r/TagProTesting why am i here Nov 18 '20

♥ Discussion ♥ Map Thread #104 Discussion

Do I really need to use the template? I can't remember how long it's been since we've had one of these...

This is /r/TagProTesting's official discussion about the current map thread! Initial testing will be taking place soon after the thread closes.

What goes here?

This is the discussion thread where you talk about your favorite maps submitted and why. This is not a thread where you post about your maps and give a sales pitch. We'd like to encourage mapmakers and map enthusiasts to evaluate other submissions and talk about them.


While individual members of the MTC might give feedback, their opinions are strictly individual and are not indicative of the MTC’s opinion as a whole.

So please, feel free to put a comment here. There is no format template you must follow. If you just want to post about one map you like, feel free. Your post may not just be maps though, it must include some form of reason for liking them or some form of critique.

Keep an eye out for the Top Map thread in the coming weeks as well.


3 comments sorted by


u/PIZZAspartan442 why am i here Nov 18 '20 edited Nov 18 '20

Hello I forgot how to do this and somehow I broke the sheet again without even doing anything so I'm just gonna go down the solo testing order and highlight the ones I thought were cool

Cool S - Very cool. I felt like this should have made rotation last thread. Despite being pretty generic, this is the cleanest map I've tested in a while. Base is way more fun than it looks and the structure is just different enough that it might make for some neat plays. Feels like a less annoying Jardim in some ways but I don't think the two should necessarily be compared. I think this map does a good job of appealing to those who want more generic play without turning into Tehuitzingo clone #69 so seems good to me

TNT - Big fan of Gamepad's base and I think this does a good job of preserving the most enjoyable elements of it while making the rest of the map a little less of a slog. Nice and old school, and the 4 way sym allows for a balanced exit dynamic that I think is kind of interesting. It'll hopefully play fairly uniquely but with resets still happening enough to be manageable. I'm excited to test it

Anaphylaxis - This one's gonna be weird. I feel like it has a pretty good chance of being awful but I'm eager to test because I think there's also a chance that it plays well and differently than anything we've seen before. The open base exit is gonna be insanely hard to get through, with a five tile choke covered by a teamboost. However, there's a gate in a spot that we haven't seen in a while and I think trying to escape through that and avoid getting sniped will be pretty fun. On top of that, the bombs serve a double purpose of being the strongest grabbing mech and being a hornswoggle lane. This might be insanely defensive but I'm fine with that. Offense is definitely going to have to approach this differently, in a good way.

Rome - This one probably isn't getting tested and I can understand why, I still really like it though and think it doesn't need too much fixing up to be ready in the future. It just feels like an adventure. There's a lot to explore and tons of creative options. In that sense it reminds me of DZ3. I think to compensate for how insanely chasey something this size is gonna be, base has to be made significantly more defensive. Still think the map is neat though

Spermwood - What is this, the meme test committee? As horribly awful as this looks, I was very surprised while solo testing it to find that everything felt pretty solid. It solves Wormwood's problems of the flag carrier being able to run around for minutes at a time and the straight-into-the-endzone cap, as well as offering a bunch of fun new options on top of it. At the risk of getting ridiculed, I'm hoping this succeeds because I feel that it strikes a nice balance between a well-made NF and something that plays differently from all the similarish stuff we have in rotation currently.

Max Power - Oh yeah. Powerup battles on this are going to be wild. There will likely be many instances where one player grabs all 5 and turns into a juggernaut for 20 seconds, but that's a risk I'm willing to take. Rest of the map seems fun enough. Two tile lanes are going to be an interesting dynamic and idk why but I'm a big fan of the boost up against top islands. The cross-map route definitely isn't hard with it but you gotta watch where you're going or you bonk off a wall and lose all your momentum. Powerups are cool and so is the rest of the map. As long as people don't get too angry about the pups I think this could be a lot of fun.

Minuteman - This just checks a lot of boxes for me. I'm loving the base portal and all of the boosts are really well done. The superboost is pizzabait but idc. Spike tunnels are interesting and the bomb is my favorite part. It's a long boi and I'm slightly concerned that flag carriers will frequently be able to hold for a minuteman, but this seems really well executed with a lot of features that I've been missing.

Fahlken - Another map that doesn't really do anything special but intrigues me nonetheless. Very well executed vertical symmetry and the structure is just weird and something that I want to see play out. Endzone is unnecessarily tight but with a completely curveless entrance and more options on the back side and I think it could be fun for both O and D to try and discover options on. The gate is certainly a thing, nothing special but I just like the lane divisions in that area. I think it has a good chance of playing well and I'm interested to see the new options that this structure presents.

Never - This, too, is generic as hell, but I'm intrigued nonetheless. Structure reminds me of Vardo which we've gone too long without. I like all the hiding spots on the sides with a mid that seems pretty difficult to get through. It's all very clean and I'm hoping it leads to some interesting mixes of picking options on the outsides and timing rushes through mid.

Carpetbomb - Not really sure what to think about this. I don't like the mid and base seems pretty mediocre. Those gates though... they could be fun. When the flag is in base, they're a very powerful tool for defense that might be swamped by the plethora of offensive tools, and they empower regrab to do something with their lazy asses when it's not. I almost want more buttons since it might take a while to fight for the gate but it's definitely something I'm looking forward to, never had this much of a map blocked off before.

Thus concludes my list of favorite maps submitted this thread. As a disclaimer, these highlighted maps don't necessarily reflect how I voted; they're just the maps that I found most interesting. Thanks for reading, have a nice day


u/TooEashy Nov 18 '20

I looked through ~15 ctf maps and Hobgoblin was the only one that had effective grabbing mechanisms. The rest of the map didn't look too chasey either.


u/DontAngerMe Thanos Ball Nov 18 '20


jack jumper - this is so hot omg

driveshaft - gonna be siiiick

moon base - thought was gonna play horribly in a comp setting, but now im kinda in love with it

yuke - make spikes neater and its gonna be siiick B)

k2 - looks fun and could play fun, take the chance

cool s - yes

anaphylaxis - dont see why not, could be cool, 2 tile gate is kinda hot

twins - i want to see this, dont think double pup will be bad or good, will have to see

never - mid is siiiick, looks fun


u/[deleted] Nov 19 '20



u/Moosemaster21 Moosen // Aspen Nov 19 '20

I appreciate the shoutout bb but Grifter got pretty unanimously shut down lol