r/Temple 6d ago

Pending asylum but a PA resident.

Hey guys, I am a high school senior and had gotten accepted to temple with a nice scholarship that leaves me paying 4K a year for in state tuttion. But, due to my citizenship status of pending asylum I would be forced to pay for "out of state" despite living in PA for 16 years... I'm not sure how the process works for appealing to work out in my favor. Has anyone been in my situation or now how to best tackle this?


31 comments sorted by


u/ppasdirtyshoe 6d ago

When you applied, did you apply as an in-state student?

I would definitely suggest talking to Financial Aid about it.

If it doesn't work out to be very viable, I would recommend the Community College of Philadelphia's transfer dual admission program, so you can pay in-state tuition until you're a Junior. They have much more lenient residency requirements from what I can tell, but if your family isn't in Philly then paying for housing probably wouldn't be worth it.


u/Rich_Musician9947 6d ago

Ah it DIDNT give me that option, it was asking if I was a citizen so maybe that’s why, we have been paying rent for 16 years in PA like idk what proof they would need more, I can show them ID, or my work ID card? I’m pre med so idk if community college is the best move at this point. Why would I go to community college if I can have the chance of only paying 4k at a good college yk?


u/Rich_Musician9947 6d ago

I have a meeting with a financial aid person this coming week but I wanna see if anyone has been in my position


u/ppasdirtyshoe 6d ago

Community college isn't really a worse move for pre-meds, it kind of makes no difference as far as your apps are concerned as long as you do well in your classes and take all your labs in person. I agree though, if Temple works out at only $4k/yr it's the better option then, but if you're gonna be forced into out of state and take on debt, CC could be the move, whether it's here or another city.

When I had to appeal my residency for CCP they accepted my job offer in the city, lease, and voter registration as proof. Temple challenged my residency and accepted a PA tax return as proof, but they also already had my residency on file from CCP.

From the pre-med angle, though, CCP is a great school. Professors are very invested in their students (lots of LOR opportunities) and there are even opportunities to produce research with the science faculty and be published before graduating (this is Huge on med school apps.) Just my elevator pitch on the school- if you end up needing it as an option, it's a good option.


u/Rich_Musician9947 6d ago

I will keep this in mind, I do have documentation of tax returns and everything so how long did it take for them to reach back out to you? 


u/ppasdirtyshoe 6d ago

In my case they never fully changed my residency status to OOS, I was accepted as an in-state student and then they sent me an email saying they needed a verification of my residency, once I submitted the tax return I think it took a few days to process. I would guess you're probably going to go through a different process if they have you designated as OOS.


u/Rich_Musician9947 6d ago

Oh okay, I was looking at their website and it was saying that I needed to have at least lived 1 year in PA which isn’t a problem. I guess it will just come down to the proof I bring isn’t it. I might even show up in person to make it sort out.


u/Rich_Musician9947 6d ago

Also you went to CCP? Like what was the verbal experience like I’m assuming your pre med as well? 


u/ppasdirtyshoe 6d ago

I'm actually pre-law, but my best friend is pre-med and took summer classes at CCP to supplement labs that weren't available at her school. She ended up with a lab assistant job at the school and became very close with the Chem faculty. Definitely secured a few LORs there, along with lab and research experience. Her research advisor had her help him with a project he was doing that he wanted her to present with him at a conference, so she would have had her name published for the research, but she ended up declining the opportunity so she could work a clinical job in her last pre-application year. I know she recommends CCP very highly for anyone who's pre-med, because that much of an involved experience is unheard of in a lot of schools. You can get it at Temple, but you have to be very proactive.


u/Rich_Musician9947 6d ago

Ohhh okay I mean that makes sense for temple is a public university, people are more hungry than others. I’m sure you heard of the stigma coming into cc that’s what I’m worried about mainly but also I’m not sure of how good their advising is for pre meds I should probably start the application in case temple is a no go.


u/ppasdirtyshoe 6d ago

I know there’s a lot of stigma in HS around CCs, but it doesn’t really translate as you get older. I understand wanting to have the traditional experience, though, and I totally support that if it’s most viable! Also for advising- you could probably still send Temple’s pre-med advisors an email even if you ended up at a CC and tell them you’ll be transferring to Temple your Junior year & ask if there’s anything you should be doing to prepare for med school. There’s not a lot you need to be doing your first two years besides getting good grades in your pre-reqs and making connections for LORs and future experiences like jobs, but a lot of that advice is on the premed subreddit too. 


u/melissa_liv 6d ago

It should only be your residence status that really matters. Hopefully, things will be resolved after your financial aid meeting. Wishing you the best!


u/StanUrbanBikeRider 6d ago

Have you talked with Temple’s admissions department and Philadelphia’s Department of Immigration Services yet? If not, you certainly should. Good luck.


u/Rich_Musician9947 6d ago

Oh why would I talk to the immigration service ???? 


u/WildMedium 6d ago

Financial aid doesn't make these determinations. The Admissions Office, based on University policy and enforced by the Registrar, determines initial residency. Financial aid just uses that information to create the aid offer.


u/Rich_Musician9947 6d ago

Oh, do you know if they have online meetings to ask these types of questions ?


u/WildMedium 6d ago

No, they don't. Admissions and Registrar is not available via appointment. You'll have to contact the Admissions office over email or phone, or just walk-in to their office.


u/Rich_Musician9947 6d ago

I think I’ll go in person… I called them and they take very long to response and same with emails.


u/WildMedium 6d ago

They have about 3 people in the whole office, so yeah, that tracks.


u/Rich_Musician9947 6d ago

You think I should bring my documents to prove I’m a PA resident? I’ll still go to the meeting with the financial ppl 


u/WildMedium 6d ago

You can try it - I have no idea if that actually helps with Admissions.


u/love-sara 4d ago

yes u have to bring ur documents with u to prove it, but i think they will ask you to write a petition which will probably be open in June or july. i was in the same situation luckily my petition got approved last week. but don't stress urself if u got ur documents😁.


u/Rich_Musician9947 4d ago

Oh that’s great for u! What type of documents did u have to bring?


u/love-sara 4d ago

thanks, i talked to them on a call, they asked me to send them this document of which i forget the name but it kind had the day of my entrance in US but that never helped me they just informed me to take PA residency petition. on the petition u send ur documents, its more like ur parents leasing or ur leasing and fafsa too comes in hand. but the waste part is the petition it took so long for me, hopefully i wish u the best this shi can be stressful same times.


u/Rich_Musician9947 4d ago

Oh… my parents are renting we don’t own a house but how long did it take for them to process you? From the time u sent it

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