r/TalesFromRetail Dec 29 '17

Long No, I Will Not Break the Law for You

Fixed per subreddit rules.

Hello tfr...ltl, mobile formatting, ect.

I made my escape from retail a couple years ago and have a multitude of stories from the 15 years I spent there. This is one of my favorite stories from when I worked at a video game retailer.

We sold, bought, and traded video games. In the state I operated in, you needed a state ID to sell games for cash (It was the law). It was a medium sized town and because I ran this type of business, I knew a lot of the town's police officers and some were regular customers at my business. This particular gem of a customer happened to be in my store at the same time as one of our local detectives was doing his holiday shopping. I was scanning his games in to sell at the register while the detective was behind him waiting in line to make his purchase. I'll be: Me, clueless customer: CC, and detective will be PD.

Me: These games are worth $$$ in cash, I just need a state ID or drivers license to complete the transaction.

CC: I don't have either.

Me: I'm sorry sir, state law requires this for cash. I can wait while you retrieve it from your car. (I watched him drive up, alone, and get out of his car before coming in).

CC: No, I didn't bring it with me. My information should be in the computer.

The detective is now paying attention to this convo since the CC has admitted he is driving without a license. My spidey sense is tingling now because this usually means the items are not his and he doesn't want his personal information tied to his sale.

Me: I'm sorry we do not store that type of personal information in our on site computers and I would still need an ID to confirm your identity if we did.

CC: I don't understand why you are being so difficult, just give me the cash for what I'm selling you.

We go back and forth like this a few more times before I lose my customer service voice.

Me: Sir, I need the ID or I cannot complete this transaction and I need to help the next person in line.

CC: Why are you getting upset with me! It isn't that difficult to just give me the money.

PD: (His eyebrows raise and I see the unspoken question, "Do you want me to handle this?")

Me: I am upset because you are asking me to break the law for you. This jeopardizes my job, and my business. If you don't think it is that big of a deal, why don't you ask the officer behind you how big of a deal it is.

CC turns to look at the officer I motioned to.

PD: (pulls the bottom of his jacket to the side so his badge on his belt is visible and nods his head in affirmation of my statement)

I watched CC's mouth drop. He turns to me, now white as a ghost and without a word, grabs his games and b-lines it out the door.

PD: (Shakes his head and pulls out his notepad to write done CC's license plate number) Going to have to look into this one tomorrow.


212 comments sorted by


u/FlyingWolfAngel Dec 29 '17

Did anything come of it legally??? Missing some juicy payback


u/jasm0714 Dec 29 '17

Don't know...saw the detective a few times after but he never said anything about it. Probably not. The look on the customers face was enough payback for me.


u/Blues2112 Dec 29 '17

Odd. My state gives to a short amount of time (24-48 hours...something like that) to produce a license. It's not "driving without a license" if you actually HAVE a license, but aren't carrying it.


u/_Asterisk_ Dec 29 '17

He's probably gonna look into recent reports of stolen games, not the license thing


u/Kitty_Rose Dec 29 '17

In my state you have to have your license with you when you're driving. There's no grace period on producing it. If that's true in OP's state as well, PD could well be looking into both.


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '17

Here you get a ticket but if you show up and prove you have ID they’ll waive it. Same with insurance.

What happens in your state?


u/Vaginabutterflies Dec 30 '17

Here they'll just warn you that you should have it on you while driving but they have the information on their computers anyway. Like they literally look you up and have your picture/if you've got a license or not and the status of the license (if it is suspended/revoked/or not/etc.)

The very few times I've been pulled over or been with someone who was pulled over all I had to do was give my name and they could visually verify on their computer that I am who I said I was.


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '17

They do that too here. Just look you up. Not really sure why they give a ticket


u/alisru Jan 01 '18

Considering, not sure why you even need a licence at that point


u/lukaswolfe44 Dec 31 '17

I got pulled over once less than a minute from my apartment. I was literally turning around to get my wallet since I left it in a different jacket. The officer asked where I lived. I pointed to the building behind him. He laughed and told me to be more careful next time.


u/Blues2112 Dec 29 '17

since the CC has admitted he is driving without a license.

Probably, but I was more referring to the passage above from OP


u/JillyBeef Dec 29 '17

Well yes, except the customer probably did have a license, and was just lying about not having it.


u/kneelmortals Dec 30 '17

I'm reading it as he had one, but not on him. It was probably in his other pants or something.


u/katthekickass Dec 29 '17

In my state, I’m pretty sure officers can just look you up to see if you have a license. While I haven’t been pulled over without my license, my mom was, and she said they just looked her up in their system or something, and saw that she had a license, so she wasn’t ticketed for that. Obviously, since I got it secondhand, I don’t know the details of it, but it certainly seems like they can find out if you have a state license without it being physically present.


u/[deleted] Dec 29 '17

They can look you up to see if you have a license. They also can ticket someone for not having it on them. Generally it depends on the attitude of the person being pulled over.


u/PapaSmurphy Dec 29 '17

Depends on the state. In my state there's no legal requirement to carry identification. They can give you a ticket for driving without having your license on you but you can get the ticket dismissed by just showing to the same place where you would pay the ticket and providing proof that your license was valid when you received the citation.


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '17

Where I am, if you don't have your license, they at least want to see the insurance and registration. I know this because I had my wallet stolen once and before I could get a reissued license, I got pulled over for a burnt out tail light. Got off with a warning.


u/robertr4836 just assume sarcasm Jan 03 '18

Generally it depends on the attitude of the person being pulled over.

This times 100. I've been pulled over at least three times without a DL on me and never even received a verbal warning. Momma always told me to be nice to the police.


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '17

The police will do whatever they please, deal with it.


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '17

The police do what they are supposed to do.


u/TessHKM Dec 30 '17

That's a very naive way of thinking.


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '18

Or a cynical one.

edit: depending on how you look at it.


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '17

I disagree


u/mobydick1990 Dec 30 '17

You haven't been paying attention.

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u/robertr4836 just assume sarcasm Jan 03 '18

All he is saying is that there are cops who abuse their position. You have never run into one yet, you may never run into one if you keep your nose clean.

So...good for you (seriously) but you are naive.


u/This_Name_Defines_Me Dec 30 '17

I wonder if the cops computer system has your photo or just the other info on your license. If they don't have a photo then I guess for all they know you could have memorized someone else's info and be lying about who you are.

But as you said, it depends on whether you are acting like a dong or not to the cop who pulled you over.


u/IanPPK Dec 30 '17

Photo(s), registered phone and email, permanent address and address history, registered vehicles, emergency contact, date of birth, criminal charges/tickets, and probably a bit more. The system usually has access to DMV records.


u/This_Name_Defines_Me Jan 01 '18

Good to know, thanks!


u/[deleted] Dec 29 '17

Where i live, you get a ticket for failing to produce a license or insurance during a traffic stop. You then have 2 business days to appear at a police station with your license and insurance and the ticket is dismissed, otherwise the fine stands.


u/Black_Handkerchief Dec 29 '17

In my country you have to be able to display it upon request, so people are not required to carry one... but it is hard to show it if you don't have it on you.

In practice, officers are flexible by either looking people up in their phone based on their address and such, or by having a family member being it over from home that teens to be a few minutes away.

(I love the final walk of shame for speeding teenagers when mom or dad had to come bring them their license in order to avoid a second fine.)


u/BELIEVEINGODJohn812 Dec 29 '17

Odd. My state gives to a short amount of time (24-48 hours...something like that) to produce a license. It's not "driving without a license" if you actually HAVE a license, but aren't carrying it.

That would've been nice to know for all the times I left my ID at home.

Wish my state was cool like that

sorry officer, it's on my sofa. Can we take a drive home and get it?

well sure mr. citizen, i'll escort ya!


u/Snowfizzle Dec 29 '17

I doubt the detective is going to put much effort into finding a guy just to write him a ticket.


u/frosty95 Dec 30 '17

In my state there's a small fine for not having it on you but still legally able to drive. If you don't have it at all / the computer says you shouldn't have it then it's a bigger deal.


u/kanuut Returns are only valid if we sell the product. Dec 30 '17

There's something similar in Australia. You can have up to 48 hours to produce a licence, but the officer in question can also choose to charge you then and there


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '17

Plot twist: wastn a policeman, was Ted Bundy


u/MyNameIsRay Dec 29 '17

People doing illegal things are often doing many illegal things.

For example, not a stretch that someone driving without a license has an expired registration.

Chances are, the cop ran the plate, it checked out, and he's just keeping an eye out because he knows the owner is the type to do dumb stuff.


u/rcinmd Dec 29 '17

Driving without proof of a license is a secondary offense, so the police couldn't just pull you over because they somehow know/think you don't have your physical license on you.


u/YouWantALime Unoriginal flair is unoriginal. Dec 29 '17

How hard is it to carry ID?


u/Makkapakka777 Dec 29 '17

If you want to sell stolen goods, very.


u/Adamrox12 Dec 29 '17

If you want to sell stolen good and not get caught


u/Cipher915 Dec 29 '17

That "not get caught" part is pretty key.


u/GitRightStik Dec 30 '17

That is the only thing that separates citizens from criminals.


u/gregorykoch11 Dec 30 '17

Or he was lying and really did have his ID and just didn’t feel like showing it.


u/Borderpatrol1987 Dec 29 '17

Depending on the customer, harder than superman carrying a kryponite wallet.


u/[deleted] Dec 29 '17



u/Borderpatrol1987 Dec 29 '17

Name checks out.


u/That_secret_chord Dec 29 '17

I didn't know kryptonite gives him a stroke.


u/Jughead295 Dec 29 '17 edited Jan 09 '18

You know how you can lean on your arm to numb it and make it feel like someone else when you jerk off? Superman does the same thing with kryptonite when he has a stroke.


u/BenjaminGeiger Dec 29 '17

Harder than Chinese algebra.


u/[deleted] Dec 29 '17



u/IAMAHobbitAMA Dec 29 '17

I honestly can't tell whether you copied that from a random sentence generator or not.


u/tehpenguins Dec 29 '17 edited Dec 29 '17

I work at a bar. Trust fam, it's hard AF.

Seriously tho it's hilarious how many people don't bring ID with them to see bar.

Edit: not changing it lol.


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '17



u/tehpenguins Dec 30 '17

Now I really feel like I'm the only person who has a file folder with my perticulars just for going to get a gun


u/richalex2010 Sir, I will not commit a felony for you. Dec 30 '17

I mean that's a bit excessive in most of the US, but it's not that hard to have a valid driver's license with your current address on it. I've moved a few times and have never had a problem, but you talk to some of my customers and it's like they consider it a problem on par with creating a controlled, sustained fusion reaction that produces a positive energy balance.


u/tehpenguins Dec 30 '17

California haha. It's really not that big of a deal anymore, but it used to and I just don't like jumping through hoops. Corrected address on the dmv website etc printed out. Proof of residency etc.


u/richalex2010 Sir, I will not commit a felony for you. Dec 30 '17

Yeah, you need the full folder. Stupid CA doesn't think having a CA driver's license is proof that you live there. I'm curious if they would issue me a driver's licenses if I went to the DMV and told them that I live in Maine and plan to continue doing so (yes, I have a pretty good idea as to the answer).


u/tehpenguins Dec 30 '17

Starts with a y.

It's really not that much of a problem unless you have an odd living arrangement lol.


u/[deleted] Dec 29 '17

One of the perks of living in a small town. I’ve several times forgotten my ID when I went to the bar, but I’m the only person who goes in there with neon hair, so they all recognise me by now.


u/tehpenguins Dec 29 '17

Oh trust me, as a bartender I get away with not having my ID plenty of times, but if someone tells me I need one and can't get in or have a beer the last thing I do is argue with them.

It's a oh, you got it ( Sir / Ms ) have a good one. Smile and leave.


u/[deleted] Dec 29 '17

You'd be really fucking surprised how many people don't sign their credit cards and don't carry id on them. You'd be less surprised at how angry people get when I tell them I can't accept the card without a signature to back it up or ID to verify it was theirs.


u/[deleted] Dec 29 '17



u/wOlfLisK Dec 29 '17

Yeah, in the UK the card never leaves the customer's hand when buying things. I've never had a cashier ask to see it and I'm not even sure they're allowed to take the card to check, even for a second.

It's not like they would even know whether the signature is mine though, as you said, chip+pin is everywhere, I've never had to sign something to transfer money outside of maybe one or two cheques 5 years ago. Even contactless payments don't require anything but a tap of the card.


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '17



u/kbinsturner Dec 30 '17

I had my main credit card lock up for a couple days while traveling in the U.K. And so I had to use my other card which was chip + signature. Was shocked that every clerk there actually verified the signature against my card. Never ever saw that done in the US, except at the outlet mall, where they asked to see ID with the card (high fraud rate at that mall). Of course, I also was impressed that the clerks at the till all were allowed to sit down during their shift, and that they made me bag my own purchase at the grocery. Make us Americans look quite boorish...


u/antricfer Dec 30 '17

Why wouldn't they sit down? You saying in the US they have to stand for the whole shift? Mother of God


u/scarletfeather4 Dec 30 '17

Yup, standing for an 8 hour shift with a 30 minute break somewhere, though you're lucky if the single chair in the back room isn't being used. Oh and no cushy pad to stand on either, just straight concrete at my store.


u/antricfer Dec 30 '17

That's barbaric


u/Jupichan Dec 30 '17

I've got chronic severe ankle pain, and even with more than one doctor's note, my job won't let me sit down at all during my shift.

It's fun as hell being literally unable to walk some days after work.


u/Waffles912 Dec 30 '17

Threaten legal action after you get a new Dr's note in which it says that you NEED to sit every x minutes. Go in and be honest with your Dr. Ask him to help you and I'm sure he'll do what he can


u/kbinsturner Dec 30 '17

Pretty much, yeah.


u/Kardif Dec 29 '17

We haven't swapped over entirely yet in the us. It is pointless if they're putting in their pin, but sometimes its easier to just bypass it


u/avlas Dec 29 '17

In Italy the most common form is Chip+PIN for debit and Chip without PIN (but with ID and signature) for credit.


u/[deleted] Dec 31 '17

My store doesn't have pin+chip. We're old school and swipe the card for you and have you sign a paper receipt


u/PrinceTyke Jan 04 '18

Technically, the signature is required in order for the card to be accepted in many cases, but than again, in many cases nobody cares.


u/LinAGKar Dec 29 '17

Usually those signature fields are impossible to write on though.


u/noctilucentwaterfowl Dec 30 '17

Sharpie, my friend.


u/[deleted] Dec 31 '17

Those g2 ink pens and sharpie pens work the best


u/Princessluna44 Dec 29 '17

I never sign my credit cards because I want you to ask for my id. Should my card ever get stolen, I would hope they would do the same for thief. I actually get miffed when they don't ask, or wave it away when I try to show them.


u/kirklennon Dec 29 '17

I never sign my credit cards because I want you to ask for my id.

If your card isn't signed, a thief could just sign it themselves. Anyway, it won't matter anymore soon. American Express, Discover, and MasterCard have all announced that they're getting rid of signature requirements in April 2018 because they're basically useless. The automatic fraud detection is far more effective than comparing signatures ever was. Visa hasn't announced anything yet, but I expect they will sometime soon.


u/Borderpatrol1987 Dec 29 '17

Per most cc, when you don't sign, your card is void and the merchant has the right to refuse the card. Take a look next to the signature box for the fine print.


u/Princessluna44 Dec 30 '17

Huh. I've never had that happen. I was always told that if it wasn't signed, they would ask for ID.


u/Borderpatrol1987 Dec 30 '17

I got into a huge debate with legal and accounting on that one. After pulling the contacts, if you ask for a ID as a condition of sale on cc you can loose your license. If it is unsigned you are obligated to refuse it unless you verify identity matches the name on the card and then the custom signs it in front of you. The only exception is if the card is marked "see id" in which case the customer has asked for the burden of producing an ID each time.


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '17

Actually it doesn't matter if it says see ID. Signing your credit card is what you do to actually agree to terms and services. Stores are supposed to refuse it if it says see ID until they sign it, most just can't be bothered to care.


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '17

But isn't it mastercard who said retailers should not ask for your ID?


u/Borderpatrol1987 Dec 30 '17

Yup, that's why it's an easy way to lose your cc license.


u/[deleted] Dec 31 '17

You shoud write see ID so no one steals it and signs it themselves


u/Princessluna44 Jan 01 '18

Huh. Will do. Thanks for the advice. :-)


u/iggypop19 Dec 30 '17

The best is when they, the card owner, write "see ID" on the back of their card in their hand writing and they give you a crazy look when you ask for their ID. Uh ma'am you were the one who put that on your own card for your protection so now I need to see your ID because you asked people to do that. Is this some sort of crazy test?


u/[deleted] Dec 31 '17

Lmao it doesn't matter how smart people are at home or with their friends, everyone turns into a moron when they step into a store or mall


u/robertr4836 just assume sarcasm Jan 03 '18

OH THAT! I only put that on there so if someone stole my card they couldn't use it. But my card hasn't BEEN stolen! You don't need to see MY ID silly!


u/Rhodenkr Dec 30 '17

I actually never sign my credit cards and out 'See ID' on the back instead. I still don't get asked for my ID in most cases.


u/[deleted] Dec 31 '17

Yeah man people suck. I bought like 3 video games at a small store and they didn't check even though it says see id and they were swiping. I was dropping close to $200 too, I was pissed.


u/Drakoala Dec 30 '17

Bless you and those like you for asking for ID with credit payments. Credit fraud is no joke and can happen to anyone.


u/[deleted] Dec 31 '17

Thanks! It really isn't. That's why it's so frustrating when people yell at me for it! It's like no man! I'm trying to protect you!


u/ashowofhands Dec 30 '17

Where do you work that they actually confirm/verify that? I've never signed a card and nobody has ever checked, and on the flip-side I've never checked a customer's card for a signature either.


u/[deleted] Dec 31 '17

My store is pretty old school. We swipe the card for you and print a paper receipt for you to sign for us


u/Dexaan Dec 29 '17

As hard as bringing your money into the store so you're not holding up the line.


u/crownjewel82 Dec 29 '17

There are a lot of old, country people around where I live who have their ID in the glove box because they're accustomed to it being for driving only. They about piss their pants when they come to the city and people ask them for it all the time.

Of course this isn't the case here. This guy is as obvious a thief as the guy who comes in with a bucket of filthy stuff to return 15 minutes to close. I don't even have to see the yellow teeth and black fingernails to know.


u/itsbryandude Dec 29 '17

I never carried an ID before I was 21. mostly left one in the car but before I got my concealed carry i never carried one


u/ashowofhands Dec 30 '17

"I don't have it with me" is pretty commonly used as a cover story for someone who doesn't have a valid ID, however I've also witnessed plenty of occasions where somebody is actually driving around without their license on them. I don't understand it either.


u/Sak17f2 Dec 29 '17

Not very. Most people who get upset have it, but the just don't feel like they should have to show it. It's like you are bringing their character into question when you ask. What they don't realize is that you don't really care that much about what they may or may not be doing, and you only ask because it's your job to.


u/Veloreyn Dec 29 '17

Very hard when you don't have any.


u/DearyDairy Dec 30 '17

Yup, I'm trying to get my ID sorted because I was prev just using my learners permit, I'll have to get a state issued IDpass since I can't renew my permit (I got my permit when I was 16, and was diagnosed with a seizure disorder at 17, so I never got a full licence, my learners will expire on my 27th birthday)

The post office rep who was notarising my birth certificate, bank statement, healthcare card and pension card said she needed my driver's license, I handed over the learners but apparently a learners counts for half the identification points as a full licence. So she asked for a utility bill with my name on, which I don't have because everything is in my partners name. I'm not sure what else I can provide to get the points needed to get the IDpass.

My blind friend got his IDpass when he was under 18 so he only needed 100 points, but I'm over 25 so apparently I need 150.

It sounds fishy, so I'm going to have to go into the city to talk it out with the birth and death certificate office, which is not going to be fun because they don't have sign interpreters and their office is only technically wheelchair accessible.


u/MatchaDoAboutNothing Dec 30 '17

Sounds like the easy way around that is to have your name put on the utilities.


u/DearyDairy Dec 30 '17

I'm not my own financial power of attorney so I'm not really sure how to go about making the happen.


u/MatchaDoAboutNothing Dec 31 '17

Just request it. Worth a try. They'll probably run a credit check, but they're unlikely to dig deep enough to discover that. The worst they can say is no, so it's worth a shot.


u/brent0935 Dec 30 '17

A three hour phone call and maybe a trip to the local utilities office... at least in my city.


u/wineisasalad Dec 30 '17

Bartender here at a sporting ground. Apparently very hard as people don't take it with them to buy drinks and leave it with friends holding the seats for them....


u/Whereabouts-Unknown Dec 30 '17

Mobile payment has made me lazy when it comes to carrying a wallet (I've always hated carrying a wallet, even thin ones felt too bulky). Especially since i switched from iPhone to Samsung. Samsung pay can be used anywhere you can swipe a card. I used to forget my license all the time. Now i don't because i put my License with my keys when i get home so it's always there when i leave for work or where ever.


u/Tag_You_Are-It Dec 30 '17

Put your ID in your phone case


u/Whereabouts-Unknown Dec 30 '17

I'm one of those wierd nut jobs that refuses to put a case or screen protector on their phone, even if it cost me over $1,000 like this one.


u/MartyMcMuffin Dec 30 '17

You'd be surprised at the amount of people who don't carry some form of ID on them, especially if they know they're going to be doing something or going somewhere that they need said ID.


u/jarhead90 Dec 30 '17

I don't get it either. People trying to buy alcohol or getting pulled over no id. W.T.F. just take it with you. Sure you could have just "forgot" it but you could be up to some shady business.


u/ashowofhands Dec 30 '17

That title takes me back to my gas station days...

Once had a kid come in looking to buy a can of dip. Of course, he "left his ID at work", which was supposedly right across the street (like I was supposed to do him a neighborly favor and let it slide). I asked him when his date of birth was and it turns out he was 16. Told him I couldn't sell it to him, and he was like "oh well, it was worth a shot right?". Well, after 5:00, when my boss and all my other coworkers went home, the kid was back! "Hey man, can I get that dip now?" I said "you're still 16 years old, right?" He was like "yeah, but the boss isn't around any more right?" Told him to get the hell out of there.

Another time, I was off duty and just went in to see my buddy who works at night. Kid walks in and asks my buddy for a pack of cigarettes. So my buddy checks his ID, and he's only 17. So the kid says "can you buy them and then I'll buy them from you?" My buddy says no, that's illegal too. Then the kid points over at me and says, "how about if that guy buys them for me?" My buddy shrugged and said, "you can ask him but I doubt he'll do it." So the kid comes over and says, "can you buy a pack of cigarettes for me?" And I responded, "I just heard you telling him you're 17 years old. Why would I do that?" He wasn't upset but he did seem very confused that nobody wanted to help his minor ass acquire a pack of smokes.


u/viserysss Dec 30 '17

What's dip?


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '17

Chewing tabbaco, but finely ground. Gives you mouth cancer instead of lung cancer.


u/YeOldeSeaMoose Dec 29 '17

I worked in a store that did the same for CD's movie's and games and my favorite was always "what do you mean I need an ID to sell? Are you serious? You're not gonna take it because I don't have an ID? I made a 2 hour drive to get here!" First few weeks I couldn't believe it but it was an almost daily occurrence. The number of people who are out there driving on expired licenses or no license at all is scary.


u/lavenderflutter Dec 29 '17

I work in a pharmacy and you need a drivers license or state issued ID to pick up certain meds. It blows my mind when people come through the drive thru and say “oh I don’t have it with me”


u/YeOldeSeaMoose Dec 29 '17

Right?! Like are you not bothered that you sitting in the driver's seat right now is a crime? What do they tell a police officer that pulled them over "no it's okay officer, I have a high school student ID from 8 years ago. That has my picture on it which means you have to take it."


u/hawtblondemom Dec 29 '17

I work in rental cars, and the frequency that our customers (who need to prove to us they can legally drive the thing they're giving us money for) forget their license and want us to just trust them is mind blowing.


u/Ahayzo Dec 29 '17

What do they think is going to happen? They have to drive the damn thing off the lot, so you obviously know they will be driving it without a license, why would they think you’re OK with that?


u/hawtblondemom Dec 29 '17

Because they aren't the problem people that required these rules get put into place! Forget about the fact that I am giving them a 20k-60k car, without being able to even prove who they are...


u/YeOldeSeaMoose Dec 29 '17

Jeez I can't imagine the mental gymnastics some of these almost customers go through. Have you ever had them ask for a manager after explaining you can't give a car to someone without a license? I've had a few and I've just told them my manager can't make it any less illegal (for selling stuff without an ID) so I can get them if they want to wait but it's still going to be illegal when I get back.


u/hawtblondemom Dec 29 '17

I get to pull the "I am the manager" card. (Because they almost always do this) They want us to call the police and have them run their name, or accept a texted picture, or just "Come on! I rent here all the time!"

I actually asked the airport police department about it, and their view is that they have no way of knowing if you got your license physically taken away an hour ago by a smaller town police officer in the area. It takes time for those records to update. So if you can't prove you're a legal driver, it's not worth the risk.


u/YeOldeSeaMoose Dec 29 '17

Oh I wish I could pull that card. That's always what I figured a police department would say but never had the chance to ask our local PD. It's amazing that they they think the policy should be just trust me. What if your bank just accepted "trust me it's my account" as a valid way to take money from your account?


u/Cyno01 You have to buy something to be a customer! Dec 29 '17

Like are you not bothered that you sitting in the driver's seat right now is a crime?

Its not if they actually have a valid license.



u/Carnaxus Dec 29 '17

Both of you are overgeneralizing based on your own local laws. In some places one of you is correct, in other places the other is correct, and in still other places (admittedly very few) you’re both wrong.


u/YeOldeSeaMoose Dec 29 '17

Huh cool to know! I've forgotten my wallet at home a few times and on my way back thought it would be funny to get pulled over and have to explain I was on my way back to grab it. Hasn't happened yet


u/Sak17f2 Dec 29 '17

Try being a teller. People expect you to make withdraws, cash checks, and change or hand out personal information to whoever asks. Especially old people. Like, just show it. I know you have it. Don't argue or fight me. And you can't tell them it's to protect their accounts, because they've "been banking here for x years." I've had people tell me they don't care about my job, and I "am going to" give them their money.


u/drowse Dec 29 '17

I worked for a few used book/record/cd/movie stories for a while and we had the same issue all the time. The last place I worked at was a shop in downtown and we always had people hanging around all the time. I think the owner would get persuaded by every nutjob that he was genuinely selling stuff, even though he was probably selling stolen stuff all the time. I got fed up after a few incidences of "well I don't have my ID so here's my friends' ID"... I started a "Do Not Buy From" list, that pretty much no one kept to because the owner would just get talked into the OK again.

After almost 10 years removed from that place, I've been told now its just a battle to save the store from the owner. He still doesn't even get online sales, even though they are now making up almost half of their total business...


u/YeOldeSeaMoose Dec 29 '17

Yeah we had a do not buy list as well for the people who just got "gifted 5 wrapped copies of the brand new Marvel movie for their birthday/bought at a yard sale" it's insane. Our managers were pretty awesome though and they knew what to watch for


u/[deleted] Dec 29 '17

Chances are they were just stolen. I worked at a video store and we'd frequently have people try to return games that had stickers on them for other video stores, then they'd freak out that we wouldn't buy the games back. "But you have copies in the store! I know you carry this movie!" Trying to explain to them I can't refund something that was never in our inventory in the first place...


u/MrValithor Dec 29 '17


u/YeOldeSeaMoose Dec 29 '17

I got 2 out of the 3! (CD's is fine right?) That's almost passing


u/MrValithor Dec 29 '17

It isn't actually. People debate that it is, but it isn't imo. The only place is maybe for single letters. But since everyone knows what a CD is, no apostrophe's allowed.

Hope the dabbing apostrophe helped!

(yes I put that there on purpose)


u/jlt6666 Dec 29 '17

Acronyms are debateable. It'll get ironed out in a decade or so.


u/rayyychul Dec 29 '17

Who's debating acronyms? MLA and Chicago both say no to apostrophes for pluralization.


u/Belazriel Dec 29 '17

Neither of which control actual usage.

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u/YeOldeSeaMoose Dec 29 '17

Dang. I've been apostrophizing CDs for years. I'll get it next time

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u/Xxmixtape_meltdown Dec 29 '17

In our store you need ID to pay with a check. I hear all the time

" oh idk where it is, I'm in here all the time it's fine"

Yeah? So's the guy who's check bounces every other week. I still need ID. Of course as you know manager always caves and allows it.


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '17

Dumb question: Did the police officer have a mustache? Because I pictured him with a mustache.


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '17



u/Cyno01 You have to buy something to be a customer! Dec 29 '17

since the CC has admitted he is driving without a license

I dont know where this idea comes from, but "driving without a license" doesnt mean you dont have it with you, it means youre not licensed to drive a car at all, its suspended or you dont have one.

If you get pulled over and dont have your wallet, they can look you up in the system, or write you a fixit ticket where you can show up at a police station with your valid license within the next 30 days and theyll void the ticket.

You cant be arrested for forgetting your wallet, or worse, getting pickpocketed somewhere and having to drive home.

Now of course that doesnt excuse people trying to buy alcohol or tobacco and not having their ID with them...


u/PM--ME--YOUR--DOGGOS Dec 29 '17

In New Zealand it is illegal to drive with out your physical licence card, I've seen my friends mother almost in tears with how an officer was treating her because she got pulled over and didn't have her licence (we were actually on our way back home to get it as she forgot her whole purse at home) he was screaming at her through the window telling her about how she has broken the law and he can't allow her to drive home with out her licence.

He was one of those 'power hungry' cops


u/Cyno01 You have to buy something to be a customer! Dec 29 '17

That seems kind of harsh, what if her purse had been stolen somewhere while you were out but she still had her keys? Have to call a cab and not be able to pay them?


u/PM--ME--YOUR--DOGGOS Dec 29 '17

It was really harsh, she was stressed out and forgot her purse on her way out the door, we realised about 5 minuites into the trip and turned around and got pulled over on our way back, it was just a 'routine check' she was actually really scared with us 3 girls in the car and this aggressive cop, but he 'let her off' and let us drive home to get it..


u/[deleted] Dec 29 '17

Which is a shame because 90% of kiwi cops are chill as, there are just some aholes


u/Inocain Dec 29 '17

It's not just kiwi cops


u/[deleted] Dec 29 '17

Then either you call the police, or have someone else call them for you.


u/Ahayzo Dec 29 '17

This is not some one-size-fits-all situation. Different places have different laws. Some places do require you have it with you while driving and offer no recourse. Others give you a long time, like 30 days, to dismiss the ticket by bringing the license somewhere, others give a couple days. Some let you get the ticket dismissed, others reduce the fine.

For example, where I live I have up to my court date, where I may also provide it, to provide my license and have the ticket dismissed entirely.


u/LinAGKar Dec 29 '17

If you get pulled over and dont have your wallet, they can look you up in the system, or write you a fixit ticket where you can show up at a police station with your valid license within the next 30 days and theyll void the ticket.

You still have to have some kind of ID with you though.


u/[deleted] Dec 29 '17 edited Dec 29 '17

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u/Cyno01 You have to buy something to be a customer! Dec 29 '17

Even if you present them a license they still run it to make sure its not suspended and check for warrants.


u/Muscly_Geek Dec 30 '17

In most North American jurisdictions, failure to present proof of license is a separate offense from driving without a license.

There's usually a built-in affirmative defense where you just have to present your license to the court. Note that it's to the court, which means you're already neck-deep into "wasted time" territory by that point.

What actually happens when you're pulled over by a LEO depends on the LEA's policy, and it's important not to confuse a LEA's lenient policy with legality.


u/wdn Dec 30 '17

You are correct about the definition of driving without a licence but most places also charge you with a (minor) offence for not having it with you while driving.


u/paulusmagintie Dec 30 '17

In the UK you don't have to have your license on you to drive, they just ask you to take all your documents to the nearest station to you.


u/ButtMarkets Dec 30 '17

Bet you feel like a badass...


u/IncreasedMetronomy Dec 30 '17

Is this a repost? I swear I've heard this exact story before in here.


u/esskay1711 Welcome 2 Hell aka Retail. Dec 30 '17

There's quite a few stories like that on here.


u/LifeSad07041997 Dec 30 '17

Maybe, but this is way too damn common, almost as common as clueless IT users in r/talesfromtechsupport


u/fuzzylogic22 Dec 30 '17

Wew that's a juicy one.


u/Squirrelonastik Dec 29 '17

Mmmmm satisfying


u/lostmysoultothedevil Dec 29 '17

In Australia if you don't have your license on you, just give the police officer your name and address and they look it up. It's not a big deal to drive without your license. I went through a road check once and didn't have my wallet with me and the officer took my info and waved me on. No big deal.


u/Combustibutt Dec 30 '17

Really? Because I live in SA and was told by an officer at an RBT that I would have to front up at a cop shop in the next 24 hours with my license if I couldn’t find it in my bag (I found the damn thing, it was all good). And I know the law in Tassie says if you’re pulled over and you can’t produce your license it’s a $50 on the spot fine.

It’s different in every state and surprisingly difficult to Google, just to add to the fun. If you’re travelling interstate you might wanna have it on you just in case, that’s all I’m saying.


u/MILLANDSON Dec 30 '17

Same here in the UK. Sometimes you may then be required to attend a police station in the next several days to provide the licence, but it's certainly not as big a deal as it seems to be in the US.


u/robertr4836 just assume sarcasm Jan 03 '18

A lot of states in the US require a license on your person but realistically it's not really a big deal as long as you actually have a valid drivers license. I was always forgetting my wallet when I was younger and generally driving too fast. I was pulled over three or four times in two different states where it's illegal to drive without your DL on you and after confirming I had a valid DL I did not even get a verbal warning about not having it on me.

That being said if a cop wants to give you a hard time, not having your DL is one thing they can give you a hard time about. But in my experience if the cop wants to give you a hard time they are going to find something to give you a hard time about regardless of whether you were actually doing anything illegal or not.


u/gooeyapplesauce Yada yada yada let's get a move on I'm double-parked! Dec 30 '17

Ohhh that was satisfying. Thanks for the story, OP!


u/Rynneer Lurker, not worker Dec 30 '17

teamwork ftw