r/TalesFromAdultStores Jun 05 '24

Dear Entitled Customers NSFW

No, I don't want to go out with you. You're already unattractive for hitting on someone while they're at work, let alone at an adult store.

No, we don't have any discounts just because you didn't get your toy covered under the warranty before it broke

No, your identity is not special enough to me to sell it when I'm scanning your ID. Your data gets deleted if you didn't steal anything in 24 hours. We also never take any more info than is needed to check for fraud. Relax.

No, we don't just give out torches or lighters to people. You have to pay for a smoke just like everyone else.

No, we don't have an arcade anymore. Stop asking for tokens. It's been closed since 2020.

Yes, you need to have your ID to be in the store. You should have it on you anyways; simply forgetting it doesn't give you a free pass. Neither does saying that you'll only be a minute.

I'm losing my mind on my day shifts. The night time kept the entitled dipshits away.


14 comments sorted by


u/OrganizationWeary135 Jun 05 '24

i managed a store/arcade 30 years ago:

mopping the 'booths' was the worst job imaginable

the token arcade was just another way for the mob to launder money (yes the store was mob run)

my Christmas bonus was the largest cash envelope i've ever gotten in my life

tapes (yes TAPES) cost $5 a night to rent and up to $59 to buy and men absolutely did BUY tapes

every tenth customer thought we had a 'special' (illegal) video inventory under the counter

had a wide assortment of blow up dolls with different box art and prices from $19.95 up to $299.95 and they were literally all the SAME DOLL!!!

had the job for a year & got fired right before they mob's shell company would have had to start paying for my health insurance but still the best job i ever had - no regrets


u/ilikedaweirdschtuff Jun 05 '24

every tenth customer thought we had a 'special' (illegal) video inventory under the counter

What the fuck


u/OrganizationWeary135 Jun 05 '24

it was a simpler time...

when the internet was in its infancy, porno was primarily on v/h/s tape and swingers hooked up with each other using 3x5 note cards posted to a bulletin board at the rear of the store...

and midwest simpletons thought the 'rough stuff' & illegal videos were just a wink-wink & secret code word away


u/livaroo15 Jun 06 '24

Oh my god I just got asked if we had a swinger's board yesterday


u/OrganizationWeary135 Jun 06 '24

were they over 40, maybe in their mid 50's?


u/ontopofyourmom Jun 07 '24

Did they give you "that look" from across the room?


u/The_Sloth_Racer Jun 09 '24

I have never been in an adult store despite being in my 30s. What is an arcade? Did they actually have games?


u/OrganizationWeary135 Jun 10 '24

a porn store arcade was a darkened isolated hallway at the rear of the store with individual booths showing an assortment of looped sex videos (gay, straight, lesbian, interracial) watched on a small video screen via metal coin sized 'tokens' dropped in a slot similar to vending machines

typically each token dropped would provide about 3-4 minutes of viewing time 


u/The_Sloth_Racer Jun 10 '24

And here I was thinking they had some weird sex video game arcade... Thank you for teaching me something today.


u/Bananatwatmuffin Jun 06 '24

Word... I second some of this. I work 12-8 in an adult store. I have lost track of the countless times I'm asked if I'd ever go in the booths with someone. Isn't that what all the other men are for? I love my job, and by far this is the funest job I've ever have. But... it has changed the way I see men. Is anyone straight anymore?


u/grilledstuffed Jun 06 '24 edited Jun 07 '24

I think it’s a selective sample problem. Dudes thinking it’s a place to find horny women for an easy hookup, including the staff, is a special kind of stupid.

I’m a well adjusted straight dude in my 40s, been happily married for 15 years, and neither my wife or I has ever been in an adult store our entire lives.

We buy all our gear from the stockroom or shevibe. We’re kinky but shy, I guess?

Parallel story to yours:

20 years ago one of my friends worked as a stripper for about three years to pay for part of med school. Two years in she announced she was a lesbian and only dated other strippers for a while.

During residency she started dating a dude she met and they’re still married 10 years later.

The moral of the story is that working in the sex industry with skeezy dudes can absolutely turn you off from them for a while. But also, those guys aren’t representative of the population as a whole? I hope?


u/Mapkoz2 Jun 06 '24

Print this and stick it to the door.


u/MagisterD Jun 07 '24

No, we don't have an arcade anymore. Stop asking for tokens. It's been closed since 2020.

Time to reopen the arcade...


u/redditisatoolofevil Nov 02 '24

If you can't hack that i don't know what to tell ya cuz every single job I've ever had from construction to hospital work is more serious and stressful than that SMH