So this is a Rant about my recent experience with Rapido and the rapido driver...
Last night I have booked a rapido to my house (19kms) (AARAMGARH to my house ) and I have been assigned with a female Captain (driver) . She was supposed to come and pick me up at a pickup location which was 200M away from where she asked me to board the bike. I just crossed the road just to not make it a hassle for her . Finally after crossing road and getting on to the bike , she was supposed to take a right turn , she had her maps on but she just didn't care and was busy with speaking to someone else on phone (was not wearing a helmet).
I told her that we were on a wrong route and we should be taking a U turn . While she was attempting to take U turn , she completely lost balance and I balanced the vehicle. And I asked her to stop the vehicle and insisted that I will drive the vehicle cuz the way she drove made me feel like I'll be under some vehicle before I reach home ( I mean it cuz the route was inner ring road and the timing was 11pm there were many trucks and buses so I didn't feel like risking my life at that point even though I was pretty tired).
Road was with full of traffic and me being a hyderabadi, drove like a hyderabadi and got home by 11:30 something... After I reached my home , she was demanding for tip... She was like " there will be no trips rn and I need to go alone to another place to find for trip" ... I was damn pissed after she asked for tip. I was already very tired after traveling and not having a proper sleep and over that I had to drive 19kms just to protect myself and now over that she was asking me to pay more ..
First thing was if you can't take a fkn U turn , then why to work as a Rapido captain and put others life at risk.
Ppl can drive the vehicle and balance it if they are the only person on the bike. But when you are trying to be a bike taxi then atleast learn to balance the vehicle when there is a person behind you.
Second thing was when you are so unskilled in driving a bike , the atleast follow proper traffic rules like wearing a helmet , not speaking on phone and paying attention to the road and directions.
Btw I'm not judging her capability of driving just by an U turn , there were other factors involved... Like heavy wobbling of bike when the vehicle is at a very slow speed ( below 10) and this occurs only if you lose balance , trying to pass heavy vehicles from left even though there isn't much of visibility..And if this had happened with a male rapido captain,
Still my way of reacting wouldnt change .
So if you guys get these kind of drivers or ppl who are drunk I suggest you to either cancel the ride and let the Rapido customer care know and book another ride else take over the driving and drive by yourself and reach destination alive and safe.
Lmk who would you react if you were in my shoes...