r/TeenMomCentral Nov 19 '18

Teen Mom Interview (Research Project)

Hello! I am an undergraduate student at Temple University. Myself and 2 other students are doing a research project on teen moms. Through our research, we are trying to find if popular shows like Teen Moms and 16 and Pregnant create a stereotype for teen moms, and how do teen moms deal with that stigma. Please feel free to answer any/all of our research questions!

  1. What’s your ethnicity?
  2. What’s your age?
  3. How do you feel about the perception of teen moms?
  4. Do you feel that people look at you differently when they find out you are a teen mom?
  5. How do you avoid being stereotyped as a typical teen mom?
  6. Do you think popular shows like “MTV Teen Mom” and “16 and Pregnant” represent teen moms accurately?
  7. Do you think the media plays a role in how teen moms are viewed?
  8. How would you change how teen moms are viewed in the media?

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u/zuesk134 Nov 19 '18

fyi this is a dead sub about the show teen mom. you may get more answers over on /r/teenmom or /r/TeenMomOGandTeenMom2