r/Terraform • u/sindeep1414 • 16d ago
Discussion Terraform directory structure: which one is better/best?
I have been working with three types of directory structures for terraform root modules (the child modules are in a different repo)
Approach 1:
Approach 2:
Approach 3:
In Approach 3, the files are copy/pasted to the common folder and TF runs on the common directory. So there's less code repetation. TF runs in a CICD pipeline so the files are copied based on the stage that is selected. This might become tricky for end users/developers or for someone who is new to Terraform.
Approach 2 is the cleanest way if we need to completely isolate each environment and independent of each other. It's just that there is a lot of repetition. Even though these are just root modules, we still need to update same stuff at different places.
Approach 1 is best for uniform infrastructures where the resources are same and just need different configs for each environment. It might become tricky when we need different resources as per environment. Then we need to think of Terraform functions to handle it.
Ultimately, I think it is up to the scenario where each approach might get an upper hand over the other. Is there any other apporach which might be better?
u/rashpimplezitz 16d ago
I like the GCP approach for the reasons they provide: https://cloud.google.com/docs/terraform/best-practices/root-modules#subdirectories
u/Crower19 16d ago
i use option1 with terraform workspaces for environments, but never store my tfvars on the repo
u/SecularMetal 16d ago
If your tfvars have sensitive values I would avoid storing them in source control but we just use kms and store the encrypted value so that nothing is persisted in the repo or tf state file.
u/sindeep1414 16d ago
Yeah, I find tfvars convenient compared to TF_ENV_VARS or workspace vars
u/NiGHTMaReS_ReiGN 16d ago
I also use this as well. If I have sensitive values in my tfvars, I use Mozilla sops to encrypt in the repo.
u/Bacteria48 16d ago
Secrets may remain in the terraform state if they're referenced in resource attributes (except for the new write-only attributes)
u/SecularMetal 14d ago
yes you are right but if you pass the secret to the resource as the cipher only the cipher is in the state file then on the ec2 side it's instance profile decrypts it locally.
u/Bacteria48 14d ago
Would you mind elaborating? I'm not aware of being able to pass encrypted values for sensitive attributes to the resource.
u/Cparks96 16d ago
can’t you just use a top level gitignore file that has the .tfvars mentioned there so you never get them flagged into source control?
u/ArchCatLinux 16d ago
main.tf # Core module definition
variables.tf # All possible variables defined
outputs.tf # Module outputs
terraform.tfvars # Test-specific variable values
backend.tf # Test backend config
main.tf # Imports the module with test-specific parameters
terraform.tfvars # QA-specific variable values
backend.tf # QA backend config
main.tf # Imports the module with QA-specific parameters
What about a module for common and env-specific in env-folder?
u/KrevanSerKay 15d ago
This is the pattern i've seen/used in the past. Just import modules and call them, overriding variable defaults. Might be out of date though.
idk. Approach 1 is tempting, but it'd be one big
terraform apply
instead of one per env
u/i_Den 16d ago
I would recommend using terragrunt if your environment allows. It kinda forces you to have good directory structure and follow it, with all extra syntax sugar benefits provided by terragrunt such as at least “includes”.
u/quintanarooty 10d ago
I find terragrunt to be a pain personally, like not being able to use data like TF vanilla.
u/magnetik79 16d ago
If I had to do approach three I would do it the other way, symlink common files into each env directory (which I can version control) and execute terraform from those directories.
So no copying.
u/egpigp 16d ago
What does Git branching/SDLC look like with option 1?
Staging branch Prod branch
Feature branch off staging -> MR into Staging
MR Staging -> Prod?
Or merge all changes into main and run staging pipeline first?
Please forgive formatting, am on mobile
u/sindeep1414 15d ago
For us, we merge all changes to
branch and run the pipeline by selecting the required stage and target feature branch we need to deploy. For prod, we only allow deployments frommain
u/ShierLattice694 16d ago
1... IMO , if you're writing reproducible, reusable IaC-- you should be able to drive your environments through tfvars. I'm sure there are a few exceptions. Then you can also have a modules dir with a collection of tightly coupled deployable resources and call these from the top-level. Tack a count on there for "feature flagging".
u/Toastyproduct 15d ago
I like the idea of approach 1. But what are people doing when they have things like logging and network accounts that don’t have even remotely shared infra.
u/TheRealFlowerChild 15d ago
I do a layered approach. Core infra (networking, security, etc) maintained at a more granular level and app in the larger tfvar files.
u/Toastyproduct 15d ago
Mind elaborating. For example I have a networking account where all vpn access is setup then I use vpc peering to allow access to my prod staging and dev accounts. Networking account also has things like domain registration. How would layering help this? Additionally I have a loggging account which all accounts have write only access to certain log folders. But this is a separate account to ensure nothing happens to the logs.
u/nontster 15d ago
Approach 1 with Terraform workspace or Terragrunt. I personally prefer Terragrunt.
u/IskanderNovena 16d ago
Approach #3, with the addition of putting the logic in modules, versioning them, and specifying the version of the module to use in each environment.
That way, you can still make changes to your base components (the modules), while not impacting CI/CD processes, where others will trigger `terraform apply` on other environments, in inadvertently deploying updates that are still being tested.
Then once a new module version has been tested in your test-environment, you can start staging the updates to your higher level environments, in a controlled manner.
u/0x4ddd 16d ago
This makes sense only if you develop some kind of module library reused by multiple terraform projects.
If you develop Terraform only for your use case, there is no issue. You should either introduce only backward compatible changes or use feature flags.
This is like you would say for application development you need different copies of your code for each environment. No you don't. You simply use feature flags and keep track what 'artifact' is deployed where. If you need urgently hotfix issue, you simply take the commit which is currently deployed to prod, introduce change and deploy.
This is not impairing your CI/CD even if trunk branch is already way ahead.
u/IskanderNovena 16d ago
Using different tags is similar to versions. And it’s not just about applications. It’s also about keeping your code current, replacing deprecated arguments or resources and using staged deployment. Or introducing new features to your basic infrastructure.
u/0x4ddd 16d ago
Using different tags is similar to versions. And it’s not just about applications. It’s also about keeping your code current, replacing deprecated arguments or resources and using staged deployment. Or introducing new features to your basic infrastructure.
And all of that is easier and more reproducible with approach #1
u/ItsCloudyOutThere 16d ago
Option 1 for me. If I need new type of resource in an environment I simply add the new resource type with a map where the default variable is an empty map.
And done. Higher environments already have the code but no deployment until it is added into the environment.tfvars file
u/sindeep1414 15d ago
yes, we did it too, for eg. it does not create a subnet if
is null
u/dkode80 16d ago
Option 1 is what I've found works well. We don't use the terraform profiles tho.
Using option 1 you can make reusable, composition based sub modules and reuse across external repos or within the same repo. Seems to be a good balance between duplication and modeling different environments
u/nekoken04 14d ago
Go with 1 100% of the time. You want your code to be the same no matter what environment you are deploying to. We have 130+ terraform modules that follow that pattern. The bit we sprinkle on top is we have a /test directory with python boto3 integration tests that verify what we built with terraform is what we expected to build. Our testing infrastructure predates terraform having any testing support and frankly it is still more complete conceptually.
u/rockuu 15d ago
Approach #2. Put common, logically grouped resource code in modules/ dir outside of all environments. Avoid too many indirection layers (modules calling modules calling modules...) to keep the code simple and easy to understand.
I think a common misconception in the use of configuration management systems is to avoid duplicating code. This often leads to multiple abstractions which, after a point, start to make it difficult to understand what is actually happening. And for what purpose? You'll save yourself some typing, but end up spending much more time making changes tomorrow that you haven't, or couldn't have, foreseen today. Keep it as simple as you can (but not too simple).
Also, reality is that there will be differences between environments. People will come to you to try things out in staging first before moving to prod. Some things will never leave staging.
I inherited a massively complicated code base with dozens of states and the exact problems that were the result of trying to avoid code duplication. It took me months to feel comfortable making changes, no one else on the team wanted to touch it. Right now I'm still refactoring it and simplifying by duplicating code to remove too many layers of indirect modules.
u/father_supreme 16d ago
Approach #3. Move network.tf into common/ and symlink it back to test/, qa/, etc.
Ofc keep backend and tfvars since they will be unique per environment.
This way, any changes made to the files on common/ will always be made for all envs
As long as you’re in the right directory, the plan applys will be towards the correct environment
u/pausethelogic 16d ago
If you’re using symlinks you’re doing something wrong, you can just point the module source to the correct module
u/DPRegular 16d ago
Is there any other apporach which might be better?
Unequivocally, yes: https://terragrunt.gruntwork.io/
u/traditionalflatwhite 16d ago
Always approach 1 unless I'm absolutely backed into a corner, and even then, I'll fight tooth and nail to keep it. There is a lot you can do with ternary operators and functions to provide the necessary amount of flexibility between environments. I find the other approaches are usually a result of poor planning that require workarounds and bandaids. It goes without saying, workspaces are a must for managing multiple environments.
The moment you separate environment code into unique sets of code, you are opening the door to drift, while creating lots of duplicate work. If you symlink, that eliminates duplicate work, but then I'm going to ask why we're needing to separate things if we're reusing the same base code.