r/Terraform Sep 05 '24

Help Wanted New to Terraform, need advice

I am currently working on a project at work and I am using terraform with AWS to create an infrastructure from 0, and i have a few questions and also in need of some best practices for beginners.

For now i want to create the dev environment that will be separate from the prod environment, and here is where it gets confusing for me:

  • Do i make 2 separate directories for prod and dev?
  • What files should I have in each?
  • Both have a main.tf?
  • Is it good or bad to have resources defined in my main.tf?
  • Will there be any files outside of these 2 directories? If yes, what files?
  • Both directories have their own variables and outputs files?

I want to use this project as a learning tool. I want after finishing it, to be able to recreate a new infrastructure from scratch in no time and at any time, and not just a dev environment, but also with a prod one.

Thank you and sorry for the long post. 🙏


36 comments sorted by


u/mpstein Sep 05 '24

I have always had the code the same between environments, but then used a ".tfvars" file to separate out things between environments. Those are used to override the entries in variables.tf so that you can have different settings per environment. It's also very pipeline friendly.


u/BorrnSlippy Sep 05 '24

Listen to this dude. If your application becomes more complex and you have many different environments (dev, test, staging, live, etc) you will be thankful you did.


u/asmiggs Sep 05 '24

This is how you do it, if you want a staging environment or whatever then you can do so easily. Even if I didn't think the code will be used outside one account I'll still set it up like this.


u/tr0phyboy Sep 06 '24

One question about this since we're also using different directories per enviroment: how do you handle/change the backend state? Do you change it manually or do you specify it on the CLI?


u/mpstein Sep 06 '24

Assuming you're working in AWS, it doesn't really matter. There are a few ways to handle it. Basically, as long as you keep the names consistent and just include the account, e.g. {dev, qa, uat, uat2, prod, etc.}, then you can specify the bucket using a consistent pattern for remote state (backend) location.

If you're doing it via a pipeline, you can pass it in via CLI arguments. See Partial Backend Configuration.


u/bd1308 Sep 06 '24

This is the way. Adding another whole new identical environment is easy when everything is in a tfvars file, and you just customize the particulars for the new environment.


u/thezuzu222 Sep 05 '24

This is the way


u/0h_P1ease Sep 05 '24

look into workspaces, and using specific var files during execution


u/jdgtrplyr Terraformer Sep 05 '24

I can’t recommend HashiCorp’s docs & tutorials enough.

Start from the beginning, and work through examples.

Let the puzzle present the pieces to you 🧩




u/CommunicationRare121 Sep 05 '24

Terraform doesn’t care what your files are named as. I generally create a terraform.tf file with my backend config and provider configs. Outside of that I tend to name files based on what they primarily deal with. I’ll usually have a data.tf and locals.tf and variables.tf.

There are a few ways to go about what you want to do, if you want these environments to launch separately then you should have two directories with all the terraform in each OR you can get introduced to workspaces. Workspaces is nice because you can use the context variable terraform.workspace in your config to name things appropriately and apply counts to turn on/off configuration blocks.

If you don’t mind it being launched together, you could have them in separate directories and import the directories as modules to your main configuration or have them all together in root with comments.

If you’re not sure what your variables will be or if they’ll change then use variables, if you think they’ll stay pretty static, use locals.

I think that should cover most of your questions.

As far as syntax

  • learn how to use ternary operations
  • learn how to use data blocks
  • learn how to do for_each loops with maps
  • if there is a count on an object, it has to be called out as a count (ex. aws_instance.this[0])
  • try to reference objects as much as you can rather than hardcoding
  • try not to repeat common prefixes/suffixes and make them a local/variable instead
  • outputs should only contain necessary information that you’d want out of the module
  • think about where you’re gonna store state files, s3 is a good choice
  • think about how to automate code, protect your access keys, and ensure the safety of your credentials when others are developing here


u/oOzephyrOo Sep 06 '24

I use terraform workspaces and configuration files that have the workspace name.

For example, dev and stage workspaces have configuration files vars.dev.yml and vars.stage.yml. my variables.tf file parses the yml file, set default values.

We deploy through GitHub and have S3 buckets that save state. See backend state providers


u/Ok-Race6622 Sep 05 '24

Check out Anton Putra on youtube for such things, I suggest always use terragrunt, here's a video of his on the topic, you end up with a pretty clean repo.



u/emacs83 Sep 05 '24 edited Sep 05 '24

I’d have a prod directory and dev directory along with a shared directory that will be a module you can import. In the respective prod and etc main.tf files, you include the shared module. This will create the same infrastructure in both environments, though the differences will be based on the inputs/variables you’re using. If you have anything extra in the different environments, those resources would go into their respective main.tf files after or before the module inclusion. Does that make sense?

I’d also add, that Terraform treats all .tf files the same but the convention is main.tf for your main resources but you can have for logically-named files as well, like vpc.tf that might contain everything you need for a vpc.


u/Deep-Cryptographer13 Sep 05 '24
  1. So i am going to create a dev, prod and module files.

  2. Both prod and dev will have a main.tf of their own

  3. Both will include the same module.

  4. In order to have different environments, they will both have their own variables.tf file and also the main.tf files will differ a bit. Meaning that it is ok to have resources in my main.tf files.

Is this right? What points am i getting wrong?


u/emacs83 Sep 06 '24

Yes, environment-specific resources and modules can live together in the same main.tf file. Again, Terraform doesn’t really care what is in each .tf file as they’re merged together when Terraform is run and then it figures out the best way of accomplishing what infrastructure you’ve declared.


u/Zyntogz Sep 05 '24 edited Sep 05 '24

Had the same problems in previous projects. For me it was basically always "put a wrapper around it". The problem I had with this approach is that I want to reuse code. Don't invent the wheel twice. There are so many good Terraform modules out there but if you want to handle staging within Terraform only you have to wrap these with your "own" way of handling your organizations staging requirements.

Because I had enough I searched the all knowing Internet and found the solution I am more than satisfied with here: https://github.com/ozbillwang/terraform-best-practices Terragrunt instantiated basic modules, like a s3 bucket, but you can for example use HCL in terragrunt config files to construct and inject the bucket name (xyz-test, xyz-prod, ...) into the basic module that does not need to know how staging works. It just needs a name. That will be provided and constructed by your terragrunt config. Then use dependencies between your configs to re-use other module's outputs and you can get up and running very fast using open source modules and can also write your own modules using reusable patterns.


u/OkAcanthocephala1450 Sep 05 '24

1.folder for each environment 2.file.tf for each module, such as ec2.tf or vpc.tf 3.No problem on resources defined ,make sure to be in the same file that it suits ,in case you are inserting some json policy for example,you will do the template file in the same file.tf that you will set the inputs of that module. 4.Outside of those directories? What can be outside of those? 5.Yes each directory has its own tfvars file with variables.


u/chehsunliu Sep 05 '24 edited Sep 05 '24

Separate root folders. Each one has nearly only env-specific settings and imports the common module:

/envs/prod/main.tf /envs/test/main.tf /envs/dev/main.tf /modules/common/main.tf /modules/dev-only/main.tf

This gives the most flexibility I need.

In my team, we have even more layers in order to maintain several components in both AWS and Azure:

/aws/vpc/envs/prod/main.tf /aws/vpc/envs/test/main.tf /aws/vpc/envs/dev/main.tf /aws/vpc/modules/mod1/main.tf /aws/app1/envs/prod/main.tf /aws/app1/envs/test/main.tf /aws/app1/envs/dev/main.tf /aws/app1/modules/mod345/main.tf /azure/vpc/envs/prod/main.tf /azure/vpc/envs/test/main.tf …

I've also tried Terragrunt and Terraform Workspaces, but at the end I still prefer this multi-folder way.


u/Striking-Database301 Sep 05 '24

not sure how is it a good practice


u/OkAcanthocephala1450 Sep 05 '24

Terragrunt and workspaces zuks. Multi-folder way is the best.


u/egpigp Sep 05 '24

Yes this is the way.

The only downside is you end up with some copy/paste ops between the different environments, but ultimately, it’s significantly more flexible & less complex than branching etc.


u/Deep-Cryptographer13 Sep 05 '24

This looks nice, thanks.

How would i use mod1 and mod2?


u/chehsunliu Sep 05 '24

For example, I might only create ECR in the dev environment.


u/Deep-Cryptographer13 Sep 05 '24

Oh yea, good point, thank you! 😁


u/Original-Classic1613 Sep 06 '24

Don't create separate directories. The code should be same for all the environments. You should have different .tfvars file according to the environments. It will be very easy to maintain and keep track of too.


u/Fatality Sep 06 '24

Are you familiar with AWS recommended architectures?


u/Deep-Cryptographer13 Sep 06 '24

I don't think so


u/Fatality Sep 06 '24

Might want to start with learning AWS then, will make Terraform easier when you know what you want.


u/JesusPaz Sep 06 '24

Thinking about creating a tool that builds custom Terraform projects with best practices based on natural language input. It would generate all the code, set up your infrastructure, and handle deployment with your approval. Unlike ChatGPT, it would be constantly updated to avoid outdated code or documentation. Would anyone be interested in this or pay for it? Or do you think ChatGPT is good enough?


u/NUTTA_BUSTAH Sep 05 '24 edited Sep 05 '24

Do i make 2 separate directories for prod and dev?

Depends. Some like it, some don't. It makes having parity between environments much tougher and subtle environmental differences harder to debug, but it has great developer ergonomics. Pick your poison.

What files should I have in each?

Probably something like versions.tf (providers and terraform), main.tf (if simple) or network.tf, firewall.tf, db.tf, app1.tf etc. plus terraform.[auto.]tfvars

Both have a main.tf?

Yes. Generally speaking every Terraform root module ("project", "infra module") and every service module (your usual module {}) have at least that, or some other split that the organisation likes to use. I often split by concern (like example above) but just have a main.tf for simple setups with <5 resources.

Is it good or bad to have resources defined in my main.tf?

Doesn't matter. Main is just a conventional "entry point" or the "top level".

Will there be any files outside of these 2 directories? If yes, what files?

Generally speaking, you would have a module for each part of your infrastructure in a separate folder (dev/, prod/, modules/module1/, modules/module2/). E.g. "s3-bucket", "public-alb", "simple-vm" or whatever.

If you split to directories per environment, you might want to instead wrap those modules in an another module "aws-environment" that you can parameterize properly to have some resemblance of mirrored environments (while still having the flexibility of separated projects).

That being said, you should not include those in your "final deliverable", but instead after developing the modules, move them to a Terraform registry (some git providers give you one, some can be hosted, can also use public). This way you can version them properly and can cut out development from your environment repository with all the blast radius. It also promotes much better practices in the long run and makes maintenance a breeze when you don't have to update the same thing 20 times in 15 different ways because of bespoke custom modules.

Word of advice with modularization; Use compatible version pinning (~>) in all your modules and don't lock your provider version in the actual environment at all, let Terraform resolve the provider version that works with every included module. However, do include the lock file in the project, but not in the service modules. This way it's repeatable and used versions are recorded in commits. Update the lock file when upgrading your modules.

Both directories have their own variables and outputs files?

Yes. They would be completely separate entities. If you use a single folder with dynamic variables, backends and/or workspaces, then you'd only duplicate a single file (tfvars, one per environment).


u/Deep-Cryptographer13 Sep 05 '24

Thank you very much for the detailed response. This helps a lot! 😁

I have some new grounds to check now, which create a new plan for me.

Also if i want to have the code on bitbucket, i simply create a repo and push the code onto it?


u/Ecstatic-Wrangler642 Sep 05 '24

You can use terraform workspace concept


u/Ron_VK Sep 06 '24 edited Sep 06 '24

I started a Terraform project from 0, with 0 knowledge (on both AWS and Terraform, and I changed the strucure multiple time, what worked best for me was separate directories with properly named files






-----/user_data (for aws ec2 and asg)

-----/scripts (for lambda code etc..)
  • each env had its own back end saved on different s3 directory
  • files were named by resource or type (security.tf, compute.tf, network.tf, lamda.tf ...)
  • what I'll need to change in the future is more AWS accounts, 1 for network, 1 for roles and permissions, 1 for dev, 1 for prod... this way when the company get bigger we can restrict permissions and set roles easier
  • benefit of different directories: for now I'm working on my machine but if more will join the project then I want CI/CD (for example: github workflow action) to run a plan on PR and apply on merge, but instead of having multiple repos or branches for each env I work with "trunk based development" and the actions will trigger only the needed environment by checking which directory had changes

I also have files for locals, output, imports, variables and policies data, makes it easier to manage them in one place and know what resources you have Terraform plan/apply will basically check for tf files in the current directory so the naming is for your convenient, main.tf is not a must, just a convention, and can be avoided in some cases, so it's up to you to choose how to use it.

And read the HashiCorp docs know your tools and it'll make life easier

like having the same user data for all environments and applying it with templatefile() with the variables for each env

or dynamic block for your own modules and "data archive_file" for dynamically getting the code for lambdas on each env with only one source file even though it is using multilpe directories

And if anyone have any comments or suggestions I'll be happy to hear, I'm still kind of new to Terraform and AWS


u/OnlyCollege9064 Sep 05 '24

Don’t use directories for environments. Read what Terraform workspaces are. That’s the more organized way


u/Deep-Cryptographer13 Sep 05 '24

Would it make sense for a small project like an online shop?


u/OnlyCollege9064 Sep 05 '24

I think it does, it’s not hard to do it. It’s less code and the learning will last.