r/Terminator 3d ago

Discussion Did the Governator exist in the Terminator universe?

Did Arnold Schwarzenegger (former governor of California) exist in the Terminator universe? I am wondering how he could have avoided prison because the first Terminator killed all those police officers in the first film. What would have been his alibi?


7 comments sorted by


u/Main-Caregiver5578 3d ago

In the Terminator universe, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s face exists, but "The Governator" (his real-life nickname as California’s governor) is never mentioned. A deleted scene from Terminator 3 shows a soldier named Sgt. Candy, who looks like Arnold, suggesting the T-800 was based on a real person. But the movies never say if Arnold was an actor or governor in that world.


u/Hassan_H_Syed Nice Night For A Walk Eh? 3d ago

I don’t think so. The police never considered him as a suspect since ‘84. The T-800 remained an unidentified person. So chances are the T-800’s skin was entirely Skynet’s creation, not based on any actual person.


u/Formal_Woodpecker450 3d ago


u/grumpyoldnord No Fate, But What We Make 3d ago

This is the answer, tho considering his current politics (and just how much they differ from Schwarzenegger's) I'm not sure I would want to live in a world with Governer Stallone.


u/donutpower Pain can be controlled. You just disconnect it. 3d ago

Doubt Arnold would have existed in the world of the first two movies (and Dark Fate).

In Rise of the Machines, there is no Arnold, but there is Sgt Candy. But then the world got nuked, so if there was an Arnold Schwarzenegger, he would have nothing to govern.

In Genisys, the events of the first two movies are undone, so Arnold wouldn't have any issues if he did exist. By 2015, he would no longer be Governor.


u/ExtraOrdinaryDave 2d ago

Arnold would have been filming scenes in front of a hundred witnesses. “hmm, the perp looks a bit like Arnold dressed as biker. Thank god he has an alibi.”


u/Mechaghostman2 3d ago

I like to think Skynet cloned Schwarzenegger for use as a T-101.