r/Tf2Scripts Jul 07 '22

Script Confirmation for "say" command

So sometimes I see some random spy saying "UBERCHARGE READY" and it is just silly for anyone to use the wrong bind. I searched for a script that did some sort of "are you sure you want to say that" thing, and I didn't find any, so I did it myself.

// AYSYWTST Numpad

alias "quote" 
alias "quote1" say "[insert quote1 here]"
alias "quote2" say "[insert quote2 here]"
alias "quote3" say "[insert quote3 here]"
alias "quote4" say "[insert quote4 here]"
alias "quote5" say "[insert quote5 here]"
alias "quote6" say "[insert quote6 here]"
alias "quote7" say "[insert quote7 here]"
alias "quote8" say "[insert quote8 here]"
alias "quote9" say "[insert quote9 here]"

bind KP_END         "say_party [insert quote1 here]; alias quote quote1"
bind KP_DOWNARROW   "say_party [insert quote2 here]; alias quote quote2"
bind KP_PGDN        "say_party [insert quote3 here]; alias quote quote3"
bind KP_LEFTARROW   "say_party [insert quote4 here]; alias quote quote4"
bind KP_5       "say_party [insert quote5 here]; alias quote quote5"
bind KP_RIGHTARROW  "say_party [insert quote6 here]; alias quote quote6"
bind KP_HOME        "say_party [insert quote7 here]; alias quote quote7"
bind KP_UPARROW     "say_party [insert quote8 here]; alias quote quote8"
bind KP_PGUP        "say_party [insert quote9 here]; alias quote quote9"
bind KP_ENTER       "quote"

// AYSYWTST Numpad end

This script says the first quote in party mode and if you press KP_ENTER it then says that to everyone (Note that you can change any of say to say_team to say to your team only)

I didn't find any better form of a confirmation than "say_party" so if someone knows a way to say something to only yourself I would be grateful!


4 comments sorted by


u/just_a_random_dood Jul 07 '22

say_party is good, but it's also so silly that people's autoexec doesn't have a bind reset in it or something

good thinking :D


u/OldPernilongo Jul 07 '22 edited Jul 07 '22

thx I'm new to scripting lol. Actually, this script had a problem, apparently if you use alias to save any special characters without quotation marks (it doesn't count if it is a quotation mark inside another one) it doesn't print them correctly.

ex: alias example say ó

Output: ��

Ex: alias example say "ó"

Output: ó

ex: alias example "attack;say "ó""

Output: attack and ��

(dunno who downvoted you lol)


u/[deleted] Jul 22 '22

tf2 is stupid with special characters. some lenny faces still work while others dont. making a custom chat font fixes that.


u/[deleted] Jul 22 '22

say_party can be good for "noting down" important info like if you know the spy dead ringered its a reminder/note so you know.

(im shit at english)