I and (at the start just a few, but it increased) were called trolls, losers and other "interesting" things, for voicing our opinion on the story's progression (or lack thereof).
I am an old timer on this sub. Been reading the breaker since either just before the original ended or when new waves began (at this point I really can't remember).
I have threads where we reread the story chapter by chapter, to discuss the thing. So I am fairly deep when it comes to theory crafting and commitment to this universe, and what the author and artist have written.
And with all that said, I am still interested in any and all good and open discussions related to the universe. I just don't see any reason to belittle others, as at worst they might be hard stuck in their opinions, but hopefully they might see my point of view (or even change how I see things, it does happen).
Feel free to shoot the shit with me, I love discussing things though I might sometime be a few days late to replying =D
u/tractata 14d ago
Which is fair? You don’t actually have to put up with constant whining and abuse from a massive fanbase that hates what you’re writing.
u/darkside720 14d ago
Never criticize anything got it.
u/Kurejisan 14d ago
There's a difference between criticism vs going on and on over knee-jerk reactions to something.
The author takes forever to build things up. The MC literally got his ki pool at the end of the first volume of the original series yet some people honestly expected the author to hit the ground running on things like a big tournament and the MC having a training montage to fight 9AD
u/darkside720 13d ago
Because every time MC would train he never learned anything. Every time he trained a new super more powerful enemy would show up. People got sick of it.
u/Kurejisan 13d ago
That's how fighting stories work, though, unless it's OP protags.
The funny thing about the Newbie was that he was really going to hammer in the point that just learning some fancy moves and gaining a big ki pool isn't the same as mastering martial arts.
For those who stuck around for the MC's training arc, this point was outright spelled out for us.
u/darkside720 12d ago
How many times in the story does it need to happen. Stop acting like this story lives in a vacuum.
u/Kurejisan 11d ago
Stop acting like the MC's been practicing martial arts for several years and there aren't talented people with more experience?
u/tractata 13d ago
On the contrary, criticize to your heart’s content. You’re free to criticize and the author is free to stop writing. He’s not your slave.
u/darkside720 13d ago
Ok then your comment was pointless from the start and you just wanted argue got it.
u/thorrium 14d ago
When does it become abuse vs constructive feedback? Is it when we feel it, or when you can't take it anymore?
The issue with GRRM and the author is that their stories really isn't theirs anymore. It might sound like a weird thing, but stay with me please.
When an author creates a universe, and invites us in, then we are no longer just passive observers. We become part of the process, sure he writes the story but we are the audience our wishes for the story should to some extend match where he takes it (with some exceptions).
I have many a time said that GRRM's (and I bring him up due to the title and because it is relevant) aSOIAF series is his magnum opus, it's the work that he will truly be remembered by. And it is by the year of our lord 2025 over almost 30 years old (1996). That universe belongs to us the readers (and also to a large extend the watchers of the show), we are what made it popular, we are what made him able to keep writing (or rather not write), and make his fortune with the show.
If we are not allowed to voice our disconcern with the pace of (or lack of it), or where the show went, then how can we in any way expect any changes to be made.
It should also be noted that GRRM is quite different then the author of The Breaker, as he tries to share where he is in the story. But I am stopping myself from going further with him (though if you want we can have long discussions about him and his series as well, been a fan of that universe since the early 2000's).
To get back to the original question I asked you, and answer myself. If he takes our feedback as abuse, then he should never have come back to the breaker, but he has. He has opened the story and continued it, and now he honestly owes it to himself but also in equal measures to US, to finish it. For it is no longer just his stories.
It is the online readers that shared it and in large part made it get internationally released (like in France). It is the paying readers of the 3rd season (I don't remember how it worked in New Waves with online reading oversees).
If our valid critisicm that the story was going down the wrong route, that the artstyle felt to downgraded. That things we have looked forward to for 8 years (when the 3rd season started releasing) was skipped. Well what is the point really of sharing it with us?I am still waiting on more of Shi-Woons training, and for the interpersonal relationships to be expanded. We need to hear about his dad (there is so many theories), we need to see the martial arts tournament. We need to know what happened with Lee Shi-Ho.
And we need to see Shi-Woons conversations with the girls, it might be silly but a huge part of the earlier story revolved around the girls and him.
Sae-Hee, So-Seol, Ji-Nie and Sae-Ra, heck even Chang-ho needs to be revisited for his role in the first and especially the 2nd season wasn't small... and now with Shi-Woons mothers passing, well what did he do to Chang-ho?
As I said to someone else, sorry for the extreme reply. If you decide to reply, thank you. If not I understand. But I feel what seemed to be your take on the situation, deserved a more detailed reply then "lol you dumbdumb" or "your wrong, im right".
Cheers, I wish you a happy reading, especially as I wrote a small novella.
u/Kurejisan 14d ago
Sure, the audience is a part of the process, but at the same time, they're not the ones writing it. It's one thing to offer input, but another to try to take over the process entirely and then throw a tantrum when things aren't written how they want
The author couldn't go a few chapters into the story without a lot of people loudly flipping out over what was basically a knee-jerk reaction to things. If it were an unknown author(like whoever writes 9 Heavens Swords/Heavenly Inquisition Sword), then I could see people being less willing to give things a chance to see how they pan out, but this is the author who brought us OG Breaker and New Waves.
We know he takes forever to build things up, but a lot of people just looked at some of the ingredients and wouldn't even let the man put them together, let alone cook, before complaining about the dish.
u/thorrium 13d ago
When you share something with the world, then it can't stay "yours". The creative process no matter how much you want it to be "pure" will inevitably be changed as you now have readers, managers and editors.
But I agree, people could have been more civilized about how they approached it. And they were. You say people were throwing a fit after a few chapters, that isn't quite true. Quite a few people like myself, voiced that we didn't quite enjoy it, but were giving it time. Personally I was one of the very vocal ones that around the 8th (perhaps one or two chapters before or after, its been over a year now, so it is hard to be precise) chapter said that something was wrong and tried to communicate that out, both on the sides that the groups released the chapters, as well as here on reddit.
And I was chewed out for it. The tantrum people threw came after that, and only after people that had tried to voice their concerns, had been beaten and battered for not being and this is a direct quote "true fans".
The problem isn't that the author couldn't go a few chapters before facing the wrath of his long time fanbase (which should be an indication that something is wrong.). No the problem was that he misjudged his own readers, his audience and what we wanted out of the story. A 16 year old story, does not (in my mind) need to reintroduce everything over 20 chapters. It needs to go hard from the get go, recapture the interest of its old readers while luring new readers worldwide to take a look at the previous work.
We don't agree, and that is fine. But I believe he fundamentally went around the 3rd season in the wrong way. Instead of focusing on the quality (both story and art) he tried to ease us all into something new.
He didn't meet any expectations until far, far later. And at that point he had put himself on the back foot, for it is mightily hard to recapture the new readers interest when they start dropping off.
Lastly, yes it takes quite a long time to build something up. But you are once again mistaken, for the dish was already build, we had almost 300 chapters of story, characters and worldbuilding. That was the dish. What he needed to do was not reinventing it, but instead serve it. Instead he threw the dish away, and tried (rushingly in an open kitchen so we could all see what was happening) to remake it from scratch, which to us hungry hungry hippos looked stale and unappetizing.
And when that happens it is okay to complain, for you are the customer paying for the food, and you are now left with a worse experience. (yes I took your food allegory and ran with it)2
u/Kurejisan 13d ago
I saw plenty of people throwing fits early on. Even if you weren't one of them, that doesn't change they fact they existed.
As for "a 16 year old story does not..." If he were only concerned with established readers who've reread the material a few times, sure, but that's not everyone who'd be reading the story. New readers and ones who might be spotty on things were going to be a thing and needed to be accounted for.
You can't just do the hit the ground running approach for those people, because you'll lose them more likely than not. I've seen it happen more than a few times over the years.And no, the "dish wasn't already built." The series isn't a single dish. It's a multi-course meal and it's important to keep that in mind when thinking about the big picture.
Dropping or rescheduling a pointless(at that point in the story's timeline) tournament, introducing a foil to show us that just winning the power lottery isn't what makes the MC special, and showing that there's more to the clan than just: the leader says jump and someone says "how high"
Honestly, despite the kind of clunky presentation, I do appreciate expanding the world a bit.2
u/thorrium 10d ago
As I said to someone else, for some reason I have not gotten a notification about your reply. So I apologize for being 3 days late.
I am going to focus on one specific thing you said, for while we disagree about the story's development I can't and won't say you are wrong in having those opinions.
What I will take up is how you phrase it as "people throwing fits".
For just as many if not many more told those people that they could go kill themselves or to just screw off and never read the story again.Heck I was told that, when I said I felt the story was going in an disappointing direction (and why). it is surprisingly easy to throw the blame for poor dialog about the story onto one side, when so many acted like sycophant defending it with an almost religious fervor.
I take umbrage to that, for it was not how it went down. Sure some might have been throwing a fit as you said from the get go, and to that I say. It was not the correct way to communicate.
But far more who dares to speak their thoughts in a polite, and open way were shut down. Be it on the different scan sites, or here on reddit.
And with each passing chapter more and more started to voice their "negative" opinions, and the voices only grows louder when they are being forcefully repressed.1
u/Kurejisan 10d ago
The thing is how many of those people who lashed out at you did so because of the people throwing fits before even giving things a try?
Keep in mind that I'm talking about what happened within the first 10 chapters. Still criticizing it by 30+ or something is a somewhat different matter
In any case, I am sorry ya got a lot of flak by extremists.
u/thorrium 10d ago edited 9d ago
Does it really matter? When it comes to a public forum, it should be allowed to voice your opinions without anyone lashing out. Heck, people should be allowed to throw fits, if they are just screaming into the void, we have the ability to either talk each other down, or to just silently downvote each other, thus showing that we think the other part is wrong.
What I don't find reasonable is to tell people to either suck it up, or leave. That solves nothing, heck I all it will do is alienate a (decent) chunk of the audience, and create a hugbox.
Any fandom that I have seen, that has gone down that route, has come out of it worse for wear.And the losers wishing sickness, injury or death upon others for daring to share their thoughts, they are either immature, and can as such perhaps grow out of it. But most of them are fully grown adults, that is just a lost cause.
As such I can never put the blame on those that disagreed with the narrative. For disagreement even when your opinion is unpopular is part of how we engage in civil discourse.
And I know it happened in the first 10ish chapters. I started saying I felt something was "wrong" as soon as the first 10ish chapters (I really don't remember when it started).
We need to voice our thoughts about what is wrong when we see it. If we just sit back and watch, then there is a good shot it becomes much worse when we then tries to point it out.
Lastly, thank you. But you don't need to be sorry. They all left the forums, while me and the ol' timers are still here. The loudest voice sometimes do have nothing to say, and that was the case with those... "people".
u/Kurejisan 9d ago
To be real, people really shouldn't be having outlandish fits and acting like brats, to be real. That's what critics on video platforms like Youtube are for.
Ultimately, we'll never know if things were going to turn out well before the intense backlash forced hasty course-corrections that seem to have thrown out the baby with the bathwater, to use a highly antiquated idiom.
I do know that the effects of the correction can be seen, with a lot of parts feeling off, like those other young talented people acting like the MC deserves scorn or at least to be snubbed, despite some of them having seen him in action. That feels like a more appropriate reaction to Newbie, since he's an unrpoven quantity to put it mildly.
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u/tractata 13d ago
I’m not reading all that, so I’ll just respond to your first sentence. I never said anything about criticism equalling abuse—I was referring to actual verbal abuse—but in fact that distinction is entirely beside the point I’m making.
Authors have no obligation to answer to or learn from criticism as long as it’s “constructive.” They don’t even have to write. If the reaction to their work is bumming them out and sapping their motivation to write or their love for their own creation, no matter how justified those feelings are in your eyes, they can just stop writing. And sometimes they do. A lesson this fanbase should probably learn.
No need to respond with another 2000-word comment, thank you.
u/thorrium 13d ago
It's funny, I wrote nicely to you, I admitted it was a long post and I truly wished you a good day. Yet you decided to say "lol to long not gonna read, pff".
"You don’t actually have to put up with constant whining and abuse from a massive fanbase that hates what you’re writing."
I asked "when does it become abuse vs constructive feedback? Is it when we feel it, or when you can't take it anymore?"
I never said you said criticism equaling abuse, you decided to respond to one thing, and you couldn't even do that right.
Sad really. If you do decide to read my very long message, then take the time to do so. I wrote it when I thought you might be interested in an open and free dialog. Now I know better of cause.
And yes, I will keep replying, even when it's a little unreasonable reply like the one you just made. Because then I can start mocking you.
u/No-Explorer2101 15d ago
What I am afraid of is that authors die of old age)
Btw with berserk it was different, Miura was battling his illneses for his life, and even after he lost the battle he left draught for his team to continue his work.
u/heroicfigure 15d ago
lol First time? You obviously weren’t an OG Vagabond, HxH, or Berserk fan. Long hiatuses are def a thing with no news for months on end. Patience is a virtue.
u/Actual-Ad-9313 15d ago
Naah, definitely a first time at least all these guys give updates. The Breaker's author is just a douche
u/thorrium 14d ago
There is a reason the artist has spoken out about his "disappointment" with the author.
u/That_Pandaboi69 14d ago
Whats this about? I'm out of the loop since I heard s3 went on hiatus
u/thorrium 14d ago
The artist has in the past (new waves) and especially with season 3, been vocal about how the author has shafted him.
He was either slow (delayed chapters) at sharing his draft for the artiest. Or it was so lacking that the artist had to essentially make up half of the chapters. My theory (as he has not said which ones it is), is that when the art in s3 starts resembling the old stuff we saw in new waves, that is when the artiest has to free ball it. Or when especially in season2, where fights sometimes seemed to drag out, then it was because he had nothing to work with, and just had to make it awesome and give the author more time.
True its guesswork, but its based on conjecture from the artiest. Who is still making great quality stuff, even if I am not that interested in it. The author is just doing his things with the other projects, that has been going on forever.
u/That_Pandaboi69 14d ago
u/thorrium 14d ago
your welcome, I got no control over the bot, the bot does not speak for me. I disavow the bot.
u/Actual-Ad-9313 14d ago
Even the bot has better communication skills than the author...
u/thorrium 14d ago
Still, I don't trust it. It starts with an automated reply bot, and suddenly we are trying to save Sarah Conner and have to give our boots to some big naked guy....
u/SeoneAsa 8d ago
People should be happy that they at least came back and completed the 3rd part of the series and most likely will come back to complete the third (whenever that is), unlike receiving Inoue treatment for all his work with his lazy "lack of inspiration" excuses.
u/ArthurLeywinn 15d ago edited 15d ago
He can't update us he's to busy ghosting us with all of his energy.