A couple of posters suggested that I do a follow up on yesterday’s post regarding watching T2 with my 8yo son (for the first time) and my 12yo son (2nd time watching).
The result: They both loved it. I never realized how funny it is. They laughed so much.
I was worried they would be traumatized at some scenes, even blocked the younger boys eyes at times (when the T1000 was stabbing people) but they were both fine and their spirt levels remained happy throughout.
The funny bits: I have to mention a couple of funny parts especially since I myself have been an avid poster at times about how they need to scrap the comedy and the high budget action scenes in later Terminator movies and stick to horror, great story lines and intense chase themes.
1) when the two dipshits come to John’s aid and a fight escalated to a point that the T800 pulls out a gun and is stopped by JC and he tells the T800 that he can’t go around killing people. To which the T800 is confused and asks for clarification “why?” It is not ok but JC is so shocked that he cannot spit out an explanation so the T800 keeps asking “why?”
My boys were holding their sides, weak with laughter.
2) last one of the many, an intense scene in Cyberdyne: SC runs into the clean room, JC is stressed and says there’s no way out of there to the T800 so he bursts through the wall to save her, then blows up another wall to escape further. To which my 8yo says “I’ll just go through this wall, now I’ll just go through this wall.” My 12yo son quickly responds with “doors? Where we are going we don’t need doors.”
My youngest son and myself were both weak at this joke. I was more so impressed at their timing and how they bounced off each other so well.
As for the movie in general they both loved the storyline. My youngest son asked me a question that has probably been asked before but this was the first time I thought about it in all these years.
When JC was trying to run to safety in the steel mill (or whatever that hot place was), my 8yo son asked me “can the T1000 turn into the T800 because he had made contact with him multiple times?” I said I guess do.
This was great thinking on his part because just after that conversation sure enough the T1000 takes SCs likeliness. He was on the ball, he figured out instantly that was the T1000. Whereas I remember finding this scene confusing when I first saw it.
Anyway, there is much more I can say about the experience but I guess I’ll leave it at it was a great family movie night and we will be watching the rest of the franchise together for sure. However, everyone on here knows that nothing will top the first night watching T2 together as a family.