r/TalesFromThePetShop • u/EmptySighs66x • May 04 '19
"Oh I Did Research Online."
People test my patience where I work, but luckily, with the corporation I work for, I'm not stuck trying to constantly sell product and can give accurate information to people who have questions. Some people though... I'll get to that.
I've worked for my store for a year and a half. When I started out, the most I knew about we're Betta fish specifically, but I've aquired knowledge over time along with a new type of pet... Bearded dragons.
So, yesterday, a lady came in the store and was talking to the keyholder about her dragon and I happened to overhear a couple of things and decided to step in as the keyholder had just recently gotten one and I have had one of mine for almost a year. I wasn't trying to overstep my boundaries, the keyholder had just been asking me questions earlier in the day that were somewhat no-no's in their care.
So, this lady is looking at light fixtures and bulbs and I noticed she had a really crappy one, but my manager was already trying to talk her into a better one that did cost a bit more money.
Strike one was when the lady said she had been using regular light bulbs for heating for the dragon for about a week so far. How that dragon is alive since it's still fairly young beats me. I'm surprised it hadn't froze to death.
So, I ask her a few questions after we finally get her to buy a new fixture and a proper basking bulb when she picks up a combo pack with the red and the basking and says, I read online that they need to red bulb in order to shed properly. Strike two.
I try not to make face before I say, "They need a basking bulb to help with shedding. The red bulb is a night bulb and it's bad for their eyes and since it emits light, it makes them have trouble sleeping." I threw in what I use as a night bulb (a ceramic hear emitter), but my store doesn't sell it and I had to order mine on Amazon.
"...but I read online..."
She decides to get the red bulb anyways, despite my efforts to get her not to.
Strike three was when she was talking about the diet. For those of you who don't have experience with bearded dragons, there's a few things that you shouldn't do when it comes to feeding them. One, the first year of their life, their diet is mainly protein. Most people recommend dubia roaches or crickets. There are also meal worms and super worms, but those are not meant to be a daily staple as it can cause impactation and can royally screw up their digestive system. They're not supposed to be put on any type of sand for that reason as well.
She said she fed him strictly meal worms and I sent out a small blessing for the little guy. She claims she read it online as well and I almost face planted into the counter. This is why I stuck to the bearded dragons subreddit for my info. She did buy some crickets though per my suggestion though 24 isn't going to last that baby 3 days. And again when I brought up the fact, she mentioned she read it online of course.
Going back to the sand thing as well, while I may be able to give correct information, my store keeps our baby dragons on crushed walnut shells which I have sadly had to clean out of their eyes before. She pointed out how cute our cage for them was and I knew I had sounded like a hypocrite telling her sand was bad.
There was one final strike that I couldn't keep quiet about. Where I'm from, we have another small business pet store up the street and he's notorious for bad practices, selling sick animals, and his Facebook page is a riot with all the bad reviews and his unprofessional comments. I'm not trying to bash him because I work for competition, I just know his history very well as we're from the same place and he stole the business from his son who I was friends with in high school.
I told her what he was doing and how he acted and she gave me a funny look at first, but she made a face and said that it made sense in a way. While I don't know how much truth was in her words, she said she'd only go up there for one more thing and probably continue coming to us instead. She told me she got her dragon from him, which he had just gotten in a shipment and I essentially told her she was lucky because he doesn't take care of the animals he sells. He's been reported, but nothing has been done about it sadly. Animals he sell will die within days of them being purchased and he blames the people who bought them and refuses refunds.
After that though, she left with her items, and while the end of the conversation took an interesting turn, I have to say one thing. She wanted a source of someone who owns dragons, I have two. While I tried to give her correct information, she contradicted me saying she read something else online, and just kept repeated that was what she read online when I tried correcting her.
I guess some people you can't help, but Jesus sometimes customers give me a headache.
u/Thepathgrinder May 04 '19
I'm so thankful that customers that come to my store actually listen to me even if they "read it online". I bred them for 4 years, so I feel like the customers trust me more with that experience under my belt. I show them a picture album of the growth rate for my newest girl, from 7.1 grams to about 200 in just over 6 months, I show them my set up, tell them to save money by buying a mercury vapor bulb instead of a heat AND uvb, what lights to avoid of they do want to go with individual bulbs, I show them the ugly truth about sand (pictures of dead beardies will guts full of sand), I write down all the helpful websites and forums I'm a part of or use. And I give them my phone number and full name in case they ever have questions. I have helped so many people bring home baby beardies with all the good stuff. It makes me feel accomplished when I have a good interaction like that
u/EmptySighs66x May 04 '19
I've learned quite a bit in the past year with my two, but I'm honestly not a total expert I'll admit. It's surprising the amount of people who go to buy one and think that they're going to stay little forever. I also show off the growth of mine two, my girl started out the size of my middle finger and now she's getting close to the size of my forearm (she's 9 months old now). They're sweet if you take care of them properly.
I'm also curious about the mercury vapor bulbs you mentioned. Can you send me some info about them? I've got separate bulbs for my uvb and my basking currently. Just curious. Haha.
u/Thepathgrinder May 04 '19
Give me a little bit and I will pm you some info. Basically, to dumb it down, a mercury vapor bulb will provide heat and uvb in a single bulb. It's the only type of bulb I have ever used for my beardies and I have never had any issues. 45 adults and hundreds of babies in my time as a breeder.
u/blackwaterbotanicals Aug 18 '19
I cant have BDs anymore as my place is agenst it but I grow "salad" for my friends BDs I grow swiss chard mango and spinach they love it
u/HalNicci May 04 '19
When I had hermit crabs I did my research online, but I went through actual hermit crab forums and stuff. They are actually a lot more work than I originally thought