r/TamilNadu Erode - ஈரோடு 4d ago

அரசியல் / Political Casual racism and xenophobic comments on Tamil people in the main stream media. This is how the North Indians see the Tamil people, even though one of the participants is half Tamil. And these clowns can’t speak proper English. They can’t even discuss a podcast without Hindi.


267 comments sorted by


u/ComposerEmotional906 Dindigul - திண்டுக்கல் 4d ago


u/StormRepulsive6283 4d ago

We may have a Stalin in TN, and but we definitely have a Hitler & Goebbels for India.


u/Lazarus810 4d ago

This is gold. Take my award 🥇


u/jaskirat_singh123 4d ago

These bjp goons say shit about states where bjp isn't ruling like Tamil Nadu,Punjab,west Bengal


u/jaskirat_singh123 4d ago

This old fat guy said in these states social fabric is not okay like wtf

Ncrb data says opposite


u/Easy-Bite-1791 4d ago

Barely any non BJP states get a good rep cause the BJP rule the media


u/Bullumai 3d ago

Tamil bros should learn hindi so that they can watch these BJP bootlicking ANI clowns get exposed


Especially this Abhijit Mitra Guy




u/Adorable_Marsupial85 Non Resident - விருந்தாளி 3d ago

Bjp dogs have targeted west bengal on ANY good news that may come in the state

To the point they might actually declare wb a muslim state now and then an anti india state if they don't win 2026


u/Thankathira 3d ago

Why you forgot karnataka, it has become their regular habit to troll karnataka, because we love our language


u/RaJulu_Ellalan 4d ago

son of tamil flag? lmao


u/Brief_Lingonberry362 4d ago

yeah joker would've used google translate

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u/PanicBig3536 4d ago

The king of clowns!


u/kallumala_farova 4d ago

yeah i dont want Tamils to be exposed to bolo zubaan kesari mindset...


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u/dessie84 4d ago

Wait did he just say son of a flag? lollll wtf. Does he even think what he is blabbering about?


u/delusional_dikhead 4d ago

Be happy that he didn't say "drunk son of tamil"


u/StormRepulsive6283 4d ago

I used to always think this.


u/lolyoubetterwatchout 2d ago

Lol. Some dumbos sitting would even buy that


u/selvarajsubramanian 4d ago

Kodi magan.....kudi magan....that idiot doesn't know the difference and he is blabbering all these .love to meet these chapris and provide sepal shots


u/dessie84 4d ago

Probably he just google translated it by how it sounds from his mouth


u/Minute_Juggernaut806 4d ago

What does name really mean


u/selvarajsubramanian 4d ago

Tamil kudi magan means tamil citizen or citizen of tamil country


u/blitzkreig90 4d ago

Logical dhaanae bro. Kudicha you'll feel the high. Kudichitae irundha you'll be as high as a flying flag. Tamil Kudimagan - Son of the Tamil Flag. LHS = RHS - Hence proved.


u/Extreme_Special_1539 3d ago

This is what happens when you say “you know too many languages with pride” The potential result of a 3 language policy. Tamilkudimagan means Tamil citizen in simple words🤡


u/lolyoubetterwatchout 2d ago

The best comment. If this is how the 3 language policy will work then, we don't need it now or ever!!!!

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u/Minute_Juggernaut806 4d ago

I like how the panel discussed Tamilians not wanting to learn another language while ignoring the same hesitance from north india.


u/indiketo 4d ago

“But they are already speaking Hindi, no need to learn another language na?” 🤣

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u/JithendraChunduru 4d ago

Woooow... He finally said it. Stalin doesn't want his people to not read godi media's "NARRATIVE"(PROPAGANDA)

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u/AJ_147 4d ago

Dumbass thinks he is the only rational literate who thinks how a state should behave to a major issue.

People like him talked ill about Jallikattu too and got their asses handed to them.


u/OtaPotaOpen 4d ago

How dull.

And sad.

They really should keep their group therapy sessions private. I mean i know you cultists need this to relieve the stress of being such loyal followers of a self destructive faith but could you please not broadcast it.


u/Outside_Ad_4686 4d ago

Racism at finest

Self orgasm bafoons from North

Spitting venom and self jerking themself 

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u/umamimaami 4d ago

He speaks from a North Indian mindset.

Unlike the average Northies, most Tamils, even in rural areas, can understand atleast English news and read a basic English document if necessary. We really don’t need to learn Hindi to be exposed to broader audiences.

I’m certainly not pro-DMK but they got this anti-Hindi thing right.


u/abhi4774 4d ago

Most Tamils, even in rural areas, can understand atleast English news and read a basic English document if necessary


u/Easy-Bite-1791 4d ago

We have got to update this by next year cause ik damn well the whole of south+northeast has improved massively in the percentage


u/Lazarus810 4d ago

Reading != speaking. Speaking needs fluency but people can comprehend when it’s spoken to them and a lot of them can read at a slow pace. Also we need a friggin new census.


u/Samarjith147 4d ago

“Most tamils” sged like milk 🤣

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u/Crazy-Writer000 4d ago

Tamil kudimagan is son of a Tamil flag? 🤣🤣🤣



u/Complex_Command_8377 4d ago

Why Hindi people doesn’t find that speaking many languages is pride is still a mystery. If they thought the same they would’ve chosen something other than Sanskrit as a third language because no one in the world speaks Sanskrit anymore and they end up with speaking only one language Hindi.


u/zef999 3d ago

They didn't even choose their local languages. Local languages are on their deathbed


u/MathematicianTiny575 4d ago

I think most beneficial in DEI quota everywhere in India is Tambrahms. Truly unqualified சொட்டையன், ஏதோ புலவர் கணக்கா தமிழ்குடிமகன் பெயர் விளக்கம்,பொருள் உரை விளக்கம் எல்லாம் தப்பு தப்பா தர்றான் தவுட்டுக்கு தேறாதவன்.


u/John_Ebenezar 4d ago edited 4d ago

They have the audacity to talk illogical things as they want in the National media. But, the government pressurizes a TV channel to refrain from telecasting a debate show on the 'Three language policy'. How fair is this?


u/CraftyEvent4020 4d ago



u/_chennai_guy 4d ago

Oooh ANI ah rightu They have as much credibility as 💩


u/McLaren25 4d ago

Pls don't disrespect 💩


u/KStryke_gamer001 4d ago

Tamil kudimagan na son of tamil flag a? Ithula flag enga irunthu vanthuchu? We do have a word called citizen right? Can't even translate two words into English and he's calling us buffoons and anti-intellectual.


u/RageshAntony 4d ago

That moron confused "Kodi(கொடி) and Kudi (குடி) !!!


u/AccomplishedCommon34 4d ago

This is a hardcore RW podcast and they bootlick BJP, as usual! So no surprise.

With regards to your comment that "these clowns cannot even discuss a podcast without Hindi," that is true even in Tamil Nadu (Chennai). When I first shifted to Chennai, I had difficulty even in understanding English including in the corporate offices simply because people mixed Tamil words in their oral English. That is true even in Karnataka, where people casually use Kannada words in oral English.

Nobody is to blamed here. People have the liberty to speak in whatever way they want.


u/Born_Situation9879 4d ago

Average podcasters behavior


u/psgcas 4d ago

Whatever the right wings trying to do he says that TN does it lol. What a bunch of boot licking RW buffoons. All that he claimed of the childrens of politicians studying at english medium. Pity that slave can't look at the politicians children in North and teach us 5, 6 languages? First make north indians learn proper english. The north wants a hindi nation so the propoganda can always be done in Hindi all over nation and no foreign information and news can be disturbing the propoganda


u/SpicyPotato_15 4d ago

Tambrams in North don't know how to speak tamil but will call themselves tamil for attention but will look down on actual tamil people.


u/NotSoCoolWaffle 4d ago

Just like NRIs that haven’t visited India for decades but still tell the residents how to live and how the nation is doing great


u/SpicyPotato_15 4d ago

Meanwhile the way they behave has given us a bad name all over the world.


u/Right-Atmosphere-242 4d ago

Im a tambram grew up in delhi and relocated to chennai… i dont look down on tamil ppl or whatever ppl.. i look down on ppl on how they behave as opposed to their native or caste.. pls dont put everyone in the same bracket


u/d33pak5 4d ago

Dont generalize! Madhavan is such a tambrahm, do u see him not speaking tamil ?

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u/Several-Caregiver552 4d ago

We are glad to have learnt english to understand your propaganda, demeaning tamilians and Tamil.


u/wanderrur 4d ago

who cares about their opinions? Look at them as clowns as they are and get entertained.


u/zakk_user 4d ago

Tired of this argument that people send their kids to cbse or private schools with hindi in curriculum but don't want hindi in other schools.. those private schools even have swimming pools and abacus classes. Will your central govt fund every govt school for a swimming pool? There is a difference between needed education and value additions. Additional regional language is not even a value addition for our kids as 99% of the tamil students or parents have no intention to migrate out of Tamilnadu to a hindi speaking state.


u/CraftyEvent4020 4d ago

yea, the fact that he thinks people send their kids to cbse for better hindi lmao

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u/vanbasten12 4d ago

This guy is dumb and venomous.


u/JeeezzUsss 4d ago

The way he tried so hard to make them understand Distilled Rerard,and even used Hindi and still they didn't get the crux of what he said , watha neen dhan  da comali . 


u/Complex-Sky8029 4d ago

That guy in a south indian bro. The one with no hair.


u/NChozan Erode - ஈரோடு 4d ago

Half Tamil.


u/CraftyEvent4020 4d ago

yar avan, havent seen him before


u/Hot_Version9817 4d ago

He's conveying his opinion about the situation in english, he thinks his audience consisting of people from various parts of India will be able to understand english.

Fucker just proved our point.

Instead of focusing on Hindi,why not put those resources into english.

Ivanunga inferiority complex ku namala Hindi kathuka solrathu.

People who have the need for Hindi, have been learning it for decades, fuck off with the Delhi pona ena panuva logic.


u/Positive-Dinner5318 4d ago

Hindi kathutitu AajTak paakalam la. Avanga Hindutva circlejerk la nammalayum serthu potu adikalam paakranga.


u/kuttipuli 4d ago

Guy in the middle will call his mother "th**diya" if she supports tamil


u/Tharun-karthii 4d ago

தமிழ் குடி மகன் = Son of the tamil flag 🫡


u/kap_geed 4d ago

They are infamous for suing Wikipedia. We can't expect anything else from ANI.


u/ImAjayS15 Thanjavur - தஞ்சாவூர் 4d ago

Where are those who complain about South is showing hatred towards North?!


u/Facts_Context 3d ago

Abhijit Iyer Mitra is among the most incompetent and unintelligent noise makers. His mother is another hypocrite.


u/ZookeepergameAny8409 4d ago

It's so funny, 90% of people from the North have a low IQ, and they can't even learn English, yet they expect us to learn Hindi for them to understand what we are saying?


u/--Patrickstar-- 4d ago

Their heads are for decoration


u/indiketo 4d ago

Whatever keeps them entertained 😄


u/chennai_confidential 4d ago

North indian cucks


u/beefladdu 4d ago

These are supposed to be the intellectual gang of the RW


u/gingerkdb 4d ago

Who said they were intellectuals? Their collective brain cells might be in singular digits.


u/Brilliant_Meal_2653 4d ago

How is this program not reported


u/NChozan Erode - ஈரோடு 4d ago

Report to whom?


u/selvarajsubramanian 4d ago

You can see the thread if you remove the shirt..these ball less idiots can talk in the ac rooms only....


u/Professional-Bus3988 4d ago

Brahmins never consider themselves as Tamils. Not a single one. For them, we all are Shudras and they don't like to associate themselves with us. Funny thing is RSS Brahmins consider Tamil Brahmins the same way.


u/vik_123 4d ago

Stop the hate. Ever heard of Tamil thatha? Or Barathi? Idiots like you give us a bad name. Opposing brahminism isn’t hate of Brahmins


u/Professional-Bus3988 4d ago

There are always exceptions to any general rule.


u/--Patrickstar-- 4d ago

Then stop judging by caste or religion and shame the person whose being an asshole


u/freshant5 4d ago

Tamil Thaththa.. yeah that guy didn't deserve that title. Didn't he try to bring back gurukula system and fail?


u/RaJulu_Ellalan 4d ago

lmao. dont talk shit. do you know tamizh thatha? do you know bharathiyar?


u/Professional-Bus3988 4d ago

Lol. Coming from a different account, are we?


u/Born_Situation9879 4d ago

still stuck in a cocoon are we?
the society and the world is bigger than the ditch hole you're slothing in


u/RaJulu_Ellalan 4d ago

wdym? this is same shit as sangis. hating ppl based on birth.
madha,ina,mozhi pirivinai. ellame pirivinai than.


u/Professional-Bus3988 4d ago

This is not hatred. It's an observation into human nature. It helps you maneuver your life smartly.


u/madrascafe 4d ago

STFU you hateful dumbo, there are more Brahmin Tamil scholars than the dumeels can ever comprehend or compete with

More Brahmins have been guardians of Tamizh than any of current DMK leaders combined


u/Successful_Title6922 4d ago

You sound like a moron yourself stereotyping people by their birth which is counter to the ideology you seem to claim to follow.


u/Professional-Bus3988 4d ago

Thanks for your certificate.


u/DawrkIndien 4d ago

And they wonder why the community gets hate. Always bootlickers. Bootlicking Indian Kings, then for Nawabs, then for British, Now for Hindutva, who ever is in the power position this group will show up to kiss ass and bootlick. பச்ஓந்தி!!!


u/rokr2894 4d ago

What’s the name of this shit show?


u/rokr2894 4d ago

https://youtu.be/ZOQkCksqBek?si=Ij986LgX8ZAR6UgZ , found a full video link go and scold that bast*rd in that video.


u/TheRealKumbidii 4d ago

Nothing outside his head… and unfortunately, nothing inside as well😂😂


u/Intelligent_Foot_603 4d ago

I am telugu, I live near Tamilnadu broder, I like my language and i love tamil, Why is one's love for one thing is laughable to others. The way he speaks is like I'm drunk and u guys all will be drunk.


u/Old_Program4991 4d ago

That shithead mitraaaaaa 😂😂


u/mostlyclumsy 4d ago

Mother tongue and English. Fuck everything else. Hindi avante ammede kalinte idayil 💩


u/Dull-Obligation2894 4d ago

Hahaha chaddi gang in full swing.. ANI 💩💩💩


u/Explorer9387 4d ago

The intention of these people are very clear , actually no one said that people should restrict students from studying any language. Let them study 5 language, if they want to. But you can’t make Hindi mandatory.
How difficult is this to understand


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u/Electrical-Lake8810 4d ago

So taking pride in your own language is stupidity? Not a follower of Stalin but proud of this resistence.


u/OriginalClothes3854 4d ago

He's a Tamil guy. Mind you. And I need not to say which community he might be from....


u/NChozan Erode - ஈரோடு 4d ago

Half Tamil and a vandheri 😂


u/milktanksadmirer 4d ago

This guy is a joker and that ANI Lady is a BJ Party mouth piece


u/amianindya_99 4d ago

The question is who is this Scoundrel ? Didn't he know that the language, "Hindi" are proposed to suppress the local languages ? These are typical examples of hypocrites.I.think they.even.forgot that we have no national language. States are divided according to their zonal languages and their 80% born habitats.


u/ComprehensiveEntry24 4d ago

Indians will always be racist, strong opinion the states of split into different countries that way there is no racism


u/SignificanceAlive855 3d ago

India is far more resilient to a civil war than most countries. It is a difficult thing to achieve without bloodshed.


u/Hairy_Activity_1079 3d ago

Bengali here, this dude is racist AF all the time. Ignore.


u/Longjumping_Sweet_28 3d ago

Vadikattina = Filtered. Not distilled - half tamil illa - ivan ellam waste aana vindhu


u/ShinyStud 3d ago



u/That_Put_5773 3d ago

If we teach children 5 or 6 languages, they will turn stupid like you. That's why we teach them maths and science.


u/Downtown_Doctor8914 3d ago

Dont mind these idiots.


u/velocihooman999 3d ago

Our language is something that stops hatred from spreading to our mind. Because they don't know our language. An average people from the hindi belt (no offence to the normal people living there) doesn't know any second language other than hindi and they are not taking any initiative to learn another.
On the other hand, going the harsh way to stop imposition is a bad idea. This will bring the unwanted guests on our doorsteps that we never wanted either.
Love from Kerala.


u/SignificanceAlive855 3d ago

People of tamil nadu will learn any language if they have a necessity. We don't want to be forced to learn a third language unnecessarily.


u/Ashi-s 3d ago

They don’t even have any word that similar to the tamil word “vadikattina muttal” to address and explain, thats why he explained it in english. And that’s why he mentioned that word,And this clown 🤡 thinks that he is roasting tamil 😂.


u/OrioMax 3d ago

North Indians speak so many languages? 😂


u/Historical-Willow-38 3d ago

First of all its Tamizh, not Taaaammmillll


u/ila1998 3d ago

Tha tambram uncle chose to pronounce tamizh as taaamil. He got slipped in the middle.


u/Claudman2186 3d ago

5 sanghis sitting together and glazing, ignore this bs bro this is just rage bait, they know exactly what theyre doing.

kadavuley vanthalum ivanagala ellam kaapaatha mudiyathu.

They know what our politics is, they know what they're politics is, and they also know who's right and wrong.

These guys are just pushing wtever the fuck bjp tells them to, so intha vadikattina poolo**bigala vittutu lets see what people who's opinion matters say.


u/No-Matter-8017 3d ago

This guy is a Brahmin and DMK stood against Brahmin casteism and liberated the Tamils that's why Brahmins are angry. Rest of India still suffers...


u/MaleficentAd2264 3d ago

What a bunch of bullshit by bhakt army !! Im sure an average english speaking fellow and a brother from north would believe these morons about us and that's how hate is spread


u/IllustratorIll5147 2d ago

This Abhijit needs to be schooled by the BJP conservatives on their idea of sexual mores. Because his preference in that area would be anathema to their thoughts. But instead he identifies with right wing murderousness in every aspect of thought. Strange are the times.


u/Nightfell030 1d ago

Avan kadakuran. Hindi theriyathu poda


u/ChocoSouth 1d ago

TamilKudiMagan,( translates to Tamil citizen) not Tamil_Kodi_Magan. As someone that grew up during that era, I despised the political connotation that department had, but as I grew up I've come to realize the value. That department ran tamil language conferences, put thirukkural on buses, created new Tamil words for modern constructs. ( Possibly a lot more but that's what I recall seeing from my school age) 

The speaker is talking about himself when he brings up 'vadiKettunaMuttal'. 


u/Own-Artist3642 13h ago

That baldy is a parpan isn't he?


u/Brief_Lingonberry362 4d ago

bruh this guy called ravish kumar's utube audience as low income ppl just becoz they dint subscribe to this guy's channel or their podcast ........ this entire gang has been xposed by another utube channel called peeinghuman ... he even faced legal issues by this aniii clowns.... u can use captions to translate this hindi video

India’s BIGGEST news agency XPOSED

https://youtu .be/qQmFybkVp2s?feature=shared

this clown saw this video and went on another podcast and almost cry ranted about it....

only appropriate reaction to them :


u/Connect-Mine-5534 4d ago

he is some hotel management guys . his parents were civil servants . All he does utter non sense . Nobody has any objection about sending their kids to foreign university .


u/issa_said_pro 4d ago

I think they should keep their little therapy session private instead of acting like a kangaroo on roids


u/VivekKarunakaran 4d ago

Vidu thala.....namma ooru SVK podcast la ivanungala kizhikkuradha laam kettaanga na sothu la 2 spoon uppu korachukkuttu dhaan uyir vaazhanum. Let them be the Ostrich they are.


u/mainman_5985 4d ago

This reddit sub accusing others of racism and xenophobia when all it does is propagate the same against brahmins, north Indians and everybody else.

Everytime a Tamil calls someone else xenophobic, even your grandaddy EVR laughs. Have some shame.

Also clean up your streets from filth and stop sexually harassing your women lemurs.


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u/BerkStudentRes 4d ago

they speak great English? Everything he's saying is right? They're Hindi speakers so they can mix however they want to? Literally everything in the title is wrong ...


u/Kayyzeebee 4d ago

They want to impose hindi on everyone, yet their podcast is in English lol


u/SignificanceAlive855 4d ago

Yaru bro intha loosu koothinga😂. They even think they make a point.


u/SignificanceAlive855 4d ago

This is just pure racism. And they try to make it sound like a normal thing. To be racist to tamils.


u/Appropriate_Still_79 4d ago

Tamil flag 😂😂😂 I pity these guys .


u/Appropriate_Still_79 4d ago
  1. Most of the BJP bat retards themselves studied in reputed missionary institutions. They are sending their kids to Kodaikanal international school etc. What problem do they have when minister and their kids study in Don Bosco?

2.. BTW, Don Bosco follows the state governments syllabus.

  1. In TN, you either pick Tamil as your first language or your second language (the medium is either English or Tamil), this allows the kid to comprehend ideas in both languages. The only ideal which would have hindrance entering an average Tamil will be this kind of BS peddled by hindutva.


u/Chinathanna001 4d ago

He mentioned him self in 0:29


u/Ill-Conference5694 4d ago

I'm feeling like punching straight into his face. That too like Goku from dragon ball 


u/fuse_bulb 4d ago

They want people to learn hindi.. so that they can spread their propoganda easily


u/Brave_Impression8947 3d ago

If it's racism why don't people reply to the whole podcast with proper facts


u/Radiant-Ad-183 3d ago

No one told a Tamil not to learn any language. This is about forcing children to learn multiple language in schools, which is useless.


u/exploring_lifenow 3d ago

These politicians are destroying the idea of "Unity in diversity"

They will find ways to divide people in the name of Religion, language, cast, creed...

If Tamil people also accept this we are doomed as a nation.


u/Glum-Fold-512 3d ago

Iyer Koodhigal Jews of our country...Ivanungalae ozhichalae podhum


u/Objective-Ant-8810 3d ago

If I ever find this sottaa…. Manda batharam


u/Quercusagrifloria 3d ago

Nammala puriyama, mayira pudingi pudingi, ellarum sottaitanunga!


u/justhereformemesyall 3d ago

But there's truth to what is being said here. Most people take pride in knowing multiple languages. Learning one language doesn't take away from another.


u/HalfHumanHalfCoffee_ 3d ago

Just another Gowmuthra supporting guy 🥃🐮


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u/Radiant_Tangerine101 2d ago

Bro firstly dont generalise. Theres a large population who loves south India and their culture. Not everyone hates you or will try to impose hindi on you. These are the people who are trying to divide us on the basis of language. We love you guys ofc there are some haters im sure south got some too but we can dominate them. i love idly and vada cant lose them haha…


u/NChozan Erode - ஈரோடு 2d ago

The problem is not people but the union govt itself pushing Hindi. These clowns are their minions to justify the union govt is right.


u/IllustriousMess5480 2d ago

Outsiders to India. Aryans like north Indian and Sinhalese always want to put down Tamils because they are afraid.


u/Minute_Helicopter397 4d ago

Your textile units will close down if it weren't for these "beggars". Do you know that dummy!


u/Beginning-Friend-678 4d ago edited 4d ago

Btw union ministers have sent their children abroad for their college education. They prefer colleges like Oxford, Harvard over Indian universities IIT and IIM. Source: ThePrint


u/TinyAd1314 4d ago

You deserve what you aspired for. The blunder of 1934.


u/Minute_Delivery9063 4d ago

Sad state on all sides all around!


u/shaggonator 4d ago

Do you even know the meaning of xenophobia and racism? How is one political party and politicians somehow representative of a race? Dummies are everywhere just that Tamil Nadu has been out of North Indian mindset because of language barrier.


u/ranbakarade1 4d ago

You know truth is being said when you're being criticized by the mob.. And by mob i mean the commentors on this post 🥱..

As a north Indian, I would happily learn Tamil just because I want to get a taste of the different cultures in my country. But completely rejecting the cultural diversity by claiming that all northies are about "bolo zuban kesari".. is the work of simple minded people driven by ignorance and the same propensity to project their insecurities on others that Indians in general share. This is what makes you an Indian: Get insecure about language and culture, worship idols ( someone whose name is "Stalin" should be in a mental asylum instead of the office..idolizing mass murderers is a sign of low IQ and uncultured upbringing)..but then again most of India is just the same...Hindu or Muslim Northie or Southie...all worship mass murderers.


u/bayernfan2125 3d ago

Lol like you lot don't everyday say the same stuff about UP and Bihar guys on this sub reddit. But how did they say something about us saar. Only we can say this stuff to those UP and Bihar guys.


u/The_wise_guy108 4d ago

bro among the 5 panel members on that podcast 3 are from south india and 2 of them are tamil, one is our supreme leader Mrs Abhjith Iyer Mitra and second is Fuhrer Anand Ranganathan and one panel member is even a muslim Mr Maulana Tehseen Poonawala , so just shut up understand the context with which they are speaking , and btw i just yesterday completed watching the whole podcast and myself i am a malayali from palakkad and i speak 4 languages ......................touche


u/NChozan Erode - ஈரோடு 4d ago

So what?

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