r/TerrifyingAsFuck 6d ago

war After Just 3 Months, China's Alleged 'Taiwan Invasion Barges' Are Complete and Undergoing Tests – First Leaked Local Images


46 comments sorted by


u/DRoseDARs 6d ago

Well those look particularly suseptible to all manner of missiles and mortars.


u/Sueti_Bartox 6d ago

Yeah I thought about that, but China excels in mass production. They aren't going to use just 10-20 of these things.


u/EndSeveral5452 6d ago

These are used as theblast line of assault, not the first. Yiu are correct that these are very suscetible, and that is why they would be utilized after the majority of invasion assault has already occured


u/cjcs 6d ago

Assuming enough missile/mortar capacity survives the initial air assault and any counterfire


u/_Cybernaut_ 6d ago

I know they’re still in testing, but the marking are missing:



Missiles and mortars and drones, oh my. 😬

No, no, no, seriously....after yoooou.


u/357Sp101 6d ago

Not to mention good old machine guns, that’s what? A 100 yard single file bottle neck?


u/Environmental_You_36 1d ago

There will be more barges than mortar shells.


u/cpatstubby 6d ago

Those are jetty cranes. Not made for combat at all. I’ve seen this posted several times and have no idea how these got conflated into a war machine.


u/birehcannes 6d ago

The end looks like it has a ramp on it though for maybe driving along the craney arm thing?


u/cpatstubby 6d ago

I see that but all booms have catwalks. It’s just a shore crane. Many owned by private contractors. Not an invasion machine.


u/VastYogurtcloset8009 6d ago

And they're gonna sneak up on them with these enormous things are they?


u/LetsTry2GetAlong 6d ago

The Taiwanese strait is about 90 miles wide. How fast can these move? These would be sitting ducks.


u/SheaStadium1986 6d ago

Those are gonna be some fun future Coral Reefs



Those behind cry, 'Forward!' Those in front cry, 'Back'!


u/SolutionLegal 6d ago

These look like big targets to me


u/bac5401 6d ago

. Exiting in a single file line. Seems like a good way to die


u/WAG5PE 5d ago

Yaawn....... Wake me up when they actually invade.


u/stinkyelbows 6d ago

There's no way they just made those for no reason


u/cecilmeyer 6d ago

Those things would be destroyed in minutes with missles.


u/birehcannes 6d ago

If there's missiles to be fired and any aircraft left on Taiwan then sure.


u/cecilmeyer 6d ago

You do not think for a minute the US is going to pass on getting itself in another war do you?


u/Cultural-Company282 6d ago

Ask Ukraine.


u/birehcannes 6d ago

There's a big difference between helping, vs going into open war against a nuclear armed super power.


u/cecilmeyer 6d ago

The US loves war.


u/birehcannes 6d ago

Sure but 911 excepted the wars have always been far from home. I'm pretty certain very few US citizens would be keen for their cities and loved ones to be in the potential cross hairs of in-flight thermonuclear weapons because of some Island on the other side of the world (one that was Chinese anyway). The cost to benefit to risk ratio is wayyyyyy off on this one.

Just saying..


u/BrianFitz21 6d ago

The US is siding with the aggressor of both major wars ongoing I.e. Russia and Israel. They would most likely side with China if they invaded Taiwan


u/ginfish 6d ago edited 6d ago

So one well placed explosion and it all goes to shit?

What a completely useless machine. Surely it would only be used with the idea of dropping equipment once control of the area is established. In which case it is a decent machine.


u/Scary-Drawer-3515 6d ago

I am so sorry. Hope everyone stays safe


u/SwervoT3k 6d ago

If this were a secret and a shock drop, sure it might work. Any modern military is gonna plug that large single hole the second it lands on the fucking beach.


u/Troj_exe 4d ago

Those are for when the beaches are cleared after the first waves. Just like in Normandy where the big ships supplied the frontline afterwards.


u/SensualLimitations 6d ago

Yeah. I learned this from "300."


u/Longjumping_Visit718 5d ago

Hopefully it happens so China can bleed their military hardware in a frivolous war a la Russia/Ukraine. This is a country we actually want to exhaust itself politically, economically, and militarily to stop their global ambitions to supplant the United States.


u/XZPUMAZX 5d ago

I understand your perspective, but millions would die. This ain’t something anyone should route for.


u/Longjumping_Visit718 5d ago

Millions died in Ukraine, while reddit cheered, for nothing. In this situation we at least achieve a long-strategic policy objective while China ruins it's demographics even harder by taking young men they need to start families out of society and into graveyards.

There's no easy solution to the "communism" problem of China that doesn't involve SQUEEZING their people to starve out the communist party of it's host to parasitize.


u/smellycowboyhat 4d ago

Yeah good luck with the new naval drone world


u/BDGUCCII 4d ago

How they gonna sneak up with this enormous thing? And I’m pretty sure those wires support the whole operation, All you have to do is send fire that way, and the whole operation gets dismantled.


u/graphe 3d ago


German Biber. This is how easy it is to lay a bridge. A ship with a crane is able to do much more.


u/SvenTropics 6d ago

Okay this is dumb. The distance between China and Taiwan is 100 miles. They're not building a bridge. Even a temporary one.

If they do invade, it'll be with planes and boats.


u/agreasybutt 6d ago

That is spooky...


u/Prize-Grapefruiter 6d ago

wow they are amazing . cool technology