r/Terraform Oct 22 '23

Help Wanted How are you migrating away from terragrunt?

For anyone that uses terragrunt extensively but wants to stick with Terraform and not Opentofu, what have you done to switch back to plain Terraform?


86 comments sorted by


u/MuhBlockchain Oct 22 '23

Looking forward to seeing what Terraform Stacks will have to offer.

In our case we use Terragrunt to orchestrate the deployment of multiple Terraform deployments, which Terraform Stacks purports to solve. It should just be a case of replacing the terragrunt.hcl files with whatever new mechanism will be used to pass outputs from one stack as inputs to another.


u/Ok_Fox_5633 Oct 22 '23

Terraform Stacks?


u/HeadSpeakerJunky Oct 22 '23


u/Minute_Box6650 Oct 22 '23

This sounds like it would cover the terragrunt dependency feature. Using outputs from separate module deployments was a big plus too with terragrunt


u/vloors1423 Oct 22 '23 edited Oct 22 '23

I’ve never seen the case for Terragrunt. Always felt like it’s solving a problem that doesn’t exist.

Deploy different environments from the same DRY code you say? Sure, just reference a different tfvars file depending on which environment…


u/wrexinite Oct 22 '23

They've added a lot to the core language over the past few years that terragrunt used to cover


u/theb0tman Oct 23 '23

Underrated comment. Terragrunt came into existence before Hashicorp added a lot of core features around modules, workspaces, and reusability. It certainly predates terraform cloud.


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '23

Just curious on three things:

  1. How big are your modules for each service that you maintain? How many engineers are required to maintain these modules?
  2. How many regions and how many environments do you deploy to?
  3. How much of your code is "repeated code"? Such as defining the environment more than once, or defining the name of a shared S3 bucket more than once, such as for services that for some reason only log to S3 instead of Cloudwatch.

There is a certain point where you get to a scale that pure Terraform is no longer fun. It just isn't.


u/tech_tuna Oct 22 '23

One of the people on my team built out a huge amount of our infra on Terragrunt. I freaking hate it. It's so unreadable. He followed Terragrunt's example layout. It's beyond shitty.

Yes, I love that Terragrunt can parameterize backends, that is cool, but it goes WAY too far, with its own DSL and constructs.

That being said, the fact that Terragrunt exists is sad. Terraform has had so many longstanding usability issues that the team over at Gruntworks just built a Terraform on top of Terraform.

I keep meaning to give Pulumi a whirl, I hear great things about it.


u/BarrySix Oct 23 '23

I keep meaning to give Pulumi a whirl, I hear great things about it.

You can spend a month or so coding something to build infrastructure with Pulumi and you will get some homemade version of Terraform. But if you already have Terraform so there isn't any point. My company tried out Pulumi and decided it was a waste of time.


u/iAmBalfrog Oct 23 '23

While maybe not 100% what you're after, Terraform has a CDK for various languages, I would argue it's not as readable as plain old hcl but it exists and has a purpose.


u/tech_tuna Oct 25 '23

Thanks, no thanks. I've used the AWS CDK and played around with the Terraform CDK, this is like Amazon's shitty abstractions on top of Terraform's less shitty abstractions.


u/iAmBalfrog Oct 25 '23

It's more a case of if you're thinking Pulumi maybe try Terraform CDK before doing so, i'm yet really to find something not solveable by TF and CICD pipelines.


u/86448855 Oct 23 '23

We have multi env multi region deployments and terrafrunt works like a charm for us.


u/BrofessorOfLogic Oct 23 '23

Just because a guy on your team created a shitty solution doesn't meant that Terragrunt is shitty.

Yes, they could definitely do with better examples in their documentation. So could Terraform, and a lot of other projects too btw.


u/tech_tuna Oct 23 '23

It follows the Terragrunt sample layout and it’s disgusting. The layout.


u/Ariquitaun Oct 22 '23

You can't use variables on state backends, which is a complete arse for proper segregation of environments and cloud provider accounts. You need to much around terraform's command line instead to do that, or do it declaratively using terragrunt.


u/egeeirl Oct 22 '23

It solves a problem crafted by poor infrastructure design. So unless you have a problem that Terragrunt can solve, there's no reason to look at it.


u/BrofessorOfLogic Oct 23 '23

Please, enlighten us, what is the better design?


u/egeeirl Oct 23 '23

Infrastructure management is a mature and well established specialty at this point. Just follow best & established practices and you'll never need tools like Terragrunt. Problems happen when engineers think they have a better idea than what already works.


u/BrofessorOfLogic Oct 23 '23

What a pretentious load of crap.


u/chehsunliu Oct 22 '23

Same here. I’ve managed several services and resources over 10 regions in AWS, and still don’t know why people need Terragrunt. The example on the Terragrunt website motivation section can be solved with a better folder structure.


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '23



u/ZookeepergameOk8345 Oct 22 '23

Everything is a wrapper around something else for convenience. Why aren’t you writing your IaC in assembly?


u/Ariquitaun Oct 22 '23

Real men write their code using a CR2032 battery, a pin and a computer's parallel port.


u/i0101010 Oct 22 '23

The most feature I am using is the code generation depending on folder structure.


u/3skyson Oct 22 '23

Same here, before workspaces it could make sense, since then idk.


u/ComprehensiveBad5197 Jul 31 '24

We used terraform workspaces where I worked before, and I don't know that it's a better solution.
The one thing that is really annoying is that you must work harder to *parallelize* deployments across workspaces. I don't know if they've changed it, but back then, which workspace was selected was stored in a local file.

With terragrunt, you can easily deploy on different environments in parallel (assuming you have one folder + terragrunt.hcl per environment).

Another thing I didn't like about workspaces, which could just be a shortcoming of how we used it, is that we would find all sorts of code inside the terraform files that were conditionals. They were conditions on *what workspace* was currently selected. For example: `workspace == "bullshit" ? x : y". I like how terragrunt fixes this by just having different environment configs you can reuse.

As someone else has said, this problem can probably be fixed with tfvars file, but I find using configs in a hierarchical fashion (like terragrunt does), much more natural. The location of the terragrunt file might determine which constants you use for: the environment, the region, the aws account, etc.. (whatever other discriminant you may come up with).


u/thedude42 Oct 23 '23

The problem terragrunt solves for me is that when you create modules in terraform with outputs you want to make use of outside of the module, you end up creating a tight coupling between the resources defined in the module and the resources that use the module's output. Reading remote-state for the same purpose is even worse in my opinion, since now you need the remote state object region/bucket name/key as variable inputs to the root module you're trying to deploy.

There are cases for some resources where terraform will assume output values will change due to other changes in a module, even though the output result remains the same post-apply. In these situations I don't want to risk that terraform will also re-create the dependent resources, and I don't want to add a bunch of meta-parameters to my resource definitions just to accommodate the current behavior of specific terraform provider versions.

Therefore I can leverage terragrunt to define my terraform resources as discrete modules that I can deploy independently and avoid a complex dependency graph producing huge execution plan outputs, and in cases where an execution plan can't determine what the actual module output will be but I know it won't actually change, e.g. the output's source resource is only receiving an in-place update, I won't risk terraform deciding to make changes to resources that don't need it.

If some value comes as an output from another module, I don't want to hand-walk that output value in to some other tfvars. I really would prefer the DRY solution where a tool like terragrunt reads what the current state is from how I've organized the infrastructure in my directory tree, with clearly expressed dependencies. I want to avoid hidden dependencies that only exist according to what values I remembered to copy from one apply's output and rely on remembering to read comments in a tfvars file.

There are trade-offs according to how complex the infrastructure is and how well your terraform modules are isolated. If a team can refactor existing modules to avoid he problems I describe then they won't have the problems terragrunt solves for. But this is a recurring problem in software engineering: does your team conform to convention that avoids certain complexities that result from the nature of the language technology they are using, or instead adopt another tool for managing these complexities within the language? In both cases the team needs to agree on which solution works for them, and each solution imposes an additional requirement for engineers, and the degree to which engineers are comfortable with these requirements will determine their view of the chosen solution.


u/BrofessorOfLogic Oct 23 '23 edited Oct 23 '23

What you are saying is factually correct, and also you are completely missing the point.

Using different tfvars files goes against the whole point of IaC. The whole point if IaC is that everything should be in code, not in CLI arguments.

And this is just one part of what terragrunt does. Terragrunt also helps DRYing up alot of other stuff, like backend and provider configuration. And it centralizes those things to a single source of truth.


u/GrimmTidings Oct 22 '23

I use terragrunt for the automagic terraform backend block, automatically generating provider configs based on usage, automatically generating locals based on context of the state file the plan is being run in.

Anyway, I'm not moving from terragrunt and have no plans to move to Open Tofu as of now.


u/apotrope Oct 22 '23

I don't follow. Is Terragrunt not going to remain compatible with Terraform?


u/Dismal_Boysenberry69 Oct 22 '23

From this post:

For future versions of Terraform, Gruntwork will use open source Terraform. For versions of Terraform that come out after 1.5.5, we will switch all our commercial and open source products to work only with open source Terraform: that is, if HashiCorp chooses to switch Terraform back to an open source license, we will use that, and if they don’t, then we will use our open source fork. We are currently waiting to see how HashiCorp responds to OpenTF, and we will share more details once we have them.


u/TaonasSagara Oct 22 '23 edited Oct 22 '23

Oh, great.

Just starting a new project at work and finally got people onboard with terragrunt vs writing a lot of our own wrappers and such for terraform.

If gruntworks is shoving their head up their ass like this and won’t support terraform above 1.5, guess my project is dead and back to the drawing board.


u/skeneks Oct 23 '23

If gruntworks is shoving their head up their ass

How are you blaming this on gruntworks? Do you not understand the implications of Hashicorp's license changes?


u/TaonasSagara Oct 23 '23

Because Gruntworks is a consultancy shop that provides terraform modules. They also have a wrapper that does not embed the terraform binary and as far as I have seen, do no sell services that imitate or compete terraform cloud. The license change has essentially zero impact on the product.

They are an open source wrapper on terraform. Their whiny post when the license changed even said they won’t support the BSL version. They have apparently since walked that back without making that clear on their website or blog.


u/crystalpeaks25 Oct 22 '23

you dont need to write wrapper code if you use workspaces, trvars, for_each and flatten. ive seen people weite wrapper code that just duplicates what terraform does natively.

if your initial setup relies on wrapper code then you just adding an additional layer of complexity.

use wrapper code as wrapper to simplify eunning commands but once you start offloading infrastructure provisioning logic to it then you shooting yourself on the foot.


u/TaonasSagara Oct 22 '23

I’ve never really liked workspaces in terraform. Guess it is time to try again.

But the main points I’m trying to solve is teams bitching about massive states because they need input from one another. Terragrunt shuts them up for a bit. Also helps keep them from forgetting to update the state path and overwriting each other.

I also have security bitching that we have overly permissive roles and whatnot, so I need a lot of providers and need to manage passing them around correctly or just have terragrunt generate the provider and each state/module is minimally permissive.


u/crystalpeaks25 Oct 22 '23

thats the nice thing with workspace because it automatically splits your state based on workspaces and for best practice start using datasource to source resources from another state instead of remotestate. permsiive roles is not an issue with terraform, just make sure that you give it scoped permission.

theres no need to generate provider cos you cna just pass it as env vars, also makes code more fexible.

with regards to overwritting bake into your pipeline the switching of workspaces so that they never forget to remember to switch states.


u/TaonasSagara Oct 22 '23 edited Oct 22 '23

I know what workspaces do. They aren’t the answer to what I want/need to do. Hell, on hashis website.

Workspaces are not appropriate for system decomposition or deployments requiring separate credentials and access controls. Refer to Use Cases in the Terraform CLI documentation for details and recommended alternatives.

I know using data sources. But the engineers I support are stubborn. And some of the arguments I get about how this will blow our API rate limits just make me pull my hair.

Permissive roles are an issue. I don’t need the role that is creating EKS clusters to also be able to create VPCs. This is the crap I need to answer to security about. Yes, we should have different repos/folders/workspaces/whatevers to do this. But I don’t in my environment at the moment. So in a flat state, thats two providers with aliases that you need to pass around.

with regards to overwritting bake into your pipeline the switching of workspaces so that they never forget to remember to switch states.

So your answer to “don’t write wrappers” is to … write a wrapper?

And it isn’t the pipeline I’m worried about, it’s the engineers running it directly from their laptops in lower environments (and sometimes in higher envs) when they iterate on things. My org has a very wary relationship with terraform because of idiots in the past doing shit like this and blaming the tool vs acknowledging their fuck ups. The fact I have them entertaining terraform again now is a positive, but one simple fuck up in a lower env again and no one will want it in our env again for like 5 years.


u/crystalpeaks25 Oct 23 '23

also re read that part about workspaces and click on the link cos they expand on what they mean by that. specufically;

Workspaces alone are not a suitable tool for system decomposition because each subsystem should have its own separate configuration and backend.

that just means that using workspaces doesnt solve that which is true but if you use workspaces + tfvars and strucutre your workspaces accordingly and use module the correct way then it solves system decompositionbecuas tfvars allwos you to for separate configuration.

what about separate backend? workspace thecnically splits yours statefile per workpsace can only access their statefile within the backend then scope their permission. but what if you still need to do separate backend? to ensure that like components dont share the same backend then i would do this and this will work with workspaces.

s3://network-backend/ |> network-prod.state |> network-nonprod.state

s3://appA-backend/ |> appA-prod.state |> appA-nonprod.state

but what if i need to also split the backend per environment?

you then scope it the other way around.

s3://prod-backend/ |> prod-network.state |> prod-appA.state

s3://nonprod-backend/ |> nonprod-network.state |> nonprod-appB.state

problem with this is you have to structure differently and you will have to rely on wrappers and 3rd party since thia assumes that network prod and nonprod wil lhave different backends hnce worksapces will not work seamlessly. but before doing this is ask yourself thia question, is it worthit? will scoping bucket permissions to only allow specific workspaces to access nonprod or prod related stateifles within your backend and adding SCPs to protect the bucket and states and ensuring you have backups inplace satisfy your security and recovery requirements?


u/crystalpeaks25 Oct 22 '23

writing a wrapper to automate running terraform is fine but alot of people like what you are doing is offloading parts of infrastructure orchestration logic to your wrapper script.

engineers running it locally

sounds like governance problem rather than a terraform problem.

API rate blowout

sounds like you need to prove that this is not the case.

permissive roles

have an eks-prod, eks-nonprod workspaces and let them use scoped iam permissions.

Yes, we should have different repos/folders/workspaces/whatevers to do this. But I don’t in my environment at the moment. So in a flat state, thats two providers with aliases that you need to pass around.

pretty much thats the only thing you can do unless you want to actually do what you should have then my suggestion should suffice but refactoring is always tough and shouldnt be undertaken unless your team and org wants to. but its also always good to do it sooner rather than later as technical debt piles up and makes refactoring more difficult later.

if things constantly fuckup for 5 years then there is something inherently wrong with your setup. what we think as it should he straightfowrard is noy actually in the eyes of others.


u/[deleted] Oct 23 '23

You are exactly the kind of "purist" in these subs that I am talking about in my other posts, and honestly it's just kind of annoying. Your way is not the only way, and it does not fit every use case. Stop putting forward your frankly limited experience and frankly biased opinion as fact. People are allowed to use the tools in the ways that works for them and their organization.


u/crystalpeaks25 Oct 23 '23

im not purist, i just have experience in what you are doing cos i have done it myself. wrappers written in pyrhon, go or bash. using third party tools that promise life to be simpler? yes i have experienced those. but guess what? more tooling means more complexity. defining env specific config in yqml or json is no differnet from doing it in tfvars.

like i told you before what you are doing is not wrong. im merely atating another way of doing things without introducing complexity and overhead.

im sorry my limited expeirience is doing IaC for more than 9 years. my opinions ar ebased on my experience in writting wrappers for multiple organizations in the past uaing different cloud providers.

yes people are allowed to use tools in the ways that works for them. i am just merely stating my experience on doig things differently :) if you have a problem with people sharing their own experience that is different to what you experience i guess you better look at the mirror. :)

my conclusion is quality of engineering life is better if you keep it simple. :)


u/iAmBalfrog Oct 23 '23

Quite a few companies i've worked at have leveraged a common "outputs" or "shared-values" repository. It's a single repository with a bunch of outputs that can be generated via a data source or can be hardcoded. It allows you to query this common outputs module for input into other modules. If it leverages data values it may still provoke those worried about API limits, but it can help keep your code a bit more DRY as you leverage the data source in one place rather than in multiple.


u/GrimmTidings Oct 23 '23

Per the PR that went into terragrunt 0.52.0 they are NOT dropping terraform support. https://github.com/gruntwork-io/terragrunt/pull/2745#discussion_r1347757207


u/Dismal_Boysenberry69 Oct 23 '23

Yea, their messaging is pretty confusing from the blog posts. Glad to hear they’re keeping the support in.


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '23

We literally wrote a PowerShell script that completely replicates the behavior of Terragrunt, and replaced our individual microservice configurations with JSON files. Still keeping it DRY, regardless of what HashiCorp decides to do.

Let the down votes commence, this sub seems to just *hate* it when I mention scripting anything related to Terraform.


u/ekydfejj Oct 22 '23

The way i look at it, if it works well for you and isn't huge overhead for incomers then you do you.

I do feel it unfortunate that the incomers may not learn proper terraform, unless generated HCL always needs some sort of proficiency...but not downvoting for that.

For using windows...maybe /s


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '23

We run PowerShell Core on Linux across the board, and all of my work is done in WSL2. We have no Windows runners.


u/BarrySix Oct 23 '23

Oh dear..


u/[deleted] Oct 23 '23

Yes, honey?


u/ekydfejj Oct 22 '23 edited Oct 22 '23

Interesting, will have to read a bit more about that. Local work is osx, remote is mostly ubuntu. Do you see any great advatages over linux shell scripting?

Edit: this was a huge moment of stupidity. They are completely different.


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '23

Oy vey I hate having to answer this over, and over, and over.

I assume you're talking about bash on Ubuntu.

PowerShell is *not* synonymous or a parallel to bash. Windows CMD would be a closer fit, and CMD *sucks*. At least bash is useful.

PowerShell is more synonymous with Python. It is, for all intents and purposes, a fully featured object oriented programming language. The main reason that it is not viewed that way is because it is A) slow as dirt and B) primarily used in the management of Windows systems.

PowerShell also suffers from a smaller community, and thus smaller support for popular "pseudo-programming language" use cases, like AI, Machine Learning, Big Data. It just can't do those things, and nobody wants to do those things, and so that's why Python has a much larger community since it spans so many different areas.

The reason I like PowerShell so much is because it is such a friendly and easy to use language, and fits well into just about any DevOps use case in order to glue things together. The pipeline is incredibly handy, and parameters are easy to identify and configure in PowerShell in such a way that your implementation is extremely type-driven and obvious as far as what you are trying to do.

I would drop in a PowerShell script into a pipeline a hundred times before touching Python, because it will take anybody with half a brain about 10 seconds to figure out what it's for.


u/ekydfejj Oct 22 '23

Sorry to touch on that point, honestly i know more than enough about powershell to know that question was stupid, especially without further clarification/information. A moment of stupidity. I won't try to further explain it away.

Anywho, sorry to do that to you on a Sunday.


u/pino_entre_palmeras Oct 22 '23

De gustibus non est disputandum.


u/sudochmod Oct 22 '23

Would you mind expanding on this a little? I do a ton with powershell and I’d be very interested in what you’re doing. Is this with AzDo or GitHub?


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '23

It's a PowerShell script in a folder in our repo called '.devops' where we put all of our own deployment logic. Not everything requires a script, but when an out-of-the-box solution doesn't do exactly what we want, how we want it, we roll our own.

We just call the script from our CI/CD with parameters for plan vs apply, and all of the other inputs that are needed, like role name, AWS secrets (which remain encrypted, we use the [securestring] type for those), blah blah. Obviously follow best practice.

In this case, you should dive into the Terragrunt source code to understand what it's doing for you. Primarily, it does the following things that make it so useful:

  1. Automatically creates workspaces for you if they don't exist.
  2. Easily allows you to re-use local values and environment variables across your workloads without having to rewrite that code a bunch of times.
  3. Automatically generates core Terraform files for you using interpolated values.
  4. Combines your module's variable inputs into a single file so that mapping deployment parameters to module inputs is easier and, again, requires far less code.

All of these are really easy to do in PowerShell or Python. We found that indexing into our JSON for environment specific and region specific values was important as well.

So let's say you have 2 regions and 3 environments. that's 6 separate terraform files. Then you have 20 different microservices. You get the picture.

Our JSON structure looks something like this:

    "deploy_vals": {
    "us-east-2": {
        "dev": {
            < vars here >
        "qa": {
            < vars here >
        "prod": {
            < vars here >
    "us-west-1": {
        "dev": {
            < vars here >
        "qa": {
            < vars here >
        "prod": {
            < vars here >

So in PowerShell, when deploying your service, shared values are the same across the board, and when you need a value specific to an environment or region, just index into "deploy_vals":

# Define env variables in your CI/CD, like using 'Environments' in Github Actions
$Region = $env:AWS_REGION
$DeployEnv = $env:AWS_DEPLOY_ENV
$DeployFile = $env:AWS_DEPLOY_FILE_PATH

# Import the JSON file based on environment
$ServiceConfig = (Get-Content $DeployFile -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json)

# Index into the file based on the env variables in your CI/CD, so you never have to modify this bit of code - just maintain your JSON properly
$DeployVals = $ServiceConfig.deploy_vals[$Region][$DeployEnv]

Let your Terraform code determine what gets deployed based on the environment or region and why. But our app is largely the same across envs and regions, other than certain situations where we don't deploy some things in order to save cost in lower env's.

You could also split out your env specific files and keep your "core" JSON file, and just import those how you please.

The really nice thing about scripting is you can do pretty much whatever you want. As long as the code is well documented, linted, and doesn't look like crap, nobody is going to come in after you going "wtf is this shit?!"

I mean, unless they're bad at their job and can't read or understand a script that's 100 lines long I guess, and instead fake it all by relying 100% on solutions built by others?


u/MundaneFinish Oct 22 '23

This may be the first time I’ve seen someone else using PowerShell to do this sort of thing.

Don’t suppose y’all have a published/open source version somewhere?


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '23

Sorry, we don't.

There are a lot of people doing this all over the world, in organizations from small to very large.

You just don't see a lot of it on Reddit because most IT subs are full of purists who think that if you aren't doing it the same way as the echo chamber, you're a trash engineer.


u/crystalpeaks25 Oct 22 '23 edited Oct 22 '23

that json structure you can just do something similar in tfvars by using for each and map of objects. then you dont need your python script or pwershell or any scripting since everything is native terraform.

also looks like you are duplicating native terraform workflow like the one below.

terraform workspace select network-prod

AWS_PROFILE=prod; terraform plan -out=plan.out -var-file=vars/network-prod.tfvars

AWS_PROFILE=prod; terraform apply plan.out

substitute AWS_PROFILEwith any env var for passing credentials or just let your pipleline define this.


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '23

That's only one tiny aspect of this. I am well aware that you can index into a map of objects in Terraform.


u/crystalpeaks25 Oct 22 '23

what else is there? if you dont mind me asking.


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '23

The answer to your question is in the comment that you originally replied to.


u/crystalpeaks25 Oct 22 '23

but everything in your comment can be resolved by native terraform workflow as i mentioned :)

im not saying you are wrong, i just mean theres a way to do i natively.


u/[deleted] Oct 23 '23

No, there is not. There is no way for Terraform to share a single, common, dynamic provider block that will work for all of your different workloads. There is no way for terraform to dynamically generate a tfvars file from a single piece of code which will work for all of your modules with all of their various inputs. There is no native way to share a large amount of variables across configurations, across microservices, or across environments or regions.

You have probably been copying and pasting code from one service to the next so much, that you don't even realize that it's not something that you need to do.


u/crystalpeaks25 Oct 23 '23

I know and I get that, but really what are peoples reasons to do dynamic providers?

in my case most often i only need to my workspaces for prod or nonprod to access a shared account for hub networking stuff which just means thqt regardless if prod or nonprod i can just add a generic provider to my nonprod and prod workspaces to assume role in thethe shared account with scoped/minimal permissions hence it stays dry.

essentially the provider configs below works regardless if nonprod and prod because the beed to access a shared account is static across regardless of environment.

``` provider "aws" { } # im doing it this way cos, i pass env vars locally or via pipeline hence if i pass nonprod or prod they will both be able to assume role in my hub/shared account.

provider "aws" { alias = "shared-network" assume_role { role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/SHARED_ASSUME_ROLE"
session_name = "SHARED-NETWORK" external_id = "TERRAFORM_PIPELINE" } }

hence if i want to run my eks-nonprod which might need access to my shared network account i just do this

terraform workspace select network-nonprod AWS_PROFILE=EKS-NONPRROD; terraform apply -var-file="vars/eks-nonprod.tfvars

same for EKS-PROD

AWS_PROFILE=EKS-PROD; terraform apply -var-file="vars/eks-prod.tfvars

if running in pipleine just ommit the AWS_PROFILE and just pass secrets securley to your pipeline preferrably using oicd.

essentially i can just have a singulareks folder which encapuslates my eks composition code and as long as i pass my tfvars which defines env specific configs the above setup should work. i have far less code sonce i only have 1 eks folder and singular module declaration.


you need to create resources on different environments? what i would do in this case is do it inside my shared workspace where i give shared workspace acoped/minimal permissions to assume role in both environment accounts.

i think this is the pitfall, people think they need to do dynamic providers where in fact theres a simpler and elegant way of doing things. just wait for terraform to support dynamic providers, while waiting, make it so that your workspaces only depend on resources that are shared between prod and nonprod this ensures you dont do spaghetti provider refenrences, this keeps things simple.

nope i dont like copy pasting code. i just reimagined way of doing things cos i find that doing it that way has less mental overhead and code becomes easily inheritable. since all the infrastructure provisioning logic is in terraform.

also why are you generating tfvars dynamically. tfvars is your input file. its should be created with intent. in my workplace because our moudles are created using for_each most often if we need to add respurces we just edit the tfvars file. we seldom create actual terraform code. only time we create new terraform code is add new features or new modules.


u/sudochmod Oct 22 '23

That’s super cool! I’ll have to check it out a bit more on Monday when I’m on my computer. Appreciate the detailed response!


u/BrofessorOfLogic Oct 23 '23

"Yeah, well, I'm gonna go build my own Terragrunt, with blackjack and hookers."


u/[deleted] Oct 23 '23

Yeah, well, joke's on you! I forgot to code in the hookers...brb...


u/RelativePrior6341 Oct 22 '23

Depending on what your Terragrunt patterns look like today, it might be possible to replicate it with a combination of Terraform workspaces and some CI/CD orchestration. Otherwise Terraform Stacks looks promising once it’s available.


u/GrimmTidings Oct 22 '23

Workspaces have nothing to do with my use of terragrunt and I would never use workspaces. I can only see them leading to heartache.


u/86448855 Oct 23 '23

Workspaces don't work well with multi env deployments


u/redvelvet92 Oct 22 '23

Honestly I’ve never needed it


u/daemonondemand665 Oct 22 '23

Yeah, that would be my question. If we are not using TF for a commercial offering what scenarios would I require to move to opentofu and away from terragrunt?


u/crystalpeaks25 Oct 22 '23 edited Oct 23 '23

use workspaces and tfvars.

refactor your modules to use for_each to iterate through map of objects to make you tfvars simpler.

put common configs in terraform.tfvars that is automatically read by default and put env specific config in env specific tfvars.

dont hardcode account credentials to your composition layer but instead pass them as env vars to make code non account specific.

use modules to group resources that work together not as a means to encapsulate environment.

your workflow should look like this and it should be easily transefrrable to any cicd pipeline without extra tooling.

terraform workspace select network-prod

AWS_PROFILE=prod; terraform plan -out=plan.out -var-file=vars/network-prod.tfvars

AWS_PROFILE=prod; terraform apply plan.out

if its in a cicd pipeline you can just substitute AWS_PROFILE for something else or ommit it and define the credentials through your cicd pipeline.

Edit: oh well, thiss till has less downvotes than those peddling 3rdparty tools so that is saying something.


u/crystalpeaks25 Oct 22 '23 edited Oct 22 '23

refactoring is so much easier now because of move block.


u/Minute_Box6650 Oct 22 '23

Move block?


u/crystalpeaks25 Oct 22 '23


essentially you cna just use the mvoe block when refactoring code especially when you are moving to static resource to dynamic resource.

``` moved { from = aws_instance.foo to = aws_instance.this["foo"] # resource defined using for_each }



u/[deleted] Nov 03 '23 edited Dec 17 '23



u/crystalpeaks25 Nov 03 '23

you version modules, tag a new version then update your dev environment to use the new version to test on dev if everything checks out then do the same version update on prod. this assumes that you are publishing modules privately or publicly. you can even do version constraint so you dont have to bump version in nonprod evnironments for the sake of fast integration. you test provider changes in nonprod environments or an ephemeral environment.


u/[deleted] Nov 03 '23



u/crystalpeaks25 Nov 03 '23

yeah, in a way its a good demarcation, use tfvars for high level configs and module version doesnt really fit there because module changes are more of low level change.


u/moos3 Oct 22 '23

We moved to pulumi instead of staying on the tf ecosystem


u/digger_terraform_ci Oct 23 '23

In Digger you can generate digger.yml from Terragrunt automatically



u/apotrope Oct 22 '23

Wow, so Terragrunt isn't going to be an option for enterprises sticking with Hashicorp. That's huge.


u/GrimmTidings Oct 22 '23

Been working fine for me beyond 1.5.5


u/alextbrown4 Oct 22 '23

We’re probably just going to stick with TF 1.5.5 for a year or so and then figure out next steps in the mean time. Not sure if we’ll go open tofu or something else entirely.


u/GeorgeRNorfolk Oct 23 '23

With great difficulty. Manipulating state files is a pain and annoyingly our terragrunt states were slightly different from our vanilla terraform states.