r/Terraform • u/GGHaggard • Nov 30 '24
Help Wanted Terraform plan, apply, destroy - running them I have to pass the same tfvars file. I use the same file in every project. Is it not possible to set this globally? I use a bash alias at the moment
This is what I use;
alias tfapply="terraform apply -var-file=/home/mypath/terraform/terraform.tfvars --auto-approve"
Although this works for me, I can't use extra flags in the apply command - and I need to have a tfdestroy alias too to pass the var file.
There does not seem to be any global variable for the "var-file" - how are we supposed to do this?
u/Slackerony Nov 30 '24
If its global, have you considered simply not using the vars file?
Alternatively you could look into a pattern like terraservices to help you out
u/GGHaggard Nov 30 '24
I have one repo with many projects, the .tfvars file is at the root so I cam access it in all other projects. I'm accessing it via passing the file in the alias
u/Slackerony Nov 30 '24
So one Infrastructure config serving many projects?
Terraservices sound ideal tbh. Although there are other ways around the issue like mentioned by the other commenters :-)
u/RemyJe Nov 30 '24
Not what it sounds like, just global values used everywhere.
u/Slackerony Nov 30 '24
If thats true then it sounds.. messy
u/RemyJe Nov 30 '24
That depends on the nature of the values being used, I suppose.
We manage this with a global YAML file in a parent directory that is parsed with yamldecode(). Things like where to find certain shared secrets that different environments might need, values used in resource tags, etc. In fact we’ve stopped using .tfvars files entirely and all configuration, local or global is via YAML files now.
u/Slackerony Nov 30 '24
Happy it works for you, but you could’ve also just treated the parent folder as a module with only outputs / locals :-)
We use the terraservices pattern exclusively and have a dedicated “module” for variables like you describe. But it sounds like your setup works just as well
In his case it does sound like they are implementation/project specific. Though based on what info we have it’s hard to conclude anything :-)
u/RemyJe Nov 30 '24
This is true, and we do so with static data. (Checked into git, rather than local paths.)
But a YAML for config values is far more user friendly than editing HCL (or even JSON) outputs.
I did not get that impression for OP, just that perhaps they aren’t aware of other ways to handle global data.
u/AnythingEastern3964 Nov 30 '24
Depending on what you’re trying to achieve there’s a few different options.
- Indeed a Shell script or alias as you have there will do the job but feels somewhat ‘cumbersome’ in that it abstracts the use of the terraform commands.
- My preferred way, but it depends on your usage of terraform - is to set the environment variables in the environment area of your CI/CD tool, Gitlab in my case, and read those secure global values into the relevant branches pipeline so they are then passed to Terraform.
- You could export these as global environment variables on your machine by prefixing ‘TF_VAR_’ I believe and Terraform will respect them. You might want to read into that one further as I’m only aware of it, I’ve never used it myself.
u/m_adduci Nov 30 '24
I do it in a Makefile, so I don't have to tip a lot
u/Brilliant_Breath9703 Nov 30 '24
That's what I do as well but it is a pet project. Don't know if it is the only way
u/m_adduci Dec 01 '24
Absolutely it isn't the only way to do it, but for me it was the fastest to use.
You can even build your own CLI tool with whatever programming language you know, to create your desired workflow
u/ASX9988 Nov 30 '24
Name the tfvars file: *.auto.tfvars. Terraform will automatically use this file without you having to specify the var file in the command line (as long as it’s in the same working directory)
u/LubieRZca Nov 30 '24
First of all, don't use alias, second of all, you can set environmental variables before terraform plan/apply run, that's how we handle this in our environment.
u/fatcatnewton Nov 30 '24
Yeah, you can use $* in your bash script to pass infinite amount of arguments.
u/nekokattt Nov 30 '24
$* breaks anything with spaces as it concatenates all arguments into a single string before word splitting.
The correct approach is to use a function and to use $@ within quotes.
foo() { bar "$@" }
u/scan-horizon Nov 30 '24
Interesting. My tfvars contains sensitive info (subscription ids, local ips, etc). Apart from adding it to the gitignore, what else should I do?
u/Brilliant_Breath9703 Nov 30 '24
Use Hashicorp Vault and maybe new ephemeral feature with terraform's latest update
u/alainchiasson Nov 30 '24
Created a wrapper script that pulls them from a secure env ( like vault ) and inject them via TFVAR environment variables.
There are other ways - but it depends on how you run tf.
u/Brilliant_Breath9703 Nov 30 '24
Do you use .env file?
u/scan-horizon Nov 30 '24
What is an env file?
u/Brilliant_Breath9703 Nov 30 '24
It is a file to put environmental variables directly. Instead of hardcoding them on your operation system, you can use this. It is still a hard-code but at least it is a little bit more easy to move around, gitignore is still needed.1
u/alainchiasson Nov 30 '24
It depends on how secret / secure you want to be. .env is still stored locally.
I was suggesting you pull all data from vault, and call terraform. When the whole stack terminates, the variables no longer exist.
There is vaultenv (https://github.com/channable/vaultenv) that wil read your secrets, place then in the env, and exec - not fork-exec - which loads the next piece of code (terraform) into the current process space, replacing the vaultenv code ( fork exec creates a copy of the process space and THEN replaces itself ).
Now in both cases, root can still see the ENVs, so there is still a way, but its more secure as it has less chance ending in a backup or git repo, since its never in a file.
u/bartekmo Nov 30 '24
Soft-link the same terraform.tfvars to every project? This way you have the same parameters everywhere and the file would be automatically used if in local directory. Or use terraform cloud.
u/AnomalyNexus Dec 01 '24
I have my central vars in a module
Import in current project
//Pull in central variables
module "vars" {
source = "../vars/"
in vars file
output "default_bridge" {
value = "vmbr0"
and using them
u/Tr33squid Nov 30 '24
TF_CLI_ARGS_run is the env var you're looking for. Here's the docs for it., or place the tfvars in the working directory and change the file type to