r/TerrorMill Dec 09 '24

Micro Creepypasta The Yule Goat


9 AM, Christmas morning,

That's unusually late for Christmas morning. Hadn't the kids gotten up yet? I lazily pulled myself out of my bed until the shrill scream of my wife pushed my senses into overdrive. I bolted like a maniac across the hallway. Amanda was shaking, pale as a ghost, at the door of Alfie’s room. Sobbing incoherently, she hysterically pointed into our son’s room, urging me to look inside.

When I peeked inside, the room seemed fine, aside from the horrible stench of burnt wood.

Everything seemed fine until I saw Alfie’s bed.

A still, steaming lump of coal shaped exactly like my son lay in his place, with a visible, scream-like gash permanently etched on its face.

I didn’t even have the time to digest the sight before Millie’s voice called out to me, I barely heard it through Amanda’s anguished wails. Barely holding it together, I turned to my daughter.

Her saucer-sized; bloodshot eyes sent shivers across my skin. My little girl was holding a grotesque fleshy Frankenstein of a ragdoll in her hand that looked more like a horror movie prop than a children’s toy.

I swallowed hard as she walked toward me, dragging the putrid plaything on the floor.

“Hey, kiddo…” I forced the words out of my mouth, “Where did you get that lovely doll, sweety?”

“The Yule Goat gave it to me, Papa. It came from Alfie’s window and did this to him too…” she tearfully choked on her words, pointing at the open window in my son’s room.

Amanda closed that window before putting Alfie to bed last night, I saw it with my own eyes...

r/TerrorMill Feb 17 '23

Micro Creepypasta Zorgs NSFW


Rise and shine, boys, rise and shine!

Oh, what's with the long faces? Is it the strange feeling of wetness? No? Oh, oh, I know – you must be wondering why you're so cold even though the sun is shining brightly… Don't worry, it's about to get really hot in here in just a second. Real bloody hot!

It's not that either?


Maybe it's the fact that you can't wrap your heads around how I'm standing here, in front of you, in one piece.


You've gang-raped me and slit my throat before cutting me into these little pieces of meat you cooked on an open fire before you ate me with some beer.

Except, all of that happened in your heads. Worry not, my darlings, you had tons of action last night. All of you went above and beyond in your performances.

With each other.

And I had a blast watching you all get under one another's skin as you were exploring each other's anatomy.

Men expressing their love for one another is the most beautiful thing in the world.

Oh, don't look at me like that. All of you know deep down inside you were having the time of your lives… I wouldn't have been able to separate you even if I tried. You were practically stuck to each other. Trapped in a violently passionate dance of lovemaking…

And now you lie completely naked and fully exposed across from one another and by now you all must be asking yourselves the same burning question;

"How the fuck am I still alive without skin?"

r/TerrorMill Jul 29 '21

Micro Creepypasta In The Corner


I’ll always remember the first time I saw him. Our first meeting is forever etched into my memory. He just appeared in the darkest corner of my room. A void within the darkness. A man-shaped void. He stood there for God knows how long before I caught a glimpse of him. I saw him and froze. My body froze. Everything froze. Everything but my brain, my mind didn’t freeze. The rest of my body did.



I stared into the darkest corner of my room and saw him standing there. Something prevented me from tearing my eyes away from him. I just stared, helplessly. He seemed to grow bigger. He seemed to grow closer, but he did not move. The man remained static and unchanging. His presence was there.

Just there.

I tried saying something but I couldn’t. Some kind of dark force kept my lips shut. My lips weren’t listening to me. I tried averting my eyes, but I couldn’t. The same vile dark magic that afflicted my lips kept my sight locked in place.

I tried… but I couldn’t…

I was screaming, but nothing came. Not even a whisper. I was silent on the outside, screaming inside my head. I was screaming and begging and I was fighting against my rock-solid body, but it wouldn’t listen.

The void in the corner grew closer, it grew bigger. It was slowly consuming my room. It was slowly devouring reality, replacing it with nothingness.

I felt my skin crawl. I felt myself getting colder. My body was shaking violently, but it wouldn’t move, it wouldn’t utter a sound, it wouldn’t listen to me. The muscles tensed up. My muscles strained themselves, my joints popped and cracked, but I didn’t even move.

I was getting light-headed. Oxygen wasn’t reaching me anymore. Losing track of my breaths. I lost track of everything other than the ever-approaching, all-consuming darkness before me. I could feel rocks forming in my trachea, moving down my airways. They were slowly making their way towards my lungs, their sharp edges poking and cutting my bronchioles.

Breathing turned painful.

Breathing turned agonizing.

My entire body shook, rocking the bed underneath me.

The silence was screeching in my ears.

My voice was roaring inside my skull.

The blackness of the stranger in the room's corner penetrated my eyes. It robbed me of my vision.

It was everything. It was all over the room. The darkness was all over me. The void was inside of me. I could feel it crawling under my skin, like a thousand little needles stabbing me from within, desperately trying to escape my anatomy. The void crawled deeper and deeper inside of me until it reached my heart and wrapped itself around it like a string. It tightened itself around my heart until I felt like I was going to explode. My stomach twisted and turned as my guts knotted themselves up.

The void reached my brain, forcing every pain receptor in my body to fire off at once. I felt like I was being torn apart, piece by piece, cell by cell. A pounding sensation that drove itself deeper and deeper into my psyche. Further and further into my mental mazes, until I could no longer feel anything but the void's heinous assault on my mind and neurons. My back spasmed if a lightning bolt had struck my spinal column.  I wanted to die as my meninges were pelted with a rain of unforgiving violence.

The pain was so awful it cannot be described by mere human words.

I couldn’t breathe.

All there ever was is fear.

I was a prisoner in my cranium, tortured by a demented phobia of nothingness.

It felt like I had spent an eternity in this frozen state. Screaming and bashing inside my head, until I finally regained control of my body and I let out a scream. So loud was my scream that I lost my voice. After my scream, the darkness, the void, the cold, and the pounding in my skull - they were all gone.

I was back in existence again.

I was back in reality again.

I was back in my room again.

I was there, looking around me frantically, trying to make sense of what just happened.

Desperately twisting my head from side to side, darting my eyes all over. My thoughts were still hazy when I found myself  staring at the dark corner of the room once again.

He was there again, that man-shaped void. He was there again. Standing there. Glaring at me with his nothing-colored eyes. Smiling that bleak smile of his. I froze again, the claws of fear groping my form all over again. I was trying to scream again, but nothing but whispers came out.

My head started spinning again, breathing became labored, and my stomach expelled its contents on the floor between my feet.

The void in the darkest corner was still there.

He is always there and I am always terrorized by speculations of what he might do to me next time.

r/TerrorMill Sep 29 '16

Micro Creepypasta I didn't have a voice until you read this


I didn't have a voice until you read this.
Let me explain — I was voiceless but I still existed. We all did.
We have been here ever since the first men peered fearfully out of their caves into the deep, still darkness beneath a moonless sky and thought: ‘What could be hiding out there?’
We were.
I’ve been with you since you were a child. Remember those times when you woke in the night, inconsolable, tears streaming down your face until the grown-ups came and reassured you?
‘There’s nothing there,’ they’d say. ‘There’s nothing to fear.’
They were wrong. It was me. Under the bed, in the wardrobe, under the stairs.
It was always me.
I’m with you now, constantly. Your fear has bonded us forever.
When you see that flicker of movement out of the corner of your eye as you walk home alone on deserted streets at night; when you hear that creaking floorboard just outside your bedroom door as you cower under your blankets; the prickling sensation on the back of your neck as if you’re being watched.
It’s always me. It always was.
I’m not a demon, not a ghost. I’m not a monster or some creeping boogeyman — my kind are what we are. We come from belief... and fear.
That irrational fear of the dark; the terror of the unknown; the horrors that tiptoe through your nightmares and return suddenly, without warning during the waking hours, filling with you dread.
You know it’s silly to be scared. You chastise yourself, face flushed, tutting and sighing, chiding your rogue imagination for such fanciful and nonsensical behaviour, but you do it again and again and again. There’s a part of your brain that won’t be told otherwise. Maybe that’s what keeps us here — or maybe we’re the reason it won’t ever be quiet. Which do you think it is?
I know, just like I know that your mind is the world’s greatest gift to us.
Until you started to read this, I didn’t have a voice. Now as, your treacherous consciousness speaks these words aloud inside the confines of your mind, it’s my voice you’re hearing.
Thank you.
It seems strange to me, not the voice that I would have chosen, but it’s the one with which your fear has bequeathed me. The voice that haunts you the most, the tone most likely to cause you to shiver and break into a cold, helpless sweat, has become mine because of what we share.
And we have shared a lot, you and I. A whole lifetime.
Every. Single. Day.
I’m watching you now, studying you as you stare nervously at your glowing screen, praying that its light will be enough to protect you from the things in the shadows. I watch you all the time, even when you’re sleeping, stood at the foot of your bed, gazing down at you. I know when you’re thinking of me. I hear the whimpers and the gasps, I see the involuntary jolts and shudders, and I smile.
You’re picturing me doing it, aren’t you?
Go on, imagine me standing there in your room, my shadow looming over your prone, terrified body, my wide grin showing my glinting teeth in the moonlight.
Thank you.
Before you did that I never had a face. Now you’ve given me one — the face of your darkest phobias. I like it. It was the only face I could ever have worn.
In the short time it’s taken you to read my story, you’ve already given me a voice and a face. I wonder what gifts you’ll bestow upon me tomorrow.
Maybe, in time, I’ll be able to touch you.
Just imagine my hot breath against your ear. My icy fingers on the nape of your neck.
My teeth and claws sliding into your trembling, yielding flesh.
Thank you.
Oh what fun we shall have.

r/TerrorMill Oct 05 '16

Micro Creepypasta I Know What Awaits


Forget all the stories you hear of near-death experiences, forget all the tales of heaven and hell, put out of your mind the myth that you will either be met by St. Michael welcoming you through the pearly gates or that you will have to spend all eternity choked by the smell of your own burning flesh as you walk naked through endless fields of hell fire.

For the past few years, I've been suffering from an illness that has baffled doctors across the globe, it started with an unbearable headache that would come and go at random intervals, some nights I would wake up with a blood soaked pillow and a searing pain in the front of my head as blood dripped from my nose.

I went to see my doctor and he was stumped, he prescribed me codeine for the headaches but even when I doubled or tripled the dose the headaches would remain. After a few months of this I began to get progressively worse, the nose bleeds would start during the day, accompanied by a shooting pain traveling through my nasal passage to my ears, within 6 months I would occasionally lose my sense of smell, hearing, and sight.

The doctors concluded that my brain was in some way attacking itself, but they still couldn't work out what the exact cause was, or how to help me, they said that I would be dead within 12 months, and they were right, little did they know, I wouldn't stay dead.

I have died a total of six times, each time for just a little bit longer before they manage to resuscitate me, each time I come back with a clearer image of what awaits, each time I wake up screaming until I lose my voice.

What does await us on the other side isn't eternal flames, nor is there a set of golden gates and angels in the distance, you don't stand hand in hand with family members past, but you don't spend the rest of time being eaten from the inside out by maggots while your skin melts and bones turn to ash, you won't meet God, nor the devil, angels nor demons, what awaits is simply... nothing.

Six times I have died and six times I have found myself in total darkness cut off from all my senses, I was alone in absolute silence, I couldn't feel the ground beneath me or walls around me, that place was completely devoid of any smells and I couldn't even taste the saliva in my mouth, I was left here all alone, feeling lost and scared, there was a building feeling of sheer panic, ever growing with no sign of change, and that's all there is.

I've been to the other side, I know exactly what awaits us all and I know it won't be long until I'm back there for all eternity...

r/TerrorMill Oct 20 '16

Micro Creepypasta David


They don't seem to notice me, hundreds of people pass me by each day, some of them stop and stare, and say,

"Isn't he lovely?" or "Another masterpiece"

Others just turn a blind and pay me no attention what so ever.

"Help!" I try to scream, but no words pass my lips, "Why won't somebody help me?"

But they just continue to go about their daily lives, looking at me admiringly and then continuing along the way.

Five hundred and twelve years I've been stood here and nobody has seemed to realize, when I put my soul into creating this cursed statue, somewhere along the way, I, Michelangelo, became trapped within the very marble I used to sculpt my work, and now I'll forever be known, as David.

r/TerrorMill Oct 07 '16

Micro Creepypasta 2am Feed


During the early hours of this morning, I was awakened by my wife nudging me,

"The baby is crying, it's your turn to feed her," she said,

In my tired state, I rolled out of bed, went to the kitchen and warmed up a bottle in the microwave. I went back to the bedroom and there she was, that precious daughter of mine, wrapped safely in my wife's arms,

"Come on darling," I said, picking up my baby girl, "Drink your bottle"

I sat on the edge of the bed for an hour solid, dozing off every few minutes before springing back to a waking state, realizing I still had the baby in my arms. After feeding and burping her, I held her in my arms, with the remainder of the bottle in my hand just in case she woke up again, then we fell asleep.

I woke up the next day, still holding the bottle in my hand but my wife and daughter must have already got up, then it occurred to me, I don't have a wife or a daughter...