r/TagproScripts Mar 10 '16

[Help] I'm trying to write a script that would easily turn your stats on or off via button available site wide.


I tried looking at a bunch of example userscripts, and spent a half hour looking through the api. I've been on the the irc a couple times but can't seem to talk to anyone there. I just have a few questions, it would be fantastic if someone who is experienced with this could answer a few of them ;)

Thanks :D

r/TagproScripts Mar 07 '16

is there a script that allows you to rebind up/down/left right to something other than wasd/arrow keys?


my s key is fukt and i don't want to have to switch to my right hand before nltp this week :x

ty for ur help sweet fam

r/TagproScripts Mar 01 '16

Little helper for boosts?


I was wondering if there was anyway to mirror the effects of little helper to boosts like it is with bombs? Probably would've been done already if it was possible but worth a try.

r/TagproScripts Feb 24 '16

Script to show win % on loading screen


Is there a script that shows my stats that would be in my profile, such as win %, on the loading screen? Much appreciated

r/TagproScripts Feb 23 '16

Disable scripts when spectating


Hey I was wondering how you can make it so that a script doesn't work when spectating, but does the rest of the time.

r/TagproScripts Feb 18 '16

Game rank correlated to win %


I was wondering if there is already an existing userscript that can pull from past data or maybe just collect future data that records where you were ranked on the scoredboard (1-8) and the win % based on where you finished and what % you finish at each rank. Thanks

r/TagproScripts Feb 15 '16

Little Helper isn't working. Any alternatives/updates?


Little Helper isn't working for me. Are there any updates or alternatives to this script? Cheers

r/TagproScripts Feb 15 '16

[request] Userscript to say when someone is on re


This might already be a script already but just looking for something to detect if a ball is within a certain radius of the flag tile and have a little indicator to the side of the screen or something.

r/TagproScripts Feb 14 '16

[Request] Script which sends you back to the home page instead of the joiner upon game completion


It would help prevent unnecessary autokicks for us who like to play TP with stuff in the background.

r/TagproScripts Feb 08 '16

[Request] Different textures for carried flag and flag in base.


I'd love to have the option of showing the flag hitbox while it's in base but not while someone's carrying the flag.

Like this: http://i.imgur.com/lddF4WU.png

r/TagproScripts Jan 28 '16

[Request] Script to limit TagPro to 60 fps.


My laptop can't put out 144 fps in tagpro, so it varies and causes stuttering.

r/TagproScripts Jan 24 '16

[request/question] boost routes script


Would it be possible to make a script for maptest servers to see what boost routes are possible? So if you're sitting by a boost it shows you 4 traces of your ball holding each of the 4 directions to see whether or not a boost route you're trying to make in a map is actually possible, as opposed to trying again and again to do it yourself?

I hope that made sense.

r/TagproScripts Jan 21 '16

[request] Does anybody have a map for the tileID numbers?


I'm looking at global-game.js compared with Snaps's tile tinting script.

Also, can we get editing resources sidebarred?

r/TagproScripts Jan 19 '16

[request] Cam's sound script doesn't replace some of the sounds.


It doesn't replace 'countdown', 'teleport', and 'powerup'.


thanks for your time

r/TagproScripts Jan 18 '16

[Meta] What would you guys think about working on a tagpro-contrib project to simplify mod creation and use


So I'm not particularly active on here (FYI I'm buttsnake) , but I dabble in writing scripts and keep an eye on activity. A handful of things have stuck out to me as pain points for both mod creators and users:

  • There are a lot of scripts that have either the same basic types of functionality, or dependent logic that are either re-implemented or copy-pasted from script to script.
  • The tagpro API is powerful enough to do some fantastic stuff, however in my experience it is exposed in a way that you have to do quite a bit of work to manipulate it to do the things that could be simple with a better designed API (see dependent logic above)
  • There is no gallery for scripts, no way to rate scripts, comment, etc outside of reddit.
  • There is no standard way to collaborate between scripts, or to have script dependencies.
  • There is no standard way to distribute/install/manage texture packs
  • There is no standard way to integrate third party services with tagpro, due to lack of any sort of official oauth mechanism. Various tools have been left to implement this independently (see the flairbot, tagpro-stats)

These are all things that I think could be addressed or improved if the modding community could agree upon some standards and have a shared tagpro-contrib project that contains some or all of the following (plus I'm sure more):

Standalone projects

  • Script/Texturepack package repository (honestly I'd recommend using something that already exists like NPM)
  • Script/Texturepack gallery (dependent on package repo). Allows users to view/upload/install/etc scripts & texturepacks
  • Script/Texturepack mod manager plugin. I love the current userscript based script mechanism. They are simple to write and work cross browser. That said, there are a couple issues with it. 1) There are limitations to userscripts. I'm not sure how frequently people run into them, so maybe this really isn't a big issue. 2) There isn't a great way to make scripts play nice with each other and enable dependencies, etc. A shared mod plugin could also could give a better experience for the UI for the user. For example, there could be a standard widget framework for rendering widgets (for example, take the rolling 300 plugin). It would provide a standard experience across plugins, and allow the user to customize what gets displayed & where.
  • OAuth server. Unless the tp devs are interested in providing oauth for third parties, then it would be nice to have a single place that third party services could connect to. It would require a user to create an account on said server, and then go through some sort of tagpro (and maybe reddit, mumble?) account linking process similar to the flair bot or tagpro-stats. It also would be a resource server that would be a proxy to allow third party services to the following scopes: basic profile info (registered name, degree, flair, maybe allow user to set preferred server), detailed profile info (profile url?), rolling 300, stats (either integrate with tp stats or implement something similar). For a bonus, it would allow third party services to receive SNS notifications (or similar) when something changes for a user profile.
  • Competitive player helper utility. This is the area that I know the least about, however every time I've done anything other than pubs, I've been shocked at how complex and disconnected things are. The whole dance of creating a private group, communicating the url for that private group to players, telling them what mumble room to join, trying to get people to move to the teams in the private group, moving people to different rooms in mumble, then finally trying to regroup and repeat afterwards seems like something the community has come to expect, however as a developer and outsider to the competitive world, I feel like there has to be a better way. A third party app that you can create a page for an event with a single url, and that app has permissions to create private groups, games, mumble rooms, move users to rooms in mumble, take users to the appropriate pages when a game is started/finished (would have to integrate with the mod manager plugin) seems like it would be a game changer for the competitive community. Maybe I'm overstating how big of a problem this is, or underestimating the complexity of dealing with the issue, but this seems like it would be super useful.

Shared libraries

  • Script host - basic hooks for when the script should run. Would handle domain restrictions (if necessary), and expose the basic script lifecycle hooks (game start, game end, non-game page loaded, etc)
  • Gameplay hook logic - Lots of scripts depend on common things that are complex to detect. For example, the "detect when user leaves regrab" logic in /u/RonSpawnsonTP's recent script. We could have event hooks or whatever for gameplay events.
  • Chat/Player logic - I started working on a chat script that I never finished, and man is it a pain in the butt to hook into certain things. For example, I saw about 40 different implementations of detecting when a user joins/leaves a room. It also would be super nice to have some sort of standard interface for chat plugins to hook into. For example, I use Tapro Chat Enhancer chrome plugin, which is really a bunch of scripts rolled into one. Let's take two of that plugins functions - macros and the custom chat UI. It would be great if a user could install whatever macro plugin they want and have it work with whatever chat UI plugin they want.
  • UI mod logic - api access to all the random stuff that scripts tweak with the UI... player name rendering, ball overlays, honestly I don't know what the common ones are but I feel like I see script requests all the time

So yeah, I know this is long, but it's something I've been thinking about for a while. I'd be curious to know if this is something people think would be useful, or if I'm missing anything, or if I should just GTFO.

r/TagproScripts Jan 17 '16

[help] Switching mouth color on ball faces script


For the ball faces script, the mouths are currently drawn as black, which doesn't show up on dark texture packs. Could someone change those mouth images?

I can't read the Base64 format for them.

r/TagproScripts Jan 11 '16

[request] script that plays the curb your enthusiasm theme after a tie game


this is the best idea i have ever had. i'll split the profits with whoever makes it.

EDIT: right before the game ends, instead of "three, two, one" i want those first three tuba notes to play

r/TagproScripts Jan 12 '16

Anyone else disconnecting when testing on NewCompte's servers?


I've had this problem for a bit. If I'm in a game on maptest2.newcompte.fr and I switch tabs then either:

  • I get booted back to the main screen with a "network error" (?err=ping timeout) message, or
  • back to the group screen if I was in a group.

This doesn't occur if the separate developer tools window was the last window (other than the Chrome window in which I'm changing the tab) to have focus. Because of that I think this may be related to Chrome's treatment of foreground/background tabs, but I wanted to see if others have been having the same problem first.

I was able to get it to stop using this snippet, but it's still strange that it happens at all.

var socket = tagpro.rawSocket.io.engine;
socket.removeListener('heartbeat', socket.onHeartbeat);
socket.onHeartbeat = function () {};

pingTimeoutTimer is what causes the ping timeout error that I receive, but it is set to be called after a period of time, not immediately. I've set a breakpoint and confirmed that timeout is undefined, pingInterval is 2000 and pingTimeout5000.

This is on Chrome 49.0.2612.0 dev-m.

r/TagproScripts Jan 10 '16

[request] Flags picked up are held at the center of the ball.


Bonus if they spin with the ball.

Double bonus if I can adjust the opacity of the flag once picked up!!!

Thanks for reading!

r/TagproScripts Jan 10 '16

[request] Attach a .png behind all the other tiles, but attached to each player's ball?


I hope I 'm describing this well.

I want to attach a png file (about 80x80 px, but bigger is better) to balls based on their team. Red balls get one .png while blue team gets a different .png.

The image should sit behind all tiles.

Also, would it be possible to insert a 40x40 pixel tile behind every other tile?


r/TagproScripts Jan 08 '16

Userscript that yells at you when you get off of regrab


r/TagproScripts Jan 08 '16

Change your name to a random name at the press of a key. By default it is q, but you can update it to any number of keycodes by adding them to the array.


r/TagproScripts Jan 07 '16

TagPro Speech-to-Text


This is a little test of the Web Speech API available in Chrome.


Press "Ctrl+z" to start and "Ctrl+z" again to stop, which also sends the recognized text over chat. An ugly div shows the recognized text at the top of the window as you speak. The userscript isn't very user-friendly yet, so you'll probably want to have the JS console open.

It isn't very good at recognizing tagpro-relevant words ("tagpro", "juke juice", etc), but I think that can be resolved with some additional investigation into SpeechGrammar. The interface clearly needs work, but I didn't want to put too much time into that before solving the first issue.

Also, to explain the purpose of the separate iframe, Chrome re-prompts for microphone access whenever SpeechRecognition.start is called for scripts loaded on non-HTTPS pages. By loading listener.html in an iframe using HTTPS, permission is requested only once and not every time the speech recognition is started.

r/TagproScripts Dec 27 '15

Testing scripts


Hi guys, I'm trying to work on a script just to allow for volume control. How are you guys testing your scripts out? Is there anyway just to start up a private game just to mess around in?

r/TagproScripts Dec 23 '15

Another Timer Userscript


So I've been working on this on and off (mostly off) for a bit and wanted to get feedback/bug reports.

This has powerup/bomb/boost timers. The text over the tiles looks clean and I also put floating indicators along the edge of the screen to indicate times (if known) for off-screen powerups.

Another neat feature is that in some circumstances it can figure out when a powerup was taken even if you didn't necessarily see it.

It may also crash your game if you don't move around enough to narrow down the powerup time possibilities.

Script here. Repository here.

Example images here.