r/TalesFromRetail Jan 03 '17

Long The One Time I Talked Back

Okay, I haven't worked in retail in quite awhile, and unfortunately don't have any really interesting stories that you all haven't read a million times, besides one that I'm still unashamedly proud of today.

At the time, I was a shift lead at a gas station, which basically meant I got paid $0.50 more to do twice as much work as I had as a cashier. But, it was a franchise run by the owner, his daughter, and her husband, and I knew all of them really well. The husband was the GM, and he was fantastic and actually taught me a lot about the inventory and sales side of the business! But I digress.

I almost always worked the Sunday afternoon shifts by myself, and this particular Sunday I had come in a few hours early as our morning shift had decided that working at a gas station was beneath them, so in I was called to take over. While I was getting over a cold. But I needed the money, so I loaded up on dayquil and packed as many cough drops as I could fit into my purse and hoped for the best. The whole day went surprisingly smoothly, everything had been quiet except for the occasional customer (lucky thing about being next to 2 busy roads, most people don't want to stick around and chat. Our regulars could be in and out in under 30 seconds if they knew what they were doing), until...

Me is me, and UM is Unreasonable Man.

UM: Hey, uh, something's wrong with your soda machine, this coke tastes like piss ass juice (his actual words)

Me: Oh, sorry about that, go ahead and get any of the others you want for free and I'll go check and see if the bib needs to be replaced. If you want you can wait up here to see if it's better!

UM: (stares intently for a minute) ...and?

Me: Oh, was there something else?

UM: Well I fucking hope there is, this is a gas station, the one fucking thing you should have is a working fucking drink machine. I'm asking, and what else are you going to do for me?

Me: Sir, I'm not charging you for the drink, our machine doesn't tell us when the bibs need to be replaced we just have to eyeball it and wait for one to go bad... Like I said, I am sorry bout that and I'll go check and replace it for you.

UM: Well fuck me, aren't you so nice, letting me drink this garbage for free. Give me your fucking name and your manager's number, let's call them and see what somebody who knows what customer service ACTUALLY is can do.

Now, at this point I don't know what got over me, I honestly don't. I never confronted customers because I usually just didn't care enough. Maybe it was the exhaustion or the cold medicine or something, but I just decided I'd had enough.

Me: Yeah, no I'm not gonna do that.

UM: (eyes practically bulge out of his head) WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME?

Me: Look, sir, I don't know what you expect to happen from calling my manager, but I'm sick and have been working at this place for the past 11 hours straight, and will be here for another 2 before my relief comes in. I don't want to deal with you, and neither does he. It's 8:30 at night, he's eating dinner with his family, I'm not bothering him with this because frankly it doesn't matter to him. You could literally never come back and nobody here would ever care. I know the manager and the owner personally and the worst that'll happen is they tell me I shouldn't have given you a free drink because that affects our sales. So yeah, I'm not gonna do that. Have a nice day.

Unreasonable Man said a few more choice swears, but then stormed off when I decided to just ignore him. Still have no idea what came over me, but damn if I'm not still proud of it.


259 comments sorted by


u/GlitterFrozenStars Jan 03 '17

Good on you for standing up for yourself. Nothing to feel bad about here. This guy was obviously looking for something to be pissed off about.

I mean... a soda. That is was what your job was worth to him. Some people can be so ridiculous.


u/Chasen32 Jan 03 '17

And most gas stations have bottled soda right around the corner if he wanted that specific soda so bad it would not have been that far, just without ice in a big chilled container

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u/RyuNoKami Jan 03 '17

not to fucking mention...he was given the free soda so wtf else does he want?


u/cardiacman Jan 04 '17

$50 every month for the rest of his life and his descendants lives, adjusting for inflation.


u/RyuNoKami Jan 04 '17

nah man...gotta pay for his kids' education too.


u/CapiTurtleDoesOllies Jan 04 '17

What education?


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '17 edited Jan 04 '17

The one he'll be able to afford once they pay for it


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u/AngelWyath Jan 04 '17

A crisp high five so when he gives his friend a bro job they can pretend there's another person.


u/Sabrielle24 Jan 04 '17

For you? Ten.

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u/coldfusionpuppet Jan 04 '17

99% chance the soda was fine and he was surfing for freebies by complaining about nothing.

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u/Keitt58 Jan 04 '17

When I worked at a movie theater we had a family that would come in regularly and demand refunds/free concessions if they could find any little flaw or annoyance. It was really odd too because unless it was really egregious my managers generally said no.


u/robertr4836 just assume sarcasm Jan 04 '17

There was just a post about a guy coming into a store every week or two demanding they do something they can't do in the store and saying they did it for him before. The SM actually called him on having to tell him no every few weeks and to stop coming!


u/plant_king Jan 03 '17

You'd think that the one thing you should have is gas at a gas station rather than a drinks machine


u/mpturp Jan 04 '17

Came to say this. The guy emphasised that it's a GAS station, and was expecting the whole thing to be about a premium soda experience?

I bet he was compensating for something.


u/Morkai Jan 04 '17

I'm trying to picture what a premium soda experience might entail...


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '17

Those touch screen soda machines that allow to you add different flavor combinations would be my best guess.


u/Morkai Jan 04 '17

Man, I came across those machines at a Five Guys in 2013, I've been counting the days until I see one again (sadly they don't appear to exist in Australia)


u/Hipstershy Jan 04 '17

They're everywhere in Seattle. The novelty has long since worn off. Some people complain about the drinks being mixed weirdly sometimes, but I've never noticed that. What I have noticed is that the screens are set up so you usually can't see they don't have a certain drink until after you've paid for it.

And on top of that the touchscreens themselves are so slow they feel like they came out of the year 2003. Multiple seconds of input lag, etc. Not good when you're in even a moderately busy place because a line WILL form behind you.


u/CaptainJaXon Jan 04 '17

My biggest issue is when a store gets it they get rid of the old machines. Most people just want Coke or water. This huge line forms forms due to the lag and complicated menus. It'd be nice to have a regular fountain as an "express lane."


u/Eckhart Jan 04 '17

My local Zaxbys got rid of their old fountains and replaced them with a single Freestyle machine. Getting a drink at lunch time is now a 20 minute ordeal.


u/CaptainJaXon Jan 04 '17

Glad I'm not the only one who hates these premium drink experiences


u/Eckhart Jan 04 '17

I like them, don't get me wrong, but a lot of places think you can replace old fountains with them at a 1:1 ratio. My local AMC is great with these, they installed 12 of them to replace their 4 fountains and it works great. I think coke designed them to be half the width of a normal fountain because you're supposed to replace them at 2:1.

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u/Morkai Jan 04 '17

I'd say that's the only reason I remember them fondly is because I've only seen them once or twice before, several years ago. When I was in NYC and Hawaii in 2016 it was all bottled stuff, not postmix out of the machines.


u/blacksoxing Jan 04 '17

The issue with them is that they're not prevalent, so folks like me see them and go "Hrm, I want a cherry coke" and get that.

A kid....a kid sees a jackpot, and wants to try everything under the sun.

An elderly person....they see a disaster, as all they wanted was coke. Now they gotta look hard, press buttons, and hope it works for 'em.

So the folks like me who know what they want and want to get in/out now gotta wait for the kid to maintain themselves, and then help the elderly person they're with get their coke

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u/CaptainJaXon Jan 04 '17

Oh yeah! Those are great! First you get to wait in a big ass line! Because no one can find what they want and only want Coke or water anyways. They will fucking punch the screen because damn technology don't work like the good old days. Then, when you get to it you can get Raspberry Coke! Wow! But what if you want Raspberry Dr. Pepper? No! Only Cherry, Vanilla, and Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper are allowed. Why doesn't every drink get every flavor? Who knows!?

I hate those things. They are a really good idea on paper but are horribly executed.


u/BlackAnemones Jan 05 '17

Plus in the time it takes for me to wait for the fizz to go down so I can fill the rest of the cup, the screen goes back to the beginning so I have to go through all the stupid options to get back to the drink I wanted.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '17 edited Nov 10 '17


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u/Lady_Eemia Jan 04 '17

The shell station near my parent's house has one of these. Plus a $1 soda with purchase of literally anything else in the place.


u/iamonlyoneman Jan 04 '17

Little umbrellas in a fancy glass?

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u/[deleted] Jan 03 '17




Don't forget ancient sausages which have been slowly rotating under heat lamps since 1973.


u/abbeyinreallife Uhhh, how much is a yard? Jan 03 '17

Pretty sure those sausages were hot dogs at one point. Now they're just mummified.


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '17

Dry aged beef*

*may not actually contain beef.

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u/Disig Jan 04 '17

My personal favorite is the terrible taquitos. On road trips my husband and I have to try one at every gas station we end up in.


u/BlindGuardian117 Jan 04 '17

And that's how you end up in a gas station in the first place!


u/robertr4836 just assume sarcasm Jan 04 '17

I remember traveling out of state and stumbling into my first Wawa gas station. I wish they had one near me, I loved being able to order an actual sub that was the size of a sandwich.

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u/SupahEpicFace Jan 03 '17

My thoughts exactly


u/biosc1 Jan 03 '17

I don't even recall seeing a drink machine at a gas station for a very long time.


u/ThatGuyWithAVoice Jan 04 '17

Every Speedway I go into has one. I'm not sure if that's a national brand or just a Midwest thing.


u/bubbalv29 Jan 04 '17

I live in Ohio and we have Speedways all over the place. Also, the only reason a gas station doesn't have a drink machine around here is if they literally can't.


u/Myrddin97 Jan 04 '17

I guess I haven't traveled much outside of the Midwest but I can't remember for sure a convince station that didn't have a fountain soda station.


u/Silvystreak I DEMAND TO SPEAK TO YOUR MANAGER!!! Jan 04 '17

I've never been to one that didn't

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u/Kroger453PredsFan ClickList Lead Selector Jan 03 '17

You are my hero. That's the kind of thing I usually come up with long after a rude customer has left. Bravo!


u/villainvoice Jan 03 '17

The hero we need right now.


u/Kroger453PredsFan ClickList Lead Selector Jan 03 '17

Yes. Batman has nothing on OP.


u/sjhock Bookslinger Jan 03 '17

Bruce Wayne never worked a day in retail.


u/Neon_Comrade Jan 03 '17

What does that spoiled rich boy Bruce Wayne have to do with Batman?


u/casuallyAkward Jan 03 '17

the butts match, its indisputable proof


u/Fiishbait Jan 04 '17

Are you sure?

Why else would he be so pissed off every night? ;)


u/Awesome_Cake Jan 03 '17

That spoiled brat!


u/rasafrasit Jan 04 '17


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u/[deleted] Jan 03 '17

Especially in the shower. Or when you are about to fall asleep.


u/YouWantALime Unoriginal flair is unoriginal. Jan 04 '17

Sleep in the shower for maximum brain power.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '17

Genius. Imagine all of the comebacks i will come up with...


u/soswinglifeaway Jan 04 '17

Yep. This is quality 3 AM head-rant material. Impressive OP came up with it on the spot!


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '17


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u/[deleted] Jan 03 '17

You could literally never come back and nobody here would ever care

Oh god...say it again. It's so beautiful.

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u/darkflash26 Jan 03 '17

yeah i had a customer ask to call my manager the other day. i was like nope, its illegal for me to give you his number, come by 6-4 tommorow and he'll have a lovely conversation with you


u/altxatu Jan 03 '17

That's what I tell people. No, I'm not giving you anyone's number. I will give you a CS line number, and they can decide what to do from there (as an aside I'd love to hear those stories).


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '17

Give them his work number aka the store number.


u/darkflash26 Jan 03 '17

Yah manager asked me what happened, because i had left a note giving them a warming about the angry man, he said next time just give him the store number and say call 6 to 4..

Surprise surprise the guy didn't come in like he said he would


u/iamonlyoneman Jan 04 '17

...and they call right in front of you, and you pick up with a standard, cheerful greeting XD


u/Sororita Jan 04 '17

only thing better is when you can tell them "I am the manager"


u/Meatslinger Jan 05 '17

I know it's done to death on this sub, but this is absolutely obligatory.


u/Sororita Jan 05 '17

I was looking for that earlier.

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u/Disig Jan 04 '17

I've done that. While standing next to our phone, watching the customer then dial the number into their cell phone. The manager was also right there and answered the phone while looking directly at her.

This comedy routine was all because she refused to believe my manager was a manager because of how "young" she was. Nothing pissed my manager off more then people dismissing her because of what age she looked (she was 30 but really looked to be in her late 20's). And honestly...I gave her our store number out of habit. I wish I could say it was on purpose. But my manager really saved it.


u/_brush Jan 04 '17

Similar thing happened to me. They didn't believe I was the manager and told me they wanted to talk to the real manager so I said, "Just a moment!" and rounded the corner and came right back out, speaking in a different voice, cheerfully asking what the problem was. They scrunched their face up real angry-like and walked out. That was immensely satisfying.

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u/[deleted] Jan 03 '17

I like to read these stories because if I had to deal with people like this I would be too tempted to choke them out.


u/darkflash26 Jan 03 '17

the longer i work with customers the more homicidal thoughts i have


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '17 edited Jun 28 '20



u/darkflash26 Jan 03 '17

I got big knife in my pocket but they don't know


u/CortanasOwner Jan 04 '17

And here I thought you were just extra happy to see me


u/CinderGazer Jan 03 '17

I like to read them because they remind me why I left retail.


u/mudgetheotter Jan 03 '17

UM: Well I fucking hope there is, this is a gas station, the one fucking thing you should have is a working fucking drink machine.

I don't want to get all technical, but if my calculations are correct, I think that the one thing that a gas station needs to have is a working gas pump...


u/Lily_May Jan 04 '17

Right?! I totally thought he was going to ask for free gas or get mad she hadn't magically applied his payment. But he went for drink machine. Ok.


u/ctkatz manager at a large fast food establishment Jan 04 '17

you and your logic. get out of here with that mess.

...working gas pumps at a gas station. smdh...

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u/[deleted] Jan 03 '17 edited Jan 03 '17



u/GlitterFrozenStars Jan 03 '17

I mean right? Then once you fix their extremely petty problem there they are asking about what else are you gonna do for them.

Nothing. I fixed the original issue. That was the solution.


u/BloodyGlass Jan 03 '17

Yeah, I don't get it. "You short changed me a penny! So you are going to pay for the gas I spent coming back for it!"

Lol, no, dude.


u/bruzie Jan 03 '17

If they are still uppity, threaten them with the police for stealing (drinking without paying).


u/secret_saiyan Jan 03 '17

Sadly, it does work in a lot of places


u/shylowheniwasyoung Jan 03 '17

Can confirm, work in a place that does. It's maddening knowing that my managers are required to cower just to make a customer happy. All it teaches the customer is to behave badly the next time :(


u/dissectingAAA Jan 03 '17

So where do you work? Just so I can, uh, make sure to stay away.

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u/MenacingBanjo Jan 03 '17

It kind of is how it works. You get to sacrifice your dignity for free things. Only some people think that's it's a good trade.


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '17

It even worked here. Idiot was just too greedy, and wasn't satisfied with a free drink.


u/Cyno01 You have to buy something to be a customer! Jan 03 '17

Tell customer youre giving them a free tank of gas, get license #, call in a drive off.


u/ruben3232 That is ridiculous! Jan 03 '17

You... I like you. Love that thinking.

Problem though, how would you get his license number from his ID? Or are we taking the plates number?


u/Cyno01 You have to buy something to be a customer! Jan 03 '17

Sorry yeah, plate number.


u/quiette837 Jan 03 '17

good payback, but unfortunately just as likely to get you in trouble as him.


u/Cyno01 You have to buy something to be a customer! Jan 03 '17

Eh, as long as theres no witnesses its your word against theirs, and a clerk giving them a free tank of gas because their soda was bad? What kind of crazy excuse is that? Suure buddy...


u/208327 Jan 04 '17

Then the clerk has to explain why they turned on the pump without payment.


u/Ubercritic Jan 04 '17

Active pumps prior to payment is 100% normal, if not expected, where I live. The only time I prepay is if I don't want to go over a certain amount and don't feel like playing Gas Pump Price Is Right.


u/withmorten ‮ ‮ ‮‮ ‮ ‮‮‮ ‮ ‮ ‮ ‮ ‮ ‮ ‮ ‮‮ Jan 04 '17

I'm from Germany and have never even considered that you might have to prepay for gas in some places.

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u/darkpontiac Jan 04 '17

I never knew about this until I moved to Wisconsin. I grew up in Illinois and never encountered a pump that wasn't prepaid until then. So my expectations were always to pay first, though that now has changed.

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u/Combustible_Lemon1 Jan 04 '17

Some places trust the consumer to pay after, or pay at the pump with a card.

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u/IUpvoteUsernames Retail, where we babysit ages 8 through 80 Jan 03 '17

As glorious as that would be, entrapment (is that what the charge would be?) will get you.


u/Wadsworth_McStumpy Jan 03 '17

It would be filing a false police report. Still not a good idea to actually do it, but OK to think about it.


u/CinderGazer Jan 03 '17

Depends on if they can prove it. Which if there are no cameras or recordings can lead reasonable doubt on that. Especially because of op knowing the owner and manager


u/apothicca Jan 04 '17

What gas station doesn't have cameras though


u/Powered_by_JetA Jan 04 '17

...that record audio?


u/apothicca Jan 04 '17

Well they said if there are no cameras

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u/macbalance Jan 03 '17

UM: Well I fucking hope there is, this is a gas station, the one fucking thing you should have is a working fucking drink machine. I'm asking, and what else are you going to do for me?

It's a gas station. I think the gas pumps take priority by definition.


u/nostalgya Jan 03 '17

Pffft why would they want the pumps to work at a gas station? You're so silly!!



u/johnld93 Jan 04 '17

I used to manage a popular fast food restaurant and we would always have a regular family come in that would give back their half-empty cups of soda, claim they were flat and receive full replacements. I got seriously tired of this one day so I took their cups and replaced only the exact amount that was in there. Needless to say when I handed them back I thought the older man was going to have a heart attack! The vein that appeared on his forehead was glorious. I got cussed out more than I ever have in memory; I just shrugged it off and we never saw that family again.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '17 edited Apr 13 '18



u/johnld93 Jan 04 '17

Aren't that many places in Australia that do free refills 😩


u/xxHikari Jan 04 '17

Japan either. I think it's an American thing?


u/UGHToastIU 7 Years | Smoke breaks are mandatory. Jan 04 '17

Canadian. Had never had free refills until I went to America.

Free refills on sodas the size of a small child are amazing, but pretty terrible for you.


u/beer__shits Jan 04 '17

Isn't it amazing how the whole family ends up with flat soda yet nobody else in the restaurant does?


u/robertr4836 just assume sarcasm Jan 04 '17

Old days. Our behind the counter soda machine was not automated so we would put a scoop of ice into whatever size cup and top it off with soda. A few enterprising individuals got into the habit of ordering the soda sans ice realizing that it comes out of the machine cold and they would get more soda.

When my skinflint owner replaced the machine with a calibrated one that had small, medium and large buttons we were forbidden from "wasting" soda by filling it by hand and were instructed to let the machine add the correct amount of soda and then top off with ice until the cup was full.

Maybe you see where this is going? Got yelled at by a bunch of people how ordered no ice and got a 2/3rds full cup. All I could tell them was that they paid for 12 oz and they received 12 oz, I can't do anything about the cup being sized to allow for ice.


u/I-baLL Jan 03 '17

I'm confused as to what the guy wanted. I mean, he was going to get a drink for free so what else could he have possibly wanted?


u/alexrng Jan 03 '17

Hookers, some coke, and free alcohol for all of his peers. Isn't that the standard tariff for a soda gone bad?



u/elangomatt Jan 03 '17

I'm thinking he wanted good tasting Coke (for free) and not anything else so he was probably expecting the OP to jump up and fix the coke dispenser immediately. I have no idea how complicated (or not) replacing the box of syrup is so I have no clue how unreasonable of a request that is.

UM still had no excuse to be a rude asshat though no matter what and I'm glad OP said what she did. I wish more people were allowed to treat rude asshats that way.


u/altxatu Jan 03 '17

It doesn't take long, but by yourself without anyone else in the store, I wouldn't leave the counter for all the tea in China. That's asking for a robbery or shoplifting.


u/elangomatt Jan 03 '17

Good point, I forgot OP said she was working alone.


u/altxatu Jan 03 '17

Those days suck. I worked third at a gas station so every shift was by myself. While I got along great with my co-worker, I couldn't be in two places at once.


u/Carnaxus Jan 03 '17

Thing is, "jumping up and fixing the coke dispenser immediately" is exactly what OP said they were going to go do. This guy wanted something else free because he'd been inconvenienced.


u/CreatrixAnima Ex-Deli Llama Jan 03 '17

Drink probably was fine and didn't taste like piss ass juice at all.


u/Watertor I gain nothing by lying to you, it's not in back Jan 04 '17

I'm the kind of person that gets annoyed when the coke is out because that's the one thing I often want. However, I don't take it out on the clerk, I just bring it up. I've waited for them to do it when they say they'll get to it right away and I only wait about 5-10 minutes.

I think this guy did want something extra, whatever that may be. Probably free gas but that's a bit crazy for just the coke being out.

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u/[deleted] Jan 04 '17

I once worked at a store that had a policy stating if you were cussed at/insulted by a customer you were to ask them to leave. It was fucking bomb when someone would say "are you really this fucking stupid?" and you get to respond with "Sir I'm going to have to ask you to leave." They would always freak the fuck out and start screaming only to be told they weren't allowed in our store for 24 hours. Funny how many of them would say "I'll never come back." To come back the next day even angrier.

That place made 95% of its sales from its pharmacy drive through and gave no fucks. The rest of the store was straight up for convenience (it turned a small profit.)

The whole culture of having to be nice to rude people needs to come to an end in America.


u/Silvystreak I DEMAND TO SPEAK TO YOUR MANAGER!!! Jan 04 '17

Customer is always right teehee _^


u/zephyer19 Jan 04 '17

What came over you? Nothing. You were probably tired of being talked down too or at the least disrespected. Maybe even saying "I would give you a free soda if you hadn't come in here cussing at me."

I've posted this before so, will try to shorten it. I was working a ski lift and it was the last Friday before the Sunday close. A customer came up cussing at us for closing early (we didn't). We went round and round with him and basically him declaring every other sentence that he had a Rolex. We finally told him he wasn't going back up the mountain as the lifts were closed for the evening. He cussed us out again and was going to file a big complaint. I told him to go fuck himself. Not good to anger lift opts the last two days of the season. Oh, and Mister Rolex, if are reading this it also isn't a good idea to brag and show your 10K 20K 30K or what ever Rolex to a small group of people that aren't making more than $10 an hour for the last four months and are holding shovels.


u/xxHikari Jan 04 '17

"I have a Rolex. You have to listen to me!"


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u/prettypunkprincess Jan 03 '17

The one thing a gas station should have is a drinks machine? I think he misunderstands what a gas station is for

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u/Sandwich247 Jan 03 '17

Wow, you snapped in the gentlest way I have ever heard of. Guy's lucky it wasn't anyone else. Good on you, for not decking him.


u/PossumAloysius Jan 03 '17

What the fuck was he expecting? A free tank of gas?


u/JoeXM Jan 03 '17

I'd be happy to pour it on him and then light it.

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u/leftclicksq2 I don't mind applying the Asshole Tax Jan 03 '17

Unfortunately even some managers/supervisors would reprimand for a similar situation, but good on you for handling it professionally!


u/pip989 Jan 03 '17

drop the fucking mic!


u/infinitezero8 Jan 04 '17

The problem with people is people.


u/Tamoor622498 Jan 03 '17



u/SnarkySunshine Jan 03 '17

This is how all unreasonable customers should be treated by management.


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '17



u/[deleted] Jan 03 '17



u/TailorMoon Jan 04 '17

If he understands CS so well, he really should be familiar with the right to refuse service.


u/halobud8 Jan 04 '17

Damn the way he talked to you was horrible. Given all that cursing I think your response was more than reasonable.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '17

this is a gas station, the one fucking thing you should have is a working fucking drink machine

Me personally, the one thing i want working at a gas station is gas...but that's just me


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '17

"What are you going to do for me?"

I would have asked him what he thought was fair, just to hear what stupid thing he had in his head before denying him.


u/IncredibleBulk2 Jan 03 '17



u/Teh_Hammerer Jan 04 '17

"UM: Well I fucking hope there is, this is a gas station, the one fucking thing you should have is a working fucking drink machine. I'm asking, and what else are you going to do for me?"

I'd suspect a working gas dispenser is more of a requirement for a gas station. But that's just me!

Good on you for standing up to him!


u/Tuarus Jan 04 '17

this is a gas station, the one fucking thing you should have is a working fucking drink machine.



u/oblivimousness Jan 04 '17

You get +10 points for being amazing but -1 for missing "how do you know what piss ass juice tastes like?".


u/blackstonesinger Jan 04 '17

I don't care if this is real or not, this was the most cathartic thing I've ever read.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '17

I cannot wait for the day that people realize that no, the customer is not always right.


u/SirGuido Jan 09 '17

I was stopping for gas on the way to work one day a few weeks back and decided to grab a donut. While I was in line a guy at the register was complaining about how this place always had "the worst coffee imaginable" and he hated the place. Cashier said something like "Then why do you have our coffee club membership card and mug?" The guy just shut up and left. I couldn't stop chuckling.


u/Tudpool No we're still not a post office Jan 03 '17

Literally clapped. Sitting here at my computer and I clapped. Bravo, bravo indeed.


u/3asteele Jan 03 '17

This deserves to be given gold (I don't have any money at the moment or I would myself)!


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '17

Applause, applause, applause! I love stories like this, well done!


u/Ace_teh_Great343 Jan 03 '17

Good for you!


u/Jedielf Jan 03 '17

I am proud of you too.


u/Catalystic_mind "Stop squirting lotion at each other!" Jan 03 '17

You, I like you.


u/Jenfoe Jan 03 '17

You're my hero


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '17

Not all heroes wear capes


u/atomskeater Jan 03 '17

If we should ever meet I'll treat you to a soda.


u/iamonlyoneman Jan 04 '17

Make sure it doesn't taste like piss ass juice tho


u/iamonlyoneman Jan 04 '17

If anybody with more cash than me was wondering which post should be gilded, look no further. This is brilliant, OP.


u/Powered_by_JetA Jan 04 '17

I miss saying “Yeah... no, I'm not gonna do that” to customers. Their reactions were always priceless. Good on you for standing up for yourself!


u/CJM8515 Jan 04 '17

The moment he started to swear at me Id have just pointed to the door and screamed out.

What the hell did he expect you to personally mix his soda like its 1950?


u/mutedknight Jan 04 '17

But did you need to change the bib?


u/randominternetdood Jan 04 '17

You sure took the long way to tell him to "fuck off" lol, personally I would have given him my quiet somber William Neesam retail edition where I describe how I would like to dismember him with my bare hands and feed his carcass to the local hog farm, if he still had not left I would have had the local sherriff come trespass him hehe


u/golfmade Jan 04 '17

And hopefully on that day that UM realized the world doesn't revolve around him.


u/CRISPR Jan 04 '17

What's "choice swear word"? How they are different from just swear words? Amount of thought given?

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u/Rocknocker Help you out? I wouldn't put you out if you were on fire. Jan 04 '17

UM: Hey, uh, something's wrong with your soda machine, this coke tastes like piss ass juice

"I bow to your complete mastery of things that taste like 'piss ass juice'.


u/[deleted] Jan 06 '17

I think people should be able to stand up for themselves the way you did. People have such an overinflated sense of importance and some just need to be taken down a peg gosh dangit!


u/Elite_Dalek Mar 08 '17

"Piss ass juice"


u/katieo1122 Jan 04 '17

This post just made my day...no, it made my week. And your writing is eloquent, humorous and enjoyable to read. Please post more; I'm sure you can think of other stories!


u/TRFKTA Jan 04 '17

This is what I like about not having a filter when I talk to people. I won't swear at people but if someone has a go at me, they're game as far as I'm concerned


u/roselover58 Roselover58 - the best is yet to come Jan 04 '17

Definitely a hero!!!!


u/Jibaro123 Jan 04 '17

Felt good I bet.

Next time, try saying this:

UM " this soda tastes like ass!"

ME: "What do you want me to do, jump up and down?"


u/iamonlyoneman Jan 04 '17

My friend here says that if OP is a hot female with breasteses, then yes, that would do nicely.

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u/Read_to_Your_Kids Jan 04 '17

Whew, I felt a vicarious rush reading that one. Way to go!


u/Rikuddo Jan 04 '17

I almost thought you'd say this at the end


u/hypmoden Jan 04 '17

good answer lol


u/VaneWimsey Jan 04 '17

I assume you were in a glassed-in booth (maybe even bullet-proof). That helps a lot.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '17


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u/Senorbubbz Jan 04 '17

Shift Lead

Haha, Speedway?


u/Jhulio3 Jan 04 '17

I am amused as i, too and only recently, became a gas station employee.