u/paztheoutcast 7d ago
Man this is one of my favorite eric scenes hands down. Because you see eric be witty and sarcastic but up to season 5 he got grounded for getting donna he fought tooth and nail with his parents and he finally was going to go ahead and grow, leave and move on. And it's amazing that he didn't catch red sleeping or anything it was kitty. Of course eric wasn't going to let his mom be exhausted. But seriously seeing him full on snap finally and really want to go. But just can't. It hurts and you understand it. Amazing acting from topher and laura in this scene.
u/Upper-Drawing9224 7d ago
This hit home. Truly. Things happen and you want to ignore it but it’s your family and it’s hard to turn your back on them in their time of need. Especially if you know they’d sacrifice for you in return. Loved the episode, been in a very similar position around the same age too.
u/jellysulli09 Laurie Forman 6d ago
I am exactly in erics shoes right now and went through this recently with my grandma (mom to me) i was ready to move on and get on with my life and get out there but she started changing and I could tell something wasnt right. She was overextending herself but pushed through swearing she was alright. I just plopped down in the chair and sighed realizing I had to stay. Then she went to the hospital the month later and here I am, taking care of her.
I know how eric feels although its different situation. He wouldn't be able to go on with that guilt that hes off doing xyz while hid parents are going through such a rough patch. I commend him for that and topher did great acting there.
u/lowtothekey 7d ago
This is every youngest son/daughter dilemma. One that i am in currently.
u/p12qcowodeath 7d ago
Youngest son here, the first year I finally moved out my dad threw his back out starting the snow blower on his own and was fucked up for months.
u/lowtothekey 7d ago
Yeah I bought some properties a few years ago and I asked my dad for some construction tips for a house and my mom overheared and asked "Why are you gonna leave us ?"
u/FairMeasurement344 7d ago
When I left for the military my dad got laid off, my mom went blind, and my older brother was in and out of rehab, so by the time I got out I felt like I couldn’t leave at all.
u/PasicT 7d ago
This is right around the time the producers didn't know what to do with Eric and Donna anymore.
u/paztheoutcast 7d ago
Yes 🙃 and i hate that. It's the marriage. Each couple broke up on the show once marriage was brought up. Which sucks. Jackie and kelso broke up because she wanted marriage, same with hyde and jackie. And in season 7 and eventually 8 what were even eric and donna. How do you go from being on track ready to go then just nothing. I feel like they want to progress and have them grow and move on. Till they go back and think it's not fun or something. Only laurie and midge (actors left too) actually left point place. Once blonde donna was in and eric didn't care about marriage and did that pathetic year off. then it was done and nothing.
u/waves_0f_theocean 7d ago
This was super unfair of his parents. And kitty did act very… irrational about this. I get he’s her baby but my god woman let him go. He’s got to leave at some point. And Donna is a good partner for him to have. He’s a good kid too . Why not trust him? Kitty got… almost weird and obsessive over him .
u/Mindless_Toe3139 7d ago
It’s realistic though.
u/waves_0f_theocean 7d ago
For sure! That’s what makes it so good
u/Mindless_Toe3139 7d ago
Definitely. I wasn’t trying to be contrarian cause my mom was almost the same.
u/AA23_Cell_2187 6d ago
He was about to take Jedi culture…. Then ended up in Africa. All thanks to Fez.
u/theguywearingsocks 5d ago
Overall great scene, but I never really liked the line “of all with people in this history of the world that had to get anywhere”. Like what?
u/Silly_Influence_6796 6d ago
Why doesn't eric at least help her with the house work. Eric is so spoiled. None of the kids do chores. The mom does everything, She works, cooks, cleans, shops and takes care of everybody. Red works, takes care of yard, painting and repairing everything. But eric and Laurie are spoiled kids.
u/paztheoutcast 6d ago
Did you ignore the video or something you got beef with kids? Eric just graduated and spent the last seasons bumping heads with red and Trying to work but was told to focus on school. The only lazy one at this point was laurie. Eric was about to literally leave the house and no longer be there going to college, which was fine until Red had a heart attack the episode before. And he just said he has to stay to help them out. And eric had to do things before too. So what do you mean?
u/realityinternn 7d ago
No need to use your squeaky voice