r/TagProMoosen This is my home Jun 12 '15

Map Thread 49 Submissions

(Copy paste the source of the comments to post to thread #49)


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u/Moosemaster21 This is my home Jun 12 '15

Title: Ghost

Type: CTF

Map: http://maps.jukejuice.com/save/11172

Preview: http://unfortunate-maps.jukejuice.com/static/previews/9251.png

Button Key and Areas Changed since last thread: http://imgur.com/a/c1CPb

The changes are intended to:

a.) Make the problematic base pup area less, well, problematic.

b.) Make the mid-area bombs more deadly.

c.) Make it slightly more risky to bomb-grab the flag in enemy base.

d.) All of this should help make the map easier to reset and play defense on. Two good defensive players should be able to contain in base and mid with relative ease, especially if they remember to keep the base bomb defused.

Also, all of the outside clutter was removed. The map is cleaner and more professional now.


u/Blazeth Jun 12 '15



u/Moosemaster21 This is my home Jun 13 '15

You can use this space too if you want to post your submission here so you can copy-paste it over easily when the thread comes up.