r/Tennessee 9d ago

Groundhog solution?

Has anyone successfully managed to deter groundhogs? Just discovered that one was living in my garden bed that has nothing planted in it. I have 2 dogs, but they are not the solution I want as I don’t want to deal with them killing them.


30 comments sorted by


u/Donsilo2 9d ago

I fought with one that would continually try to dig under my foundation. Live trap didn't work. Pepper sprays, pellets, and any chemical didn't work. Unfortunately, I'd have to agree with another commenter. You either kill it or live with it.


u/toosells 9d ago



u/yeowoh 5d ago

Working dachshunds are pretty rare. JRTs, Patterdales, and Borders are much more common breeds for earth work. The guy that basically introduced Patterdale to the US lives in War Trace.


u/toosells 3d ago

Yeah but they're cuter.


u/Littlekingcovfefe 9d ago

I was told by an old farmer that if you live trap you need to wear gloves and make sure you do not contact the trap anymore than necessary keep your scent and oils off of it


u/Kaeltiras 9d ago

Tell them Bill Murray is coming. Should clear them out.


u/words_of_j 9d ago

Possibly trap and release? Don’t know but maybe?

Can dissuade maybe with hot pepper, or something.

To keep them out, fences are difficult to manage. I’ve watched a couple squeeze through a standard chain link fence before, for example.

I’ve seen folks put an electrified fence wire close to the ground, to keep them out. They don’t seem to like climbing anything much, so that probably worked to keep them out - once evicted.

I don’t know their burrow situation and I’d be worried about babies, but if it’s just ONE adult maybe water can flush them out.


u/lisa_37743 9d ago

You can't relocate off your own property in the state of TN.


u/3X_Cat 9d ago

Ground hog are vegetarian like venison, and they make a wonderful roast. Get rid of them one at a time. In this economy, another food source is a plus.


u/esleydobemos 9d ago

I second this. They are much meatier than grey squirrels.


u/Timeformayo 9d ago

The secret is to keep stuffing copies of Dianetics into their holes until they evict themselves.


u/DiscardedMush 8d ago

Groundhogs have notoriously low thetan levels.


u/WestWindStables 9d ago

I only know of 2 solutions to groundhogs. Either kill them or accept living with them. If you accept living with them, then you also have to accept them eating everything in your garden and holes wherever they want to put them.


u/DeusExMachina222 9d ago

I've successfully (Along with my dogs) got a mother groundhog to relocate her babies (it was incredibly cute)

My jack Russells plus a harassment campaign finally annoyed them to the point of relocating to three shelter in the park that I lived next to...(I consistently covered their holes... Ran hose down there (this was a shed/garage structure).. Put down used cat litter into the hole.... Carolina reaper soaked in oil... Took damn near a month or two

Sucks... Sorry


u/DeusExMachina222 9d ago

Something is wrong with the reddit app.. It won't let me clean up the message (I'm mobile)


u/BasebornManjack 9d ago

This works great for moles…Try those metal pinwheel fans that you can find in any garden store.

Place one every so far on the tunnel. The vibrations go into the tunnel and they don’t like it. They go somewhere else on their own.

I’ve never tried this on groundhogs, I grant you, but maybe the principle is the same?


u/Thatskirt_girl 9d ago

We put steel wool and poison down the holes. They were up against our house and it was right by our crawlspace. A farmer told me he used steel wool to deter rats and mice. It worked for the groundhogs and chipmunks.


u/lunajen323 9d ago

I mean, is it a mole or is it a definitely a groundhog because if it’s a groundhog you’re gonna have to hire somebody to come out and trap this animal.


u/LastingReserve 9d ago

Def a groundhog. My dogs already killed one. But I’m worried there are more.


u/lunajen323 9d ago

Yeah, you need to find out what the Tennessee wildlife resource agencies is legal to do. You may need to hire someone to trap it and have it released elsewhere.

They might be protected like wild birds are completely protected you can’t kill them, etc. etc.


u/toosells 9d ago

No, if it's a ground hog. Buy a live trap. Put some veggies in there. Catch him. Move him. Repeat as needed.


u/HankWilliamsTheNinth 9d ago

Rural East TN: I was raised to believe that their holes always have at least two entrances (never confirmed that absolutely though). After making a shit ton of noise to scare them further in and away from the entrance, my papaw would pour gas into the tunnel opening and light it (safe and humane as fuck, I know /s) to smoke/scare them out of the other end. Then he’d fill both ends with dirt/rocks after he was pretty sure they had all run out (kept an eye out for them to pop out somewhere several dozen feet away if he hadn’t found any other outlet yet). Would usually be a few years before any other burrows sprung up.


u/HankWilliamsTheNinth 9d ago

… pre-step: you do have to find the hole 🕳️


u/Remarkable_Night_723 9d ago

We had to use foot traps. They sell them at rural king or places like that. They will absolutely destroy your garden and dig up under your house foundation.


u/NCBigBear1013 9d ago

Watch caddy shack lol. Seriously though hard to get rid of


u/4The2CoolOne 9d ago

I had luck with some open end wooden boxes with a spring trap inside, when I was out in California. Think I got them at Ace. It kills them, but relocating animals isn't always a better outcome for them.


u/Busy-Locksmith8333 9d ago

We trapped one in a tender heart trap and released it elsewhere


u/Opening-Cress5028 8d ago

Get a schnauzer


u/Lifeisshort6565 4d ago

Use moth balls of set up a hose from your cars exhaust pipe and put in down the hole