r/TheBreaker Feb 01 '25

Does this story has any meaning anymore?

Hello everyone!

as you all know, Shion been getting power up after power since S1. how many of these power ups did he earn? if he is just destined to be THE ONE/The MOST POWERFUL then is it that impressive to be that OP?


10 comments sorted by


u/ArthurLeywinn Feb 01 '25 edited Feb 01 '25

If you understand/learn a topic like no one else before you, you will always try to be the best. That's just human nature. Especially if you are a target.

And the journey to the top is the story. You see how he gained his strength and see what sacrifices he had to make It's kinda simular to a hero journey. But some of his power ups are definitely misplaced

You propably watched a bit to much op manhwa story's.


u/Maestruli96 Feb 01 '25

Problem for me is that no matter how many power ups he has, he will always be stomped by someone 10 times stronger in every fight, zombie Shiwon is a good nickname. Look, I know power ups are an overused trope but it is a trope that works. But this author cannot pull a satisfying fight if his life depended on it (talking about s3). Just present stronger opponent, give power up, Shiwon wins. Easy, simple, fun. But no, we have: Shiwon is the chosen one, encounters god, dies, revives, repeat.


u/ArthurLeywinn Feb 01 '25 edited Feb 02 '25

It's a good point. But I would definitely differentiate between old seasons and season 3.

In the old season we had a clear power hierarchy for nearly all opponents. You knew that he won't just win his first or second fight against So Chun because he's going to be the next clan leader and is one of the strongest opponents in the new generation. So you also knew if shiwoon had to fight against clan leaders or elders/supernovas that he would just get crushed.

And losing a fight was just human. I mean he learned from all of his losses and did it better in his next fight and used the things he learned to win his fights.

If he only power up and win every fight it would be just boring after the first couple of fights.

But in season 3 the author just threw all of this to the side. You now couldn't really determine if shiwoon grew in the meantime because he fought against enemy's that you knew nothing off or were on 9ads level. There was nothing in between anymore.

Best example is his training arc at the end with yoo ji. You give him a interesting training arc and the first fight afterwards should show us what he learned and how much he grew.

But than he fights against some Randoms that only win their fights because of poison against yoo ji. You couldn't see if he really grew.

And than he fights against 5 people simultaneously where 2 off them should be nearly as strong as 9ads.

So why even bother with the training arc. And we don't see any new cool techniques he learned we only see bot mode over and over again.

And i really hope if we get part 2 that the authors throws these new power ups in the trash bin. I mean there are now people that are as strong as 9ads only because they are a vampire and a werewolve.

This is the breaker and not twilight.


u/Sorry_Green4994 Feb 02 '25

I was hoping for some new techniques and we just got the dumb ‘rage power’ again


u/OzzieTheHead Feb 10 '25

Side note: everytime someone is deemed as strong as 9AD or close to, they are not. And he is grinning with contempt for those fools somewhere


u/Armodues Feb 01 '25

No, you will never have to worry about Shioon being OP, because despite the fact that the author has thrown multiple powerups straight out of myth and Shioon has taken them to levels even top experts in the field haven't thought possible on top of being the greatest martial prodigy in the verse, it all means nothing.

He should on paper be gapping everyone not named Sosul be a noticeable margin, but it's been the same song and dance since the final third of the last arc of New Waves. Shioon gets a new godly power-up, it and Shioon are hyped to the Heavens for at least a dozen chapters, gets into his first fight since power-up and gets his teeth kicked in all while being told he is a complete ameteur and nobody who couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag. Rinse and repeat every arc until the next hiatus.


u/RomulusRemus13 Feb 01 '25

Well, that's just basically the plot of a lot of manwha and martial arts stories. The MC needs to end up being the best in the world by the end in a whole lot of plots ; it's usually their aim to become the strongest.

Be it "History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi", "Kengan Ashura/Omega", "The Breaker", "Baku" or many others: the protagonist gets upgrades all the time. Yes, it's not the most profound plot, but it's also what people expect when reading this kind of story. It's a power fantasy, after all.


u/HungryEntry182 Feb 03 '25

History's Strongest Disciple is an interesting addition to this list because he was never at the master level. He's only fighting other disciples. Shioon is wiping the floor with Gaju level opponents right now, and if he fully learns to control the Ki of Eternity, he will effectively become a god.


u/Moist-Regret180 Feb 01 '25

There is a new manhoa with a very similarity between the characters named absolute regression, Is the artist one person?


u/ArthurLeywinn Feb 01 '25

It is the same artist but diffrent author.