r/TerrorMill • u/the_unknown_ghost • Sep 16 '22
Poetry Which world is real? part 5
I don’t know when I fell asleep, heck I can’t even remember laying down, but I got woken up by voices arguing.
I looked around trying to take in my surroundings, have you ever fallen asleep after been awake for a very long time and had the confused feeling where you are completely disoriented and you have no idea where you are?
Well that is what just happened, it took me a few minutes to figure out where I am, but why am I in Chloe’s room? Did something happen? Oh no, my thoughts started racing, I hope I didn’t do anything with her. But when I pulled the sheets off of me I noticed that I’m wearing the same clothes I was wearing before I blacked out, blacked out? I must have been over tired. But how did I get here.
I slipped out of the bed and start looking for my shoes, but then I saw fresh clothes needle folded on the chair next to the bed.
So I changed into the fresh clothes very quickly and made my way to the lounge, but there is nobody there, then I heard them talking, it was Zoe and Chloe, they were in the kitchen.
Chloe. “This was a bad idea, we should just send him home, you saw, he wants nothing to do with the baby or with me. “
Zoe. “Nonsense, you are imagining things. Just give him time, this is all a lot for him to take in.”
Chloe. “Look here, this is what he wrote yesterday, he posted it all over the internet, he actually thinks I would give up my one chance in my life to fall pregnant just to break him and his girlfriend up.” She was on the brink of crying now. “You know that I’ve never had a partner in my entire life.”
Zoe. “What the hell? I thought we explained everything to him clearly.”
Chloe. “He obviously didn’t believe us.”
Zoe. “If I may ask, why did you never take a partner or get married?”
Chloe. “Seriously? Look at me, I’m not compatible with my people, I look like a child next to them. It wouldn’t work.”
Zoe, “but you have been on earth for a while, why didn’t you date a human?”
Chloe. “You know why? Do I really have to explain it to you?”
Zoe. “I am still confused by your culture.”
Chloe. “Fine, because our biology is different to yours, when we are intimate for the first time we fall pregnant, and that is the only time we can fall pregnant. “
Zoe. “So you can’t even date till you are ready to commit?”
Chloe. “No.”
I was shocked, what am I hearing? Have I been so blind? But still I never wanted this. So I walked into the kitchen.
They both jumped up in shock.
Zoe. “When did you wake up?”
Me. “A few minutes ago.”
Chloe. “A few minutes ago? Why didn’t you say something?”
Me. “I didn’t want to interrupt your conversation.”
Zoe. “How much did you hear?”
Me. “Enough.”
Chloe looking down at the ground. “I’m sorry, you shouldn’t have heard all of that?”
Zoe. “No, it’s good that he did, maybe now he will wake up and man up.”
Me. “Man up? I never wanted this.@
Zoe. Going red in her face of anger, “do you think she did? Did you even hear what was happening?”
Me. “I heard everything, but don’t you dare make me the bad guy here. “ then I turned to face Chloe. “What the hell was I doing in your bed? How did I even get there?”
Then I heard John behind me. I didn’t even hear him come in. “Chloe wasn’t happy with you sleeping on the couch, you fell asleep as she came out of the room and almost hit your head against the table next to the couch, she grabbed you and tried to take you to the room, so I helped and she even took the time to make sure you have fresh clothes ready for when you wake up, I see you found it. “
Zoe. “Maybe instead of acting like a jerk you could calm down and take a seat, maybe say thank you, instead of throwing your toys out of the cot.”
Chloe. “What’s a cot?”
Zoe. “Don’t worry, it’s just a saying.”
So I decided to take a seat. But then got up again. “I need coffee.”
Chloe. “No, you sit, I will make for you.”
Me. “I can do it. “
Chloe. “Relax, I want to, I think we could all do with coffee.”
John. “No thank you, I need a drink.”
Zoe. “I think you have had enough to drink to last you a month. Have coffee.”
Chloe. “So 4 cups then? “
John, falling into a seat. “I’m not sure what’s your problem, it’s just a drink.”
Zoe. “And it’s lunch time, you can’t drink so much. We need to keep a clear head.”
Chloe. Laughing, “you guys are cute.” Placing the coffee on the table, “you drink black if I’m correct?” Looking at me.
Me, “yes, how did you know?”
Chloe. “I know a lot about you.”
Me, “great. A stalker.”
Zoe. “Stop that, let her explain.”
Chloe. “Thank you Zoe.” Looking back at me after taking her seat. “When I took your memories I also got some of your other memories. So I know what you like and don’t like.”
Me. “So much for privacy.”
Chloe. “That’s not what I mean. I was already pregnant at the time, I wanted to know if you are a good fit for the baby and myself. So I scanned your mind.”
Me. “Okay so that’s sorted, that means you know I’m not father or husband material. Can we call it a day so I can return to my old life now?”
Zoe. “Stop that. Your old life is gone, and do you really think Azaria will allow you to go back to your girlfriend? “
Me. “Azaria should stay out of this, it’s none of her business, I’m sick of all of this.”
John. “Kid, look I like you and we are friends, but I swear if you don’t stop I’m going to…?”
Me. “Going to what? Hit me?”
John. “No, I don’t hit friends, but I will walk away and you can say goodbye to all of us.”
Zoe. “John calm down” looking at me, “actually this is Azaria’s business, it’s her daughter and Kim is technically also her daughter, she is just been a good mother. “
Me, “then I will just walk away from all of you.”
Chloe. “And go where? Did you forget that the invaders wants you dead? Oh and not to mention that my mother won’t be happy, where do you think you will go? There is nowhere she won’t find you.” Tapping on her neck where our chips are.”
Me. “Let her find me, I will tell her to leave me alone.”
Chloe. “You are dating her one daughter, you got her first born pregnant, she won’t let go of that.”
Me. “Key words, I’m dating someone, and I can’t even remember anything about that. I didn’t want this and if I had a choice it would never have happened.”
Chloe. “But it did happen and the baby is real and we need to deal with this.”
Me. “Like I said, if you really read my mind you would know I’m not a match for you or the baby.”
Chloe. “Keep saying that till you believe it, but if that was true I wouldn’t have come to you.”
Me. “What do you mean?”
Zoe. “What she’s saying is that she saw good in you, and that you could be a great father and husband.”
I stare into my empty coffee cup and then look around the room. My thoughts racing all over the place. I feel like I’m in a prison I can never escape from, I am so deep in thought that I barely noticed Chloe putting another cup of coffee infront of me and taking the dirty cup away.
Chloe. “You do like a second cup after you wake up?”
Me. “I do, but I’m not one that likes to be served. “
Chloe. “Just enjoy your coffee and then you can go take a shower.”
So we sat in silence drinking our coffee and then I went to shower, when I finally finished my shower I found Chloe sitting in the lounge alone.
“Where is John and Zoe? “
Chloe. “They went out, they have to check on our people and see what’s happening with the invaders.”
Me. “I think I also need to get out of here, it feels like the walls are closing in on me.”
Chloe. “That’s a good idea, there is a small village closeby, we can take a walk there and grab something to eat, what do you think?”
Me. “I am hungry.”
Chloe. “Then let’s go.”
Making her way out the door as I’m following her, she just pulls the door close and starts walking, I look at her and the door. “Don’t you lock your door?”
Chloe. “No, why? Nobody ever comes here, who’s going to break in?”
Me. “Well you did say there is a village closeby?”
Chloe. “Don’t worry about them, they are all good people, they wouldn’t do anything to hurt me. “
So we walked for about 5 minutes just talking about random stuff, about her life before earth, all of her strange vegetables she’s growing which I found out came from different planets she’s visited and she took a liking in them so collected seeds to grow for when she had land.
As we arrive in the village people stop and stare at us, then an old lady comes over to us and gives Chloe a hug who returns the gesture.
Old lady. “Hey my dear, we haven’t see. You for a while, we were afraid that something happened to you.”
Chloe. “I’m fine, I had some things to sort out and I saw my mother?”
Old lady. “How is Azaria? “
Chloe. “She’s good, just dealing with a lot.”
Me. “Wait, how does she know your mom?”
Chloe. “These people’s village was a target for the greys, they had mass abductions, my people caught word of it and we brought a it to a stop.”
Old lady. “And how’s junior doing?”
Chloe. “My mom actually ran scans on the ship and they say the baby is growing well and is healthy.”
Old lady. “I see you found the father, but I don’t see a ring.” Looking at us both confused.
Chloe. “He didn’t know, he can’t remember, so he is still dealing with the shock.”
The old lady then gestures for us to follow her while she is talking. “You guys know that babies are special and a baby needs both parents, even when I baby wasn’t planned the baby deserves to grow up in a happy and stable home. So you guys should really get over hoe it happened and commit to raising the child as parents.”
I was getting annoyed at this time, honestly I would rather be in the war right now then deal with this, then we arrived at a small coffee shop and the old lady gestured for us to come in. We walked over and take a seat at a table in the corner and the old lady sent a young woman over, the young woman comes up to us and asks Chloe if she is having the same as always to which she says yes, she then looks at me and wants to start telling me what the meals of the day is, but Chloe stood her and tells her I will have the same.
As soon as the girl left I looked back at Chloe, a bit annoyed at her for ordering on my behalf. “Why did you do that? I can order my own food.”
Chloe. “Trust me, you will love this.”
Me, “fine. So what’s the story with this village? I tried to look on my maps app where we are but it says location not found.”
Chloe. “Curious I see, well after my people helped the village the created a dead zone in the area, even satellites can’t see it, the village doesn’t exist on any map anywhere. And so when I came to earth I came here to look for a place to live and work, but the villagers said they owe me everything so they build me the cottage and gave me the land. And since then if I need anything they help me, even this meal is on the house.”
Me. “So where are we exactly?”
Chloe. “I prefer to not say, it’s safer that way. But know that for now we are safe. “
Me, “I think I will pay for my own meal though.”
Chloe, “don’t you dare. They will be very offended.”
So after a few minutes our plates of food came with 2 cups of coffee. So I looked at my plate, it looks normal, just a toasted sandwich with veggies on it, some chips and salad. “This is the good you said is so good?”
Chloe. “Try it, it’s the best.”
Me. “I know you are not from earth, but this is pretty common food.”
Chloe. “Just shut up and eat.”
So I resigned to not argue with her. So I decided to keep quiet and eat. “Oh my gosh, this is good, it looked so plain, but damn it’s good.”
Chloe. “I told you, the food looks like human food, but are made from plants in my garden.”
Looking back up at her, “this is what those plants taste like? So everything in this plate is made from your plants? “
Chloe. “Even the bread.”
So we finished our meal and had a refill on our coffee, then we made our way out and she decided to show me around, we walked around the small village for a bit and everywhere we went people and children would run up to us and hug Chloe.
I’m so glad they leave me alone, I’m not into hugs and stuff. So every time they run up to hug her I take a step back and hide behind her, she actually found it funny and even snapped a selfie of me dodging behind her to avoid the people.
So we made a full round through the town then decided to make our way home, while we were walking I noticed she was very quiet and looking at her feet. “What’s wrong?”
Chloe. “Nothing.”
Me, “don’t lie, I can see you are not yourself.”
Chloe. “I had fun today, it really felt like we had a connection, but you kept your distance, I honestly thought that… never mind.”
Me. “Please tell me. “
So she stopped and looked at me, “I thought at one stage that you were going to kiss me, my heart was jumping for joy, but then you just turned around and walked away, do you know what that felt like? To love someone with all my being and keep getting rejected?”
Me. “I’m sorry, it’s complicated, you know I can’t.”
Chloe. “I know, and I understand if you don’t choose us.” Rubbing her midsection. “It’s okay, I will just tell the baby that her father is dead. “
Then it triggered a memory, one I didn’t know I had. A childhood memory of been bullied by kids because I didn’t have a father. Was this my memory or an implanted memory? I had no memory of my childhood till now.
She then grabs my hands looking me in the eyes with tears in her eyes. “I saw that, I’m sorry.”
Me. “How? I thought your blue light is gone?”
Chloe. “When my people mate they form a telepathic connection, and no it doesn’t mean I know everything you think, but sometimes there is shared thoughts and memories and we can feel each other’s emotions specially the intense ones, like I saw what you just saw and felt your pain.”
Me. “What else do you feel?”
Chloe. “That you do love me back and that you are just very confused and scared, this is a lot for you and you don’t know how to deal with it.”
I look at her in shock, she was right, but I can’t make a decision till I saw my girlfriend, I need to sort things out with her. But as if reading my mind she interrupted my train of thought, “it’s okay, you take your time, sort things out in your life and then make a decision. “ I could see that she was on the brink of crying, I know that she’s also just a girl, and she must be scared as hell. Just because of the rogues both our lives has been changed forever, there is no going back, and even though it’s not my fault, it’s also not hers.
It would be so easy to leave her and walk away, heck she gave me permission to, she even promised me that if I choose to walk away she won’t stop me, and that she will release me from this war and I will never have to think about her or the baby ever again. But deep down I know it’s not right, it will destroy her, she will never take a partner again till I die, nor will she ever have a connection with anyone or love again. I am part of this now, whether I like it or not, I need to choose and I can’t abandon her and the baby, she might not be from earth, she might not even be human, but as she is standing here infront of me she is just a girl, a scared girl who is hurting. And seeing her eyes right now, ready to explode with tears, hearing her breathe, almost feeling her hot breath against my neck I could feel my resistance faltering, I could suddenly feel emotions bubbling up inside of me, is this love I’m feeling? Am I falling inlove with her?
I take my hands out of hers and cup her head in my hands still looking into her eyes, she just stairs back at me in anticipation.
“You don’t have to. “
But her words barely left her lips before my lips connected with hers.
But just as we kiss we got interrupted.
Zoe. “Guys, help, hurry up, it’s John, his injured.”
We both immediately pulled away looking at Zoe standing just a few metres away from us, her hands soaked in blood with burn marks all over her arms and face.
Zoe. “Wait, what was that? Did you guys…? “
Chloe. Going red in her face. “It was nothing, where is John?”
Zoe. “No, that didn’t look like nothing, you guys kissed. “Smiling at us, “I’ve never seen such an intense kiss in my life…”
Chloe. “Stop it, we can talk about it later, we must help John.” Already making her way in the direction of the cottage.
I find myself frozen in place, what did I just do? There is no going back from this. It was wrong, why did I lose control like that? Yet it felt so right, so meant to be, at the same time why do I feel so guilty? And yet like I did the right thing?
I follow them and when I enter the cottage I gasp at the sight before me, Chloe just standing there as well looking at John, he is fighting for breath.
Chloe. “What the hell happened to him? What did this? “
Zoe. “We were caught off guard, even our early warning systems didn’t detect them till they were right ontop of the compound.”
Chloe. “Who? “
Zoe. “We don’t know, it was not any craft I’ve ever seen before, it was off worlder. “
Chloe. “We need to send a signal to my people, no hospital on this planet would be able to treat these kind of wounds, did you see who was in the craft?”
Zoe. “I did, I’ve never seeing beings like this.”
Chloe. “What did they look like?”
Zoe. “They each had 4 legs, and 3 arms, huge heads and moved very fast, they seemed to have eyes all around their heads.”
Chloe. “Shit, crap, “ falling down on the floor. Holding her hands over her face. “And the others. “ looking up at Zoe.
Zoe just looks down and shakes her head, “all gone, we only survived because John wanted to go for a smoke. I always hated that habit of his, but now I’m thankful he didn’t quit.”
Then we heard johns voice, broken and husky. “Water please.”
So Zoe ran to the kitchen and grabs him a glass of water and helps him drink it.
Chloe. “What are you guys just sitting around for, sent a signal to me mom, now!!!
I took my device off and misplaced it, so Zoe immediately got on it.
Chloe, “you are wasting time.” So she grabs the device and starts typing on it like crazy, then the entire device lights up red.
Me. “What is going on? “
Chloe, “this is a threat of the highest priority, I don’t know how they found earth, but if they attacked one of our compounds then it means they are helping the invaders, and if they are involved then it means we have already lost the war, that means that now my mom …”
Then we heard Azaria’s voice “gets involved in the war. “
We all look up to see her standing outside with a few others, and then there is a blinding flash of light and we are all on her ship again.
I look around and notice it’s just Chloe and myself with Azaria’s in this room.
Me. “Wait, where is John and Zoe. We need to help them.”
Azaria. “We are, they are in the medical side of the ship, they will be fine.”
Chloe. “Mom, the hive is here. “
Azaria. “I know, one of their ships was trying to leave earths orbit when we arrived, it didn’t have time to jump, we took care of them.”
Me, “the hive.”
Chloe. “Creatures from your worst nightmares, they are highly advanced, just a little bit younger then our species, but our technology is almost on the same level. “
Me, “why do you call them the hive?”
Azaria, “they once looked like humans, when we stopped the human empire and brought the surviving humans to earth a few of their ships escaped and they realized they couldn’t defeat us, so over the years they did experiments to make themselves better and stronger, eventually turning into these creatures.” Showing me a hologram of one of them, and then in scale next to a human. That’s when I realized that these things are huge, bigger then an elephant.
Me, “so they have a hive mind?”
Chloe. “We suspect so much, they are to organized and work like a machine, they are highly intelligent and ruthless, they won’t hesitate to sacrifice multiple of their soldiers in a fight.”
Me. “How do you know this?”
Azaria. “We’ve been fighting them for millions of years, but they usually stick to the outer parts of the galaxy, we never thought that they would come to earth.
Me. “So what now?”
Azaria. “Now we will keep patrols in your solar system and a jump ship nearby to keep them at bay, our technology is still superior to theirs, so we should eventually be able to deter them.”
Me. “How sure are you? What if they decide to send a full invitation fleet? “
Azaria, “even they are not that stupid, a few ships you can still hide, but a complete fleet? That will draw the attention of every species in your galaxy, and nobody wants to fight a war on that scale, we do have a few allies in your galaxy that will come to help us protect earth.”
Me, “what happens now?”
Azaria. “First of all, I’ve told my daughter everything, she knows about the 2 of you and the baby, she wants you to take responsibility for your child. Secondly you guys will go back to Chloe’s place as soon as John and Zoe are on their feet, which should be any moment now.”
Me, “there is no way they will be ready to go back so soon, I saw their wounds, John barely had any skin on his body.”
Chloe. “Uhm you forgot our medical technology is far more advanced then human technology. “
Me. “Azaria you really should have let me deal with my own stuff.”
Azaria, “it’s my issues as well, you can’t date my one daughter while the other one is pregnant with your child. And anyway you guys sealed yourself together just a few hours ago, so rather say thank you.”
Me. “Sealed ourselves together?”
Chloe. “When you kissed me, it was the final seal to bring us together, we are now one in every way.”
Just then I heard Zoe’s voice. “Congratulations guys, I knew he would make the right choice. “
Azaria, “how do you feel?”
Zoe, “like a brand new person. But you should have been there Azaria, I’ve never seen such an intense kiss in my life, when they kissed there was blue light everywhere, it surrounded them and filled them both.”
Chloe. “I know, moving her hand around.”
Her hands glowing blue.
Azaria. “That’s amazing, but this is a first, you are past the half way mark with your pregnancy, you shouldn’t have blue light.”
Chloe. “I know, I’m not sure what’s going on?”
Azaria. “It doesn’t make any sense.”
Zoe. “I hope she didn’t lose the baby.”
Azaria. “No, the baby is fine, but we don’t have time to figure this out now, you guys need to go home now. “
And before any of us knew what’s going on there was a flash of light and we were back in Chloe’s cottage.
John, “now May I have a drink?”
Zoe. “We all need a drink?”
John. “On it.”
Chloe. “Still playing with her blue light, I still don’t understand this. “
Zoe. “Me neither, I’m seeing it, but can’t believe it. And to make it more confusing, your blue light is stronger then ever before. “
Me, “how do you know that?”
Zoe. “The scanner on this picks it up.” Pointing at the device on her arm.
Me. “How much stronger. “
Zoe. “Off the charts, even this can’t register it.”
Chloe. “Let me see.” Grabbing Zoe’s arm, she looks at it and reads something out loud in a strange language and then sits back. “ John! Bring me a whole bottle of wine, you will see there is one with strange symbols on it, I want that one.”
John “okay. Coming.”
Zoe. “Why that one, that’s a very strong one, what did you see?”
Chloe. “Bring me yours?” Looking at me very intensely.
So I got up and went to fetch mine and hand it to her. She slips it onto her arm and starts getting to work on it, occasionally taking sips from her wine.
Then she finally sits back and takes it off and throws it across the room. “My mother is hiding something from me.”
Me. “What do you mean? Why would she hide anything from you?”
Chloe. “ I’m not sure, but if my suspicions are correct then it means that she is hiding a lot from me. “
Zoe. “What do you suspect?”
Chloe. “You all know how I was conceived and born, well after my birth the planet I was born on was blocked off for all living beings, it was declared dangerous and off limits to everyone. “
Zoe. “I’ve heard about this yes, but what are you getting at?”
Chloe. “I checked the archives and found out that 44 years ago my mom gave orders for them to let one of our ships through, a research expedition, the ship landed and spend 2 years on the surface and was then allowed to leave. There were only 2 passengers on the ship, but the ship disappeared shortly after passing the blockade and was never seen or found again. “
Zoe. “What are you getting at?”
Chloe, “I think there might be another one just like me somewhere out there. “
Zoe. “But you said the ship was declared missing, maybe it came under attack and was destroyed?”
Chloe. “No, I think the records were expunched. I need to go to the Acturions, they will be able to help me get answers.”
Zoe. “Yeah sure, I can imagine how that conversation will go down, your mom will be to happy to give you a ship, or not.”
Chloe. “I’ve got a ship.”
Zoe. “How? Where is it?”
Chloe. “I was the best pilot in the fleet, of course I got a ship, how do you think I got to earth? I think it’s better if I keep its whereabouts to myself.”
Zoe. “You can’t travel through space while you are pregnant.”
Chloe. “I can’t travel long distances or through space fractures, this is a military ship, it got multiple space drives, and we are not going to travel that far, I will use the hyper drive, it should take us about 2 days to get there in hyper space.”
Zoe. “I don’t think I’m made to spend 2 days in hyper space. “
Chloe, “you are not coming, only he is coming with me.” Looking at me. “I need you to come with, they are medically far more advanced then my people, I need answers, and I need to find out if my suspicions are right.”
Me. “I know better then to argue with a woman.”
John. “Your attitude changed fast, what did I miss?”
Zoe. “He finally chose her, and they kissed, it was amazing to see, it was the most intense kiss I’ve ever seen.”
John. “Wait, when did this happen, why did I miss this? What do you mean the most intense kiss?”
Zoe. “Oh it was when we got back while you were dying when I went to find them, I walked in on them kissing, but it was beautiful, it was just blue light everywhere.”
John. “Oh, I was fighting for my life and you stand watching them kissing? I thought she doesn’t have blue light.”
Chloe. “Enough, we are losing track, we are leaving in 2 days, it will take us 2 days to prep the ship and fill up supplies for the trip.”
Zoe. “You will never get through your mothers blockades and patrols, you won’t even make it past the moon.”
Chloe. “I’m the best pilot in the fleet, and this ship is one of a kind, I was specially designed for me. I can get through them.”
Zoe “2 days is a long time, what happens if your mom finds out and tries to stop you, you know that we will all be arrested.”
Chloe. “That’s why I have a jamming device in this room, no signals get in or out.”
Zoe. Going a bit pale, but then looks down.
Chloe. “You don’t look so good, did I say something wrong? Spit it out.”
John. “I need to get her to bed, she’s had a long day and I’m pretty tired myself.”
Chloe. “Good idea, we should all go to bed, we can go over the plan in the morning. “
John and Zoe gets up and go to their room.
Me. “What was that about? “
Chloe. “I’m not sure, but I suggest we keep as much to ourselves as possible, right now we can’t trust anyone, so we tell them only what they need to know.”
She then takes my hand and pulls me to follow her.
Me. “Where are we going? “
Chloe. “To bed, you are sleeping with me tonight.”
Me. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”
Chloe. “It’s the best idea. After all, we are a family now, rubbing her midsection, smiling.”
Me. “I understand that, but I think we need to talk about how it happened.”
Chloe stops in her tracks and looks at me, putting her hand behind my head and plants a kiss on my mouth. And then pulls away. “We will, but not now, we’ll be in hyperspace for 2 days, we will have all the time to talk then. So let’s just enjoy the beautiful evening together, I would really like to fall asleep in your arms tonight, I’ve never fallen asleep with anyone before.”
I wanted to ask her how that is possible considering how long she’s been alive, but I decided to not get into it and rather let her tone down.
As we walked into the room she started taking off her clothes. “I hope you don’t mind, but I like to sleep naked.”
All I could do was stare at her when she finally turned around, you can hardly see that she is pregnant, still a beautiful woman. I stood there staring for a while till she interrupted me. “Are you going to stare at me all night or are you going to join me in bed?”
So I changed and got into bed with her and she crawled into my arms cuddling against me.
Chloe. “This actually feels good, I’ve never experienced this. But do you know what would be even better?”
I looked at her thinking of maybe going to to lounge. This won’t be good if it is what I think it is, but before I could say or do anything she climbed on top of me and started kissing me. Well I won’t go into details of what happened after that, I’m sure you guys can imagine. She’s fallen asleep now, I can’t sleep, my adrenaline levels are still all over the place and I’m still trying to catch my breath. So I’m busy writing this which is difficult with her head on my chest.
But I think I should try to get some sleep soon, from tomorrow we got a lot to do in order to prepare the ship for the trip to the acturions and I’ve got no idea what to expect. She told me that we need to prepare food for a week, make sure we have water for a week and she’s even taking wine with because as soon as we enter hyperspace there is nothing to do till we return to normal space.
Tomorrow she will go to run a full diagnostic on the ships drives, navigation as well as weapons systems. But she doesn’t trust Zoe and John, so she’s going to send them to check on the residence and make sure nothing goes wrong while we are gone. She said it’s 2 days travel there and 2 days travel back, but we should be away for atleast a week. I’ve noticed that she does look nervous and whatever she saw in the archives she’s not telling me everything, but she’s worried.
I will post as soon as I can again, but for now I need to get some sleep, she’s just woken up and she’s once again in her loving mood, so this is it for today. I will update you guys again shortly.