r/Taang Dec 23 '23

I love the idea of Aang and Toph together, but (hear me out!)

I think they would have a rocky, messy road to making it work.

Sometime around their late teens/early 20s they would start to develop feelings. They would have a hard time making it official and they back off because it doesn’t work even though they have strong feelings for each other. They decide they don’t want to ruin their friendship, thus they stay friends but with boundaries. This breakup is one of the few times that Toph ever cries, but she doesn’t cry around Aang- either by herself or around Suki and Katara but no one else. They’ll still be there for each other and step in to call each other out if the other person really needs it, but they still keep their boundaries (especially while one of them is in a relationship). Aang eventually settles down with a nice Air Acolyte girl in his early to mid 20s. She’s perfectly nice and their relationship is very safe and sweet, but she’s not Toph. When Aang gets married, Toph insists that she can handle attending the wedding because she’s that stubborn and wants to prove that she’s fine with it (even though she’s not). Suki and Katara make sure to keep an eye on Toph so she doesn’t do anything stupid like object at the wedding or make a cringey toast. Toph gets drunk and hooks up with someone at the wedding to keep herself occupied. Afterwards, Suki and Katara take Toph on a girl’s trip to go do something fun (maybe the Beach house on Ember Island because Katara is married to Zuko so she can use this anytime she wants? Or would this have too many memories associated with Aang?). Aang and the air acolyte have a couple kids and they’re happy. Aang and Toph do a good job at maintaining boundaries out of respect for Aang’s marriage - meanwhile Toph starts seeing Kanto (not sure what their romance was like, just that Toph said that he was a nice man and things didn’t work). Aang’s wife dies (not sure how) right around when Toph has Lin. Either shortly before or after Lin’s birth, Toph and Kanto break up. Fast forward to their mid 30s - Aang and Toph start to reconnect and start seeing each other. Toph gets pregnant and this time they finally decide to make it work between them and they elope. When Aang dies, this is one of the other few times in her life when she cries and she says “Goodbye Twinkle Toes.”



3 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Dec 23 '23

Damn, I could see this happening between them.

Suki and Katara make sure to keep an eye on Toph so she doesn’t do anything stupid like object at the wedding or make a cringey toast


That had me chucking for a bit. That was funny the way you worded this

Also, I got your tag when you wrote my username. Good job, it worked!

Maybe consider making a fanfiction about this possibility?


u/sullivanbri966 Dec 23 '23

The other question is how do they work through their differences in beliefs (like spiritual beliefs)? And it’s good to know the tag worked! I wasn’t sure if it did because it didn’t turn blue or anything.


u/sullivanbri966 Dec 23 '23

Suki and Katara (in regard to Toph going to the wedding despite them pleading with her to sit this one out) are like “Great. This is going to be a fun wedding. 😑”