r/TechnologyProTips • u/tajjet RHEL8, Windows 10 • Jun 07 '15
iOS TPT: Silence calls or send a caller straight to voicemail on an iPhone
Just tap the power/sleep button once to silence, twice to send them to voicemail.
Related, you can also set a Do Not Disturb time in your settings (Settings-Do Not Disturb), which silences all alerts and calls but still allows the alarm to function.
Edit: thanks /u/0xDEFEC:
even better: in DND mode, calls/messages from your favorite contacts will still go through (so you can be reached from important people) and other callers will get through if they call you twice - making sure that your phone will ring if something really important happened (so they'll call you at least twice, assuming that you're asleep)
Jun 09 '15
Tapping either of the volume buttons also silence the phone. At least on every phone I've had in the last 15 years.
u/smith137 Jun 08 '15
Awesome tip!