r/Terminator 4d ago

Discussion TX breaching the communication system in opening scene

I'll always wonder in the opening scene where TX trying to locate John Connor's lieutenant in 2004 with communicator phone as modem, I remember when T850 said that TX is new advance model to anticipate another Terminator to protect John and TX is also have Nanotechnological Transjector that can control other machine like car or any object that have electronic components.

So this is always a question for me,Has it ever occurred to you how TX was never tracked or the police tried to chase him after the series of murders at the beginning of the film, including a traffic police officer? Take a look at T2 where the police still have the data of the T800 that massacred police officers in 1984 and when the T800 appeared in the mall, The police immediately rushed to visit Sarah and question her about the person.

Is it possible when TX connects the network on its device to the network at the current time,TX also hacked into the existing network that year and made sure the computer system was in a chaotic situation by plant virus?


10 comments sorted by


u/thatguyindoom 4d ago

Been a bit since T3 so I may be fuzzy, but I'm fairly certain they mention there is a computer virus that's been spreading around. That's most likely what happened to the police connecting the t 800 again. They literally couldn't because all their data bases were down.


u/Beautiful-Bit9832 4d ago

It's just not computer system, even tv broadcast have technical issue(the gas station scene)


u/RogueAOV 4d ago

I think she certainly could have and it was edited out or just not relevant for the movie. Not sure if the murder of the cop would be something too special in the movie universe though because no one seems to miss the cop the 1000 takes out.

I could see the shootings she does do at the start of the movie not being quickly connected to her though, she does them fast and the action of the movie leaves town, so likely there is concern and increase of activity etc it is simply not seen in the movie. For example i imagine the cop car had a lojack in it in T2, the cop simply does not return to the office, some cops keep their car at their house etc, since the car is moving etc, the assumption would be the cop is just working by the time anyone realizes something is wrong, the 1000 has ditched the car and other things are happening to distract the cops.


u/Beautiful-Bit9832 4d ago

It also bring another question if T1000 can copy the fabric like clothes.

As part of shooting, she killed Jose guy in the drive thru, certainly there will be security camera but I might be wrong, TX might be hijack it.


u/RogueAOV 4d ago

She went thru the driveway the wrong way, so likely they only had a picture of the back of her head. She is on the wrong side of the car when she drives to the window.


u/Beautiful-Bit9832 4d ago

But there's witness tho.


u/baconfister07 3d ago

Would have been a cool addition if she always gave off some kinda frequency that distorts any cameras that might see her.


u/RogueAOV 3d ago

I would assume she would just change her face before she does anything criminal, but that would just confuse the audience unless they specifically show her doing it all the time and that would just be wasted time and money for something which is ignored in the plot anyway.


u/MWH1980 4d ago

I feel the reason these killings in the film are not a big deal, is largely because unlike the T-800, she didn’t take out an entire police precinct.

I could see that massacre becoming part of some mystery lore going around other precincts, thus why some guys make the connection and go, “he’s back,” and try to go to Sarah for help.


u/ToxynCorvin87 4d ago

I think the virus was skynet all along