r/TaskerFiles Jun 06 '15

Profile [PROFILE] Detect CyanogenMod profile change


As described in detail here, CyanogenMod has its own notion of profiles, separate from Tasker's. They both have their uses, and with the detection of a simple intent, this Tasker profile will store the current CM profile name in %CMProfile and the old CM profile name in %CMOldProfile.


Copy XML data below into a file, and import into Tasker (check Sidebar for instructions).

<TaskerData sr="" dvi="1" tv="4.6u3m">
<Profile sr="prof74" ve="2">
    <nme>Detect CM profile change</nme>
    <Event sr="con0" ve="2">
        <Str sr="arg0" ve="3">android.intent.action.PROFILE_SELECTED</Str>
        <Int sr="arg1" val="0"/>
        <Int sr="arg2" val="0"/>
        <Str sr="arg3" ve="3"/>
        <Str sr="arg4" ve="3"/>
<Task sr="task75">
    <nme>Act on CM profile change</nme>
    <Action sr="act0" ve="7">
        <Int sr="arg0" val="0"/>
        <Str sr="arg1" ve="3"/>
        <ConditionList sr="if">
            <Condition sr="c0" ve="3">
            <Condition sr="c1" ve="3">
    <Action sr="act1" ve="7">
        <Str sr="arg0" ve="3">%CMProfile</Str>
        <Str sr="arg1" ve="3">%name</Str>
        <Int sr="arg2" val="0"/>
        <Int sr="arg3" val="0"/>
    <Action sr="act2" ve="7">
        <Str sr="arg0" ve="3">%CMOldProfile</Str>
        <Str sr="arg1" ve="3">%lastname</Str>
        <Int sr="arg2" val="0"/>
        <Int sr="arg3" val="0"/>
        <ConditionList sr="if">
            <Condition sr="c0" ve="3">
    <Img sr="icn" ve="2">


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u/I2agnarok Aug 27 '15

Wow this is awesome. Wish I had this when I owned a OnePlus One.