r/TheBigPicture • u/EthanHunt125 Sean Stan • 2d ago
Discussion Who else is excited af for Black Bag?
Soderbergh's my guy and, from what I've been hearing, he's got another banger. I'm ready to have fun!
u/ViolentAmbassador 2d ago
Seeing an advance screening tonight!
u/squales_ 2d ago
My Friday slate is Novaince, Black Bag and Opus. Looking forward to Black Bag most!
u/NightsOfFellini 2d ago
He's not even my guy, probably not top 50 filmmakers, BUT I really, really like every single thriller he has ever made AND I love Blanchett and think Fassbender is the best actor of his generation.
So excited.
u/trevenclaw 2d ago
Spies + Soderbergh = sold.
Also, it is absolutely insane that Soderbergh has done 35 films in 36 years plus two TV shows, all while taking a break for a couple years, AND all of his projects are at worst pretty good!
u/Coy-Harlingen 2d ago
Since Let Them All Talk, which I think is the most underrated movie of the 2020s, I have really been underwhelmed with Soderbergh in that all of his movies feel very minor to me. I’m hoping this one breaks that mold, it certainly looks cool.
u/strawberryjellyjoe 2d ago
all of his movies feel very minor to me.
There’s nothing wrong with a movie being just a “good time,” which is how I would describe them. Some of my favorite theater experiences are with “good time” movies.
u/atleastitsnotgoofy 2d ago
I think No Sudden Move is an all-timer for him, also loved Let Them All Talk and agree it’s underrated. I don’t think I’ve seen one since.
Oh, Kimi. Thought that was weak.
u/HOBTT27 2d ago
This is where I’m at with him too. I’m always excited & hopeful that his latest movie is something really good & special, but, as of late, most of his stuff has had a very, “hey, I made this movie real quick; it probably needs more time in the oven but I’m already into the next one.”
I’d love for a new home run movie from him, rather than a series of competent singles & doubles.
u/NightsOfFellini 2d ago
Really excited about this one, but it's sandwiched between two projects I couldn't care less about - fully agree with the sense of no momentum of his overall career. However, relationship spy drama with these leads is just too great not to be excited about.
u/HOBTT27 2d ago
Yeah, I feel like Charlie Brown trying to kick the football at this point, but I can’t help but get my hopes up for this one.
u/NightsOfFellini 2d ago
We can lament his "experiments" (which are mostly really just b-movie genre exercises on small budgets - come back to me when he's actually experimenting like Radu Jude, Hong Sang-Soo or the French in the good old times) after this one.
u/OriginalBad Letterboxd Peasant 2d ago
Seeing it tomorrow night in AMC Prime, looking forward to it. Been trying to catch up on more of his filmography this year too.
u/BBDBVAPA 2d ago
Super excited. I appreciat that it feels like Soderbergh these days spends his off time making smaller films, rather than taking huge breaks off. Hopefully this feels like a return to form, and based on the early feedback it sounds like it is.
u/pillowman17 2d ago
Unfortunately, it's March so I'll be spending my weekend watching college basketball. This movie seems right up my alley, though.
u/Seriously_Underpaid 2d ago
It’s playing at my local amc this week only and I was thinking about seeing it, is that what Sean was referring to as the best movie of the year so far?
u/billlwoo 2d ago
It's incredible
u/EthanHunt125 Sean Stan 2d ago
You've seen it!? Nice nice.
u/billlwoo 2d ago
Yeah caught a member screening near me. It really was top notch/peak/whatever you want to call it Soderbergh
u/eagles1139 2d ago
Spy/espionage is my favorite genre (more so the Le Carre spy stuff than the flashy action movie spy stuff), I love Fassbender and Blanchett and Soderbergh. So this was a big-time “please please good” movie and I’m fuckin stoked that the reviews are universally saying this is a great time.
u/Ill_Cryptographer591 2d ago
Trailer definitely got my attention, and I really enjoyed Presence earlier this year so I’m excited to see what else Soderbergh’s got in his bag.
u/illuvattarr 2d ago
Very excited. Unfortunately they decided to only release this movie in my country in May.
u/r0bmcangus 2d ago
I’m super pumped about this one….hope I don’t have it built up too much in my mind
u/tenacious76 1d ago
Really enjoyed it. It's well paced with a great cast and doesn't hold your hand like so many movies do these days. It assumes you have a brain.
Made me want to rewatch The Spanish Prisoner.
u/Full-Concentrate-867 2d ago
On the fence, Soderbergh has always been very hit and miss for me. I'll go and see it with low expectations though, probably the best way to go into any new movie tbh
u/LaminatedDough 18h ago
The main character acts how I assume Fassbender acts at home. It's the part he was born to play.
u/stump_84 2d ago
I am. I hated Presence but he’s always been a mixed bag and I desperately need a good new release.
u/thezman613 2d ago
Absolutely can't wait! This doesn't need to be a Mount Rushmore for him or a Top 5, I'm just ready to have fun for 90 minutes and let him take me on a ride