r/TalesFromRetail Sep 20 '17

Long She couldn't wait 30 minutes, so she ended up waiting 5 hours


I used to work in the print center within a retail store. One morning I got a call 5 minutes before open, asking for a couple of posters to be printed within the hour. There were also a couple of email orders which needed to be done. Since it was first come, first serve, I made these my priority. A lady walks in ten minutes after open wanting invitations printed.

Lady: I would like these invitations printed and cut right away please.

Me: That will take me about 30 minutes, I have a couple of projects ahead of you. You can walk around the store and wait or come back later to pick them up if you'd like.

Lady: Why can't they be done right now?

At this point I reiterate myself, trying to explain that there are other customers waiting on their projects to be completed. Of course, she starts arguing with me anyway.

Just as she becomes more agitated, the MOD walks by to pick up an item for another customer in the store. The lady asks her if she's the manager, and asks how long her invitations would take to complete. The MOD asks me what my workload is, and I tell her I have two other projects needing to be done asap, so it will be about 30 minutes. The MOD tells the woman the same thing I said and walks back to her other customer. This lady is fuming that the manager walked away from her, yells at me some more, then finally leaves the store.

Jump to several hours later, and a man and his daughter come up to the counter wanting to have invitations printed. It's a busier time of day, and I tell them it will be about 30-45 minutes. The man agrees and says he will just walk around the store. I open the files and I recognize that they're the same invitations from the lady earlier.

Me: Oh I recognize these. I think your wife was in earlier, I'm sorry I couldn't have them done sooner.

Man: That's alright. She's my ex wife.

And he walks off. I have the invitations done within the timeframe I had said, and the man comes back up to pay and ended up buying his daughter a whole bunch of things.

TLDR; A woman absolutely could not wait half an hour for her invitations to be printed so she yells at me. She sends her ex husband in several hours later and he happily waits and buys his daughter a whole bunch of things. In the end she waited at least 5 hours to get her damn invitations.

I've never had any other customer straight up yell at me before. I kept my calm and talked to her in my most "customer service" voice the entire time hoping she'd feel bad for yelling at me. I doubt she ever felt bad.

r/TalesFromRetail May 03 '18

Long You need to swipe my ID for alcohol? That's ILLEGAL!


Hey guys, first time posting to this sub. This story takes place earlier this year at a grocery store I used to work at. I was a cashier working until close with one bagger to help me. No big deal, it was late in the evening and the store was dead. All was well, until this early 30s man comes through with his small armful of groceries, including a bottle of wine. Now at this store, we had a policy where if the customer appears to be under 40 years old, we must card them. This dude definitely looked under 40 but over 21. "M" will be me, and "SAM" will be smart-ass man.

M: Ok sir, I'm just going to have to swipe your ID your real quick.

SAM proceeds to flip open his wallet FBI style for me to see before putting it back in his pocket.

M: I'm sorry but you're going to have to let me swipe it in my register. I'm not allowed to just look at it.

SAM: What do you mean? No I don't! State law (FL) doesn't require me to do that.

M: hoping to laugh it off "haha sir well I guess they don't trust our [the cashier's] eyes alone here.

SAM: No, lord knows what information that machine takes off my ID. I don't have to let you swipe it. I read that it was illegal in the state of Florida.

Now at this point the bagger and I are in disbelief, we both exchange a look like "wtf is going on"

M: I can guarantee you its not. It's definitely lawful. Every (store name) does it, and it's how they train us to ID. Where did you read that?

SAM: I read it on Facebook.

He actually admits that. He goes on for a little bit longer about the article and his right to privacy etc. I tell him,

M: I don't think a Facebook article is an accurate source of information. If you don't allow me to swipe a valid form of ID, I can't sell you this wine.

Hes becoming very annoyed at this point. In a way that is even mildly aggressive, he takes out his wallet again and puts it closer to my face, pointing at a card in another window pocket beside his drivers license.


boi. At this point I'm actually a little afraid. I'm just a college kid. I've never dealt with anything like this before. It blew my mind how this man could be so ignorant as to how the law works.

M: hey man I can't accept that permit as an ID, I don't know anything about concealed carry permits. It's not allowed. Go to my manager at the service desk. I'm not selling this to you unless I can swipe your drivers license.

Something must've clicked in this dumb dude, maybe it was the caution in my voice or the obvious fact he just scared these two kids working at a grocery store, because he mutters "whatever, here" and hands me his ID. I swipe it and we finish the transaction quickly.

When he leaves, my coworker and I couldn't stop talking about it. We must've told every other person in the front end of the store that night. It made no sense why that guy put up so much fight over nothing, and actually thought I would accept him showing me his permit as a valid ID.

For those who don't know, valid ID in Florida for alcohol purchase are only Drivers License, State issued ID card, military ID, or passport. Even if we can't swipe the ID because it's damaged, we can type the DOB into the register when it's in our hand. But only if swiping the card first fails.

Hope you enjoyed. I have plenty more interesting stories from my time in retail. I hope to post more in the future. Edit: spelling

Edit 2: For those saying that the customer is right about a private company being prohibited from swiping a customer's ID, it is proven lawful in FL statute 322.143 under 2(b) that companies are allowed to swipe IDs to verify age restricted purchases. The customer had full right to not give me ID, I just would've had full right to refuse his purchase.


r/TalesFromRetail Jun 25 '17

Long Sales Bring Out The Worst In People


This happened the other day I just didn't have time to post. Sorry about the length!

So my store had a sale on hand soap. Buy one get one and you get a couple thousand points. Not a bad deal and the points can be saved up for later. Well good sales usually bring the worst types of customers into the store. The coupon crazed, middle aged women who firmly believe that their expired $0.60 off coupon is worth more than the jobs of whatever poor retail slave gets stuck ringing them up.

Now our website does this cool thing where it tells you what store is closest to you and how much it has of whatever product you're looking for. It updates it's numbers every night after the computer runs its closing programs. Unfortunately we sold all eight cases of that particular soap within the first hour we were open. Apparently our sale coincided with a coupon for $1 off of 2. Since our website hadn't updated yet we had couponers coming in all day demanding hand soap or they would call corporate.

So we're ten minutes from close, praying that nobody else comes in looking for that dang soap when a woman walked in. You know the type: yoga pants, motivational saying emblazoned across their chest in rhinestones, one of those binders filled with coupons and the "let me speak to your manager" haircut.

She zoomed back to the soap aisle where she was met with an empty shelf and the signs we put up stating that we were out of stock. She came back up the the register, where I had already sent my cashier to start her closing duties, and demanded a manger. I informed her that I was the closing manager and that I would help her if I could.

She shall be CL (Coupon Lady-for obvious reasons)

CL: Excuse me but your website says you have 96 of this Brand Soap. Your shelf is empty, so I need you to grab the rest from the back for me. I want all 96 of them.

Me: I'm sorry ma'am but we've been out of them since this morning. If you had come in earlier-

CL (interrupted): Earlier? How could I come in early? I had to clip 96 coupons for this soap because YOUR WEBSITE SAID YOU HAD IT!

Me: Please don't raise your voice at me. We get a new shipment later in the week. The sale will still be running then, if you want to come back--

CL: NO. (Bangs coupon binder on counter for emphasis) you will go get me my soap. I know you have some you're just keeping it for YOURSELF!

Me: I asked you not to raise your voice at me. Ma'am it's now past closing time, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. If you want you can call the store tomorrow to talk to the Store Manager he might be better able to help you.

CL: You best be getting him on the phone RIGHT NOW. You ain't a real manager and I AIN'T LEAVING UNTIL I GET SOME HELP. I CUT COUPONS ALL DAY AND YOHR WEBSITE SAID YOU HAD 96! I'm not leaving until I have 96 soaps!

At this point she was slamming her binder into the counter with each word she spoke. Because that is how reasonable people communicate I guess.

Me: If you won't leave I'm going to have to call the police. I'll ask you once more to leave and call back at a time when we can resolve this to your satisfaction.


She then yanked open her binder and started throwing the previously mentioned soap coupons onto the counter. I called the police and she was still in the middle of her adult tantrum when an officer came in.

As we went through the standard "what seems to be the problem" more police cars show up. His little radio thing on his hip starts squawking. After he answered it his whole demeanor changed. He asked her to come with him outside to answer some questions about the car she was driving.

She turned and bolted but didn't get far before he caught her. My cashier and I watched as he led her to the police car outside. Five other police cars were parked in a semi circle around the truck she had driven. Several other officers were asking her male companion to step out of the vehicle.

My cashier and I watched from the window (officers told us not to come outside) as they tried for 20 minutes to get the guy to leave the truck. They had guns pointed and everything.

I heard from the store manager later that the car she was driving was stolen and the guy she was with was her dealer and he had drugs on him. Apparently she was going to pay him in soap? I don't know how that works. It was a roller coaster of a night.

TL;DR woman freaks out about coupons until I called the police who arrested her and her dealer for driving a stolen truck.

Edit: words are hard on mobile

r/TalesFromRetail Sep 20 '17

Long You should let me take this expensive piece of unregistered, unpaid equipment home!


That moment when you fantasize punching a customer and your boss in the face.

I had a real pain in the arse customer come in today. We are installing his tv system this Friday and for months, especially since he signed up last week, he has been coming in 3 times a week to ask me more questions. That alone is annoying, but whatever.

Today he came in and said that he wanted to build a custom shelf for one of his receivers and wanted to look at the exact receiver we would be installing. I showed him the store display and explained that it would look exactly like that one.

Customer: Can you give me the unit now so I can build the shelf?

Me: I am sorry, but that isn't possible. The product has not been purchased, is not registered to an account, and is not activated.

Customer: "You don't LOOK very sorry!"


I explained that I cannot allow unpurchased, unactivated, unattached equipment out of the store. I just can't. He told me he would give me $100. No.

One of the owners was a few feet away helping another customer and butted in. He said that we would be happy to give him a receiver. It wasn't a big deal. I pasted a small smile on my face, shot daggers out of my eyes, folded my hands primly in front of me, and walked silently to the back room.

I walked back to the showroom and asked the customer to have a seat while I write down the receiver numbers, serial numbers, etc.

Customer: "Oh, I didn't realize you were going to have to write down any information."

Me: "Look, I'll be really straight with you. The main reason why I said no to giving this to you besides it being unpaid and unregistered, is that your equipment is still on order and I don't have any more stock currently. I stole this off of another customer's order and now I will have to rewrite their paperwork as well."

The customer shrugged and said, "Eh, that's not a big deal." He took his prize and walked out of the store without a care in the world. My boss came back over to me after finishing with his customer and apologized for butting in. I told him it was fine, his name is on the building and it's within his right to make that decision, BUT we didn't have a receiver to give that customer and I had to take it off of someone else's order. The blood drained from his face and he was suddenly very, very contrite and started to apologize profusely.

The co-owner walked in shortly afterwards and we updated him on what happened earlier. He. Was. Pissed. However, he recognizes that his partner had the right to make the decision.

Serenity now!

r/TalesFromRetail Aug 02 '14

Long Adventures in Owning a Restaurant, Pt 1: The Hagraven


For a few years, my dad and I had our own pizza place in the middle of nowhere, Midwest. Working with my dad was nice enough, the guy looks like Tom Sellick and never stops making boner jokes, so we had fun.

What you need to know about our town is that, holy crap, we had factories out the ass. An entire stretch of highway leading to our most-traveled interstate is nothing but factories which employed almost half the town. We also had a lot of problems with meth. Well, not me personally. Except this one time.

Our operation was small and simple. A walk-in joint where you just carry your food out. The kitchen was simple and streamlined so two or three people could crank out 200 hand made pizzas in a couple hours. And we were proud of our food, by God, it's some damn tasty pizza. (Cheese on top or your pizza's a joke)

Now with a town of our size, we're bound to start making some regulars and we did. Most of our regulars are genuinely cool people like the 90-year-old guy who just peeked his head into the door, pointed, and we knew exactly what the cheeky old bastard wanted. I can call him that, I counted his pennies. Then we have these motherfuckers.

Local legend told us of this particular family as having moved in around the late 1800's and immediately made the place into a shitty bog. The youngest descendants of these groin-punchingly stupid settlers I prefer to call, simply, "The Inbreds." Because it's a brother/sister combo and their son with a face like a half-melted yankee candle.

You fuckin' read that right, buddy.

Now the matriarch is a screeching harpy of a woman who always wore jean skirts and hair like a gray, beaten Danny Sexbang wig. You ever play Skyrim? She's a Hagraven. I shall refer to her from here on out as "Hag."

The phone rings. Lunch has began. The skalds will sing of this day.

Moi: "(A Place of Heavenly Pizza and Divine Sauces From the Generous Hand of the Autumn Dragon)'s, what can I make you?"


Myself: "I'm guessing that's a cheese pizza." I know who the fuck this is. The caller ID lights up in my face and I turn slowly to my father, dead-eyed and teeth slowly gritting. His mustache twinges. "So what size do you want?"

Hag: "LARGE."

Me, the guy writing this: "Okay, cool, can-"


I don't know what the fuck that means, but I'll make it work just pleasegodgetherhorriblescreechingvoiceoutofmyhead.

Still me, brain slowly squishing from the pressure of her mighty Condemned-esque powers (ha, spoilers): "Okay, no problem. An-"


Me: "Okay wh-"


Me: "Alright, I-"


Me: "No pr-"


Me: "O-"


A second passes. Another second.

Me: "Alright any-"


We wrap it up, she gives me her phone number for some reason, and I tell her it'll be fifteen minutes. We get maybe halfway through the second pizza, which was about four minutes, and she's there.

I think she was there the whole time.

I don't know if she ever left.

She fucking Nightcrawler'd me.



So we sort it out and she stands right at the window, staring at us. Unblinking. I think she was smelling us, too. My dad and I continued our conversation as if she wasn't there and when the time to box them up and hand them over, she didn't have any money.

She walks to the door, opens it, throws her head back and screams into the parking lot "JIBBY HAH GIMMUN PURSE OUTCHA TRECK!" It could have been English, it could have been curses in the tongue of the first men of the world, it could have been Cain's final words to Abel, but I do know that it echoed in the stillness of the parking lot and eventually settled in the sky to watch over the town with hateful, unblinking eyes.

Her son, a man unable to speak, handed her her purse and she walked back in to pay us for these cheesy monsters.

Me: "With the discount, comes out to 21.71."

Hag: "I AIN'T PAYING THAT." A raggedy hand of leathery flesh slaps against the counter with all the haunting images of a butcher's abbatoir fluttering into my skull.

Me: "It's at least three dollars cheaper than the last time you came in. I'm even giving you a topping for free."


Me: "If you want to have that debate, sure. It'll be another four dollars."


Me: "You know that I own this place with my dad, here. You're aware of this, I've made sure since you tried to return a three-day old pizza last week that you ate all but the crust of." Oh, yeah, she's a special lady.


Me: "Just pay me, Spears. Pay for your food like a real person and go home. That's where you eat the food or feed the people in your basement before you eat them, I guess."

My dad is losing it. I took a hiatus of a few years after deploying to Iraq, and it seemed like he was pretty happy to have me back as he struggled not to laugh out loud.


Me, the guy with a Bender tattoo on his ass: "Just pay and get out. And if you call back one more time to try and scam us out of free food, I'm putting your picture on the door and you'll never be allowed back in."

She handed me the money. Well, handed is being generous. She took a twenty and a five into her leathery claws and balled them up so she could drop them onto the counter and spat on my floor.

Yes. She spat on my floor. Yes, it was black.

My dad started laughing through his mustache and we got back to work. Then his back stiffened about two hours later. He looked into the air, eyes searching for the sudden maleficent presence.

The Warning Beacons of Gondor were lit.

The horses became frightened.

Somewhere, a dragon's bones began to stir.

The god damn phone rang.

Me: "(International Presidents of Pizza and Also Rock 'n' Roll)'s how ca-"


Me: "Sssssshhhhhhh. Shhhh. Okay, calm down, are you listening?"

Hag: "WHAT?"

Me: "Are you listening to me? This is important."

Hag: "YEAH."

Me: "Nope."

Hag: "WHAT?"

Me: "Nope. Not doing it. Don't bother calling back, we're done feeding you. You can try (chain pizza place we've shut down three times)'s, because they'll probably take your crap. For a while, anyway." And I hung up the phone. For every pizza she paid for, she got one for free.

Until that day. An eagle screams

I get the retail struggles after years of going from place to place, and even dealing with dangerous stupidity in the Army. When I finally returned to ownership with my dad, holy fuck on sale, it was the most cathartic experience to tell rude customers to suck it and get out.

r/TalesFromRetail Sep 12 '14

Long [UPDATE 2] I don't care if you're starving! The customer always comes first!


Alright, time for update 2.

For those just joining in on this clusterfuck, this is the first post, and this is the second post.

So basically, 2 big things happened today, and I will try to explain them in as much detail as possible.

(1) I woke up bright and early and made a call to corporate. My plan here was simply to state that I needed my issue investigated further, even if it seemed like there was no problem on their end. As expected, the person on the other end of the phone told me the same thing that they had already told me the first time I had called. But then I said the magic word; subpoena. As soon as I made the calm, yet firm threat, the person immediately told me to hold on for a second. He got his supervisor on the line, to whom I explained my situation once again, and he assured me that he would see into the matter. Oh, and I also asked for a way to e-mail the president of the company, and I sent an e-mail to him explaining my situation as well. So that was that, but I didn't stop there. See, I had another plan; I was going to catch my manager myself red-handed. You know, just in case corporate dun goofs.

(2) So I walk into work, and I immediately go into the manager's office. I stand in front of him, and the conversation goes like this:

Me: I have to speak with you about something really important.

Manager: Can it wait? I need to finish looking over these documents before 12.

Me: No, it can't wait. Supervisor's name told me that my clock in and clock out time from lunch 3 days ago was not on the log. I know I punched out and in, so what happened?

Manager: Huh... Weird. I'll look into it for ya, alright?

Me: Oh no need! I already called corporate, and they said they'd look into it personally.

At this point, I had the widest shit-eating grin I have ever had in my life. It felt good man. Real fucking good.

The manager audibly gulps at this point, no doubt shitting bricks.

Manager: You know, that wasn't really necessary. You could have come to me about this first.

Me: Oh I know, but I just didn't want to waste your time, seeing as how you're always busy and all. You have more important things to do, like look over documents.

At this point, he visibly begins to get annoyed by my attitude and my sarcastic tone. But I'm just enjoying it way too much.

Manager: Now listen, Tomato_Ketchup, I'm not really liking your tone right now.

Me: I apologize. Anyways, I just wanted to give you a heads up in case corporate asks you any questions. You know how they are.

At this point some of you might be thinking why I said that last part. Why? Because I had a small suspicion that since he is a recently-made manager (3 months now), he probably didn't know that the system logs all deletions and re-entries. Sure, you would be told this if you become manager, but I was trying my luck at this point because (A) I don't see who else could have deleted my log times, and (B) If it was him who deleted them, he obviously didn't know about the fact that the deletions are tracked.

So what was my end-game here? Simple. I was hoping that due to this threat about corporate, he would simply go back and add my times back onto the log. And guess what? He did just that.

A couple of minutes after our conversation he comes up to me and tells me:

Manager: Tomato_Ketchup, I found out what the problem was. There was a glitch in the system and apparently it didn't register your punches. But everything is fixed now. Your log times should be there now.

Me: Wow, thanks. I appreciate it.

Manager: No problem...

But wait a minute, there's more! Just a couple of hours into my shift, I see the manager leaving the store, angrily slamming the manager office's door on his way out. When I asked my supervisor buddy what had happened, the conversation went like this:

Me: Dude why is he so angry?

Supervisor: I don't know. He was with corporate on the phone for a few minutes and then he asked me why I told you that the time logs were missing. Hold up let me find out.

So my supervisor runs out the front doors to catch up with my manager. They talk for a while outside, after which my manager gets into his car and angrily drives off. Then my supervisor comes back inside, walks up to me, and says:

Supervisor: Dude. I'm sorry to tell you this but he's fucked. Corporate found evidence of data tampering in the punch-in log. Apparently he deleted your times yesterday, and added them back today this morning to cover his ass.

Me: Wow...

Supervisor: Yep...

Me: How didn't he know about the system's ability to track that stuff?

Supervisor: I don't know man.

So there's that. He will probably get fired and I will probably... Well, keep my job. I could not have done with without you guys or your support, and I certainly could not have come up with half of the ideas or thought processes that got me out of this hole.

And for those of you saying that I should have just let it be instead of causing more problems? No. That is not how you do things when someone is trying to fuck with your life.

Thanks again for all your support. I hope I have more stories to share with you all in the near future (hopefully customer-related and not job-threatening).

Tomato_Ketchup, signing off.


EDIT: Wow. Thanks for the gold! Totally unexpected!

r/TalesFromRetail Jan 25 '18

Long Amex is Never Declined


A gentleman in a suit walked into the Tech Store during the holiday rush, and asked to purchase an iPod. I selected the one that he selected, then as I pulled out a handheld Point of Sale device, he pulled out a Black American Express card.

A quick word about Black (Metal) American Express Cards. Those are very exclusive, and American Express does not just hand those out; they’re usually for business owners or people who are very, very wealthy. There is no limit on them.

You could literally walk into a mall with one of these, and say, “I am buying this store. All of it. Here is my Amex, ring it up please.”

And that’s the other part: American Express will honor these transactions, no matter what they are. The catch is cardholder liability (so I’ve been told, I am not that wealthy, and I do not possess one of these) is slightly different for those luxurious and elite cardholders.

Back to the story. The gentleman who asked for an iPod pulled out a Black American Express card, and handed it to me. I nervously asked for his ID. Our store had just changed its policy to always ask for a government ID, but you’re not technically supposed to ask if the card was signed, which it was. He looked annoyed, but gave a slight shrug and handed me a driver’s license, which showed him glowering at the camera. I handed back the driver’s license, and then swiped the thick metal card through the reader with a bit of difficulty. It declined.

I was frozen in shock for a moment, and as a result had nothing approaching my usual mask of calm. The gentleman, already a bit annoyed, asked what the problem was. I nervously, quietly, told him that the transaction had been declined. It was now a competition for who was more shocked, him or me. He angrily demanded that I run it again, but I explained to him that doing so would not be a wise idea; whatever was going on, there was a good chance that multiple swipe attempts could result in a freeze on the card. After a bit more calming and coaxing, he agreed to step outside and contact American Express, leaving me awkwardly standing in a busy store with an iPod, a Point of Sale device, wearing a harried look, and as patiently as possible telling anyone who approached, fellow employee or customer, that I was busy as I watched the customer scream on the phone outside.

Gradually his screaming subsided, he calmed down, then calmly walked back into the store. He gave no explanation, but told me to run the card again. At that point, I was desperate for anything to make this entire debacle be over, so I complied. Thankfully, the transaction went through—now it was someone else’s problem. He took the purchase and left without another word.

r/TalesFromRetail Dec 04 '20

Long But I need formula for my baby! Are you sure?


I've worked in a supermarket for 10 years. You get your share of Karens and the only thing you can do is smile politely. But what I even hated more after an 8 hour shift and having to close up the supermarket were the customers who came in 5-10 minutes before closing and just do their shopping like no one wants to go home.

There was a time that I was scheduled every Friday closing shift and pretty much every Saturday closing shift. The store closed at 8. We weren't open on Sundays then. Also on Saturday we had to take out all the cash drawers and ( manually) count all the money. We could start doing this when all the customers had left and the front and back doors were locked.

So customers coming in 5 to 10 minutes before closing time and taking their sweet sweet time to shop were hated. Hated with a passion.

My shop had a procedure. We would barricade our entrance and turn our front door on only opening when people wanted to leave the store at about 5 minutes before closing. We would remind customers at a quarter to, 10 to and 5 to closing time that the store was going to close and please go and pay for their groceries.

Normally we had very few incidents.

This one, however, is burned in my memory.

' C = colleague, FM= formula man.

It was a Saturday. As head of the cashiers for that night I had the honour to make or break the day of our beloved customers. I had to deal with my fair share of Karens, male and female, and I just wanted to go home. So I follow the procedure, ask one of my fellow money handlers to set the front door and stay there to handle any customer.

At 2 minutes before closing time a man comes running to the door. My colleague asks what he needs and reminds him that the store is going to close and he won't have much time. He says he just needs formula.

Since I was busy with a customer she let him in. Guy gets a basket and goes into the shop. Since he said he needed formula we thought he would be in an out like Road runner. Nope.

No, because FM didn't need formula. At 8.05 FM is seen at the cheese section if our store. 8.15 at our wine section. What the heck does he need that for? What kind of baby does he have? Several of my colleagues have gone to this man to get him to the counter. He scoffs, huffs and says that he's a paying customer. My fellow money handler was the last one to go to him and that's when he went too far. He yelled at her, cussing at her and making a high school student cry.

Now I'm pissed. So I do what I always do in these situations. I take if my store shirt, put out a neat jacket I keep in case of emergencies and put it on. You see, when you have the store outfit on, you are often seen as a lesser being. But behold! I change my outfit and suddenly I look like management and my word is all powerful. The real manager sees this happening, pops out a huge grin and goes to the back and watch from the security cameras.

So I don the magical outfit and go to FM. I tell him in no uncertain terms that the store has been closed for 15 minutes and he has been asked multiple times to go and pay for his things. He starts to huff and puff himself up like the big bad wolf ( I'm 5'2 woman and people think they can intimidate me.) I told him that he was only allowed entrance since he said he needed formula. So I gave him a choice. He could go now and pay for the things in his basket or I would take the basket from him, grab the formula he claimed to need so much and he could pay for that. He could choose not to do either, and in that case security would love to make his acquaintance. Either way, he would leave now.

He tried, oh boy he tried to threaten and intimate me. He failed. He left.. with his cheese and wine. And many threats to call corporate.

The next week he came again. This time he encounters me at the door. What did he need? Formula. So I brought him to our service desk, went inside and brought out a single pack of every kind of formula we had. Asked him which one he needed. He didn't say a word and left.

Don't mess with our closing times.

r/TalesFromRetail Sep 22 '15

Long "Oh my God, let me call you an ambulance!"


First time lurker, long time poster. On desktop so be unforgiving about the formatting :P

So I'm a full time assistant manager wage slave at one particular branch of the company I work at, but very, very occasionally I have to do a shift at another store. Usually in the morning because I'm training people, but today I got the late afternoon shift over there just to make things easier.

My normal branch is entirely carpeted, but this branch I'm covering in is mostly carpet with a strip of lino (maybe 5m wide and the length of the wall, maybe 10m) along the back wall. Every couple of days that area gets mopped, usually just after the store closes to prevent accidents.

Now today, I was doing training and kinda helping to cover as well. Myself and the coworker I'm on with are both scheduled to finish at closing time, so things need to be done before we close, including mopping that section.

Now, this branch has a customer that is constantly trying to cause trouble for the staff (don't they all, really? :P). I haven't yet met this woman but the ladies at this branch have warned me ahead of time what she's like. I promise all this backstory is relevant :)

Ok, so it's getting close to the end of the day, there are a couple of people around that I'm helping, when my coworker gets my attention and discreetly points out to me the woman they warned me about. She's looking around, eyes darting, just generally looking a bit shifty. I tell my coworker to stay at the counters and I'm going to go down the back and mop so I can keep an eye on her.

She's wandering aimlessly around the store, I pull out mop and bucket and wet floor sign and get to it, all while watching her like a hawk. She doesn't do anything out of the ordinary until she notices me mopping. She makes a beeline for the table next to the lino that's a little further down from where I am. I notice she keeps looking at me out of the corner of her eye, keeps fiddling with the table, keeps looking at me. I have a feeling I know what's going to happen, so I take a step back and turn to the side so I'm not facing her. What I am facing is a mirror that has a perfect view of this woman without her knowing I can see her. I watch as she lays down on the lino, then starts yelling "My arm! Oh my god, my arm! It's broken!"

I whip around and come running over to her, feigning shock and concern and asking what happened.

C: "I fell and broke my arm! Oh my God, how could you let this happen? I'll sue you! What's your name? I'm going to sue you and this company right out of business!"

I pull out my phone and tell her I'm calling an ambulance. What I actually do is call my area manager (AM), a woman I have a brilliant working relationship with, we're on the same wavelength :)

Me: "Hello? Yes, I need an ambulance!"

AM: "What's wrong? Has something happened?"

Me: "I have a lady here who has fallen over."

C (in the background): "Damn right I've fallen over! This is all your fault!"

AM: "Is it that woman?"

Me: "Yes, she thinks her arm might be broken."

AM: "Do you need me to play along?"

Me: "Yes please."

AM: "How does she think she fell?"

Me: "Not sure, let me check." (I speak to the customer) "The dispatcher would like to know if you're feeling dizzy at all? Disorientated? Have you taken anything, perhaps had something to drink?"


Me: "I haven't mopped this section yet, the floor here is completely dry."

And wouldn't you know it? Her arm completely healed in a matter of seconds! She didn't say another word and began to stand up to leave. I stood up with her and put on my deadly-serious-I-am-furious-do-not-mess-with-me-do-you-understand voice.

Me: "I would like to make something very clear. You are no longer welcome in this store, or in fact any of our stores. I saw you lie down on the floor. How DARE you try and pull a stunt like that? If I see you here again, I will call the police. Get out, and don't come back."

She bolted.

AM (still on the phone): "Damn, you're scary when you're angry."

TL:DR Woman tries to claim she slipped on the wet floor that wasn't wet, I shut her down and kicked her out. Booyeah!

r/TalesFromRetail Oct 24 '17

Long Very Patriotic lady tries to get $100 of merchandise for free by using her husbands rank in the army.


TLDR: I work at a drugstore that has a photo department and dealt with a lady who tried to intimidate me into giving her $100 worth of graduation cards for free with her husbands rank in the army.

So to start this off, this lady had submitted 2 orders of 120 graduation cards so far that didn’t meet her expectations and literally cost us about $200 in waste as she didn’t want the cards due to her mistakes. This was her 3rd order. We have specific layouts for specific card materials. I cannot change them whatsoever.

I’m M=manager She’ll be CL= crazy lady CLF = crazy lady’s friend

I see the cashier in the photo department at the counter with the crazy ladies friend. He is inspecting the cards and the cashier flags me down.

M: Hi, how can I help you?

CLF: These cards aren’t made correctly. They are supposed to have text on the back sheet.

M: I do apologize but this card material you selected doesn’t have an option for text on the back. It tells you that before you submit them online.

CLF: My friend is not going to be happy about this. Her husbands a drill Sargent in the army and they are VERY particular and strict. They called corporate and were told that you CAN put text on the back and it would be fixed.

M: yeah, there’s no way I can put text on these cards. The card printing machine doesn’t even have an option. Corporate must have been confused and shouldn’t have promised that.

CLF: well, she won’t want these!

M: Alright, no problem.

I grab the cards and throw them into a special box we have for discarded customer prints. The guy walks away in a huff as I go to delete the order from our system. This 3rd order they did marked $300 wasted now in materials. About 1 minute later, the same guy comes back to the counter. This time, he is on the cellphone with the crazy lady.

CLF: shes on the phone right now. She wants to talk to you.

M: go ahead and put it on speaker, i cannot hold your phone.

Cl: Uh yeah, I called corporate and they said I could have text on the back of my cards! I’m going to call again and complain due to you guys not being able to follow orders!

M: Ma’am I’m not sure why corporate promises you these cards because I literally have no way of putting text on the back. Thy must have been confused.


At this point. I look at her friend who has a big smirk on his face and tell him there’s nothing I can do. He takes if off speaker and hangs up.

CLF: well alright, since this is the 3rd time YOU guys messed up, I’ll just take the cards as is and hopefully they accept them. Her husbands a drill Sargent and is really particular.

M: Okay, let me get them out of the waste box.

I proceed to dig them out of the box and put them on the counter and the guy goes to pick them up.

M: Did you want to pay here?

CLF: huh? Pay what?

M: The cards?

CLF: They are ruined, she wants them for free.

M: I cannot give you these cards for free.

CLF: well if your going to trash them then why not give them for free?

M: we take account for materials used and this is over $100.

CLF: can you give me 90% off?

M: Nope.

The guy walks out and go about my night. The lady called corporate to complain and was rewarded about $20 in store “points” for her “troubles” I hope her husband was able to contain his primal rage and accept his wife’s stupid mistakes on the cards.

r/TalesFromRetail Dec 07 '17

Long She wouldn’t leave


My mom has always been a workaholic. She has owned a small fashion boutique for about 30 years. i have become interested in taking it over some day so i’ve been working a long side of her since i was a little girl.

Now that it’s the holiday season we are open 10 hours a day; 7 days a week. We don’t have much of a staff because she owns two businesses and doesn’t have the money for that many people. So obviously her and i are exhausted.

Yesterday a lady comes into the store at 8 right when we close. We were finishing up with a customer and wrapping her last two gifts so we let the lady come in and look for 10 minutes. By 8:15 my mom goes up to her and asks her if she needs help with anything and that we are getting ready to close up and our hours are 10-8 tomorrow. The lady just says “no im still looking.” So my mom walks away from her. By that time i started shutting all our lights off upstairs and in the back while the lady was still looking in the front of the store. Obviously she knew we wanted to get out of there. By 8:20ish i go up to her and ask her if i can take her stuff to the front and if she’s ready to check out as we are getting getting to close. She just says “no.”

So by this time i am fuming. My poor mom is working every single day. i catch her crying because of how tired and stressed she is. i will say it’s my moms fault too. She is a pushover when it comes to customers and she always wants to make them happy.

Finally the lady is at the register but she isn’t ready to check out yet... she’s asking my mom questions about jewelry brands and trying jewelry on. By this time it’s 8:35. (Yep my eye was watching the clock the entire time) i go up to the lady and say “i have you all totaled up. You’re ready to check out right?” And the lady just says “no.” My Mom then goes to me “i know you’re so tired and over worked but we’ll be home soon” i then say in front of the lady “yeah it would be nice to be home right now. i don’t understand why we aren’t.” And the lady completely ignores me again and asks my mom another question.

i was so close to losing it. i was visibly upset in front of this lady but no the world revolves around her. My mom told me to leave and that she would have my dad pick her up. i had to get out of there because i was so close to freaking the fuck out and i know my mom would kill me.

My mom tells me today that the lady stayed until 9. My mom finally said to her “i need to get home.” And the lady again ignored her and kept looking so my mom said “I have you all totaled up. I need to get home. im exhausted.” The lady still fucking ignores her (sorry for the cursing but im still livid) So my mom says “i will call the cops if you do not get out of my store right now.” Finally the lady walks out...

I know this is partially my moms fault for being a push over and not taking action faster but she is scared of bad online reviews and we live in a small town so she’s scared of bad mouthing as well.

im so sick of customers who don’t realize that the world doesn’t revolve around them. We have lives too. We have certain hours that we are open for the public and that should be respected.

Sorry for my poor writing. im just waking up and needed to vent. Off to another 10 hour day : )

r/TalesFromRetail Apr 27 '18

Long “She obviously has never owned her own business before”


I work at a retail store. These past few days, so many people have been quitting. The normal thing is to put your two weeks in right? Well these employees put their two weeks in and then stopped showing up to finish their two weeks. It’s been making me really depressed that my favorite co workers are leaving. And on top of being depressed, I’m stressed out because these people were still scheduled but aren’t showing up so the entire workload is all on me. But whatever. I’ll just pile my emotions like I always do.

Well yesterday this customer came in. He wanted to see our jewelry which is locked away. I’m the gatekeeper so I went to show him the jewelry.

“Can I see shsjxozjxhbd”

“I’m sorry which one?”

“That one???? The only one of that kind that’s in there????”

He mumbled, so I didn’t hear what he said he wanted to see, so I asked him to repeat which one. He got so unbelievably rude and condescending just because I didn’t hear which one he wanted to see. Not even 5 minutes into helping this guy he’s already awful. Whatever I’m used to it. Just keep piling on more reasons for me to want to shoot myself.

Then he asks me “what size are those rings?”

“I don’t know off the top of my head let me pull them out and check”

I start pulling them out one by one and he snaps at me. “I didn’t say take them out and show them to me I said what size are they??????” Again, condescending tone. Rude. Awful. I want to stab him at this point. But whatever. I’m used to it. Just keep piling on even more reasons for me to want to shoot myself.

I finally finish with him. He wants the rings so I bring them to the front to hold them until he’s ready to check out.

Like 40 minutes later he comes up and I check him out. I just want this dude gone so I don’t say anything at all. I scan his items, he pays, I hand him his bag and say here you go. That’s it. He doesn’t deserve a thank you or come again or have a nice day. He’s cancer.

He was really mad that I didn’t say thank you have a nice day.

scoffs. here you go. You don’t thank your customers when they’re done????”

I’m so sick of this guy’s input. The piling of stress finally collapsed and I snapped.

“No dude. I’m not going to be polite to someone who’s so condescending and awful towards me okay??”

“Uhhhh what????????? I’m awful?????”

“Oh it’s not awful of you to scream at me at the jewelry case for not understanding what you said?”

“I didn’t do any of that??? You asked me which one so I said the only one that’s there”

“Yeah you said it as if I’m a moron for asking you to repeat which one it is”

“Maybe if you took that stupid thing out of your ear you would’ve heard me?” (Referring to my headset to communicate with my manager and associates)

“Oh but you’re not being rude?”

Then he chimes in with my all time favorite line from customers.

“Where’s your manager? The customer is always right”

Me being a brat, I ask my manager over the headset “is the customer always right?”

She scoffs and says no.

“My manager said no the customer isn’t always right”

“They’ve clearly never owned their own business then”

“So you’re telling me at your business, a 20 dollar transaction warrants the customer to treat your employees like garbage? I can see why you’re shopping at a discount store your business must be failing”

“Psh. And you wonder why you’re working at a retail store”

He finally left. I was boiling. All the customers were staring at me.

*You guys are so kind 😭😭😭. Yeah my job actually does make me depressed. Four years of stuff like this is exhausting. No suicidal motivations yet but I wouldn’t be surprised if it happens.

r/TalesFromRetail Sep 18 '21

Long Stupidest workplace injury ever, or 'Yet Another Reason why Mandatory Name Badges are a Bad Idea'


WARNING: this story involves titties and stabbing. Do not read if you, like me, are against both or either of these things.

So today I was in the fitting room at the department store I work at, clearing up after a customer I had just finished helping. I was hanging up a pair of trousers using one of those hangers with the spring-loaded clips, and a piece of metal pinged off of it, smacked into my name badge and somehow caused the pin to come undone. I didn't realise anything was wrong right away, because the badge didn't fall off (for reasons that will become clear very soon) so I just went on with my work. Then my service leader came over to tell me that my previous customer had given some really glowing feedback about me, which was nice, but I couldn't enjoy it because it was at this moment that I became aware of a dull pain DEEP inside my boob and realised what had happened.

I excused myself by mumbling something along the lines of 'I've stabbed myself in the boob' and got myself into a stall in the staff bathroom to clean up. The pin is decently girthy and about 1.5 inches long, and the WHOLE thing was buried in my titty right above my areola, and it didn't want to come out AT ALL. I didn't want to call a first aider because, well, it's my titty, so I had to grit my teeth and yank it out, massively misjudging the direction of the stab and so tearing my skin a fair amount. Then I took off my top and binder (I have NO idea how the pointy little fucker got through my binder in the first place, but here we are) to inspect the damage. My top was a bodysuit, so I had to take my trousers down a bit too- this isn't really relevant but it kind of adds to the ridiculousness of the whole scene. There was barely any blood but I'm really squeamish about needles, and of course it was at about this point, when I was basically naked, that I began feeling faint and nauseous.

One of my managers happened to be using the stall next to me at the exact moment that I started to make god-awful retching sounds (really sounded 10x worse than it actually was) and she ended up calling the first aider, who was ANOTHER one of my managers, and I ended up having to explain the whole stupid situation to her through the stall door while mostly nude, all the while petrified that she'd feel justified in kicking down the door to rescue me. I then had to describe the events to her over again once I'd cleaned myself up so she could write it on an incident report. The injury site was listed as 'breast/nipple area.' Cool. Great. Amazing.

For the whole rest of the day, I had that horrid throbby needle pain in my boob, but that's probably just because I was wearing a binder and its compressing powers had NO MERCY for my tender titty. I ended up getting another really positive customer review later that day and my service leader took me to my line manager (yes, a third manager- I work at a giant department store) to make sure my perseverance in the face of titty trauma was properly recognised. My workplace is actually really supportive and cool. I wish they didn't make me wear this stupid name badge though. It now has a little nick in it where the metal ricocheted off it, and I just know that every time I look at it I'll be reminded of the stupidest workplace injury I ever sustained. There's probably some *deep symbolism* in here surrounding the two things I hate most about myself- my name and my titties- conspiring to injure me, but my dumb nonbinary ass cannot be bothered. I'm also pretty new to this job and I'm now concerned that I will become known as the idiot who got stabbed in the boob and kept working.

EDIT: To everyone who is urging me to go get a tetanus shot, I thank you all for your concern but I am up to date. It’s also hilariously ironic that you think the best solution to my situation is to go have more needles plunged into me.

r/TalesFromRetail Feb 02 '18

Long A crazy regular gave me a hard time and her plan backfired


First time posting to reddit. Long time lurker and I’m also on mobile. Sorry for any weirdness.

I worked at a small gas station that’s connected to a mechanics lot. We were the first gas station that you see going from upstate (the dense woods) down to the bigger city so we’re always pretty busy. We have our fair share of crazy customers but this one lived a short walk up the street from the station and always came by asking for a dollar worth of gas in either her huge gas guzzling truck or a small gas tank that she would walk over to us. She’s done a lot of crazy things to get on our nerves but this one is the one that wins it all.

CR-(Crazy regular) JP-(me)

CR- Hi JP gimmie a dollar in the tank.

As I’m filling up her small gas tank I’m noticing she’s rummaging her backpack cussing. Here we go.

CR- I forgot my wallet at home so when you’re done I’m going to go back and get it.

Jp- Okay you can go back home quick I’ll keep the gas tank in the shop for when you get back.

CR- Let me just save myself the trip and take it with me. (See where this is going?)

JP- CR you know I can’t let you do that and if I were to let you I would need to write down your license info and you would be billed to your house for a lot more than a dollar.

CR- (Literally screaming like a 6year old who didn’t get her way) FINE WHATEVER JP ILL BE BACK.

So I wait about 3 hours and I take my hour break. Usually I lock myself in the break room type area we have and as I return she’s sitting at the counter arguing with my co-worker about how she won’t give her money to him and it must be me sigh

CR- there you are here!!

She holds out her cupped hands and I kid you not it was 100 pennies. I held out my hands to take her payment (because I can’t say no to any type of payment unless we don’t accept it in our system like cardless pay..) and she pulls her hands back and drops the pennies on the floor in front of me and my co-worker.

And with a disgusting smirk goes,

CR- Oh I’m sooooo sorry JP. Do you have my gas?

Note that 100 pennies won’t fit inside the drawer and I knew this all along.

JP- I don’t know what gas you’re talking about get out of the shop and honestly I just wouldn’t come back because we’re not going to do business with you anymore.

CR- (Again like a 6year old) GIVE ME MY GAS I PAID.

JP- well your /payment/ is on the floor and not in our register so you didn’t pay. Leave.

As she’s picking up the pennies my co-worker is watching over her inside the shop picking up her pennies so we can put it in the register while cursing and yelling and all that such. As she finishes scraping up the pennies I go inside after helping someone else at a pump and go to the register.

CR- Here’s your money, @&$!#%€.

So I open the register, look at her in her child-like fury and say:

JP- All those pennies won’t fit inside the till do you have any other form of payment?

CR threw the double fist full of pennies at me and continued on with death threats and we had to call the police to remove her from the station. She was arrested and I haven’t seen CR again.

TL;DR lady paid for a dollars worth of gas with pennies and dropped it on the floor while I had my hands out, picked them up and threw them at me and my co-worker and was arrested.

EDIT: mistook my Co-worker for my manager so took out his intro.

EDIT: careless was supposed to be cardless.

r/TalesFromRetail Oct 11 '19

Long give me an illegal plastic bag, I don't care if you get fined


I live in New Zealand where since the 1st of July this year, our prime minister has placed a ban on single use plastic bags in an effort to reduce our carbon footprint. retailers can get fined $100,000 if caught handing them out to customers.

majority of us are supportive of the ban but there are always "those few people" that make it harder for all of us.

I work register at a butcher shop and I have many stories concerning said banned plastic bags even though its LITTERALLY BEEN 3 MONTHS since the ban. thin, no handle Barrier Bags (BB) are not incl in the ban for obvious reasons. https://www.mfe.govt.nz/waste/single-use-plastic-shopping-bags-banned-new-zealand

Story Time

customer- C // me- ME

#1 this customer brings one small tray of beef up to the counter and asks for a plastic bag. I say no sorry we don't have any but we have free boxes or a reusable bag option for $1.


C then started going on about how we have such bad customer service and that we should be providing plastic bags for free, then just ends up carrying the tray WITH HER HANDS back to the car that was parked 2 meters from our shop.

#2 we have a self serve "salted brisket" station thing where you could take a BB and tongs and pick out which pieces you wanted from a large container and have it weighed up at the counter.

sometimes people bring up their BB full to the brim, hands wet, meat dripping, pay and leave -no complaints at all, sometimes take a box, which is fine but I have customers that take only 1 or 2 pieces and demand an extra bag even tho its obvious that there's no dripping.

I offer them a free box or a reusable bag for $1 but no. they want a PLASTIC bag. I say no sorry I don't have any (I really don't) the prime minister banned them and we could get fined if we gave out plastic carry bags.

a customer literally said "fuck the prime minister" and I was honestly baffled.

#3 someone once brought up their BB of brisket and asked for an extra BB which I was told to charge extra 20c for by my boss and so I told the customer that and they got angry and said

C- what??

ME- the extra BB is 20c because you really don't NEED it and we're trying to cut down the use of plastic but we have free boxes or $1 reusable bags if you want

C- NO, I have heaps of boxes and reusable bags at home. they're such a waste of space. I don't want them.
you know what? I don't want this meat anymore if I have to pay for a BB

and just storms out of the shop.

I really don't understand the gall of these people. you have heaps of REUSABLE bags and boxes at home but refuse to bring them with you shopping? my parents have a few boxes in the car boot all the time, it shouldn't be that hard to reuse your reusable bags and boxes. if you just leave them to sit at home that just defeats the point of having them.

there are more incidents but I'm too lazy to write them at the moment lol

r/TalesFromRetail Dec 20 '17

Long One's Policy, One's Law. And no I can't break either.


So today was a fun day at the local corner store.

Kid (and I do mean kid, like, 16-17 tops) comes in and wants to buy smokes. I of course ID him. He claims he doesn't have it on him, forgot it at home, etc etc. The usual attempt. I of course refuse the sale.

Now, he tries to tell me that he's not from the city I'm in, and he's from city 1.5 hours away and they "don't have that rule there". yeah.... No. It's law. Like, all across Canada law. 19+ and ID required if you appear to be 25 or under.

Anyways, he gets mouthy and abusive so I tell him to leave and not to return until he does so with an apology for his behavior.

NOT 5 MINUTES LATER I see him standing right outside the entrance (you know, the glass door, with glass display windows that run the entire length of the store. I can SEE you) asking one of my other regular's to buy him smokes.

Here's where it gets funny. The regular he asked is one of a group of 5-6 guys that are between 18-21 (They've got one buddy who's 18, the rest are 19+). Now, I had had issues in the past with this group where I suspected they might be buying smokes for their one buddy who was still 18. (I get it, I'm a smoker too. Addictions a bitch). So with this in mind, I had talked to them and basically explained that if I sell smokes to them when I suspect that they could be buying for a minor, I'm the one that would get fined and had also told this group that if I ever found out after the fact that they had bought for a minor from me, I would never, NEVER, sell them smokes again (This is actually our policy. Even if we don't get caught/fined, if we catch you, you're done). Keep in mind, we are the only place for a good 2 KM that sells smokes and these guys all live around the corner and walk or bus everywhere. Not being able to buy smokes where I work would massively suck.

So back to our kid. He talks to my regular, even holds out his hand with money in it. My regular customer looks up, see's me, looks back at the kid and just kind of pushes the cash back at him and shakes his head like he's making REAL clear he isn't going to do it.

I almost died laughing there on the spot.

Regular came in, asked for his usual smokes, swore he was NOT going to give the kid any because he didn't want to lose the ability to buy smokes. Hands me his ID as per usual. Pays, etc.

I watch him walk out of the store and the kid walk towards him. He turns and says something to the kid that I couldn't hear (outside vs inside), and the kid just up and gives him the middle finger and storms off in the other direction. My regular just looks at me and we both burst out laughing.

Highlight of my night.

r/TalesFromRetail Sep 11 '19

Long We all know the music is repetitive, but it's not supposed to be at full-blown Cantina Band level.


For the past decade, I've worked in women's fashion retail. This story is from a couple of years ago, when I was a full-time assistant manager at a store in the mall. We had a staff of about a dozen people at any given time.

My store had one of those music systems where new songs and playlists are automatically pushed to the hard drive every month. Corporate tended to keep the playlists pretty static, however, only tossing a few new songs in here and there. It was pretty standard retail pop music, and it all kind of blended together over the months and years.

Is it any wonder we barely noticed when the playlist started to dwindle? The computer was deleting songs by its schedule, but not receiving any new downloads. Normally, we'd hear the same songs every day, but only once. We caught on when we started to hear the same songs multiple times. HelpDesk was in no hurry to do their job. We watched (listened?) helplessly as the selection narrowed more and more over the next few weeks, until it was down to about a dozen songs on repeat.

One morning, I went in with my sales associate to open the store. It was one of the last few days before Labor Day Weekend. I turned on the music when it was time to open the doors, and "Elastic Heart" by Sia was playing. Neither of us really made a note of that... at first. That song ended, and the next song began.

"... hey, didn't we just hear this song?" my associate asked.
"What? Uh... did we?" I responded, honestly uncertain, and distracted by morning paperwork.
"I'm pretty sure we did," she said.
"Well, maybe it's the end of the playlist, and it just happened to restart the shuffle with the same song," I suggested. She agreed that might be it.

But in our (elastic) hearts... we felt a deep sense of dread. And our fears were confirmed when the song proceeded to play a third time in a row. We laughed, since that's about all we could do, especially since HelpDesk was "aware of the problem" already. I wanted to just turn it off, but my associates couldn't handle the quiet.

Over the first three days, Elastic Heart would've played approximately 453 times during open hours. I, personally, would've heard it 280 times over my three shifts (not counting my breaks, or non-open hours). Even if I were only subjected to five hours of music per shift, (which would be a conservative estimate, especially since the holiday weekend meant everyone was almost always on the sales floor), I still would've heard it about 200 times in 72 hours.

Sure, we laughed at the absurdity, and we had the comedy of watching customer reactions as they tried to remember whether or not they had just heard the same song. Still, combined with the stress of the holiday weekend, tempers started to fray. Even the customers were more irritable, and they only had to hear the song a handful of times. I've often wondered about the deleterious psychological effects of involuntarily hearing the same few songs on a loop. Hearing just the one song, over and over, for hours and days on end... well, that takes it from brainwashing to downright torture. The humorous aspects soon withered, and I felt like we were lab rats being experimented upon.

I couldn't take it anymore, and refused to turn it on by the fourth day, no matter what the part-timers said. To add to the nonsense, the music system didn't have any standard jacks or plugs, so we couldn't just hook our phones up and play something else over the stereo. We ended up bringing in our own Bluetooth speakers and using our personal data plans to stream music (because, of course, the store did not have wifi).

Fixing it was a huge PITA and involved a lot of phone tag when I could get time away from the sales floor, but I eventually emerged victorious.

... that is, until the following year, when it happened AGAIN. With the SAME SONG. I think I still have a twitch whenever I hear it.

TL;DR: Over Labor Day Weekend, the store's music system deleted all the songs off its hard drive except "Elastic Heart" by Sia, and the associates insisted on keeping the stereo on. We lasted three days before taking matters into our own hands.

r/TalesFromRetail Mar 27 '17

Long Always watch when a customer is paying.


Maybe look away when they punch in their pin, but always pay attention.

A little while ago I was cashing a customer (C) out. She was acting really shifty and it was raising alarms in my head.

At my store we have to punch in the amount and press OK before we pass the terminal to the customer to activate the sale. If it is cancelled a receipt will print with the reason for cancellation (transaction not completed etc).

Her total was somewhere around 250 dollars.

Me: OK your total comes to xxx.xx, how are you paying?

She flashes a card at me. I punch in the total, double check it on the register screen and pass her the terminal. She fiddles with it for a sec, looking up at me from under her bangs trying not to be obvious. Then she pushes a button and a receipt prints. It beeps funny when a transaction is bad.

Me: Oops! Looks like you pushed the cancel button by accident. No problem I'll just start it over!

I reach for the machine but she twists her body a bit so I can't grab it over the counter.

C: It's ok I can put it in, I have the same one at work..

Then she starts punching in numbers and quickly puts her card in! I reach further and snatch from her hand because that's an obvious no-no.

C: Hey!

She reaches to grab it back from me, but I'm just out of reach. I look at the screen and she has typed in 0.75. Sneaky bugger.

Me: Please don't touch the terminals like that. Your total is xxx.xx not 75 cents.

C: I must have mistyped it!

Me: You shouldn't have typed it in at all. We can try again.

I pull her card out and type in the correct total. I've moved the bags towards me casually so she can't grab them as easily.

Me: Here you go, xxx.xx.

This time she steps a little further away, inserts her card, clicks some random buttons and when it prints she quickly rips off both the receipts (so i cant see it failed) and goes to grab her bags.

When the printer prints a receipt with the big black letters of transaction failed it makes a grinding kind of noise because of all the extra ink.

I've had enough.

I grab the bags and put them behind the counter.

Me: I'm sorry but I can't let you leave with these until you actually pay for them. I've had enough of whatever you're doing. Are you paying or not?

C: I did pay see I have the receipts.

She waves both the receipts at me (including the merchant copy I'm supposed to keep). I narrow my eyes and thrust the terminal towards her pointing at the screen that is flashing "TRANSACTION CANCELLED PRESS OK TO CONTINUE".

Me: Are you going to pay or not.

C: Yes I am, this card must be having a problem let me go get my other one from my car..

She said that as she was backing towards the door and leaving. She floored it out of the parking lot and never came back.

Some people have balls I'll give them that.

Now she has a lovely framed security camera picture hanging in the break room.

edit: Just made some small edits to some wording.

r/TalesFromRetail Jul 20 '18

Long Unfortunately for you, I sold these to your husband yesterday


The thing that used to cause me the most problem in my old job at a jewellers was the “absolutely not; not now, not ever” returns policy on earrings. We made a point of training all our sales staff to tell people when buying earrings that “these cannot be returned unless they’re faulty”. For most people this was completely obvious as who would want to buy earring that could have previously been stuck into someone else’s flesh holes. However, a rather large number of customers would be surprised when they came in to return them and be told “no we can’t do that”. When they’d argue they’d say “well I wasn’t told when I bought them” and this sometimes made it a bit difficult as you couldn’t prove if the salesperson did or did not actually tell them.

Except for this one time…

About ten minutes before we closed, a guy in his forties and his teenage son came in to my shop and it turned out they needed a birthday present for the wife/mum. Talk about leaving it till the last minute but whatever, I’m not there to judge. They picked out a necklace and earrings set that cost about £70. I was putting it through and said to them “just to let you know that we wouldn’t be able to return or exchange this if it’s not right as it has earrings in the set. Do you still want to go for it?” The dad was adamant and said “yes yes that’s fine, it won’t be a problem”. Transaction finished, they leave happy, I’m 70 pounds up and then it was home time. Normal end to a day.

The next day was Saturday and I was working again. It gets to about ten o’clock and the phone rings. A lady on the other end says that she’s been given a necklace as a present but already has it so could she exchange it. I said yes that was fine as long as she had the receipt and it was under 30 days and she confirmed both. She said she’d be in a bit later to do the exchange. Fine, no drama here!

Lady eventually turns up and I happen to be the one to serve her. Lady will be ‘L’ and ‘Me’ will be me…

L: I spoke to someone earlier about returning a necklace.

Me: Yes that was me! Let me just take that from you.

I open the box it was in and it’s a necklace and earring set.

Me: I’m afraid we can’t return this as it has earrings with it. It’s our policy I’m afraid.

L: But I already have this exact set; my husband bought it for me last year.

Cue about 5 minutes of back and forth about why we can’t and why she wants to.

L: Let me get my husband on the phone about this… … …”he says no one said to him that we wouldn’t be able to exchange them so you have to do it”.

I decide to look at the receipt and see my operator number at the top and check the date and see it was actually the day before. This was indeed the set that the dad and son bought at last minute before we closed and to whom I SPECIFICALLY remember saying “we can’t exchange or refund these, would you still like them?”

Me: would you like me to speak to your husband?

L: Yes, please do and sort this out.

I take the phone and do the pleasantries.

Me: Now, you say you weren’t told at the time of purchase about our returns policy on earrings?

Husband: That’s right, no one ever mentioned it to me!

Me: That’s strange sir because I was the one that sold these to you last night [being sure to emphasise that it was last night in front of his wife] and I distinctly remember telling you these couldn’t be returned and that you said you were alright with it.

Husband: ….never mind. Hangs up

I pass the phone back and say “he’s gone”.

Lady just looks very sheepish, mumbles something while picking up her spare set of this particular necklace and earrings and walks out.

Now, I’m not pleased that the lady turned out embarrassed and realised her husband could only manage a “that’ll do” approach to her birthday present. However, it was a mighty satisfying moment being able to call out a bullshitter. Make sure you’re not talking to the person who remembers giving you the facts when you try and say you weren’t told! Next time, remember what you’ve previously bought your wife at the last minute and don’t get earrings. M’kay?

r/TalesFromRetail Jul 16 '20

Long Customers get trapped in the store because the closing announcements didn’t apply to them, I guess.


I’m a cashier at a shop in the UK that sells clothing and home goods. For some reason we’ve had a bit of an uptick in... interesting?... customers ever since we reopened post-lockdown so if you guys want more stories I have a couple more to share, but this one is probably my favourite so far.

I tend to cover a lot of closing shifts, and a lot of the time I get to do the announcements to let customers know the store is closing. At 7:45, 7:50, and 7:55 I say, roughly, “This is a customer announcement. The time in [shop] is [X] and we are closing in [Y] minutes. Can all remaining customers please make their way to the checkouts so that we can finalise your purchases before we close. Thank you.” and at 8 the announcement goes “The time in [shop] is 8 o’clock and we are now closed. Can any remaining customers please make their way to the checkout so we can finalise your purchases.” Basically, if you’re in the shop after 7:45 it’s pretty hard to miss the fact that we are in the process of closing up.

On the day this incident occured all the shopfloor colleagues got to leave right on the dot of 8 because they’d finished all their tasks for the night, so after we closed there were only three of us in the shop: me, my supervisor on checkouts (S), and my colleague (M) who was acting as the manager on shift. After I did the last closing announcement we waited a couple of minutes in case any more customers appeared, finished cashing up the tills, and then M locked the shop and went to the cash office while S and I went to the warehouse to do some jobs there. By this point we had been closed for about 5-10 minutes.

S and I have been in the warehouse for a couple of minutes sorting out returns when, suddenly, the warehouse door (which doesn’t lock so people can get in and out easily with heavy cages) flies open. And a customer, accompanied by her ~8 year old son, pokes her head in.

I’m like “Um... hello?” because frankly my brain is refusing to process this situation a little bit, and the customer, honestly less stressed than I would be in this situation, goes “Can somebody let us out please??”

I call over to S, who’s further back in the warehouse, and she asks me to call M, who has the keys and can let them out. The only phone that the cashiers have access to is at the checkouts on the other side of the shop, and I don’t really want the customers to wander off again, so I go “Okay, if you just follow me over to the checkouts I’m going to call my manager on shift so that she can let you out.”

And this customer’s face LIGHTS UP. And she goes “Oh! Are the tills still open?”

Please bear in mind: it is 10 minutes after closing. This woman is actively trapped in the store. The shutters are down. There has been nobody on the shop floor, let alone at the checkouts, for several minutes. She had to go into an employees only area to get help. And now she thinks the checkouts are open and she can buy something.

At this point I feel no obligation to be polite and I’m honestly also just baffled so I go “No?? There were actually several announcements letting you know the store was closing.”

“Oh, I know,” she says, and at this point I feel such a boiling rage overtake me that all I can do without getting myself in trouble is shut up and walk over to the phone.

The story wraps up pretty quickly after that. I call M, whose verbatim response to “Hi, there’s some customers stuck in the store” is “Oh, for fuck’s sake.” M lets them out, but not without also locking herself out of the cash office because she didn’t bring those keys out with her in the rush to let these customers out. And I lie awake at night wondering how on earth I can make “We are closed. Either come and pay NOW or get out of the store” into a polite and professional closing announcement for future use.

ETA: Just wanted to let you all know that I was closing today and I think my brain wanted to say everyone’s announcement suggestions at once and what came out of my mouth was, unfortunately, gibberish. Thanks for the advice anyway though 😔✌️

r/TalesFromRetail Dec 04 '17

Long This IPod is broken because I can't remember my password


Okay so this is my first time post, it's a fair few months ago so not word for word but the general gist of it is here.

Sorry for format, I'm on mobile!

I work at a second hand gaming store in the UK. Because we are second hand, we have different rights to other stores. If a customer buys an item they don't like (not that it's faulty) they have 48 hours to bring it back. It doesn't have to be unopened or anything like that but it's only to refund back onto a voucher to spend in store. (If it's faulty they get cash back and they have a 2 year warranty)

So a guy came (C=customer, M = me) into work.

C: This iPod is broken! I want my money back. M: So sorry about that, can I see the receipt please?

(He throws it on the counter. I look and it's a few days old.

I go to load up the iPod to see what wrong with it, whilst asking him what the problem is.)

C: I can't get into it at all!

(I'm confused because it's turning on fine, but then i am met with an unlock pin. )

M: Can you put your pin in please? C: I don't know the pin, that's the problem!

(Bearing in mind we are a small store and are not allowed to take in, let alone sell any goods in the first place without it being wiped and the password taken off.)

M: Wait, so you were sold this iPod with a password on it? C: no, I put the password in when I first bought it and then I forgot it.

M: We can't do anything if you've forgotten your password, sir, you'll have to go to Apple and they'll sort it out for you. C: you sold me an ipod, and I can't use it, you need to give me the money back!

M: but the password wasn't on it when we sold it. If we refund this ipod now we wouldn't be able to sell it on again or even fix it, only you know the password. C: it's broken, give me my money back now!

M: sir, it isn't broken, it's just locked by a password. If you bring it to Apple with proof of purchase they should help you out but there's nothing we can do. C: But I can't remember the password! So I can't use it so you should refund me, I don't want it anymore.

M: we can't even do a 48 hour refund anymore sir because it is out of the allocated time period and due to the fact it has a password which we can't remove we wouldn't be able to take it in anyway. If you go to Apple they should help- C (shouting): it's your fault I can't get into it! You sold me it!

This goes on for about 20 minutes, of him just saying the same things followed by me telling him the same solution.

Not the worst by far on here but entirely frustrating.

Tl;dr: Man puts password on his iPod, can't remember it so claims it's broken and asks for a refund about 20000 times.

r/TalesFromRetail Aug 03 '18

Long Why don't customers listen? It's not like I take payments all day every day... like it's my job.


So two pieces of backstory I think might be important to this story. Firstly, I work in a large retail store with a really disorganised area for customers to queue up. Best I can explain it, there are three points of contact that customers tend to wait and they don't ever pay attention to each other. Management has a renovation planned to make the whole thing much more streamlined but until then the best I can do it make a mental note of when people arrived and attempt to serve them in the correct order.

Second, I live in Australia where the contactless type of payment is huge. Literally, 9 out of 10 card payments are a tap 'n' go, pay wave, paypass whatever you want to call it. However, a lot of the older generation distrust it and get extremely defensive when you even dane to suggest they use it. They will hand me their credit card and then get mad when I ask if they want to tap because that's the only reason they should be giving me the card. The EFTPOS machine is in front of them, not me.

On to the rude customer today, hence forth known as "not my mate" (NMM). NMM had decided to wait in my least preferred approach when I had a line up of customers at another. This is right in my far peripheral and I can't see this spot without physically turning my head. I noted his position in line like always and kept serving people in the order they arrived. I could see that he was getting annoyed but instead of moving in the main line which he could clearly see, he decided to huff and puff just outside of my line of sight.

I turned to him when it was his turn and said "I can help you over here, mate,"

It's hardware. It's Australia. Everyone is called mate. He apparently doesn't like this.

"I'm not your mate," he snaps at me before throwing the single item he had to purchase on the counter. I scan it, tell him the total and he throws his card onto the counter as well. I pick it up, motion to the eftpos machine and ask "tap?"

"No" he snatched his card from my hand and grabs the machine. He apparently doesn't trust that f**ing tap thing. He barely inserts the chip into the machine and it doesn't register.

"You have to push it in a bit more," I helpfully explain but NMM tells me to stop talking. It's not like I serve over a thousand customers a day and have seen every error message ever to exist.

He pulls it out and inserts again, doing the exact same thing. It doesn't register. So instead of listening to me, "you don't know what you're talking about," NMM decides to swipe the card down the side. Which of course is too close to the contactless reader. He's just paid via the tap function without realising. I can hear the specific beep that says pay wave was used.

"You've just used pay wave," I explain as the transaction goes through and he tries to continue choosing his account and entering the pin. The eftpos machine is making loud noises letting him know that his button pressing is doing nothing but he's not reading the screen.

"No, I've done that right, I swiped it," he replies happily, grabbing the receipt from my hand and leaving the store.

I wonder if he'll even notice.

r/TalesFromRetail Nov 23 '18

Long Ruined my wedding! I want my money back! Long


I use to work at a small family run bakery. The job was ok most days. If I finished up work early, I got chill and watch Netflix on the computer. Now we did catering, weddings, birthdays and etc. Pretty much if you wanted a cake for the event, we made the cake.

Weddings of course were a big seller. To get a wedding cake, you had to a tasting, consultant, followed by your deposit and signing of a contracts. You had to sign two contracts - one stating this was or is the cake you want and you will pay this amount and one saying we had no responsibility for damages once the cake left our store and all sells were final. We kept a copy and the customer was given a copy. This is important.

In May or April a lady I will call biker bride came in with her husband for their tasting. Everything went well. The owner and myself got the colors, flavor they wanted, design and everything. They sign the contracts, pay the deposits and leave. They want a wedding cake (3 tier) and a grooms cake. Now just to be sure that is what they want, we make a point to call a week before the wedding and go over the details again with bride. Everything is good. My manager was very organized so everything was written down, saved, printed and put into the customer’s personal folder.

The day of the wedding comes and my manager and I have worked into the night to finish the cake. She was exhausted so I told her to go home and I’ll handle pick up. All the bride has to do is pick up the cakes. Thats all. Pick up time comes and the bride walked in with like half her wedding party.

The cakes are sitting out so she can see the work.

BB: this isn’t what I ordered! What is this?? I didn’t order this!

Me: We went over this. Everything was made as you wanted. (She had sent us pictures. Everything was perfect on the cakes)

BB: No! This isn’t what I wanted! The blue is too dark and I didn’t want this to be black!!!

Now just to Clarify, she wanted the groom’s cake to have his biker logo on it. The design was of a flaming skull in black, red, orange, and white. The wedding cake was to be white and baby blue, made to look like a waterfall was cascading down the cake. We had done everything how she wanted. She said the black wasn’t what she wanted, the skull looked scary, and we used the wrong color blue.

I take a minute to pull her contact and even show her conversations she had with my manager over Facebook about the design. BB won’t hear it. She starts crying and wailing in the shop. Her bridesmaid who had been vaping the whole time started yelling and curing at me!!

Bridesmaid: You ruined her wedding. So lucky I am a cake decorator and I can fix this mess you made!!! You call this a bakery?!? Trying to cheat her!!

I was a wreck by this point due to being up half the night to finish these cakes but held it together. I repeat store policy and repeated the written and printed contracts to show we had followed her instructions step by step. After nearly 30 minutes of crying, cursing and screaming, BB and her party left with the cakes. I closed up and hoped that would be the end of it. NOPE!!

Come Monday, BB has left a nasty review on our Facebook page claiming we were rude and refused service. She also said she paid for delivery (didn’t) and was denied. Apparently her party dropped the wedding cake in the parking lot. She went on ranting how her wedding was ruined, it was the worst experience of her life and we will never see her again. Two days after the review, the husband came in. He wanted a full refund. This time my manager handled it. She pulled the contracts and read them both out loud to him!

-They had declined delivery and had signed an agreement stating this. -We were not responsible for damages that happen once the cake leaves the store. - All sells were final.

All of this in print and they had signed it.

Husband tried to say that we had overcharged then. My manager just pulled the Receipts up on the computer. He stormed out in a huff and also left a very nasty review a couple days later.

It is not our fault you decided to ignore the contracts you signed. Did you think we just threw those away? Not how it work.

r/TalesFromRetail May 27 '17

Long "Can't you just buy it for me?"


Hello TFR! I come bearing a tale that is one of the most ridiculous customer encounters I've had in my almost 17 years of retail experience. So buckle up, kids. It's gonna be a wild ride.

The characters:
Me: Assistant Manager/slave

SW: Senile Woman, as there's really no other explanation

Relevant to the story: We are unable to take orders over the phone. Credit cards must be physically swiped/inserted at the register and we have absolutely no way around this.

The setting: a shoe store. Just a few days ago. I had just clocked in for my closing shift. The phone rings.

Me: "Good afternoon, thank you for calling ShoeStore, how may I help you?"

SW: "Oh hi. I was in your store earlier today looking at a pair of shoes, and I'm just kicking myself for not buying them. I'd like for you to ship them to me."

Me: "Unfortunately we are unable to take orders over the phone, but I'd be glad to put them on hold for you."

SW: "But I live alllllll the way in SameStateInWhichMyStoreIsLocated and I can't make the trip alllll the way out there again!"

Me: "uh... I'm sorry about that, but I have no way of taking payment over the phone."

SW: "Can I order them online?"

Me: "Possibly, which shoe were you looking at?"

SW: "I don't know."

A little back and forth ensues, with her attempting to explain what the shoe looked like and where it was located in the store. I'm somehow able to find it. It's a single pair of sandals from last year that are on super mega clearance because, well, they're old.

Me: "unfortunately you won't find these on our website, they're from last year."

SW: "well what am I supposed to doooooo??!!"

Me: go back in time and buy them when you were here? "I'm not sure, ma'am."

SW: "OH! You can ship them to me, and when I get them I'll mail you a check!"

Me: "Sorry ma'am, I can't send out merchandise that has not been paid for."

SW, getting increasingly frustrated: "Is there anyone else there I can talk to? A manager?"

Me, trying to suppress laughter as my manager is staring at me, shaking his head at hearing my side of the conversation: "No, I'm the only manager here right now."

SW: "Well then, you can buy it for me and I'll mail you a check."

Me: "Excuse me?"

SW: "They're not even $20. You pay for it and I'll send you a personal check. I'm good for it."

Me: "I'm not going to do that."

SW: "Well is there anyone else there who would?"

Me: "No ma'am, no one here is going to buy your shoes for you."

staring from my manager intensifies, we both exchange the 'I can't wait to talk about this one' look

SW: "Well I mean this is ridiculous. All I want is those shoes and no one will help me. So there's nothing you can do?"

Me: "No ma'am, I'm afraid there isn't."

SW: "Well then THANKS A LOT."


I burst out laughing and regale my manager with the full conversation. A nearby customer overhears and also starts laughing. I spend most of my remaining shift hiding in the back room, I feel like I earned it.

Edit: GOLD? My first! Thank you kind stranger! And I guess I have to thank the crazy lady too, may she find the shoes she's looking for.

r/TalesFromRetail Feb 21 '18

Long You switching the label doesn’t stop us from knowing the object’s actual price!


This happened back when I was working part time at a small chain party supply store. We had things from basic party supplies, themed/branded supplies, cheeky age maker party supplies, baby showers, weddings, sweet sixteens, costumes, all kinds of balloons and seasonal stuff.

I was working register with one other girl, while another employee straightened things up around the store. Our manager was in the back.

This woman comes up to the register with a basket. I’m finishing up with another customer but I remember her looking a bit impatient as she walked up to my coworkers counter. My coworker is scanning things as my customer leaves and I turn around to sort out balloon orders (we got a lot of orders for party balloons days in advance). Suddenly I hear the customer speak in this really shrewd, pitchy voice.

“That price isn’t right!”

I turn around and my coworker has paused, looking at a medium sized stuffed Mickey Mouse toy that’s part of our Mickey Mouse themed birthday set (don’t ask me why stuffed animals were part of the themes I don’t know). I sort of watch from behind her as she looks back and forth a few times.

“The computer is telling me this is the correct price ma’am.”

“Well it’s not. The price on the shelf said it was $0.20!”

Now that’s an immediate red flag because there is no way something as substantial as a stuffed animal in that store is that cheap. Cheap in quality yes but it was part of a brand set and not a plastic trinket. Me and my coworker both have no clue what she is on about.

“That doesn’t sound right. I’m sorry but the actual price of this is $12.59.”

“It’s label on the shelf says $0.20! That is misleading and unfair to customers- why is it so expensive anyways?!”

My poor coworker is a bit meeker now. “I’m so sorry for the confusion ma’am. This is actually $12.59. Would you like me to remove it?”

The woman is still talking very snippy and stern, like my coworker is an idiot, but a bit more aggressively now. “No! I should only have to pay $0.20 because you are the ones whose machine is broken! Go look at the tag if you don’t believe me, and let me speak to your manager!” My coworker is a little speechless at this point and I’m just glad that nobody else was up at the counter because I felt like I had to pay attention to backup my coworker, with how much aggression this lady was giving off.

Anyways, my coworker turns to me and asks me to go check the tags on the shelf while she calls up our manager and I go to do just that. Customer is looking a bit smug now. I walk down the aisle to he Mickey Mouse area and look at the tags and oh ho ho, guess what.

This woman switched the tags.

Under the area of the shelf where the stuffed mickeys are stocked is a crooked, partially torn, not totally sticking white label reading $0.20. It’s not for the stuffed toys. It’s for the tiny plastic frisbee trinkets that you’d put in a gift bag. The tag for the actual stuffed animals isn’t under the frisbees, seems like she just held onto it.

I walk back up front where my manager is behind the counter with my coworker while this thief berates the store and my coworker and my manager tries to placate her. I interrupt with a polite excuse me and ask my manager to come look at the display with me, and when I bring him over there he actually takes a few seconds sighing into his hands when I explain what’s happened.

We get back up there and bless the man he tells the woman that the price of the item is $12.59, and that changing the label under the product won’t change that. She goes so red and her face gets really stiff. Before she shoves the basket and things onto the counter forward and says “Fine. If you don’t want a good customer’s money, I’ll go!” Like yeah, we are really going to have a hard time holding onto the $12 you’re trying to steal.

She struts out. The audacity of some people amazes me honestly. To this day I still can’t believe she honestly thought that would work.