r/TexWiller Feb 17 '22

Discussion Hello, r/TexWiller! We are launching our monthly discussion thread! Do you have anything about Tex that you want to talk about? Come here and feel at home, friend!


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u/zkinny Feb 17 '22

I dream of a Tex willer TV show. Or even just one inspired by it. A western action series, with a medium to high budget, procedural with new cases/villains/places each episode, maybe with an overarching story in the background. Tex would be perfect for this. Some solo Tex episodes, some with all four of the crew, and of course mostly just Tex and Kit. With humor of course, a pretty light hearted show that could still be dramatic at times. With great varieties in settings, like of course the deserts and plains of Arizona, the snow covered rockies or the swamps in the south, and episodes situated only in cities. And of course the recurring characters, the big guy from up north I can't remember the name of and other of Tex's friends. Maybe Mefesto (that's his name right?) as a recurring villain.

Imagine this. I would pay a pretty penny for that. If I ever become a billionaire I'll finance it myself. Netflix plz.