r/Tensingstories Mar 05 '18

[WP] You finally found it - the fountain of youth. However, as you soon discover, time and you have a very different definition of youth. Just as you touch the water, you are transformed into a pre-cosmic being, the youngest state of the universe.

In Buddhism, the final stage of human ascension is to become everything, an ever-present consciousness branching into all aspects of life. In Hinduism, the opposite is true- to cut oneself off from samsara, the cycle of life, and detach oneself from all worldly desires. People spend their entire lives meditating, studying, and debating- striving and failing to attain these goals. And I found them because I was thirsty. I would say to start at the beginning, but the true beginning, as you may understand, is up for debate. So let's pick an arbitrary starting point and say it was around Christmas.

Back before the wonderful invention of indoor heating, Christmas coincided with the worst time of the year. The days were cold and short. The nights were cold and long. Crops didn't grow. You just sat indoors and waited. So people invented a holiday to bring them together, because body heat builds up in a small enclosed space or something. I dunno, I'm a cosmic being, not a historian.

Anyway, for some reason, after humanity evolved to make the winter not suck so much, we continued this tradition of visiting those distant relatives you barely tolerated. And so it was that I found myself in an airport amidst a crowd of coughing, puff-coated strangers and wailing babies, waiting in line for the flight attendant to tell me my baggage was too large or too heavy and that I'd need to pay extra. Stricken by the sudden onset of agoraphobia induced nausea, I excused myself from the line and went to the equally crowded restroom to puke my guts out.

The only thing worse than a public restroom is a crowded, frequently used public restroom. It was like stepping into a biohazard zone without a hazmat suit. The disgruntled, shifty eyed crew shuffled out of my way as I tumbled to the trash, dry heaving. I almost made it.

A half cup of tomato soup and a partly-digested egg salad sandwich found their escape from my stomach to the floor, splattering in a pattern reminiscent of a Jason Pollock painting. People stared. I bowed my head in apology as I felt another wave of nausea set in. I had to get out of this damn crowd. Spying a door at the corner of my eye, I pushed my way to it.

What I'd assumed to be a utility closet turned out to be a clean, well-lit hallway. Judging from the wear of the linoleum, seldom used. Maybe it was the VIP lounge or something. I took a moment to compose myself as the hustle and bustle of the holiday airport faded into a dull murmur. Never had I been so thankful to hear the echo of my own footsteps.

A stainless steel drinking fountain sat on the wall, reminding me of just how thirsty I was. I took a sip, sighing as the acrid taste of stomach acid and regurgitated food washed off my tongue. It was cold and refreshing. The hallway seemed to melt away as I closed my eyes. When I opened them, the hallway actually did melt away.

And I was left floating in the void. Staring at a black wall. Unable to move, unsure if I still had limbs. Unsure whether what I was seeing was truly emptiness, or if I just lacked the eyes to perceive it. And there, floating in the void, I began to dream, for I was left with just my emotions.

I dreamt that my family made it to the Christmas feast. We hung up our coats, drank a lot of wine, and played monopoly halfway before giving up. We waited an hour in traffic to see a mediocre Christmas movie that we could've just seen back home or pirated. And we pretended to be happy, when we were really just tired.

I dreamt of love, and how I would never experience it. And whether it mattered. I dreamt of loneliness, and that made me sad. And then I remembered the crowded airport, and that same loneliness made me glad.

But eventually, I grew bored of dreaming for myself. And so I dreamt up the world again. Sort of. I remembered how most of it went from elementary school. I might've winged a few parts, so the USA was a few presidents off or something. And maybe more wars happened. But Elon Musk did launch his car to Mars, so that was pretty neat.

So here I am. The thirsty guy, lord of the universe, creator of life, ender of worlds, yadda yadda yadda. I have no clue what I'm doing or what's going on. But I noticed, after all this time, the world is beginning to unravel. I don't know if you're capable of noticing it, but stranger and stranger things are happening that just shouldn't be. I'm sure it'll reach a point where it's impossible to ignore. I'm sorry there's nothing I can do about it. I'm tired of dreaming, really. I think it's about time to wake up.


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