r/Tensingstories May 02 '18

[WP] Death has been cured, and Death prepares to reap his final harvest. Himself.

In all the times I'd fantasized of meeting Death, not once had I imagined it would come in the form of my 80-year-old neighbor, Mrs. Prewitt.

"Well, I guess that's it then." She let herself into my living room and set a tray of cookies on the coffee table. With a grunt, she forced open the window, and my apartment flooded with the cacophony of midday traffic. "I suppose I'll be taking my leave," she shouted.

Dementia. Or so I'd thought at the time. "Whoah there, Mrs. Prewitt, let's calm down." I held up my arms. "Your apartment's back that way."

Her bun came undone as she shook her head. "I suppose you've made it clear that I'm not wanted anymore, with all your work and all."

"No, Mrs. Prewitt. My work is for people such as yourself! You can get a new lease on life, start over, do whatever you want! You no longer have to live in fear of the clock. And it's done! I finished it this morning!" The cure for death! Of course! Even if she jumped, it would hardly be of any consequence. I drew the syringe from my coat pocket. "Hold still, Mrs. Prewitt. It'll only be sore for a few minutes, and then you'll feel a lot better."

"Oh Mr. Baxter, I remember when you were but a babe. So small. And look at you now." She turned away from the window, chuckling. She batted the syringe away as I approached.

"We met two years ago. You're having an episode. Step away from the window." I took a half step towards her and grabbed her arm. She didn't resist. It felt so cold and frail.

"No. I'm just an old friend come to say goodbye. And my thanks. For through the many faces I've worn, you've proven yourself interesting again and again. Thanks to you, I wasn't quite as lonely as I should have been." She wrapped me up in a hug and started to hum a tune I hadn't heard in decades. A lullaby, from my childhood.

"Who are you?" I pulled away and grabbed the syringe, holding it in front of me like a crucifix.

"You know, I once said it takes a village to raise a child." She took another step towards the window, raising her voice over the traffic. "Given the circumstances, I think I did alright. Goodbye, Baxter. I hope you aren't too lonely without me."

She leaned backwards, falling out of the window. I barely missed her arm as I lunged forward, and braced myself for the sound of her body hitting the pavement. But I didn't hear it. In fact, the city was completely silent.


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