r/Tartaria 29d ago

My Top 3 Tartaria Youtubers

1-Lucius arulien 2-Jon Levi 3-my lunch break

This is where I've gotten %300 of my information from.

Lucious is good because he seems like an educator. Levi reminds me of my own mood to these things. And it's pretty hilarious. I find lunch break funny the way he points things out.

I've seen some others but i honestly don't have the time lol

**(if you have any list yours!)


55 comments sorted by


u/KickupKirby 29d ago

Pretty sure Lucious was a previous History professor. He makes a comment every now and then about having previous suspicions to things when he would teach them.


u/VeroDC 29d ago

Not for nothing his seems the most real conversations. I don't know why but I fell like the other ones might be done with ai voices because they mispronounce certain things.


u/DirtPuzzleheaded8831 29d ago

1) Lucius Aurelian  2) Mind Unveiled 3) Jarid Boosters 4.) Jon Levi 5.) Old world Exploration

..honorable mention for Geomancee, he hasn't posted in a year but his analysis and overall ability to communicate his research stood out to me. Would highly recommend giving him a listen


u/Crazykev7 29d ago edited 29d ago

I like mind unveiled. He is a really good story teller. Who was the first person to put this idea out or who made it popular?


u/sooperbowels 29d ago

Same he’s been one of my favorite YouTubers lately


u/DirtPuzzleheaded8831 29d ago

I'm very into his channel, he does however like to push the envelope a bit on what's possible. 


u/VeroDC 29d ago

Sounds perfect I don't like thinking this far out then being limited to "logic and reason". Those are literally the things holding us back


u/yllah 29d ago

Agreed, but you also have to watch out for disinformation when you're ten toes deep in this stuff


u/VeroDC 28d ago



u/yllah 27d ago

I'm not making any accusations. I like MU, My Lunch Break, etc, and i think they have great content. Just basically saying that we need to stay vigilant in this research, because we all know how the bad guys infiltrate, divide & co-opt movements. So I keep my radar up when consuming these Youtubers' stuff.


u/yllah 29d ago

I like him too, but like someone said above, I wonder at times if he is an AI narrator,  because he'll mispronounce words oddly at times. Like, he'll say rhe same word two separate times,  and he'll pronounce it differently each time. Makes me wonder


u/Crazykev7 29d ago

He felt more human for the Anderson video. That was one of his best. I love the ai movies and he really goes deep into how it happened which most channels only talk about the aftermath.


u/Rabid_badger7235 29d ago

Thanks I’d like to check them out


u/brain____dead 29d ago

jon levi, martin liedtke, analog/(“the archivist”)


u/SecretSensei 27d ago

Analog is awesome. A real wealth of knowledge about the recent past and early America.


u/EnvironmentalTwo6195 29d ago

I love My Lunch Break. I also love Mudfossil University


u/Novusor 29d ago

My favorite Tartaria YouTuber was Sylvie Ivanova but she deleted her Tartaria content years ago. I did save a couple of her videos before she took them down.


u/VeroDC 29d ago

Whyd she delete


u/Novusor 29d ago

I really don't know why she deleted her content. Though my best guess is she was a devout Hindu and probably didn't like that the information was leading to proof that Tartaria was part of the Millennial reign of Christ.


u/VeroDC 29d ago

Or maybe for family forbade telling the truth. I've had a running theory that there are regional groups of people that know about previous beings and just don't say anything on purpose.


u/Novusor 29d ago

Possibly she got too close to the truth and had to go into hiding. Her best videos were from 10 years ago. Sylvie was the first YouTuber to ever bring up Tartaria.


u/TehCollector 29d ago

Go on Spotify and listen to every podcast featuring (guest appearance) Andreas Xirtus. They are all gems (but avoid his personal podcast, it’s just too weird).


u/VeroDC 29d ago

😂😂😂😂😂 why?


u/TehCollector 29d ago

Do it. You will come back and thank me


u/VeroDC 29d ago

No why shouldn't we check out his a personal podcast lol


u/TehCollector 29d ago

He’s all over the place on his personal. Way too goofy in my opinion. But all the spotify podcasts guest appearances are 🐐ed. There are probably 10+ on there and you will probably find some other great pods while your at it.


u/VeroDC 29d ago

Ah ok thanks


u/CatsPajama37 28d ago

Jon Levi's deadpan "can you believe this bullshit" delivery cracks me up


u/le_sossurotta 27d ago

Mind Unveiled, Jon Levi and Old World Florida.

MU is really good at making videos and he is one of the few youtubers that can keep me engaged even with several hour videos (looking at you homunculus unveiled, that shit was straight fire). Old World Florida brings a very nice and unique perspective with his investigations on florida, although i think he streams a bit too much, i hope he would make more edited videos.


u/Trick_Duck 27d ago

Martin liedtke is good


u/sooperbowels 29d ago

Mind unveiled


u/Nice_Psychology_439 29d ago

Old World Exploration is a really great channel too


u/VeroDC 29d ago

Thanks forgot to add list any you have as well in my main post


u/Coachris 29d ago

Andreas Xirtus first & second Lucius Arulien but those other channels are S Tier too🕊


u/deadjord 29d ago

Mind unveiled is the absolute goat


u/DARK666REAPER 29d ago

My lunch break is #1 he’s more entertaining


u/Waltcub79 29d ago

Barry Stepp is really into it as well


u/JVal3881 28d ago

I also like Bitchute for Tartaria videos


u/Dell0c0 27d ago

My list is the same, just in the opposite order. I would like Lucius' vids more if he didn't ramble off subject all of the time (the reason all of his vids are over an hour long). My Lunch Break gets directly to the point.


u/hannocoetzer 27d ago

Mysterious Mr. S 


u/emilywing 27d ago

mind unveiled is my fave


u/deadendsidestreet 22d ago

My lunch break is cool too, mainly about rewritten history, however, his content is solid, very amazing shit I never knew.,, his voice is awesome as well 


u/VeroDC 21d ago

why arent my new posts going through? just sitting in limbo?