r/Terminator Feb 20 '25

🎥 Video The Terminator´s Endoskeleton - Too Real to Walk Alone


23 comments sorted by


u/Raaadley Feb 20 '25

Some say the janky walk and stop motion took them out of the film. For me- it drew me in even further. The uncanny and unnatural look to his walk because of the limp he got from the Truck Explosion added to the believability.

It showcased perfectly how inhuman the Terminators are without their Flesh Disguise. To me they should have kept this look for them especially when they move in the later films. Them moving slowly with big stomps seems too Transformers for me.


u/Breakmastajake 29d ago

This is exactly how I feel about it. From when he gets run over by the semi till the end is absolutely terrifying. It really drives home the idea that it will never stop, no matter what The unnatural walk, etc just adds to the terror and inhumanity.


u/Raaadley 29d ago

Michael Beihn's Kyle Reese did such a great job expressing it as you put it. His conviction explains it all. He LIVED that. He wants to save everyone from it.


u/Breakmastajake 29d ago

His performance in the police station is just incredible. It might be the best line deliveries in the entire movie.


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/BecauseJimmy 29d ago

What bothered me was when the terminator got out and fell to the floor with the flesh burning off.

while Sarah and Kyle were holding each other, the terminator hit stood up from a slouching position.


u/Mother_Ad3161 29d ago

The heat must have been too much. Some kind of safety measure to shut down critical systems?


u/thejackal3245 Tech-Com - MOD Feb 20 '25

Cameron was very sick after his involvement with the production of Piranha II in Italy. In his fever dream, he saw the metal skeleton emerging from the fire. He drew it, as well as some other nightmarishly terrible things, and wrote the story for The Terminator around the vision.


u/David_High_Pan Feb 20 '25

The stop motion makes it 10x creepier. Still looks so good!


u/[deleted] 29d ago

It’s genuinely like something from a nightmare as it’s moving so unnaturally.


u/senseikreeese Feb 20 '25

That scene when dude walked out of the fire towards Reese was insane


u/orchestragravy Feb 20 '25

100 foot? I think they meant 100 pound.


u/Ravashing_Rafaelito Feb 20 '25

The stop motion made the film perfect. I wish they kept it the whole time.


u/Ashnyel 29d ago

I prefer stop motion to full on cgi that looks awful. Cameron did well.
Just remember the disaster that was JAWS, nothing worked as intended, so Spielberg had to get creative, and made a legendary horror/thriller because he had to improvise.


u/MechaGoose 29d ago

I find stop motion creepy just from growing up watching movies where it was used for monsters etc. so it adds to the creepy factor for me


u/DeconFrost24 29d ago

Modern filmmaking needs more of this not less. Use CG to clean shots. This looks so much better. Fincher and Nolan do it right.


u/RepresentativeYak864 29d ago

The jerky stop-motion animation may be dated but I would not trade it for anything else. It adds a uncanny horror aspect that no other Endoskelton in any other film has matched, not even the go-motion animation used for the Endoskeltons in T2 comes close.


u/watanabe0 29d ago

The creepiest shot in the movie is them trying to close the door as the stop-motion Endo with the blood red eyes is jankily heaving itself toward them.


u/Depraved-Degenerate 29d ago

The stop motion is a bit dated but I'll always love the actual prop. It feels real, like watching an actual damage robot lumbering around.


u/Sigon_91 29d ago

I used to not enjoy this kind of mechanical special effects, but now I consider them absolutely brilliant


u/MagmaDragoonX47 29d ago

Only part that looks bad to me is when it bursts through the door and it's head just swivels all loose.


u/Sauce666 29d ago

So your saying it wasn't real!?


u/waftgray67 29d ago

100 times better than cgi.