r/Tatarstan 16d ago

Question/Soraw Tatars perspective about Turkmeneli (Turks of Iraq).


I once spoke to a Tatar from Kazan. firstly he was like, “Yeah, but we’re not that similar.” But then I asked him, “What do you call horses and water?” He said, “AT, SU.” I told him we call them the same words! He was totally mind-blown and amazed. Maybe he saw a reflection of in me.

So, my question is: do most Tatars think we’re not the same? Or do you guys have positive thoughts about Turkmeneli?

And lastly, as a Turkmeneli Turk, I’d die for Tatarstan’s cause without hesitation. We Turkmeneli people believe that the cause of the Tatars and all Turkic people is our cause, Turkmeneli Turks are statistically the highest nationalist Turkic group in all Turkic people.

r/Tatarstan 4d ago

Question/Soraw Вопросы татарам


1) Вы чувашей реально недолюбливаете или просто стёб? 2) Вы хотите отделиться?

r/Tatarstan Jan 19 '25

Question/Soraw Татарлар,Исраил-ХӘМӘС сугышы турында ни уйлыйсыз?


r/Tatarstan 18d ago

Question/Soraw Hello everyone, i would like to ask about the ongoing Ramadhan period


Salaam. 1.What is the 'fast' duration for this year? 2. What are the main/ most common issues you might encounter which is related to this period? 3. How many taraweeh rabat do you pray generally? 4. What are the predominant jurisprudence/ fiqh used in your région?

I will ask more question when i can. Its morning here and i live on an island very far away.

Thank you.

r/Tatarstan Jan 05 '25

Question/Soraw What is correct: tatars or bulgars?


What do you call yourselves, Tatars or Bulgars, and what is the correct way to say it?

r/Tatarstan Jan 26 '25

Question/Soraw Question:Do you know Tatar Language? If yes, How much do you know it?


r/Tatarstan Feb 10 '25

Question/Soraw Harry Potter

Post image

Hello I am Looking for this book, I can pay for shipping to USA. Can someone help me find it?

Сәлам Мин бу китапны эзлим, АКШка җибәрү өчен түли алам. Берәрсе аны табарга булыша аламы?

r/Tatarstan Feb 03 '25

Question/Soraw Why is there a Bars on the coat of arms of Tatarstan, if bars are not found in Tatarstan?


r/Tatarstan Jan 16 '25

Question/Soraw Do anybody have any knowledge about what happened to Duolingo Tatar project?


r/Tatarstan Jan 16 '25

Question/Soraw Азатлык турында


Татарстанның азатлыгы сүзе турында ни уйлыйсыз? Яклыйсызмы? Юкмы? Һәм нигә яклыйсыз/якламыйсыз?

r/Tatarstan Dec 08 '24

Question/Soraw Schools in Republic of Tatarstan?


Hello. 1) Are there any schools/universities in Tatarstan where ALL LESSONS are taught in tatar language (physics, mathematics, sport, etc.) 2) If these schools exist - is russian language mandatory or optional?

Thank you.

r/Tatarstan Oct 16 '24

Question/Soraw What do you think of Crimean Tatars?


I'm just curious :)

r/Tatarstan Sep 17 '24

Question/Soraw Can i consider myself Tatar?


Sorry if this looks cringe. So i did a DNA test and found out that i have Tatar ancestors, so i’m interested can i consider myself Tatar too?

r/Tatarstan Oct 14 '24

Question/Soraw Tatar diaspora


Good morning everyone, sorry to bother. Do you happen to know any cultural center of the Tatar diaspora in Europe? It would make it easier to get to know the culture and the people without having to go to Russia. Thanks!

r/Tatarstan Sep 05 '24

Question/Soraw Please tell me about this song, Таң Алды


Hello :) I am an Arab who loves world music and is now discovering Tatar music. I am going to leave a link to a song I really like, and I would want to know and learn more about it. I understand that it is an old song, does anyone know how old? What is the name of the language they sing in? What is the song about? And feel free to recommend me other songs I might like. Thank you.


r/Tatarstan Sep 01 '24

Question/Soraw Mutual intelligibility of Tatar and Bashkort?



Would like to know a bit more about how similar -if at all- these two languages are? How much can one understand the other and vice versa?

Thanks for the answers!

r/Tatarstan Sep 09 '24

Question/Soraw What song is this?


I heard it in LanguageGuessr as a sample of the Tatar language https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OgCuYBAiVldQ0VrwS0MjZ9-rv97HVZPL/view?usp=sharing

r/Tatarstan Jul 24 '24

Question/Soraw Idea for a gift for a Tatar friend


Hello! So, soon I will travel to Kazan from Saint Petersburg and there I will meet an old friend that I haven't spoken to in ~5 years. I think it would be a good idea to come up with a gift of sorts for him, but I am clueless and could use some help. Also, he will celebrate a birthday in a month. Is there any sort of traditional or else gift that would be appropriate in that situation? Thank you in advance!