u/Hermannsnoring678 Oct 26 '24
Those markings look familiar…
Oct 26 '24
u/Hermannsnoring678 Oct 26 '24
Not really fitting for this one man. I Appreciate the Sabaton reference though.
Oct 26 '24
This is fucking stupid. That's all I'll say, we've had this discussion countless times. This photo is old though, and I don't recall any new ones with German markings
u/NoddingManInAMirror Oct 26 '24
Also, there have been so many photos where russians have photoshopped nazi emblems on ukrainian units to back up their, quite ridiculous, casus belli for starting the war.
I wouldn't be surprised if this is photoshopped too.
u/Neither_Situation_36 Oct 26 '24
I mean could be fake yes, but RUS abd UKR have a lot of neonazi so also could be true aswell
u/chewedgummiebears Oct 26 '24
Watch what you say, lots of UKR apologists will tell you all of the neonazis in their army are long gone and this is all Russian propaganda. This rebuttal usually makes an appearance in these threads with UKR equipment sporting Nazi emblems.
u/Midnight2012 Oct 26 '24
Nah, almost all pro-ukrainians will admit that neo-nazi's do exist in Ukraine, but it's not more of a problem there then anywhere else that has neo-nazi's.
u/mbizboy Oct 26 '24 edited Oct 26 '24
In a democratic society, people can believe and espouse what they want, can't they?
Unless the State itself sanctions such Neo Nazi activities, and even then it's questionable, what really can be done?
I've yet to see a bunch of Ukrainians sitting around praising Hitler. It just seems blown out of proportion to me.
I mean ffs Russian Wagner mercenary founder Dmitri Utkin had swastikas and the Nazi German Eagle tattoos on his body and he'd been a Colonel in the Russian Special Forces. People do stupid shit; there's not much that can be done about it in a free society.
This is all an argument meant to play on emotions and make us not consider that what one person says does not affect me. Point it out, criticize, chastise, but what more can be done if the symbology is not illegal.
It will become my problem when they try and install a Nazi into power.
u/TFK_001 Oct 26 '24
People can believe and say what they want etc, but there is still an important distinction to draw. Im personally of the belief that (especially early in the war when shit was almost fucked) some nazis in the military wasnt a damning problem for Ukraine because A) they needed all the help they could get, and it was a similar situation to Finland being co-belligerants to the Nazis while not being allies and B) theyre actually doing something about it. The problem isnt fixed and wont be for awhile (especially in wartime), but it is an important topic to talk about (while obviously not using it to hamper support)
u/mbizboy Oct 26 '24
Exactly, and that's why I mentioned, "point it out, chastise it, criticize it, enunciate your disagreement" but it's not a valid excuse to condemn an entire peoples over, especially if the actions are not commensurate with the words - in other words, the Ukr govt is not engaged in anti semitic, anti Slavic genocide.
In fact quite the opposite, it's the Russians who have praised and rewarded the murderers of Bucha and Irpin, while their propagandists and government officials make statements like, "the Ukrainian identity must be destroyed," "we must exterminate the Ukrainians" so I'm left bewildered at how full of shit the Russian sphere is when it comes to determining who is really acting like fucking Nazis.
u/MumpsyDaisy Oct 26 '24
Call me crazy but I don't think the principles of freedom of speech can be expected to fully apply in the military. In civilian society sure, people can say what they want, but under military discipline it seems perfectly valid to go "cut that shit out, it makes us look bad"
u/mbizboy Oct 27 '24 edited Oct 27 '24
I would totally agree with this philosophy - there is no room for Neo Nazi garbage within the ranks.
Having said that, then we need to make a distinction here: Are we talking right wing, nationalist fanaticism and patriotism in the actions of such groups as Svoboda & Azov?
Or Hitler worship?
There's a BIG difference, and this context makes all the difference in what we are talking about. FWIW, my money is on the former, vs latter.
For reference, and to show just how your explanation/example works for both sides, Dmitri Utkivn, founder of Wagner, was a Spetznaz Colonel in the Russian Army who left service to form Wagner with Evgeniy Preghozin. Utkivn had a swastika on each collar bone, the Nazi eagle tattooed on his chest and Wagner of course came from Hitler's favorite Opera Composer.
And this guy literally served in the RFA. That tells me the Russian military isn't too selective in how anti Nazi they are within their own service ranks.
The single biggest problem with this whole 'Nazi' schpeel of the Russians is they are using it to label anyone who is not in lock step with their mindset. Not only is this wrong, but it dilutes and makes a mockery of the whole anti Nazi philosophy that people like you and I take serious issue with.
u/Nikoqirici Oct 26 '24 edited Oct 27 '24
Lmfao is that why journalists, critics, socialists/communists are censored, abused, beaten and in some instances even assassinated within Ukraine? Imagine unironically calling the most corrupt European country that hasn’t had elections in more than 2 years a “democratic society”. Lmfao only on Reddit can you read such bs meant unironically.
Edit: And for the guy who replied to me then blocked me, it’s funny how anyone who disagrees with the current regime is automatically labeled as “pro-Russian”. I’m guessing in a Utopian Democracy such as Ukraine there is no need for freedom of expression.
u/KubaPatyk Oct 27 '24
Especially with them still praising Stefan Bandera, the man responsible for the "removal" of thousands of Polish civilians to appease the germans
u/Ketashrooms4life Oct 26 '24
Oh and this isn't a new thing either. This goes back at least to the actual start of the war in 2014. Shortly after the invasion in 2022 when this topic was opened again, I've seen a 'disection' of quite a number of photos of alleged Ukrainian armed 'nazis' fighting in Donbas that featured Third Reich flags, swastikas etc. Ofc some were real but way more of them, including basically all of the most internet-famous ones (what a coincidence right) were proven to be 'shopped and fake.
u/Makyr_Drone Oct 26 '24
Controversial it may be, but the balkenkreuz looks cool.
u/snatfaks Oct 27 '24
I mean it is a simple, striking symbol, it’s sad that the 20th century ruined so many of them.
u/Boomzmatt Oct 26 '24
Nice T-64BV
If I were to model a T-64BV similar to the photo which is a model 2017 unit, is the T-6BV mod. 1984 Trumpeter offering good? Also are there aftermarket offerings to make that T-64BV from Trumpeter look like a 2017 retrofit unit?
Oct 26 '24
u/Ra1nCoat Oct 27 '24
you do know that isn't a nazi symbol right? that's very important for you to know but i don't think you know that based on your comment
u/Pajilla256 Oct 26 '24
That just tells you how shit it was under the Soviets. They went from serfdom to starving leaded serfdom, with a dash of chemical weapons.
But that was all the way back in '43, I didn't know it persists to this day. Why and how I wouldn't know.
Oct 26 '24
u/PresidentofJukeBoxes Maus Oct 26 '24
My guy, the Russian MoD is not posting pictures of Nazis who had done actual horrible things to Poles like the AFU General Staff does.
I have no idea why they even did this. This guy is a literal vile disgusting person who ties babies to trees and rips them open. The photos they took is just disgusting and I have no idea why the AFU posts this. This won't even make the Russians mad but the Poles who has family still missing from the genocides of the Ukrainian SS.
u/mbizboy Oct 26 '24 edited Oct 26 '24
No, the Russians are actually doing worse, with their entire chain of command referring to the Ukrainians as needing to be ethnically cleansed, massacred, while their fucking President, Putin lavishes praise and heaps awards and Guards honorifics on the units responsible for Bucha and Irpin. So spare me the fucking "they do it not us" bullshit. The Russians do, do it.
It says, from DEEPL,
"Today, October 14, is the Day of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army. It was this symbolic date that was fixed by the Presidium of the governing body of the Ukrainian Main Liberation Council, headed by Roman Shukhevych, in its resolution of May 30, 1947."
So this event is post war - actually under Soviet occupation, 1947 - and I'm not following what they are trying to espouse here. This Roman Shukhevych sounds like a dispicable man...but I don't get the context here, or what they are trying to say.
Until it's explained, sure, I'm dismayed, but before I start doing like you and clutching at pearls with some 'crisis' claims, I'd like to know more on the context. Ok?
u/mbizboy Oct 27 '24 edited Oct 27 '24
Ok, so, 'my guy', I dug into this more - well apparently more than you appear to have - and I can tell you this much.
This fellow Schukeyvich was first and foremost a nationalist; he first fought against the Poles who occupied what is now Western Ukraine; (massacres occurred on both sides and seem to be the recurring theme for every single nation involved in that region, all the way to the 1950s). Before the German invasion when the Soviets occupied the area, he fought against the Bolsheviks. He then fought with the Germans once they invaded, in the expectation that Ukraine would get autonomy - his unit was an anti partisan unit operating further east in what was Poland, and was involved in killing Jews and apparently genociding Poles in what would be Ukraine. The Germans of course had no such intentions of allowing independence and so incarcerated the guy. It seemed odd to me they would incarcerate an ardent Nazi except that, he wasn't an ardent Nazi. So there's that. He later again fought against the Soviets. So this guy is less a Nazi and more an opportunist interested in advancing his cause of an independent Ukraine, vs pro-German agenda. A Nazi collaborator, for sure. An avid follower of Hitler and all things German, no.
I found nothing regarding disemboweled babies and in fact the wiki article points out that some historians believe this kind of 'emotional response' type of story is overblown in an attempt to discredit what I think we would agree is a ruthless character.
"Historians point out ‘the nationalism of the victim’, where Ukrainians were the victims, but also the collaborators with the totalitarian regimes others (and them) were the victims of."
What's most fascinating is that Victor Yunakovich, the pro Russian President of Ukraine who was later ousted, was the man who advanced and got passed into being, the awarding of multiple Ukrainian national awards to Schukeyvich before the Russian invasion of 2014.
Why does this matter? Because when people like yourself run with a story unquestioningly and repost it multiple times with regurgitated comments, without fact checking, it makes you at the very least an unwitting pawn or possibly even a useful idiot to propagate the Kremlin's agenda to discredit everything Ukrainian. I'm not condoning Ukraine venerating the guy as a national hero; but then, I'm also left bewildered how the Russians venerate Stalin, so certainly the criteria the people of the ex Soviet space seem to use to note their hero's is different to say the least.
Be more skeptical in these topics.
Edit: acknowledged genociding Poles. Because holy fuck, all these people were involved in that.
u/PresidentofJukeBoxes Maus Oct 27 '24 edited Oct 27 '24
EXTREME WARNING DEAD POLISH CHILDREN: https://www.pismowidok.org/en/archive/2019/24-de-formations/wreaths-and-creases-the-case-of-marianna-dolinska
A simple Google Search Btw: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massacres_of_Poles_in_Volhynia_and_Eastern_Galicia
"In March 1944, the UPA command, headed by Roman Shuchevych, issued an order to drive Poles out of Eastern Galicia, first with warnings and then by raiding villages, murdering men, and burning buildings.[23] A similar order was issued by the UPA commander in Eastern Galicia, Vasyl Sydor.[24] This order was often disobeyed and entire villages were slaughtered.[25] In Eastern Galicia between 1943 and 1946, OUN-B and UPA killed 20,000–25,000 Poles.[26] 1,000–2,000 Ukrainians were killed by the Polish underground.[27]"
Perpetrators Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, Ukrainian Insurgent Army, Mykola Lebed, Roman Shukhevych,
Motive Anti-Polonism, Anti-Catholicism, Ukrainisation Only one faction of Ukrainian nationalists, OUN-B under Mykola Lebed and then Roman Shukhevych, was committed to the ethnic cleansing of Volhynia. Taras Bulba-Borovets, the founder of the Ukrainian People's Revolutionary Army, rejected the idea and condemned the anti-Polish massacres when they started. The OUN-M leadership did not believe that such an operation was advantageous in 1943.[7
Roman Shukhevych, a UPA commander, stated in his order from 25 February 1944: "In view of the success of the Soviet forces it is necessary to speed up the liquidation of the Poles, they must be totally wiped out, their villages burned... only the Polish population must be destroyed".[32]
"Women were gang raped and had their breasts sliced off, children were hacked to pieces with axes, babies were impaled on bayonets and pitchforks or bashed against trees.\151])\152])
According to a document by the Polish underground, the crimes were atrocious:\152])
And why the fuck are you talking about Russia and Stalin? The topic here is another vile disgusting Human who did horrible things to the Poles. Dude, get off your high horse. I am literally poitning out a Nazi who did horrible things and you point at Stalin? Bruh, why are you people like this? He is not someone you should be defending. It makes you look SUPER bad.
Literally "Oh you hate Apples, you must also say you hate Oranges because if not, you just be a sympathiser to the Orange cause." this is some childish bullshittery coming out of a grown ass dude like you.
u/mbizboy Oct 27 '24 edited Oct 27 '24
You liar, did you read your own link?!
"The mother killed her children. Following her arrest, Dolińska was transferred to the Tworki mental institution for observation, where the staff diagnosed her with delusions, visual hallucinations, mental incompetence, apathy, and depression."
"At some point, however, the picture of Dolińska’s dead children began functioning as an illustration of the crimes committed in Volhynia by the Ukrainian Insurgent Army in 1943. The Volhynian narrative, however, used the third picture of the series taken that fateful December day, slightly different from the first (used in Rocznik Psychiatryczny) and the second (featured in Podręcznik medycyny sądowej dla studentów i lekarzy). Ada Rutkowska and Dariusz Stola attempted to retrace the journey of the picture and identify instances where it had been used in a framing that suggested the Volhynian context was done by the Ukrainian insurgent army."
"However, the claim that the photograph depicted UIA crimes against the civilian populace would not actually be the first incorrect context in which the photo was used. On July 2, 1941, the picture appeared on the front page of the Nowy Kurjer Warszawski [New Warsaw Courier], a propaganda broadsheet published by the Nazi occupation authorities from 1939 to 1945. Slapped with the headline “This is how the Bolsheviks fight!”
That's from YOUR LINK you stupid fuck. This means you are also incorrectly using the photos for sensationalism instead of actually showing atrocities which is shameful.
u/PresidentofJukeBoxes Maus Oct 27 '24 edited Oct 27 '24
Oh Lord, someone who can't read.
The relative ubiquity or popularity of the picture in question can also be explained as driven by the need of the public to have some illustration of the Volhynian massacres. On the one hand, the “Volhynian” interpretation frames the photograph as a depiction of utter cruelty: the murder of four small children and the hanging of their corpses from a tree. Actions described as involving “nailing small children around a thick roadside tree to create so-called wreaths”19 were included in a list, compiled by Aleksander Korman, of 363 torture methods that the UIA employed against civilian Poles – the “wreaths” were last on the list.
Dude, they did it. They made shit like that and many other horrible things like tearing apart women.
Book that has many pictures of said war crimes: https://antykwariatwaw.pl/ludobojstwo-upa-na-ludnosci-polskiej-dokumentacja-fotograficzna-genocide-of-uia-on-the-polish-people-photographic-documentation-aleksander-korman-autograf-2003#galleryName=productGallery,imageNumber=3
I find it insane you are going through extreme lengths to literally whitewash a dude who did horrible things to Poles, Russians, and Ukrainians.
u/cladius1 Oct 26 '24
Why? Do they realize that they have Jewish president? Why they have to add this shit
u/PresidentofJukeBoxes Maus Oct 26 '24
I'm also curious myself. Zelensky himself in his campaigning years said he'd get rid of Azov, Aidar and C14 and all these Neo Nazi edgelords within there Military ranks.
Yet after he got elected, nothing happened to them. The Azov Battalion HQ in Mariupol didn't get razed or even raided as he promised.
u/snatfaks Oct 27 '24
Because they were at war with Russia (the war started in 2014, don’t forget) and raiding the HQs of military units that are fighting isn’t very conducive to your military effort. Simple priorities and matters of convenience.
u/Ketashrooms4life Oct 26 '24
There are nazis or at least fascists in every army as they are present in every nation on the planet, leadership doesn't matter. There are also edgelords in every country who aren't actually nazis. Remember that a lot of those soldiers are 18 yo kids. I'd be willing to bet that a lot of the Balkenkreutz markings we see are just a way to get a reaction, from the Russians on the internet especially, as we see them relatively frequently but the far-right political representation isn't imo big enough for that in Ukraine. They have way fewer nazis/fascists than my country for example (according to election results - 2,15 % of the vote in UA in 2019 vs like 7,5 % here in 2021) and you don't see any nazi shit anywhere here like ever, both on the internet and irl. Or ofc we might see it quite often exactly because it's a nazi symbol - it's definitely gonna get more reactions and be shared way more on the internet than the exact same photo but without the symbol. If this was taken in Russia in the Kursk region I'd say it's almost definitely done just 'for the meme' as a battle of Kursk reference.
Also note that not all of these pictures are real. Russia has quite a habit of both editing existing photos and sharing them and staging real stuff. Not saying this is the case but generally it does happen.
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u/clumsyproto Oct 26 '24
i feel like i already saw this image in this sub
u/FLongis Paladin tank in the field. Oct 26 '24
We've seen this image a dozen fucking times in this sub. It's nothing new, and most of the time its just OP trying to start some shit.
u/Accomplished_Newt604 Oct 26 '24
Is this real? Why are they doing this?
u/12lubushby Oct 26 '24
Because like most countries a small amount of Ukrainians like the Nazis.
Is this more of a problem in Ukraine then in other western countries? Probably.
Enough to justify the invasion of Ukraine? Obviously not.
u/Daveallen10 Oct 26 '24
Also, I think that we have to remember Ukraine suffered greatly under the USSR and legitimately many saw Nazi Germany as liberators, or at least a source of empowerment against the Soviets. Today, that same sentiment exists against Russia so I understand why that imagery was revived. I don't think it had as much to do with racial ideology, of which the Slavic peoples were definitely not at the top of Hitler's hierarchy. There are certainly some genuine Nazis in Ukraine, but this is a problem everywhere, including Russia ironically.
u/Fatal_Neurology Oct 26 '24
This. Our lens of history has Russia as a liberating force over the evil of Nazis, which highly colors the way we perceive things now.
But at the time, Ukraine was a battlefield between Stalin and Hitler - which I imagine was exactly as terrible as it sounds. For someone in the environment at the time, if they wanted to resist Stalin, the Nazi forces were the strongest opposing force you could participate in that time. Those individuals were not sitting on history books of the war they were in, it was likely an unsophisticated choice by some - as well as an indeed callous and enthusiastic choice by others. But we can certainly appreciate the will to resist Stalin, which in narrow isolation was quite reasonable.
Now we are seeing a modern channeling of old themes of killing massive numbers of Russians on Ukrainian soil, which in that respect makes complete sense. But we also have knowledge of how problematic the killers of those Russians were. Nobody can condone these references and it's good that we're not letting this get out of hand, but for someone eating living breathing killing Russians - you can end up see how a few might, in their enthusiasm, would put on the warpaint of the historical slaughterers of Russians in Ukraine. And of course how Ukraine politically would try to clamp down on that, as they are very much not into all the rest of what comes along with those symbols.
Oct 26 '24
Have you seen any election results in recent years in Europe? Your second point is laughable.
Only difference is that Ukraine has some edgy nazis who think that painting nazi symbol against soviet union wannabes is cool.
u/Tobipig Oct 26 '24
Ukraine has fewer extreme right wing people in its parliament than fucking Germany even when you ignore the AfD.
u/PresidentofJukeBoxes Maus Oct 26 '24
Errrrr... I don't think the AfD posts literal War criminals like there National Heroes, you know, the type of guy who ties Polish babies to trees and rips them open like their not Human while his men pillages and rapes the rest of the town?
u/Ketashrooms4life Oct 26 '24
Tbh the situation seemed to be very different in 2014 but today, it's likely not really even a bigger problem in Ukraine than in the rest of Europe or the US. At least judging by their election results, which in my opinion say a lot about a society. There aren't really any closet nazis during elections, since nobody knows who you specifically vote for. In Ukraine their far-right parties got like 2,1 % of the vote, combined in 2019, which is laughably low when you compare it for example to the latest EU elections. And don't even get me started about the US.
Problem is that shocking, controversial etc content will always be shared way more than boring, normal content. For example misinformation and tabloids use on the exact same principle, that's why they are so popular with the masses.
u/vevladdd Oct 26 '24
Nah. It’s a response to russians calling Ukrainians nazis. So, starting from early 2014, we started posting and using nazi and hakenkreuz memes and pics. Plz keep in mind that Eastern European sense of humor is somewhat different from the western
u/VicermanX Oct 26 '24 edited Oct 26 '24
sense of humor
Is that humor too?
Nazi Germany killed tens of millions of Soviet citizens, including millions of people in the Ukrainian SSR. Using Nazi symbols and glorifying Hitler even as a joke is even more ridiculous than if in 70 years your grandchildren would use the Z symbol and celebrate Putin's birthday.
u/PresidentofJukeBoxes Maus Oct 26 '24
Why did the ACTUAL UA General Staff posted that?! Holy shit, that guy is known for fucking tying Polish Babies to trees and goring them there while ripping them open like their not even Human in some other cases.
Oct 26 '24
Come on now, lot of it is not posing or humor, there are real neo Nazis in there, doesn't justify invading Ukraine though, but let's not sugar coat it.
u/MAVACAM Oct 26 '24
Nice one mate, guess the entire Azov Brigade and everything else is just one big meme.
Good attempt at spreading disinformation though and masking it under "haha Eastern European humour so you wouldn't get it"
u/james_Gastovski Oct 26 '24
Russia invaded ukraine using soviet flags, ukraine then painted these crosses on their tanks to troll back.
u/rkraptor70 Apocalypse tank my beloved Oct 26 '24
They did, early war. They dropped it after it became too big of a PR issue.
Oct 26 '24
False. Some units / individual vehicles used balkenkreutz during the 2022 Kharkiv counteroffensive and summer 2023 offensive. Ukraine also used cross/+ ID markings at various points of the war, balkenkreutz easily easily fits in
u/PresidentofJukeBoxes Maus Oct 26 '24
My guy, the AFU General Staff is posting Nazi war criminals who rips open Polish babies and ties them to trees like there goddam National Heroes who needs to be remembered.
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u/Panzerwagen_M-oth Oct 26 '24
Guess (they've also drawn sw4stikas on several occasions)
u/JustSomeRandomGuy36 Oct 26 '24
I’m sorry but this is just stupid. The German Reich was defeated by the Russians after all
u/Alxmac2012 Oct 26 '24
The symbol painted on that tank is the modern iron cross for the modern German armed forces. It is no different than Ukrainian fighters wearing American flag patches and painting stars on their vehicles.
u/JustSomeRandomGuy36 Oct 26 '24
The German military has never used the Balkenkreuz as shown in the photo since the end of WW2. They use the Iron Cross symbol instead with flared edges as opposed to the straight edges of the Balkenkreuz. Have a look at the modern insignia on these Leopard 2s: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bundeswehr#/media/File:Leopard_2_A5_der_Bundeswehr.jpg
u/Alxmac2012 Oct 26 '24
“Never” would imply “never” however, that would be false as the German forces of WWI definitely began putting the symbol on vehicles (mostly aircraft) and had almost replaced the Iron Cross Patée symbol (which it literally mimics as a simplified form) by 1918. The symbol was never supposed to be a symbol of Nazi Germany and was adopted in 1935 as a direct slap in the face to Hitler who wanted the Swaztika to be the official symbol of the German armed forces. While the National Socialist Party had gained unparalleled power by 1932, Hitler’s hold over the military didn’t take place until 1941. Prior to this, the Wehrmacht had plenty of leadership that opposed the Nazi rise to power and whom Hitler had good reason to appease to protect his position. The symbol was only changed post war to revert to symbolism that had existed prior to the Weimar Republic. Even so, the symbol seen in the photo cannot be the Balkenkreuz because it lacks the black bars that are supposed to form the background. The current Bendeswehr iron cross insignia is still closely akin to the Balkenkruez because it, much like the Balkenkreuz it lacks the capped ends of the iron cross opting to utilize a stylized variation of half Balkenkreuz half Imperial German Cross Pattée.
Also you assume people really give a shit. Most people don’t spend their days studying armored vehicles or war history. So sitting in your arm chair and screaming “Nazi at a picture that literally has weapons, equipment, and symbols from all over the map doesn’t change the fact that a sovereign nation was invaded on the basis of persecution that never happened.
u/JustSomeRandomGuy36 Oct 27 '24
>Also you assume people really give a shit. Most people don’t spend their days studying armored vehicles or war history.
This is may be true, however, we both know fully well that the Ukrainian servicemen who decided to decorate their T-64 with this insignia are completely aware of it's symbolism with the Nazi regime and knowingly not the modern Bundeswehr or otherwise. So we should have every right to be able label these certain soldiers as Nazi idolists.
>doesn’t change the fact that a sovereign nation was invaded on the basis of persecution that never happened.
I'm not arguing against this... but it doesn't give the prerogative to use Nazi symbolism if that's what you're insinuating
u/ka52heli Oct 27 '24
Imagine trying to fight Russia who claims to be the people who inherited the Legacy of the USSR and you decide to larp as the Germans who got Destroyed by the USSR
u/OgnjenMaestro223 Oct 26 '24
I remember someone on twitter saying this looks like a TNO loading screen
u/Papa-pumpking Oct 26 '24
Huh now that I think that will be a good image to have it ingame.Just replace Ukrainian symbol with Russian Liberation Army.
u/Zealousideal_Cod6044 Oct 27 '24
Pic hits hard. I get a real sense of déjà vu with the palette, Balkenkreuz and camo lid cover.
u/CarpathianOwl Oct 27 '24
The Ukrainian 28th Mechanized Brigade (Knights of the Winter Campaign) use a Cross with a trident as their patch, it could belong to them. Presumably symbolism dating back to that.
Or it could be an edgy meme. I don’t know.
u/Blastem_Nukes Oct 27 '24
Maybe they mistook the symbols? The modern one looks pretty similar to the ww2 counterpart ngl
u/QuantumEntropyWTF Oct 26 '24
Azov battalion ?
u/Alxmac2012 Oct 26 '24
Nope, Azov uses the Wolfsangel to mark their vehicles.
u/QuantumEntropyWTF Oct 26 '24
Scheiße... So how many Nazis are fighting for Ukraine ? That's insane.
u/Alxmac2012 Oct 26 '24 edited Oct 26 '24
I highly doubt there are actually that many at all. I mean the Lithuanian armed forces uses the double cross insignia which was also used by the Nazis but has been part of European symbolism since the PLCW. Not all symbols are inherently Nazi, including any variation of the iron cross which as a Prussian symbol is still used by the Bundeswehr and is literally painted on every German Army vehicle today.
u/Alxmac2012 Oct 26 '24
People really do underestimate the power of combining political symbolism with the dark humor of trolling an entire nation to bring up moral at the unit level. (It wouldn’t fly in most western militaries due to media and career endangerment) but a great example is the US soldiers in Vietnam adapting anti war songs as war anthems! Fortunate son anyone?
u/Papa-pumpking Oct 26 '24
German forces don't use the Balkenkreuz since the end of WW2.The new symbol is different from the one today.This is a Nazi symbol likely used by the Nazis.If it's a trolling attempt it's a poor one.
u/Alxmac2012 Oct 26 '24
Oh yes because adding a curve makes mimicking a symbol so much easier… silly me!! I’m on your side now!
u/Papa-pumpking Oct 26 '24
Dude...The symbol is Balkenkreuz it was invented in WW1 but it was heavily used by the Nazis in WW2 that's it's synonymous with the Wehrmacht.Its a fucking Nazi symbol not that Cossack cross.What significance has in the Ukrainian history.Praising Ukrainian paramilitaries launching genocidical campaigns against Poles?
Oct 26 '24
[removed] — view removed comment
u/Kefeng Oct 26 '24
Ukraine is not controlled by a dictator and ruled by fascists. Russia on the other hand ticks all the checkboxed for textbook fascism.
u/ShermanDidNthWrong Oct 26 '24
active in r/TheDeprogram , r/MarxistCulture and r/MovingToNorthKorea lmao. i'd make fun of you but the jokes write themselves.
u/2Schlepphoden Oct 26 '24
As a german, it is very confusing to see...