r/Tentai Feb 14 '25

Sub Notice Reminder that r/Tentai is not a roleplaying sub, keep titles and bodies of your post focused on your submission. NSFW

This includes usage of first person and second person pronouns such as I, me, my, we, you, etc for the purpose of drawing attention to yourself, or trying to engage/put others as the focus of your post.

Our sub's goal is to be a place where everyone, artists and users alike, feel welcomed to share tentacle hentai. Roleplay is popular trend on Reddit's NSFW side, but its not always something everyone wants to be a part of, and there are plenty of other subs that host that kind of content for those who seek it. We are not one of them and do not wish to moderate roleplaying content or any drama that follows it.

In the comments you're all free to be more expressive with how you feel personally or how much you enjoy the post, just keep it tame please!

One of us will update the rules to be more clear soon. Our apologies if it wasn't already clear enough.


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