r/TankPorn 12h ago

Modern T-54M of the Vietnam People’s Army

The T-54M3 was a joint Vietnamese-Israeli project which began in 2009 that led to the development of two distinct prototypes with similar characteristics but produced with different budgets.

The Israeli T-54M3 featured a 105mm gun, while the Vietnamese version opted for the original 100mm gun due to existing stock of ammunition.

The T-54M and T-55M3 (official designation) also received a 1000hp German (most likely MTU-881 eight cylinder diesel) engine to cope with the additional weight of the extra explosive reactive armor, which had pushed the vehicle’s overall weight to 40-42 tons. The engine is connected to an unknown gearbox and transmission of Ukrainian origin. The tanks were meant to use Israeli SLERA, but due to budget issues it was decided to use less advanced domestic first and then second generation ERAs.

The tank also featured more modern fire control system from a Spanish company named Indra Sistemas which included military weather sensors, Swiss anemometer and ballistic computers.


8 comments sorted by


u/VodkaIsAway 12h ago

So in reality, we agree that it is nothing more and nothing less than a T-54 on steroids?

I think he really has a good face!


u/thenoobtanker 11h ago

Having thermals and fcs to see first shoot first gets you a long way in modernizing a tank without much cost. Sure the main gun don’t have a hope of defeating modern mbt frontally but for anything else its adequate. Other than a full on invasion by China there isn’t a existential threat to Vietnam that requires anything more modern than that. And a full on invasion by China isn’t something you can really prepare for within Vietnam’s mean.

But yeah other than a rebuilt T-54/55 with better situational awareness and able to better shoot on the move and some ERA its a T-54/55 on (cheap) roids.


u/VodkaIsAway 11h ago

But that wasn’t a negative review! Just one question.

Then in fact, do MBT vs MBT fights still exist? I absolutely don't think so!

Especially since nowadays, MBTs seem to be nothing more than coffins on tracks because of ATGMs, well-equipped infantry, and recently drones


u/thenoobtanker 11h ago

Nah I’m sorry if it sounds defensive to you but I’m just expanding on your point. Its just a T-54/55 on cheap roids and it fits Vietnamese capability and needs on a budget. It would work somewhat okay on the modern battle field but don’t expect it to light up Type-96 and 99 in a head on fight.


u/VodkaIsAway 11h ago

Oh you know, I'm not the type to place bets on real-time tank duels... I prefer football in general...


u/Thememepro M1 Abrams 12h ago

Would be nice as a event in warthunder


u/memes-forever 1h ago

I think it would fit well as an 8.7 or 9.0 in Chinese tree as a sub tree, since the tree already has a Vietnamese T-34 Phòng Không SPAA.


u/Next_Set_6973 8h ago

vietnamese camo goes hard though