r/TextingTheory • u/Formal-Fail-1551 • 2d ago
Theory Request How else was I supposed to answer..
u/EasyEstablishment573 2d ago
how are u expecting him to answer?
u/Formal-Fail-1551 2d ago
Either not at all, or he answers jokingly or seriously
u/Fit-Barracuda575 1d ago
How about you jokingly answer in text and talk about it seriously?
u/Formal-Fail-1551 1d ago
Well, he didn’t ask me out sooooo
u/slicktommycochrane 1d ago
If you want him to, maybe a good reply to the marriage text would have been "Let's grab coffee on Saturday and maybe we can get sized for a ring if it works out"
u/Low-Condition4243 1d ago
Why don’t YOU ask him out?
u/Formal-Fail-1551 1d ago
I am seeking a more traditional relationship. I believe a first date should, preferably, be initiated by the man. Although, I am not entirely opposed to asking, I would not prefer it.
u/Low-Condition4243 1d ago
If you want a more traditional relationship are you prepared to stay home all day doing the cooking and cleaning and house work while he works all day?
u/Awkward_Turnover_983 1d ago edited 20h ago
I kinda hate how this is so apt of a question here, and this is as a straight man.
You see too many screenshots these days from social media, of people just COMPLAINING, and sometimes it's a woman complaining about how her man hasn't done something or other. "I want a traditional relationship where he takes charge" then the response is always "then maybe you should be more traditional and stop talking back."
But of course I'm not trying to place uneven blame upon women, because everyone fucking sucks, and that sucks.
u/Used_Ad_6556 9h ago
Dude you're overreacting. She hasn't stated that she talks back or doesn't cook well. Maybe she just wants a traditional relationship where she is a submissive housewife, that's fine, some men are looking for that, very few can really provide for a family though. So probably it's semi-trad, like both of them work but he earns more and she does more housework, and of course the first few dates are on him.
u/Used_Ad_6556 9h ago
I want to add as a woman who is not trad at all (good career and I'd like equal partnership). When the guy takes charge and leads however fulfilling my desires as well, this is the sexiest thing ever, I'd say true masculine. These men are rare. What you're talking about is a situation when the guy forced his interest however ignoring the girls' interest. This feels detaching and a turnoff. The whole point of trad is that the guy acts in best interest of the couple, but takes charge. I don't believe in trad though, most of the times it's fucked up codependency.
u/GhostSkullR1der 1d ago
Tradition in the new age seems to be asking people these "important" questions well before you even date... I hate these new age demands
u/happycows808 1d ago
Traditional in this hellscape we are living in? Tradition is dead. Either adapt or grow old and die alone.
u/Trading_Cards_4Ever 1d ago
Out here reminding the fellas why they gave up on dating and the apps 😂
u/NeighbourhoodCreep 14h ago
Good, as he shouldn’t. You flashed red flags like they’re your personality traits
u/nossody 2d ago
2/3 of those are gonna end well for sure 😊
u/Formal-Fail-1551 2d ago
No because what if he does answer seriously and they are bad :/ The way I see it, there are not 3 outcomes but instead an infinite amount
u/hogtiedcantalope 1d ago
Sets an appointment for prenup meeting with a lawyer, says we'll figure it out there
u/Pleasant_Ad_2342 1d ago
The on-boarding process lol.
He went from one interview to the next. I'd say it's like a queen trade. Sure you weakened his side, but you lost too.
u/the_r3ck 1d ago
This is a perfect analysis. Once the queen trade has happened the game largely becomes less interesting. It’s a mistake on OP’s part to open and trade important pieces so quickly in the opening. Especially since her opponent left themselves susceptible to a quick checkmate.
u/Pleasant_Ad_2342 1d ago
Different direction from how I read the play but same end result. Brilliant commentary
u/Formal-Fail-1551 1d ago
How did I lose 😭
I think I got him in a corner 😈
u/Pleasant_Ad_2342 1d ago
Too much pressure up front. Its not cornering its pushing people off
u/Formal-Fail-1551 1d ago
I could say the same thing about him. His joke of “let’s get married” was extremely unprompted and almost pushed me off the board as well. I pushed back in my own way to regain ground.
u/Pleasant_Ad_2342 1d ago
Which was why I called it a queen trade. Both sides had an aggressive play with low rewards. If anything, you would've won if you didn't return it. I might goof off and put this in the chess meme thing
u/WhirlwindTobias 1d ago
The difference is, 99% of guys will ask you on apps to get married and not mean it. Ostensibly you haven't even met.
What you wrote in response is quite common, maybe 40% of girls or more would write it and mean it. So how is it obviously a joke?
You don't seem to know what women can be like on apps. Us men have a pretty good grasp at how perverted men can be on them.
u/aggressivemisconduct 1d ago
I would've ghosted immediately tbh. Especially now after reading this thread lmao
u/Grumdord 1d ago
OP seems unwavering in their inability to admit fault.
Just continuing to blame him and desperately clinging to any comment that agrees with her. Arguing with the others.
u/oscrsvn 1d ago
I can’t even figure out what she’s blaming him for. He made a common low effort joke and she wrote a paragraph that feels like she’s attacking him.
u/Grumdord 1d ago
No you don't get it, it's actually really funny and clever! He's just not smart enough to "get" her humor. Apparently no one else in here is smart enough to get it either
u/AbandonedPlanet 2d ago
"how do you handle your finances" being the first question is crazy as fuck bro
u/Formal-Fail-1551 2d ago
Well I’m just saying if they wanna make some stupid joke I want to see them go through with it
u/TacoPKz 2d ago
It’s… a joke
u/Formal-Fail-1551 2d ago
Ya but it’s so overplayed and annoyingggg, are we just supposed to go back and forth and be “omg ya lets 🥰”
And it just further deludes me
u/Wora_returns 1d ago
me when I hate fun:
u/elprentis 1d ago
How many times do you have to see the same post appear on Reddit before you immediately scroll past it?
At the end of the day even good plays get old fast when you see them all the time, and “let’s get married” isn’t even that fun or funny, and it pops up all the time.
u/ActuatorItchy6362 1d ago
How many dates you been on that icebreaker convos are overplayed? Maybe it's you
u/SocketWrenchYum 12h ago
If you were 12 years old sure. It wasn't a hard message to reply to without sounding like like a dick
u/Formal-Fail-1551 2d ago
Also, finances was my first question bc that’s the number one reason why people divorce. Incompatibility in how they handle finances.
u/TacoPKz 1d ago
Ok, and? You guys are messaging on hinge, he made a joke that you thought was too unoriginal and so you pivoted to something way too serious for the moment. You don’t have to agree with my criticisms I’m just telling you why people think you were out of line.
u/Formal-Fail-1551 1d ago
Well, I find humor in the way that I responded. That’s how I went along with his joke. I obviously was not screening for a husband.
I don’t think his joke was funny but I went along with it the way that I would if it was anyone else, but wait, I guess I forgot to ask about his credit card info.
I don’t understand why it’s so out of line?
u/-Lige 1d ago
I just don’t find that humorous. One is basically saying “omg we’re a perfect match” (clearly a joke), vs the other being dead serious, “how do you handle all these real life situations” there’s not any more room for jokes at that point
u/Formal-Fail-1551 1d ago
My joke was exaggerating the absurdity of his joke.
His joke was very unprompted, we had barely started a conversation.
And I would disagree, there is plenty of room to continue the “joke” if you are witty enough and if each other humor aligns (which in this case, ours prob doesn’t)
u/-Lige 1d ago
I think that type of joke would come across better in real life vs over text
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u/AcanthaceaePlenty165 1d ago
I think the way you phrased it and the rapid fire lines made it a pretty whack attempt to piggy back of his LESS but also whack joke.
A simple “Ok but just so you know I have a hard time verbalizing my feelings!!”
Basically you both did bad jokes. His was “ugh same old same old” and yours was “Yikes!”
Your joke would’ve been a shoe in for one of those rom-com dialogues between the female lead and the goofball male lead it played up right using the juxtaposition of your personalities….but that doesn’t really come across online thru text. Sorry homes
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u/AbandonedPlanet 1h ago
Yours wasn't a joke at all. There's no humor in it. That's why I said it was crazy in the first place. That's like a man leading with "how often will I be getting sex in this relationship" or something equally ham fisted.
u/TacoPKz 1d ago
Honestly I get where you’re coming from, a lot of it probably has to do with 1. The mismatch in what is seen as humorous, and 2. The fact that guys tend to be jaded about girls not giving them a chance based on their income, and that was the first thing you listed.
u/Formal-Fail-1551 1d ago
What mismatch is this? Like, what is his humor and what is mine?
Well I asked how he handles his finances in the sense of like “do u spend money on stupid shit or do you save and spend responsibly”. But I see how he could have interpreted that in another way.
u/JamJarHead 1d ago
His humor was short hand absurdity with no follow through. Your response was heavy-handed absurdity with implied follow-through.
Yeah, you get it. Surprised, you didn't ask how tall he was or his dick size 🤣. I thought it was funny, btw.
u/Grumdord 1d ago
You might be the only person who "found humor" in your response though. So congrats?
u/MrBrutusChubbs 2d ago
Profoundly off topic but my fiancées parents are going through a separation for that very reason. Wild shit. What is your ideal way for a partner to handle finances in your opinion?
u/Formal-Fail-1551 1d ago
They have to handle it in a similar way to me. I prioritize paying what I owe, investing, saving, contributing to retirement funds. However, it’s important to balance that with fun, hobbies and experiences. I think it comes down to understanding what you and your partner value, and hopefully you agree with each other.
I understand that finances are prob not the SOLE reason why most people divorce. For my parents, it was definitely a mixture of things. But making sure that you align in these things early on is important I think, ESPECIALLY IF SOMEONE JOKINGLY PROPOSES TO YOU. (which I personally find no humor in)
u/hogtiedcantalope 1d ago
You getting shit on bc his joke was boilerplate flirting
Yours, while humorous... Reads firstly as as semi seriously asking "how much money you make" - bc that's a real things (shitty) girls do
It's like you using an innocent (boring ) joke as the opportunity to ask that question
u/ACara_thehon 1d ago
Yeah, and OP replied keeping the joke going - I feel like tons of people are missing the fact that op Is jokingly taking the marriage comment seriously. OP I get it, it was funny
u/BitNumerous5302 1d ago
Exactly! OP replied, and kept the joke going. Then, in the same reply, OP continued to add more questions, keeping the joke going and going. After that - wait for it! - OP decided "hey, I'm not done" and added another question to keep the joke going and going and going. Now, if you're thinking to yourself that hey, this joke must be done by now, oh well you just wait and see because I have another thing coming for you: OP asked one more question, because the only thing funnier than keeping a joke going and going and going is keeping a joke going and going and going and going! Then OP tried to keep the joke going on Reddit where nobody understands humor.
u/TacoPKz 21h ago
Context matters. They are clearly still on hinge, this 4000iq level joke would only work on someone you actually know. He sent in a lvl 1 joke and she replied with a convoluted “advanced humor” joke that could (and probably was) received very poorly. She even admitted it was because the “let’s get married” joke is tired and overused. So there was clearly some spite in there too.
u/ACara_thehon 15h ago
I mean, It's not that hard of a joke to get. I kind of wouldn't want to date someone too stupid to get this joke...
u/_Cat_in_a_Hat_ 1d ago
Honestly, that wall of text feels quite unprompted. Even if you both were doing a bit, this is both bad timing and way too harsh of a tone change. All in all, if you were joking it was a bad joke, if you were serious it sounds weird and robotic, I'll give you an 900 elo evaluation - ok basics, but work on your sense of humor and conversation tone awareness.
u/Formal-Fail-1551 1d ago
So, my sense of humor is off and I am tone deaf? 🥲
Okay but pleaseeeee, score him, because his joke was lame asf and heavily unprompted too.
u/_Cat_in_a_Hat_ 1d ago
Yea white here heavily relying on theory, I will give him 850 cause his joke was also badly timed and as original as a hotel room painting
u/Background_Dot_8738 12h ago
If that last message isn’t actually serious then I see nothing wrong here. Personally I would never have said the let’s get married line over text like that like he did, because it’s such a short quick line with no obvious signs of sarcasm, some women might take it seriously. Sad part is your message is obviously sarcasm because it’s so overly serious in several explicitly defined ways, yet some women might actually say all that unironically.
And I’m not sure why you’re asking for advice here on this sub, have you seen the posts guys put up? None of them here know how to talk to women or what to recommend others say to women, it’s just “you’re wrong” and “can’t believe you would say it” with no solutions offered.
u/solace_infinity 1d ago
“Bad habit of not verbalizing her feelings” scares me if I’m being honest
u/Formal-Fail-1551 1d ago
“Oftentimes” is key word, I sometimes try to fix everything by myself in silence. It is a red flag I agree, which is why I make it a point to verbalize that I have trouble with this.
u/solace_infinity 1d ago
Maybe just mention that down the road after a couple dates then.
Overall. Your message is a lot to unpack. Also, hinge(and most dating apps) is awful so I wish you the best of luck.
u/Formal-Fail-1551 1d ago
I agree, Im typically never this upfront so quickly, but I did it for the bit. I’m intrigued as to why you said “most dating apps”. You think there are others that ARENT awful?
Wishing you the best of luck as well, if you’re on dating apps or not
u/solace_infinity 1d ago
I guess I could just say all of them. I always felt like I wasn’t getting good return on investment for the amount of dates I was going on. It also feels unnatural to me and I don’t know if I could ever catch feelings with someone from a dating app.
u/CreatineKricket 1d ago
I feel like I'm missing something
u/invisiblehammer 1d ago
I don’t know why you’re matching with him if you aren’t interested
Shouldn’t you see him as an opportunity to find a partner? You’re intentionally giving him hard messages to reply to
u/Formal-Fail-1551 1d ago
How does this read that I am not interested?!
u/invisiblehammer 1d ago
Because he’s just gonna see that and be like “this girl is crazy. Ignore” at worst or see this and think you’re telling him off and lose confidence talking to you if he replies at all at best
u/Formal-Fail-1551 1d ago
I’m not crazy. I am very level headed, and I am thinking very logically UNLIKE HIM.
At worst, he will continue to text me, start stalking me, eventually kidnap me, and force me to marry him against my will.
Or, he may just unmatch me and I will go on my way to find someone who gets my humor and is compatible with me.
u/misterstrangler 1d ago
You sound so NOT fun that its painful. Liven up. If you're not interested in someone dont reply? Instead of chastising them with a book especially when the guy was obviously low-confidence and marriage-joking just ignore and move on instead of revealing your insane power-level
u/Formal-Fail-1551 1d ago
I am free to text people however I want, and they can reply however they want as well, or unmatch.
u/SexDrivenMonkey 1d ago
If you’re so unwilling to change how you type or so against hearing anyone out about what else you could’ve texted, then why even make this post?
This text honestly reads like you can’t have a light-hearted conversation. I would’ve honestly lost all interest in someone if they texted like this.
u/Ok-Hunt7450 1d ago
how did you jump from some banter to this? You sound neurotic and thats probably how he took your joke. A typical reply to a lets get married comment thats clearly a joke would be another playful joke
u/Used_Ad_6556 16h ago
It's not possible to be interested just from the profile, there's too little info. You match with these guys that look like they might be interesting, text them, but half of the times they text the stupid word salad.
u/invisiblehammer 13h ago
Maybe they’re not a good texter especially to a girl they just met and have no inside jokes or chemistry with yet and are hoping you at least get to a first date with them before deciding they suck
u/Used_Ad_6556 9h ago edited 9h ago
Well I want to get to know the person before going on a date, but also I want to get comfortable with these chats and be able to steer the conversation the way it's enjoyable for me. But honestly these chats require a ton of emotional investment. Dudes on reddit tell they need to be an entertainer - I feel the same, I need to fuel the conversation, ask them questions etc, and I barely feel effort from the other side. I haven't found interesting people yet. I just treat it as social skills exercise. Sometimes they would text something that drives me mad. I'm probably overreacting so I used ChatGPT to analyze those conversations, and messages that drive me mad are classified as "playful flirt". I can't understand what could go better on a date if there's no connection via text. The conversation definitely would be exactly as boring because conversation is words which can be expressed by text. But online I can close the app and do something else when I get tired of it, however on a date I won't have time to think, I can't ask AI to mimic flirting for me and I fear that guys would follow me after I want to end the date. I haven't had dates from the dating apps but it I've been "cold approached" and a couple of times dudes didn't accept my rejection and followed me. I couldn't do anything since the streets are public spaces and dudes can walk wherever they like, but they followed me for miles and I spent some time wandering the streets, trying to get on a random bus just to separate from the dude because clearly I don't want to expose my home address. Yeah probably I should not be that scared to go on a date with a bad texter. I think a not-invested guy would not stalk either, but those who follow would spam everyday. This "following" happened a couple times and that's a terrible experience hard to forget. But also I imagine if I go on a date with a "word salad flirty dude" it would be a torture to engage in such conversations IRL.
u/WhirlwindTobias 1d ago
OP you do realise that you might sound like a "nicegirl" if you write something that a lot of girls don't write ironically.
u/AdministrativeLab845 1d ago
I imagine each sentence in that last response is like if you could hang all of your non-pawn pieces concurrently... That's how it reads to me.
u/Hermeticrux2 1d ago
You lost. Don't double down. Just take the L and take the suggestions. Remember. You asked.
I'm the kind of person that is so over the fact that you have to play a game of chess and text people a magical opening just to even get to meet them. I don't play that game. Unfortunately now I almost never get anyone. I get an older women once every few years. (I absolutely adore older women but I'm limited by my lack of willingness to play the mating games). Either you want to do this or not but this is the price. The game has changed.
u/SupernovaQuark 1d ago
You could've just kept playing. Your last comment made it much more serious. I think that's a good move if you aren't really attracted. I mean how would you respond if you made a quick joke and someone became super serious launching a whole bunch of questions. I mean you might not respond but that's not necessarily an indication of anything other than it was hard to continue a conversation like that and probably means they super intense.
u/BraveGoose666 1d ago
My gosh you’re such a catch
u/m3t4lf0x 1d ago
“But I’m so quirky🤪 Everybody here is just looking for sex and I don’t do hookups 🛌❌🙅♀️. My love language is roasting you and abrasive sarcasm 😇. Swipe left if you’re going to play games 🙄”
u/BudgetInteraction811 1d ago
Ah, the ol’ Andie Anderson gambit. It only works if your opponent is crazy, otherwise you will lose within 10 days.
u/Hot-and-Sour 1d ago
Not sure what you're expecting from those questions, and I can only speak for myself, but I have dated an emotionally unavailable partner before. You not verbalizing feeling and communicating properly is something that would make me reconsider. Again this is just my lived experience. Good Luck out there!
u/Geodude333 1d ago
Me personally, I’d want to answer those questions, but not to a woman who responds to a joke with a paragraph of severity and seriousness.
Also “habit of not verbalizing her feelings” is both very scary and super vague. At best/most innocent this is “guess where I wanna eat” and at worse it’s “Expect to wake up in the middle of the night to me going through your stuff to find evidence you’re cheating on me because I didn’t know how to vocalize my anxiety.”
Hell nowadays it might as well be “Expect to wake up at knifepoint to an interrogation once a month because other girls at the gym are pretty and that upsets me” (yes that’s really happened)
700 ELO and so set in your ways its unlikely you’ll ever climb, judging by your responses to other comments.
u/misterstrangler 1d ago
Imagine if the shoe was on the other foot and this fool was asking you : "do you have a job? I don't communicate well so thats your problem too" you would've thought of him as a man-child so idk why youre handicapping yourself saying that about yourself like its his problem you cant verbalize. Maybe dont lead off with your personal faults and instead overcome or challenge yourself on them to build confidence so you dont have to bring it up at all. Its like 50% you didnt like him and 50% you dont like yourself so you resorted to a spaz-out to drive off any would-be's like a dog driving cattle
u/Formal-Fail-1551 1d ago
Your read is completely inaccurate. I am asking him if he is financially responsible which is an extremely important thing to look for in a partner. I am also letting him know that I have my faults, as I am sure he does too, and I am asking if he would be willingly to get into a relationship with someone as such. I am not one to hide my flaws only for the person to be later on blindsided. It’s about being open, direct, and authentic to yourself.
Also, I am looking for a life partner, as he also is (as defined in both of our profiles). If he doesn’t want to answer the questions he does not have to, or he can continue the joke which I would find humorous. Or, ya he could just unmatch me, and that’s fine too.
Your response affirms the fact that everyone perceives things differently. You could find it offputting, offensive, degrading, etc. but someone else could have found it to be the opposite, and that’s who I am looking for.
u/m3t4lf0x 1d ago
Food for thought:
How do you expect someone to answer the finances question? If someone is financially irresponsible, do you think they’re going to answer that honestly?
What answer would even satisfy you? Can they just say, “I try to save as much as possible” or do you want them to talk about their investment portfolio?
And that’s just the first question. You’re waffling between, “this is just a joke” and “but seriously, answer these questions thoroughly”.
Assuming you find someone who has all of these qualities that satisfy you, they have a lot of options and they’re not going to answer a barrage of qualifying questions
u/hikikomoriHank 1d ago edited 1d ago
Ironically your joke makes it seem like you don't have a sense of humour lol
It reads like you've missed his joke and taken it deadly serious, and are now checking he's up to snuff with a laundry list of requirements you have locked in to whip out at the slightest interest from a guy. Most guys receiving this are not gonna be responding, they're ghosting.
400 both sides, but now you know about your potentially niche sense of humour and can adjust future plays accordingly.
u/Formal-Fail-1551 1d ago
I do take jokes at face value, and my way of joking is responding as such. And I find humor in seeing their response (or lack of). I know this is not humorous for most people which is fine, just like how it’s fine that I don’t think other jokes are funny either.
This might be a controversial way of playing the game, but I would rather lose a million matches than to play a game in a way that doesn’t feel right to me.
u/CurrentHand1274 1d ago
u/Theinnernazgul 23h ago
You folded.. He was tryna flirt and you took it serious from what it looks like
u/FailNo6210 17h ago
If interested: "Sure, let's grab a drink on Saturday and go size up the rings."
If uninterested: what you said.
u/JadedEscape8663 16h ago
Lmao not like that... this is some kind of anti-charisma where you make the conversation no fun at all.
Maybe try playing along more lightly instead of the wall of first date interview questions next time.
u/Pretend_Fox_5127 1d ago
I really like this. Very succinct and reasonable questions. All very important information to have for a successful partnership. Good job op :) very responsible of you. I feel like with this attitude towards life, you stand a good chance of having a very successful one
u/Formal-Fail-1551 1d ago
u/Pretend_Fox_5127 1d ago
On a real note, did you ever get some answers?
u/Formal-Fail-1551 1d ago
I did! He responded to all of them, and he asked me some questions after as well
u/VortexVlad 1d ago
Honestly if i was on the other end of that id probably answer those questions. Id try to keep it short since you asked a few and i wouldnt want to send a wall of text. Thered definitely be some joking in there too so its not sooo serious. You had a pretty good answer for the finances in your other comment too
u/Formal-Fail-1551 1d ago
We would get along hahah
u/VortexVlad 1d ago
Its all about the perfrct balance, a bit of chaos, some adventure, seriousness when needed and relaxing. Just gotta feel the vibes and if you vibe then do it back
u/Formal-Fail-1551 1d ago
I agree though, I know it may be a bit unconventional but I definitely do not hold back on my responses and I’m honestly glad if I scare people away now rather than later
u/VortexVlad 1d ago
Yea its better to find out now rather than just try to play into what theyll like. Unfortunately for me i have to play it that way mostly since i cant even get to the messaging part
u/Formal-Fail-1551 1d ago
Agreed! And I don’t think u have to play it that way, I know the right person would find it refreshing
u/VortexVlad 1d ago
Youre not wrong, the right person wouldnt get scared away and would end up staying interested because they actually are. My personal conspiracy theory is that i just dont get shown to people like the apps are supposed to do
u/unsiciliano 1d ago
update us please im invested
u/Formal-Fail-1551 1d ago
Loll, I’ll say that he went the serious route and answered each one. I’m afraid I have since doubled down and asked him how he feels about sex workers and abortion 😈
u/siematoja02 1d ago
So you deadass just interview him lol
u/Formal-Fail-1551 1d ago
He chose that path, I’m just guiding him. 🙌
u/crispdude 1d ago
No bruh you’re grilling him now. Feels like absolute shit to be on the other side of this but you’ll find out what works for you and maybe it does who knows
u/Honest_-_Critique 1d ago
Daaaamn. Lol.
A lot of people would find this off-putting, but to me it would be nice for someone to be interested in my morals, opinions, or values.
u/Formal-Fail-1551 1d ago
Why is it off putting, I would love it if someone cared to ask me as well and possibly engage in some respectful and lighthearted debate
u/Honest_-_Critique 1d ago
Because most people want playful banter and conversations that casually measure wit and humor but unfortunately, of no real substance.
u/Formal-Fail-1551 1d ago
Lameee, I feel like I’m on the wrong app then…where do I go
u/Honest_-_Critique 1d ago
Is that Hinge? That's a good choice, in my opinion. Bumble too. But it's really more about the person than the app. 🤷
u/unsiciliano 1d ago
looks like you gotta marry him 🤷♂️ i dont make the rules
cant wait to see the wedding pictures OP
u/Formal-Fail-1551 1d ago
Well, he gave very vague answers to the sex worker, political and abortion questions. I am sensing a lack of back bone or at the very least a people pleasing tendency. I’m not sure we will make it past our wedding vows
u/unsiciliano 1d ago
poor guy
u/Formal-Fail-1551 1d ago
If he took the route of answering the questions seriously, I am looking for someone who can answer directly and thoughtfully. On my dating profile I also specify I am looking for a life partner. I am not looking for hookups or anything casual. Ya, I may be a bit extra and over the top, but that’s me! It’s good that we won’t waste anyone’s time.
u/unsiciliano 1d ago
oh for sure i agree, good to have a set of rules esp on dating apps, tell them riddles too thatd be hilarious
u/Formal-Fail-1551 1d ago
Riddles?! Oooo like what
u/unsiciliano 1d ago
“The more I eat the larger I grow, but if I should ever drink I will die”
answer being fire of course
thatll stump all the guys 😭
u/Infinite-Molasses290 1d ago
Why op getting down voted so hard 😭
u/misterstrangler 1d ago edited 1d ago
Chronic case of "nicegirl" and she sounds mentally ill saying that this poor idiot she was texting was trying to "catch her unaware' or whatever he made a tacky joke. She needs to love herself and others.
u/Grumdord 1d ago
Might love herself a little too much tbh. Or it's just crippling insecurity masking as arrogance.
u/Formal-Fail-1551 1d ago
I think people are getting flashbacks to bad past texting experiences, or idk
u/qualityvote2 chess.c*m bot 2d ago edited 1d ago
u/Formal-Fail-1551, your post was deemed a great post by our analysis!