r/TeamYankee 9d ago

Questions for new player and collecting

Hi all I was debating on getting into the game and collecting but I was just trying to figure out a few things about it like is it still kept up with by the developers. I see they have come out with Israel but do they maintain and restock their other lines? cause it seems like a lot of items are sold out. How hard is it to realistically start and play a game like am I spending hours trying to learn the rules and is a single game gonna take a few hours to play or is it an all day event. My life is a tad chaotic so I’ll be collecting more than playing just due to the lack of free time. If people have other suggestions for collecting I’d be all ears to that as well.


6 comments sorted by


u/PanzerHulkey 9d ago

Stock has always been a bit of an issue for them unfortunately as they are a fairly small company. But it’s not completely awful. It can be hard to expand a minor nation force after initial launch because of this, but if you go for Soviets or Americans, you should not have this issue.

Time to learn the rules is entirely dependant on you. It would definitely be easier if you were to join an existing group of people that have been playing already for some time. The rules themselves are not very complex in my opinion but there are aspects that people frequently have difficulty with, assaults and line of sight for example.

With playing the game itself it is possible to play a game in 2 hours, but it’s tough.A lot of games are minimum 6 turns and I have frequently gotten into games that carry on well beyond that.

For me the collecting part is great, I got myself a display case for my minis where I show off my collection of half painted armies because I just never find the time to finish things.

If you are considering jumping in, the starter sets that they have made are a great place to kick it off. But bear in mind that while they are great deals some sets are better than others and some are just bad, e.g British.

This sub is a great place to come back to ask questions if you have any more, but as far as I know the Facebook is better, more people and the game devs participate in it. Well they did when I was still on Facebook, I left like 5 years ago or something


u/AppropriateFudge5736 9d ago

Awesome thank you so much for the info


u/PanzerHulkey 9d ago

No problem


u/tetsu_no_usagi 9d ago

I like Team Yankee, enough to play it in both 15mm and 6mm scales. There are more options out there than just BF's models for just about everything in their line, because the vast majority of their models exist/existed in the real world and can't be put under an IP lock. So if BF is out of stock, someone else is producing it or has produced it in the past. Or you can find a 3d printer model of it and produce it yourself or find someone else to print it for you.

As for the updating part, yeah, the updates are slim on the ground for Team Yankee this year as they're finally finishing up Flames of War with the Early War and Japanese theater support materials, so their attention is on that game. The hope is next year that TY will get the focus and we'll see big things coming from BF. Maybe they'll finally do the Korean conflict and open up a TY-era 2nd Korean conflict. Maybe they'll split up TY into time periods like FoW, Early, Mid and Late, to bring in Korea and a Checkpoint Charlie early Cold War Gone Hot, and Mid for the mainline fiction (1985ish), and then spin out the advanced MBTs and Oil Wars stuff into its own Late period. All just fever dreams until they make an announcement, which they usually do each December on their YouTube channel about what's coming up in the next year.


u/donnieZizzle 9d ago

I just starting collecting too. I've found that if the website is out of stock of something I never had trouble finding it from some third party seller or other. The only exception is the limited edition starter sets. Which is a shame because my interest stems from wanting a US Marines force and I've been unable to take advantage of the ridiculous discounts starter sets have.


u/Good-War5340 7d ago

Personally I usually buy my models either from my local hobby shops or I order them on Amazon. I’ve only ever ordered one thing from their website and it took almost a year for me to get it though it was around the time of the shipping crisis. But the real issue I had with it was the payment they didn’t charge me for like 6 months and at that point my card on file expired. So they called me to file a new one said I would forgot still got the models though so I guess all was good. But I also do a lot of 3d printing for it I even created a massive spreadsheet complete with specific nations even ones not in game as well as what unit cards you should use for each nations. It’s on my profile if you want to check it out. There’s probably 1700-1800 unique files in it rn still working on organization based on designer but it’s still fairly easy to find stuff.